Professor Patrick Wyse Jackson
Professor In & Curator of the Museum, Geology
Patrick Wyse Jackson is a Professor in Geology and Curator of the Geological Museum. His is a Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin and a Member of the Royal Irish Academy. Between 2017 and 2022 he served as Head of the School of Natural Sciences, and is a former Head of the Discipline/Department of Geology. Director of Post-Graduate Teaching and Learning in the School of Natural Sciences, and College Tutor.
His main research interests are on the taxonomy, functional morphology and biology of Palaeozoic bryozoans, particularly those from the Ordovician and Mississippian geological time periods. With a number of international colleagues, he is currently working on aspects of some fossil bryozoan faunas, and on the revision of the Order Fenestrata for the forthcoming edition of the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology to be published by the University of Kansas.
Patrick holds several degrees from Trinity including a PhD and ScD. He has published over one hundred research papers and international conference abstracts on his research on bryozoans for which he was awarded his ScD in 2017. He has also published over 200 research papers, and books in other fields including the history and philosophy of geology, general palaeontology, and the use of building materials in Ireland. His research output has informed local and national government policy on landscape protection and on heritage issues.
He was a co-PI on the innovative cross-disciplinary project 'Making Victorian Dublin' being carried out with colleagues in the Department of the History of Art and Architecture in Trinity. This project is focussed on the extractive industries and building trades, and craftsmen who worked on the Museum Building and elsewhere, in the middle decades of the 1800s. His current project STONEBUILT Ireland funded by the OPW and Geological Survey Ireland examines the use of dimension and decorative stone in Ireland through many building phases.
His books include 'The Chronologers' Quest: episodes in the search for the age of the Earth' (Cambridge, 2006) and 'Introducing Palaeontology: a guide to ancient life' (Dunedin Academic Press, 2010; 2nd edition 2019).
He has served the administration of several Irish and international organisations in various capacities, and has organised several conferences and two international symposia in Trinity. He is a past-President of the Dublin Naturalists' Field Club, the Irish Geological Association, and the International Bryozoology Association, and a past-Chairman of the Geological Curators'' Group. He edited the international journals 'The Geological Curator' for thirteen years and 'Earth Sciences History' - the journal of the History of Earth Sciences Society for three and is a current co-editor of the Irish Journal of Earth Sciences. He is a member of the International Commission for the History of Geological Sciences, a Voting Member of the International Union of Geological Sciences Heritage Stone Subcommission, and a past-Chair of the Royal Irish Academy Committee for the History of Irish Science.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Patrick Wyse Jackson and Louise Caulfield, The Decorative and Building Stones of Dublin: a walking guide, Dublin, Department of Geology, Trinity College Dublin, 2025, 1 - 319pp
Carboniferous evolution of the Burren and Cliffs of Moher, Ireland in, editor(s)Gonzalo Lozano, Luis Carcavilla, Stanley Finney, Asier Hilario, Juana Vegas, Benjamin Van Wyk de Vries and Jianping Zhang , The second 100 IUGS Geological Heritage Sites, International Union of Geological Sciences, 2024, pp62 - 63, [Eamon Doyle, Clare Glanville, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and David A.T. Harper]
Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 42, (2024), 1 - 349p, John Murray and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, 11 years
Valentia Slate, Ireland: versatile paving and roofing slate in, editor(s)Ehling, A., Kaur, G., Wyse Jackson, P.N., Cassar, J., Aparecida del Lama, E. and Hedal, T. , The First 55 IUGS Heritage Stones, Berlin, International Union of Geological Sciences, 2024, pp182 - 185, [Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. and Caulfield, Louise]
Connemara Marble, Ireland: an iconic Irish decorative stone in, editor(s)Ehling, A., Kaur, G., Wyse Jackson, P.N., Cassar, J., Aparecida del Lama, E. and Hedal, T. , The First 55 IUGS Heritage Stones, Berlin, International Union of Geological Sciences, 2024, pp138 - 141, [Caulfield, Louise and Wyse Jackson, Patrick N.]
Julia Sigwart, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Matthew A. Parkes, A new chiton (Mollusca: Polyplacophora: Paleoloricata) from the Mississippian of Hook Head, Co. Wexford, Ireland, Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 42, 2024, p119 - 124
Ehling, A., Kaur, G., Wyse Jackson, P.N., Cassar, J., Aparecida del Lama, E. and Hedal, T., The First 55 IUGS Heritage Stones, 1st, Berlin, International Union of Geological Sciences, 2024, 1 - 256pp
Éimear Stephenson, Jeffrey R. Thompson, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and John Murray, An exceptional assemblage of Maccoya sphaerica (Echinoidea) from the Mississippian of Hook Head, Co. Wexford, Ireland, Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 42, 2024, p125 - 136
Catherine M. Reid, Yuta Tamberg, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Marcus M. Key, Jr., Permian Bryozoa of southern Gondwana"thriving in a cold climate, Alcheringa, 48, 2024, p224
Villamayor Stone, Spain: a singularly beautiful arkose sandstone in, editor(s)Ehling, A., Kaur, G., Wyse Jackson, P.N., Cassar, J., Aparecida del Lama, E. and Hedal, T. , The First 55 IUGS Heritage Stones, Berlin, , International Union of Geological Sciences, 2024, pp110 - 113, [Garcia-Tallegon, J., Inigo, A.C. and Wyse Jackson, Patrick N.]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and John Murray, An appreciation: George Demetrius Sevastopulo (1941"2021), Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 42, 2024, p1 - 14
Catherine M. Reid, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Marcus M. Key, Jr., Latitudinal influences on bryozoan calcification through the Paleozoic., Paleobiology , 49, (2), 2023, p271 - 283
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Patrick Roycroft , Illuminating nineteenth and early twentieth century geological field work in Ireland and abroad: the historic value of lantern slides, History of Geology Group (HOGG), Geological Society of London conference. Aspects of the history and progress of geology in Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, 15-18 August 2023, edited by Patrick Wyse Jackson , 2023
MARCUS M. KEY, JR., PATRICK N. WYSE JACKSON, MADELAINE S. MCDOWELL and MERLYND K. NESTELL, Supporting data for publication "Astogenetic morphologic variation in the bryozoan Prophyllodictya gracilis from the Middle Ordovician of Russia and inferred colony-wide feeding currents", Palaeontological Association, 2023
Úna Farrell and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson , Trinity College Dublin Geological Museum: a pilot digitisation project, History of Geology Group (HOGG), Geological Society of London conference. Aspects of the history and progress of geology in Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, 15-18 August 2023, edited by Patrick Wyse Jackson , 2023
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Tom Sharpe and Caroline Lam, Recent discoveries of note: A mysterious `Tipperary" naturalist; A colourised photograph of an Irish geologist; An early collaborative geological map of Ireland, History of Geology Group (HOGG), Geological Society of London conference. Aspects of the history and progress of geology in Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, 15-18 August 2023, edited by Patrick Wyse Jackson , 2023
Patrick Wyse Jackson, Louise Caulfield and Una Farrell, Stonebuilt Ireland, First national INStone symposium "Preserving our built heritage and traditional skills development", Boston, Co. Clare, 6th September 2023, 2023, INStone
Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 41, (2023), 1 - 110p, J. Murray and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [Editor], 10 years
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Duncan Hawley, Richard Griffith"s small scale geological map of Ireland (1853), IUGS E-Bulletin , (199), 2023, p1 - 5
Volgia (Bryozoa, Cystoporata): a rare occurrence from the Mississippian of Ireland in, editor(s)Marcus M. Key, Jr., Joanne S. Porter and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson , Bryozoan Studies 2022, Abingdon, CRC Press, 2023, pp183 - 190, [Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Andrej Ernst, Malgorzata Shaikh-Horajska and John Murray]
The rough and the smooth: stone use in Dublin 1720-1760 in, editor(s)Christine Casey and Melanie Hayes , Enriching Architecture: craft and its conservation in Anglo-Irish building production, 1660"1760, London, UCL Press, 2023, pp234 - 261, [Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Louise M. Caulfield]
Skeletonisation in the stenolaemate bryozoan orders Cryptostomata (suborder Rhabdomesina) and Trepostomata: the role of the Bryozoan Skeletal Index (BSI) as a taxonomic character in, editor(s)Marcus M. Key, Jr., Joanne S. Porter and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson , Bryozoan Studies 2022, Abingdon, CRC Press, 2023, pp169 - 181, [Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Marcus M. Key, Jr. and Catherine M. Reid]
Bryozoans from the Pennsylvanian of the Ixtaltepec Formation, Oaxaca, Mexico in, editor(s)Marcus M. Key, Jr., Joanne S. Porter and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson , Bryozoan Studies 2022, Abingdon, CRC Press, 2023, pp25 - 40, [Sergio González-Mora, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Sara Alicia Quiroz Barroso and Francisco Sour-Tovar]
Marcus M. Key, Jr., Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Madelaine McDowell and Merlynd K. Nestell , Astogenetic morphologic variation in the bryozoan Prophyllodictya gracilis from the Middle Ordovician of Russia and inferred colony-wide feeding currents. , Papers in Palaeontology , 9, (3), 2023, p1 - 13
Enigmatic structures in Palaeozoic fenestrate bryozoans: the case of Fenestella sculptilis in, editor(s)Marcus M. Key, Jr., Joanne S. Porter and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson , Bryozoan Studies 2022, Abingdon, CRC Press, 2023, pp137 - 141, [Juan Luis Suárez Andrés, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Consuelo Sendino Lara]
Marcus M. Key, Jr., Joanne S. Porter and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Bryozoan Studies 2022, 1st, Abingdon, CRC Press, 2023, i-xii; 1-191pp
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Duncan Hawley and Bettie Higgs, History of Geology Group (HOGG), Geological Society of London conference. Aspects of the history and progress of geology in Ireland, 15-18 August 2023, In:History of Geology Group (HOGG), Geological Society of London conference. Aspects of the history and progress of geology in Ireland, 2023, Trinity College Dublin, Patrick Wyse Jackson
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Markus Aretz, George Demetrius Sevastopulo (1941-2021), Newsletter on Carboniferous Stratigraphy, 36, 2022, p3 - 5
Aodhán Ó Gogáin, Gary O"Sullivan, Thomas Clements, Brendan C. Hoare, John Murray and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson , Metamorphism as the cause of bone alteration in the Jarrow assemblage (Langsettian, Pennsylvanian) of Ireland, Palaeontology, 65, (6), 2022, p1 - 19
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Louise Caulfield, Martin Feely and Matthew Parkes, 'Connemara Marble Heritage Stone',, 2022, -
Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 40, (2022), 1 - 136p, John Murray and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [Editor]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Markus Aretz , George Demetrius Sevastopulo (1941-2021), stratigrapher and palaeontologist: an appreciation, PalZ, 96, 2022, p409 - 413
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Louise Caulfield, Aidan Forde, Iseult Conlon and Peter Cox, Valentia Slate, Co. Kerry, Ireland: Heritage Stone, Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 40, 2022, p87 - 104
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, George Demetrius Sevastopulo 1941 - 2021, Palaeontological Association Newsletter, 109, 2022, p90 - 93
Marcus M. Key, Jr., Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Catherine M. Reid, Trepostome bryozoans buck the trend and ignore calcite-aragonite seas. , Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments , 102, 2022, p253 - 263
The Paleocene volcanic rocks of the Giant's Causeway and Causeway coast, United Kingdom in, editor(s)A. Hilario , The first 100 IUGS Geological Heritage Sites, Spain, International Union of Geological Sciences, 2022, pp30-31, 270-271 , [Kirstin Lemon, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Mark Cooper and Michael Dempster]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Louise Caulfield and Úna Farrell, Stonebuilt Ireland: recording sources and use of decorative and dimension stones, Irish Geological Research Meeting, Belfast, 25 February 2022, 2022
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Can rocks save the planet?, Eco Showboat festival, Banagher, Co. Offaly, 10 July, 2022
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, 'The Island, segment on stone use in Ireland in Episode 3 'Life'', Ireland, RTE/BBC, 2022, -
Nigel T. Monaghan, Michael J. Simms, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and John Murray, An appreciation: Matthew Alastair Parkes (1961-2020), Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 40, 2022, p1 - 9
Andrej Ernst, Anna Lene Claussen, Barbara Seuss and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson , Stenolaemate bryozoans from the Graham Formation, Pennsylvanian (Virgilian) at Lost Creek Lake, Texas, USA, Palaeontologica Electronica , 25, (2), 2022, p1 - 56
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Mary E. Spencer Jones, Annals of Bryozoology 7: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans, Dublin, International Bryozoology Association, 2022, viii+143pp
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, 19th International Conference of the International Bryozoology Association, 22-26 August 2022, 2022, Trinity College Dublin, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson
Halamski, A.T., Balinski, A., Racki, G., Amler, M.R.W., Basse, M., Denayer, J., Dubicka, Z., Filipiak, P., Kondas, M., Krawczynski, W., Mieszkowski, R., Narkiewicz, K., Olempska, E., Wrzolek, T., Wyse Jackson, P.N., Zapalski, M.K., Zaton, M. & Kozlowski, W., The pre-Taghanic (Givetian, Middle Devonian) ecosystems of Miloszów (Holy Cross Mts, Poland), Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 92, 2022, p332 - 379
History of micro-computed tomographic three-dimensional imaging in bryozoology in, editor(s)P.N. Wyse Jackson and M.E. Spencer Jones , Annals of Bryozoology 7: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans., Dublin, International Bryozoology Association, 2022, pp57 - 72, [Marcus M. Key, Jr. and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson]
Wyse Jackson, Patrick N., Caulfield, Louise, Forde, A., Conlon, I., Cox, P., and Sevastopulo, G., Valentia Slate, Co. Kerry, Ireland: a Global Heritage Stone Resource proposal, EGU General Assembly 2021, Online, 19-30 April 2021, 2021
Aodhán Ó Gogáin and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Microcomputed tomography of the holotype of the early tetrapod Ichthyerpeton bradleyae (Huxley in Wright and Huxley, 1866) from the Pennsylvanian of Ireland, Journal of Paleontology, 95, 2021, p1048 - 1060
Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 39, (2021), 1 - 88p, John Murray and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Geology and Setting in, editor(s)Michael Connolly , Stone, Bone and Belonging: the early Neolithic portal tombs at Killaclohane, Co. Kerry, Tralee, Co. Kerry, Kerry County Council, 2021, pp63 - 69, [Patrick N. Wyse Jackson ]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Louise Caulfield, Eoin McGrath and Des Johnston, 50 Irish stone types Eurolithos ornamental stone types database, 1, European Geological Surveys (GeoERA), 2021
Elsa Panciroli, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Peter R. Crowther , Scientists, collectors and illustrators: the roles of women in the Palaeontographical Society, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, , 506, 2021, p97 - 116
Louise M. Caulfield and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Irish Black Limestones, 2nd International Workshop on Heritage Stones, Turin, Italy, 5-7 October 2021, Politecnico di Torino, 2021
Andej Ernst, Mahmoud Kora, Heba El-Desouky, Hans-Georg Herbig, and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson , Stenolaemate bryozoans from the Carboniferous of Egypt. , Journal of African Earth Sciences , 165, 2020
Hugh Torrens and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Gordon Leslie Herries Davies (1932-2019): Honorary Senior Member (2003) [Ireland], International Commission on the History of Geological Sciences INHIGEO Annual Record, 52, 2020, p58 - 60
Bryozoan Skeletal Index (BSI): a measure of the degree of calcification in stenolaemate bryozoans in, editor(s)Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and K. Zágor ek , Bryozoans Studies 2019, Prague, Czech Geological Survey, 2020, pp193 - 206, [Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Marcus M. Key, Jr. and Catherine M. Reid ]
Hugh Torrens and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Obituary: Gordon Leslie Herries Davies (1932-2019), Archives of Natural History, 47, (1), 2020, p190 - 201
Jean-Loup d'Hondt and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson , In Memorium: Francoise Bigey (1941-2019), IBA Bulletin , 16, (1), 2020, p12 - 14
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Adrian John Bancroft (1958-2020): an appreciation., IBA Bulletin, 16, (2), 2020, p14 - 16
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Kamil Zágor ek , Bryozoans Studies 2019, Prague, Czech Geological Survey, 2020, 206pp
Tolokonnikova, Zoya, Fedorov, Petr and Wyse Jackson, Patrick N., Bryozoan fauna from the Mississippian of the Akuyuk section, southern Kazakhstan, Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen, 295, (2), 2020, p159 - 168
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Louise Caulfield, Martin Feely, Ambrose Joyce jr and Matthew A. Parkes, Connemara Marble, Galway, Ireland: a Global Heritage Stone Resource proposal, Geological Society of London Special Publications , 486, 2020, p251 - 268
George D. Sevastopulo and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Charles Hepworth Holland 1923-2019, Palaeontology Newsletter, 104, 2020, p81 - 83
Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 38, (2020), 1 - 90p, Matthew Parkes, John Murray and Patrick N Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Matthew A. Parkes and John Murray , An appreciation: Charles Hepworth Holland (1923-2019), founding editor of the Irish Journal of Earth Sciences. , Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 38, 2020, p1 - 4
Palaeocorynid-type structures in fenestellid Bryozoa from the Carboniferous of Oaxaca, Mexico in, editor(s)Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Kamil Zágor ek , Bryozoans Studies 2019, Prague, Czech Geological Survey, 2020, pp35 - 42, [Sergio González-Mora, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Adrian J. Bancroft and Francisco Sour-Tovar ]
Mary Katherine Andrews (1851-1914) in, editor(s)C. Dalton and G. McGlynn , Giants of the Irish Quaternary , Dublin, Irish Quaternary Association, 2019, pp37 - 43, [Patrick N. Wyse Jackson]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The architectural gem of Victorian Dublin: the geological fabric and naturalistic carvings of Deane and Woodward's Museum Building, Trinity College, Dublin, Friends of the Library Lecture Series, Trinity College, Dublin, 21 March 2019, 2019
Christine Casey and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The Museum Building of Trinity College Dublin: a model of Victorian craftsmanship, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2019, xi+386pp
Descriptions of stone types used in the Museum Building in, editor(s)Christine Casey and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson , The Museum Building of Trinity College Dublin: a model of Victorian craftsmanship , Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2019, pp359 - 371, [Louise Caulfield and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Aspects of the Geology of Ireland, Tour Guides Association of Ireland Annual General Meeting Lecture, Teachers' Club, Parnell Square, Dublin, 17 November 2019, 2019
Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 37, (2019), 1 - 84p, Matthew Parkes, John Murray and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Thomas E. Yancey, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Barry G. Sutton and Richard J. Gottfried, Evactinoporidae, a new family of Cystoporata (Bryozoa) from the Mississippian of North America: growth and functional morphology, Journal of Paleontology, 93, (6), 2019, p1058 - 1074
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Introducing Palaeontology: a guide to ancient life, 2nd edition, Edinburgh, Dunedin Academic Press, 2019, viii+152pp
Vertical and Horizontal: changes in the design, settings, and use of the Museum Building 1853-2018 in, editor(s)Christine Casey and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson , The Museum Building of Trinity College Dublin: a model of Victorian craftsmanship, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2019, pp305 - 341, [Patrick N. Wyse Jackson]
A stone menagerie and botanical conservatory: the naturalistic carvings of the Museum Building in, editor(s)Christine Casey and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson , The Museum Building of Trinity College Dublin: a model of Victorian craftsmanship, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2019, pp217 - 251, [Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Peter S. Wyse Jackson ]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Marcus M. Key, Jr. , Bryozoan Skeletalisation Index (BSI): a measure of the degree of calcification in stenolaemate bryozoans, 18th International Bryozoology Association Conference, Liberec, Czech Republic, 16-22 June 2019, edited by K. Zagorsek , 2019, pp84-
Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. and Key, Marcus M., Jr. , Epizoan and endoskeletozoan distribution across reassembled ramose stenolaemate bryozoan zoaria from the Upper Ordovician (Katian) of the Cincinnati Arch region, USA. , Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists , 52, 2019, p169 - 178
Sergio González-Mora, Adrian Bancroft, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson & Francisco Sour-Tovar , Predator-antifouling induced polyphenism in fenestrate Bryozoa from the Carboniferous of Oaxaca, Mexico., 18th International Bryozoology Association Conference, Liberec, Czech Republic, 16-22 June 2019, edited by K. Zagorsek , 2019, pp107-
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Diamonds in the hills: 60 years of the Irish Geological Association, Irish Geological Association Lecture, Trinity College, Dublin, 11 December 2019, 2019
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Irish 'Rock Stars': John Hart (1797-1872), Earth Science Ireland, 24, 2019, p8 - 9
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Louise Caulfield, Betwixt and between? - Investigating heritage aspects of architecture and geology and their interplay, Geological Society: 2018 Geoconservation Annual Gathering - Geoconservation in Ireland: Global to Local meeting, National Museum of Ireland, Dublin, 19 November 2019, 2019
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Irish Women in Geoscience: Past, Present and Future. , Irish Association for Women in Geosciences, National University Ireland Galway, 21 June 2018, 2018
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Polychromatic Ireland: the sources and uses of Irish decorative stone. , Cork Geologists' Association Lecture Series, University College Cork, , 30 May 2018, 2018
S.K. Donovan and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Well-preserved fenestrate bryozoans in Mississippian building stones, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, 137, 2018, p99 - 102
González-Mora, S., Wyse Jackson, Patrick N., Torres-Martínez, M.A., Buitrón-Sánchez, B.E., Barragán, R. and Sour-Tovar, F. , , Hederella carbonaria Condra & Elias, 1944 from the Rodian (middle Permian) of Mexico, Bulletin of Geosciences, 93, (4), 2018, p457 - 461
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Mary E. Spencer Jones, Annals of Bryozoology 6: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans, Dublin, International Bryozoology Association, 2018, viii - 208pp
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Irish 'Rock Stars'. Men of Granite - Herbert Harold Read (1889-1970 and Wallace Spencer Pitcher (1919-2004). , Earth Science Ireland, 23, 2018, p5-
Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 36, (2018), 1 - 106p, Matthew Parkes, John Murray and Patrick N Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Juan. L. Suarez Andres and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, First report of a Palaeozoic fenestrate bryozoan with an articulated growth habit , Journal of Iberian Geology, 44, 2018, p273 - 283
Young2: the palaeobryozoological work of John Young and John Young of Glasgow in, editor(s)Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Mary E. Spencer Jones , Annals of Bryozoology 6: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans, Dublin, International Bryozoology Association, 2018, pp191 - 208, [Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Neil D.L. Clark]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Making Victorian Dublin: geology and architecture intertwined. , Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland Lecture Series, Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Dublin, 9 April 2018, 2018
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and David Attis, Bibliography of the history of Irish geology, International Commission on the History of Geological Sciences INHIGEO Annual Record , 50, 2018, p228 - 236
Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 35, (2017), 1 - 66p, Matthew Parkes, John Murray and Patrick N Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, From geological theories to economics: the work of pioneering geologists in Co. Antrim, Belfast Geologists' Association Lecture Series, Ulster Museum, Belfast, 17 January 2017, 2017
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Irish 'Rock Stars': George Wilkinson (1814-1890), Earth Science Ireland, 22, 2017, p7
Juan L. Suárez Andrés and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson , Fenestrate Bryozoa of the Moniello Formation (Lower-Middle Devonian, NW Spain), Bulletin of Geosciences, 92, (2), 2017, p153 - 183
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Andrej Ernst and Juan L. Suárez Andrés , Articulation in the Family Rhabdomesidae (Cryptostomata: Bryozoa) from the Mississippian of Ireland, Irish Journal of Earth Sciences , 35, 2017, p35 - 44
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Matthew Parkes, Burial place and headstone of William Hellier Baily (1819-1888), The Geological Curator, 10, (8), 2017, p468-
González-Mora, S. Bancroft, A., Wyse Jackson, P.N. and Sour-Tovar, F. , Palaeocorynid-type structures in a predator-induced polyphenism in Fenestellid Bryozoa of the Carboniferous of Oaxaca, Mexico, Paleontología Mexicana Número Especial 2, XV Congreso Nacional de Paleontología, Mexico City, Mexico, 2017, pp58
González-Mora, S. Torres-Martínez, M.A., Wyse Jackson, P.N., Sour-Tovar, F., Buitrón-Sánchez, B.E. and Barragán-Manzo, R. , Esclerobiontes de braquiópodes y otros lofoforados del Pérmico (Artinskiano-Kunguriano) de la Formación Paso Hondo, Chipas, México., Paleontología Mexicana Número Especial 2, XV Congreso Nacional de Paleontología, Mexico City, Mexico, 2017, pp59
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, A. Ernst, and J.L. Suarez Andres, Articulation in the family Rhaddomesidae (Cryptostomata: Bryozoa) from the Mississippian of Ireland, Abstracts and Program, 14th Larwood Symposium, International Bryozoology Association, Vienna, Austria, 25-28 May 2017, edited by T. Schawa , 2017, 54
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Irish 'Rock Stars' George Patrick Leonard Walker (1926-2005), Earth Science Ireland, 21, 2017, p19
A. Ernst, H. El-Desouky, H.-G. Herbig, M. Kora and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Carboniferous bryozoans of Egypt, Abstracts and Program, 14th Larwood Symposium, International Bryozoology Association, Vienna, Austria, 25-28 May 2017, edited by T. Schawa , 2017, 11
Aodhán Ó Gogáin and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Micro-CT and 3D modelling of Ophiderpeton brownriggi and Dolichosoma emersoni: implications for aïstopod evolution and ecology, 61st Annual Meeting, Palaeontological Association, Imperial College, London, 17-19 December 2017, 2017
Marcus M. Key Jr., Patrick Wyse Jackson and Stephen Felton , Intracolony variation in zoarial morphology in reassembled fossil ramose stenolaemate bryozoans from the Upper Ordovician (Katian) of the Cincinnati Arch region, USA, Journal of Paleontology, 2016
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Marcus M. Key Jr., Nathalie Lennon and Balz S. Kamber , Minor element distribution in Recent cupuladriid bryozoans from either side of the Isthmus of Panama: potential proxies for environmental reconstruction, Abstract volume, 17th International Conference International Bryozoology Association, Melbourne, Australia, 10-15 April 2016, 2016, pp95
Caroline J. Buttler and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson , Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology-progress of the Fenestrata & Trepostomata volume, Abstract volume, 17th International Conference International Bryozoology Association, Melbourne, Australia, 10-15 April 2016, 2016, pp35
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Irish 'Rock Stars': Joseph Barclay Pentland - (1797-1873). , Earth Science Ireland, 19, 2016, p5-
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The state of bryozoan taxonomy; or bryozoan taxonomists 1961 and 2015, International Bryozoology Association Bulletin , 12, (1), 2016, p1 - 2
Marcus M. Key Jr. and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson , Intracolony variation in zoarial morphology in reassembled fossil ramose stenolaemate bryozoans from the Upper Ordovician (Katian) of the Cincinnati Arch region, USA, Abstract volume, 17th International Conference International Bryozoology Association, Melbourne, Australia, 10-15 April 2016, 2016, pp56
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Irish 'Rock Stars': Alexander McHenry 1843-1919, Earth Science Ireland, 20, 2016, p10-
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Marcus M. Key Jr., Epizoan and endoskeletozoan distribution across reassembled ramose stenolaemate bryozoan zoaria from the Upper Ordovician (Katian) of the Cincinnati Arch region, USA, Abstract volume, 17th International Conference International Bryozoology Association, Melbourne, Australia, 10-15 April 2016, 2016, pp96
González-Mora, S. Torres-Martínez, M.A., Wyse Jackson, P.N., Sour-Tovar, F., Buitrón-Sánchez, B.E. and Barragán, R., Presencia de Hederella en el Pérmico de Chiapas, México: registro más tardío del Orden Hederelloidea, IX Congreso Latinoamericano Paleontología, Lima, Peru, 20-24 September 2016, 2016, pp49-
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, William Smith and Ireland: sources of Irish geological information on his geological map of 1820, Earth Sciences History, 35, (1), 2016, p115 - 123
DeArce, Miguel, Wyse Jackson, Patrick N., McMillan, Norman D., Patriotism, pedagogy and profit: Galbraith and Haughton's Mathematical Series (1851-91), History Ireland, 23, (2), 2015, p26 - 29
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Neil D.L. Clark, Young2: the palaeobryozoological research of John Young (1823-1900) and John Young (1835-1902) of Glasgow, 13th Larwood Symposium, International Bryozoology Association, Thurso and Stromness, Scotland, June 2015, edited by J. Loxton , 2015, pp61-
A. Ernst, Z. Tolokonnikova and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson , Stratigraphic relevance and typification of the Mississippian fenestrate bryozoan Narynella narynica (Nikiforova, 1933), Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 89, 2015, p645 - 651
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, William Smith and Ireland: sources of Irish geological information on his geological maps, William Smith Meeting 2015: 200 years of Smith's map., Geological Society of London, London, 24 April 2015, 2015
A. Ernst, P.N. Wyse Jackson & M. Aretz, Bryozoan fauna from the Mississippian (Visean) of Roque Redonde (Montagne Noire, southern France). , Geodiversitas, 37, (2), 2015, p151 - 213
Biographical index to the bryozoologists in, editor(s)Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Mary E. Spencer Jones , Annals of Bryozoology 5: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans, Dublin, International Bryozoology Association, 2015, pp1 - 138, [J.-L. d'Hondt, C. Bange, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Mary E. Spencer Jones]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Mary E. Spencer Jones (editors), Annals of Bryozoology 5: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans., Dublin, International Bryozoology Association, 2015, 1 - 138pp
Frank K. McKinney and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Part G, Revised, Volume 2, Chapter 8A: Order Fenestrata: Morphology and Growth., Treatise Online, 66, 2015, p1 - 91
Clair Cameron Patterson (1922-1995), Michael L. Gross and Richard M. Caprioli, editors-in-chief, Keith A. Nier, Alfred L. Yergey, and P. Jane Gale, volume editors, The Encyclopedia of Mass Spectrometry, 9B, San Diego, Elsevier, 2015, pp170 - 171, [Patrick N. Wyse Jackson]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and C.J. Buttler, Part G, Revised, Volume 2, Chapter 3: Preparation, imaging, and conservation of Paleozoic bryozoans for study, Treatise Online, 63, 2015, p1 - 15
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Archbishop Ussher and other worthies: determining the age of the Earth, Missouri Botanical Gardens Lecture Series, Missouri Botanical Gardens: St Louis, Missouri, , 20 July 2015, 2015
F.K. McKinney and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Part G, Revised, Volume 2, Chapter 8H: Names of indeterminate, unrecognizable, or excluded genera previously assigned to Fenestrata, Treatise Online, 64, 2015, p1 - 5
Miguel DeArce and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The Alternative Geologist: William King and his scientific debates, Journal of the Galway Historical and Archaeological Society, 66, 2015, p100 - 124
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Irish 'Rock Stars': Doris Livesey Reynolds 1899-1985, Earth Science Ireland, 17, 2015, p11
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Kalksteen uit Ierland. Bouwen met Natuursteen. , GEA Magazine, Stichting Geologische Aktiviteiten, 48, (4), 2015, p23 - 29
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Irish 'Rock Stars': William Johnson Sollas (1849-1936), Earth Science Ireland, 18, 2015, p9
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, William Smith and Ireland: sources of Irish geological information on his geological maps, William Smith Meeting 2015: 200 years of Smith's map, Geological Society of London, 23-24 April 2015, edited by J. Henry , History of Geology Group and Geological Society of London, 2015, pp28
Juan L. Suárez Andrés and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Feeding currents: a limiting factor for disparity of Palaeozoic fenestrate bryozoans., Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 433, 2015, p219 - 232
Suárez Andrés, J.L., Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. & Sendino, C., First record of a Palaeozoic fenestrate with a secondary zooid-bearing meshwork., Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 94, 2014, p241 - 247
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Antoinette Kelso & Kerryming Sun, Late Pleistocene mammalian bones as substrates for encrusting Recent bryozoans, Brown Bank, North Sea. , International Bryozoology Association Bulletin, 10, (1), 2014, p8 - 10
Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. & Key, Marcus M., Jr., Epizoic bryozoans on cephalopods through the Phanerozoic: a review., Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 94, 2014, p283 - 291
Marcus M. Key, Jr., Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Lauren W. Falvey and Barbara J. Roth, Use of fossil bryozoans in sourcing lithic artifacts, Geoarchaeology, 29, 2014, p397 - 409
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, William King and his pioneering studies of Permian bryozoans, From fossils to the genome: the 150th anniversary of the maining of Homo neanderthalensis by William King, National University of Ireland, Galway, 23-25 May 2014, edited by John Murray , NUI Galway, 2014, pp4-
Z. Tolokonnikova, A. Ernst, and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson , Palaeobiogeography and diversification of Tournaisian-Viséan bryozoans (lower-middle Mississippian, Carboniferous) from Eurasia, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology , 414, 2014, p200 - 211
Caroline J. Buttler, L. Popov, M. Ghobadi Pour and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Early Silurian (Aeronian) silicified bryozoans from Central Iran, International Bryozoology Association Larwood Symposium, Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Sopot, Poland, 12-13 July 2014, edited by Piotr Kuklinski , Polish Academy of Sciences, 2014, pp12-
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson , Review of Determining provenance of local and imported millstones using fossils (especially Charophyta, Fusulinia, and Brachiopoda): examples from Ohio, U.S.A.' Palaios 28 (2013), 739-754, 13 figures., by Hannibal, J.T. et al. , International Molinology, 89, 2014, p46
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Handedness in Rhabdomeson (Cryptostomata: Bryozoa) from the Mississippian of the UK and patterns of cyclical and spiral budding, International Bryozoology Association Larwood Symposium, Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Sopot, Poland, 12-13 July 2014, edited by Piotr Kuklinski , Polish Academy of Sciences, 2014, pp47-
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Mary E. Spencer Jones, Annals of Bryozoology 4: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans, Dublin, International Bryozoology Association, 2014, viii+265pp
Stone types and production in, editor(s)Loeber, R., Campbell, H., Hurley, L., Montague, J. and Rowley, E. , Art and Architecture in Ireland. Volume 4: Architecture 1600-2000, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2014, pp57 - 59, [Tony Hand and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson]
Rosso, A., Wyse Jackson, Patrick N. and Porter, J.S. (ed.), 16th International Conference of the International Bryozoology Association, Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali , Catania, Sicily, Italy, 94, June 2013, Museo delle Scienze, Trento, Italy, 2014
Key, M.M., Jr. & Wyse Jackson, Patrick N., Bryozoans as provenance indicators of building stones., Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 94, 2014, p131 - 138
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Review of Islands, Coast and Quarries: the geological heritage of Fingal, by Matthew A. Parkes , Irish Naturalists' Journal, 33, (2), 2014, p160
Bryozoans of the Krusenstern Expedition (1803-1806) in, editor(s)P.N. Wyse Jackson & M.E. Spencer Jones , Annals of Bryozoology 4: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans, Dublin, International Bryozoology Association, 2014, pp183 - 194, [Abigail M. Smith, Mary E. Spencer Jones and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson ]
James Edwin Duerden 1865-1937: zoological polymath in, editor(s)P.N. Wyse Jackson & M.E. Spencer Jones , Annals of Bryozoology 4: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans, Dublin, International Bryozoology Association, 2014, pp231 - 265, [Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Paul D.F. Maderson ]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Irish 'Rock Stars': Raymond Keary (1937-2003), Earth Science Ireland, 16, 2014, p10
J.L. Suárez Andrés & Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Ernstipora mackinneyi, a new unique fenestrate bryozoan genus and species with an encrusting growth habit from the Emsian (Devonian) of NW Spain. , Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen, 271, (3), 2014, p229 - 242
Albert Russell Nichols (1859-1933) and bryozoan research in Ireland during the late 19th and early 20th centuries in, editor(s)P.N. Wyse Jackson & M.E. Spencer Jones , Annals of Bryozoology 4: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans, Dublin, International Bryozoology Association, 2014, pp93 - 106, [Antoinette Kelso and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson ]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Irish 'Rock Stars': Alexander Nimmo (1783-1832), Earth Science Ireland, 15, 2014, p14-
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Marcus M. Key, Jr. and Stephen P. Coakley, Epizoozoan trepostome bryozoans on nautiloids from the Upper Ordovician (Katian) of the Cincinnati Arch Region, U.S.A.: an assessment of growth, form and water flow dynamics, Journal of Paleontology, 88, (3), 2014, p475 - 487
Wyse Jackson, P.N., Key, M.M. jr. & Coakley, S.P., Epizoozoan trepostome bryozoans on nautiloids from the Late Ordovician (Cincinnatian) of the mid-west US: an assessment of growth, form, and water flow dynamics, 16th International Bryozoology Association International Conference, Catania, Sicily, 10-16 June 2013, edited by Rosso, A. & Sanfilippo, R. , Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Catania, 2013, pp88-
Curries, Spats and Denims in, editor(s)Katy McGuinness , Trinity Tales. Trinity College Dublin in the Eighties, Dublin, Lilliput Press, 2013, pp92 - 95, [Patrick N. Wyse Jackson]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Irish 'Rock Stars' Michael Tuomey - (1805-1857), Earth Science Ireland, 13, 2013, p12
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Irish 'Rock Stars': Edward Townley Hardman - (1845-1887), Earth Science Ireland, 14, 2013, p10 - 11
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson & Ninian Falkiner, A Portrait of St Columba's College 1843-2013, Dublin, Old Columban Society, 2013, . 176pp
A review of the early Palaeozoic biogeography of bryozoans in, editor(s)Harper, D.A.T. & Servais, T. , Early Palaeozoic Biogeography and Palaeogeography, London, Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 38, 2013, pp145 - 155, [Buttler, C.J., Wyse Jackson, P.N., Ernst, A. & McKinney, F.K. ]
Kelso, A. and Wyse Jackson, P.N., Historical collections of Irish bryozoans, Abstract Volume, 16th International Bryozoology Association International Conference, Catania, Sicily, 10-16 June 2013, edited by Rosso, A. & Sanfilippo, R. , Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Catania, 2013, pp37
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Frank K. McKinney, A micro-computed tomography and Scanning Electron Microscopy investigation of the structure of Polyfenestella Bancroft, 1986 (Bryozoa: Fenestrata) from the Mississippian of Scotland: revealing the nature of its heteromorphs., Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 31, 2013, p1 - 6
Key, M.M. jr. & Wyse Jackson, P.N., Use of fossil bryozoans as provenance indicators, 16th International Bryozoology Association International Conference, Catania, Sicily, 10-16 June 2013, edited by Rosso, A. & Sanfilippo, R. , Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Catania, 2013, pp38-
Suárez J., Wyse Jackson P.N. & Sendino-Lara C. , First record of a Palaeozoic Fenestrate with a secondary zooid-bearing meshwork, 16th International Bryozoology Association International Conference, Catania, Sicily, 10-16 June 2013, edited by Rosso, A. & Sanfilippo, R. , Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Catania, 2013, pp78-
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Fantastic fossil fenestrates: the functional morphology of some bryozoan taxa, Dickinson College Department of Earth Sciences Seminar, Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, USA,, 19 March 2013, 2013
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Permancy of labelling ink: a 25-year experiment, The Geological Curator, 9, (10), 2013, p507 - 508
T.G. Gautier, P.N. Wyse Jackson & F.K. McKinney, Adlatipora, a distinctive new acanthocladiid bryozoan from the Permian of the Glass Mountains, Texas, U.S.A., and its bearing on fenestrate astogeny and growth, Journal of Paleontology , 87, (3), 2013, p444 - 455
Antoinette Kelso and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The bryozoan fauna of Dun Laoghaire Harbour, Dublin including the first records of Watersipora subtorquata (d'Orbigny, 1852) and Bugula fulva Ryland, 1960 and an extension of the range of Tricellaria inopinata d'Hondt and Occhipinti Ambrogi, 1985, International Bryozoology Association Larwood Meeting, Brno, Czech Republic, 31 May - 2 June 2012, edited by Kamil Zagorsek , Narodni Muzeum Praha, 2012, pp43-
Coxon, P., Mitchell, F.J.G. and Wyse Jackson, P.N., Wicklow in the Grip of an Ice Age, 1, Dublin, Irish Quaternary Association, 2012, i - 48pp
Juan L. Suárez Andrés and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, An unusual fenestellid bryozoan from the Lower Emsian (Devonian) of north-west Spain, International Bryozoology Association Larwood Meeting, Brno, Czech Republic, 31 May - 2 June 2012, edited by Kamil Zagorsek , Narodni Muzeum Praha, 2012, pp13-
Migure De Arce and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Wheels within Wheels, History of Science, Technology and Medicine in Ireland Conference, Queen's University, Belfast, 20 April 2012, 2012
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Ferdinand Canu's Gallery of Bryozoologists, International Bryozoology Association Bulletin, 8, (2), 2012, p13 - 14
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The Geoschol project. , The Secrets of Stone: Ireland's geoheritage symposium, National Museum of Ireland, Dublin, 24 March 2012, 2012
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Paläontologie für Neugierige: Was Sie schon immer über Fossilien, Erdgeschichte und Evolution wissen wollten. , Darmstadt, Primus Verlag, 2012, 96pp
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Catherine M. Reid and Frank K. McKinney, Fixation of the type species of the genus Protoretepora de Koninck, 1878 (Bryozoa, Fenestrata), Alcheringa, 36, 2012, p137 - 138
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The Irish Geological Association (1959-2012): a chronostratigraphic history, Dublin, Irish Geological Association, 2012, ii+40pp
Andrej Ernst, Paul D. Taylor, Jan Bohaty and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Homeomorphy in Lunostoma, a new Middle Devonian, Palaontologische Zeitschrift, 86, 2012, p135 - 145
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Irish 'Rock Stars' - Richard Kirwan (1733-1812), Earth Science Ireland, 12, 2012, p19 - 20
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Geological Heritage in our Museums, The Secrets of Stone: Ireland's geoheritage symposium, National Museum of Ireland, Dublin, 24 March 2012, 2012
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Irish Rock 'Stars' - James Apjohn (1796-1886), Earth Science Ireland, 11, 2012, p15-
Antoinette Kelso and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Invasive bryozoans in Ireland: first record of Watersipora subtorquata (d'Orbigny, 1852) and an extension of the range of Tricellaria inopinata d'Hondt and Occhipinti Ambrogi, 1985. , BioInvasions Records, 1, (3), 2012, p209 - 214
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Miguel DeArce and Nigel T. Monaghan, A letter from William Bookey Brownrigg to Thomas Henry Huxley, dated 29 November 1865, authorising him to describe his fossil vertebrates from Jarrow Colliery, Co. Kilkenny and giving details of his find., Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 29, 2011, p19 - 22
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Rediscovery of a type specimen of Retepora pluma Phillips, 1836, the type species of Penniretepora d'Orbigny, 1849 (Fenestrata, Bryozoa) and replacement of its neotype, Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 29, 2011, p15 - 18
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Irish 'Rock Stars': William Acheson Traill (1844-1933), Earth Science Ireland, 9, 2011, p13-
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Dusting off the Archives: 50 years of the Irish Geological Association. , Irish Geological Association Lecture, Trinity College, Dublin, 14 September 2011, 2011
Hageman, S.J., Wyse Jackson, P.N., Abernethy, A.R. and Steinthorsdottir, M., Calendar scale, environmental variation preserved in the skeletal phenotype of a fossil bryozoan (Rhombopora blakei n. sp.), from the Mississippian of Ireland, Journal of Paleontology, 85, (5), 2011, p853 - 870
Marcus M. Key Jr., Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, and Louis J. Vitiello , Stream channel network analysis applied to colony-wide feeding structures in a Permian bryozoan from Greenland. , Paleobiology, 37, (2), 2011, p287 - 302
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Catherine M. Reid and Frank K. McKinney, The status of Protoretepora de Koninck, 1878 (Fenestrata: Bryozoa), and description of P. crockfordae sp. nov. and P. wassi sp. nov. from the Permian of Australia, Alcheringa, 35, 2011, p539 - 552
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Mary E. Spencer Jones, Annals of Bryozoology 3: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans, Dublin, International Bryozoology Association, 2011, viii+226pp
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, History of Ichnology: John Joly (1857-1933) on Oldhamia: Poetic and Scientific Observations, Ichnos, 18, 2011, p209 - 212
DeArce, M., Monaghan, N.T.,, Wyse Jackson, P. N., The uneasy correspondence between T. H. Huxley and E. P. Wright on fossil vertebrates found in Jarrow, Co. Kilkenny (1865-67), Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 65, 2011, p253 - 271
A transatlantic bryozoological spat: Edward Oscar Ulrich (1857-1944) versus George Robert Vine (1825-1893) in, editor(s)Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Mary E. Spencer Jones , Annals of Bryozoology3: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans, Dublin, International Bryozoology Association, 2011, pp219 - 225, [Patrick N. Wyse Jackson]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Irish 'Rock Stars': John Semple Jackson (1920-1991), Earth Science Ireland, 10, 2011, p18
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, William Thompson (1805-1852): zoologist and biogeographer, Irish Naturalists' Journal, 30, (2), 2010, p119 - 122
P.N. Wyse Jackson, The Geoschol Initiative: enhancing geological knowledge in Primary Schools in Ireland, Geoscience 2010, Dublin, 4th November 2010, Geological Survey of Ireland, 2010, pp54
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Irish 'Rock Stars': Valentine Ball (1843-1895), Earth Science Ireland, 7, 2010, p14 - 15
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Matthew Parkes and Mike Simms, Geology of Ireland: county by county, Dublin, Ireland, Geoschol Books, 2010, 1 - 144pp
F.K. McKinney and P.N. Wyse Jackson, Phylloporina Ulrich in Foerste, 1887 (Bryozoa, Fenestrata, Phylloporinina): proposed designation of Retepora trentonensis Nicholson, 1875 as the type species, Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 67, (1), 2010, p38 - 43
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Irish 'Rock Stars': Thomas Weaver (1773-1855), Earth Science Ireland, 8, 2010, p30
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Review of Worlds before Adam. The reconstruction of geohistory in the age of reform., by M.J.S. Rudwick , Archives of Natural History, 37, (1), 2010, p177-178
P.N. Wyse Jackson, A. Ernst & F.K. McKinney, Cyclozooecia in fenestrate bryozoans: a taxonomic conundrum, Terra Nostra, 15th International Conference of the International Bryozoology Association, Kiel, Germany, 2-6 August 2010, 2010/4, 2010, pp24
Mc Kinney, F.K., Wyse Jackson, P.N., The tangled core at the heart of the bryozoan suborder Phylloporinina, Palaeontology, 53, (2), 2010, p441-456
P.N. Wyse Jackson, F.K. McKinney and A. Ernst, Retepora undata M'Coy, 1844, type species of Phylloporella Frederiks, 1916, a junior synonym of Chainodictyon Foerste, 1877: a phylloporinid bryozoan from the Mississippian of Ireland redescribed., Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 28, 2010, p53 - 60
P.N. Wyse Jackson, Servants of the Raj at play: an example of the social interactions between a geologist and an engineer in nineteenth century India, The Compass , 81, (1-4), 2010, p96 - 103
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Introducing Palaeontology - A guide to Ancient Life, Edinburgh, Dunedin Academic Press, 2010, viii+152pp
Carboniferous - Mississippian: Tournaisian and Viséan in, editor(s)C.H. Holland & I.S. Sanders , The Geology of Ireland (2nd Edition), Edinburgh, Dunedin Academic Press, 2009, pp215 - 268, [G.D. Sevastopulo & P.N. Wyse Jackson]
'Baily, William Hellier', volume 1, pp. 227-228; 'Ball, Valentine', volume 1, pp. 253-254; 'Cole, Grenville Arthur James', volume 2, pp. 651-652; 'Fitton, William Henry', volume 3, pp. 812-813; 'Graydon, George', volume 4, p. 229; 'Griffith, Sir Richard John', volume 4, pp. 289-291; 'Hamilton, William', volume 4, p, 416; 'Haughton, Samuel', volume 4, p, 524-525; 'Hull, Edward', volume 4, p. 840; 'Joly, John', volume 4, pp. 1021-1022; 'Kirwan, Richard', volume 5, pp. 234-235; 'Knox, George', volume 5, pp. 246-247; 'M'Coy, Frederick', volume 5, p. 875; 'Mitchell, George Francis', volume 6, p. 531; 'Nimmo, Alexander', volume 6, p. 933; 'Oldham, Thomas and Oldham, Richard', volume 7, pp. 630-631; 'Richardson, William', volume 8, pp. 487; 'Sollas, William Johnson', volume 8, p. 1067., In James McGuire and James Quinn (eds), Dictionary of Irish Biography from the earliest times to the year 2002, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2009, [Patrick N. Wyse Jackson]
P.N. Wyse Jackson and M.A. Parkes, William Hellier Baly (1819-1888): forever an Acting Palaeontologist with the Geological Survey of Ireland, The Geological Curator, 9, (2), 2009, p57 - 84
P.N. Wyse Jackson, Geochronological hits and misses: various attempts to determine the age of the Earth, Open Universiry Geological Society Journal, 29, (2), 2009, p95 - 97
P.N. Wyse Jackson, 'Irish Rock Stars': Charles Irving Gardiner (1868-1940) & Sidney Hugh Reynolds (1867-1949), Earth Science Ireland, 6, 2009, p12 - 13
P.N. Wyse Jackson, Robert Ball (1802-1857): naturalist, Irish Naturalists' Journal, 30, (1), 2009, p15 - 18
Apjohn, James, In James McGuire and James Quinn (eds), Dictionary of Irish Biography from the earliest times to the year 2002, 1, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2009, pp135 - 136, [L. Lunney and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson]
P.N. Wyse Jackson, C. Reid and F.K. McKinney, Protoretepora de Koninck, 1878: the schizophrenic Upper Palaeozoic fenestrate bryozoan, Abstract, IBA 9th Larwood Meeting, 9th Larwood Meeting, International Bryozoology Association, Oslo, Norway, 21-23 May 2009, edited by H.A. Nakrem , Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, 2009, pp17
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Great Irish Geoscientists, Dublin, Geological Survey of Ireland, 2009, 1 - 32pp
P.N. Wyse Jackson, E. Cross & R. Swift, Ptilofenestella, a distinctive rare fenestrate bryozoan from the Mississippian of Ireland: new records and an extension of its geological range, Irish Naturalists' Journal, 30, (1), 2009, p76 - 77
Erratics, intrusions and graptolites in, editor(s)Mary Mulvihill , Lab Coats and Lace: the lives and legacies of inspiring Irish women scientists and pioneers, Dublin, Ireland, Women in Technology and Science, 2009, pp48-59; 173-176 , [P.N. Wyse Jackson]
P.N. Wyse Jackson, Irish Rock Stars: James Robinson Kilroe (1848-1927), Earth Science Ireland, 5, 2009, p11 - 12
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Archbishop Ussher and the age of the Earth. , Burlington House Lecture of the Antiquaries Society & Geological Society of London, Geological Society of London, London, 13 June 2008, 2008
P.N. Wyse Jackson, Sir Richard John Griffith (1784-1878): a portrait in oils by Stephen Catterson Smith (1806-72), Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 26, 2008, p45 - 51
The Russian schools of paleobryozoology in, editor(s)P.N. Wyse Jackson and M.E. Spencer Jones , Annals of Bryozoology 2: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans, Dublin, Ireland, International Bryozoology Association, 2008, pp51 - 58, [E.H. Gilmour, A. Yarinpil and P.N. Wyse Jackson ]
A stable isotopic test for the origin of fossil brown bodies in trepostome bryozoans from the Ordovician of Estonia. in, editor(s)S.J. Hageman, M.M. Key Jr. and J.E. Winston , Bryozoan Studies 2007: Proceedings of the 14th International Bryozoology Association conference, Boone, North Carolina, Martinsville, Virginia, Virginia Museum of Natural History Special Publication Number 15, 2008, pp75 - 84, [M.M. Key, Jr., P.N. Wyse Jackson, K.E. Miller & W.P. Patterson]
P.N. Wyse Jackson, Review of The Earth on Show. Fossils and the Poetics of Popular Science, 1802-1856, by Ralph O'Connor , Palaeontological Association Newsletter, 69, 2008, p88-89
Bryozoa from the Ordovician (Caradoc) of Courtown, County Wexford, Ireland in, editor(s)S.J. Hageman, M.M. Key Jr. and J.W. Winston , Bryozoan Studies 2007: Proceedings of the 14th International Bryozoology Association conference, Boone, North Carolina, Martinsville, Virginia, Virginia Museum of Natural History Special Publication Number 15, 2008, pp9 - 18, [C.J. Buttler, P.N. Wyse Jackson & M.M. Key, Jr.]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Ribbons, hammers and erratics: Irishwomen geologists, Women in Technology and Science Symposium, National Botanic Gardens, Dublin, 15 November 2008, 2008
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Trekking and swimming across Ireland: the history of Irish vertebrate palaeontology. , Symposium of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy Annual Meeting, National Museum of Ireland, Dublin, 4 September 2008, 2008
P.N. Wyse Jackson and M.E. Spencer Jones , Annals of Bryozoology 2: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans, Dublin, Ireland, International Bryozoology Association, 2008, viii+442pp
P.N. Wyse Jackson, David Dale Owen (1807-1860) and the naming of Archimedes, the first described fenestrate bryozoan, a complex fossil with important stratigraphic and economic implications, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America North-Central Section meeting, Evansville, IN, April 2008, 40, (5), 2008, pp23
William Thomson's determinations of the age of the Earth in, editor(s)Flood, R., McCartney, M. and Whitaker, A. , Kelvin: life, labours and legacy, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, pp160-174; 332-334 , [P.N. Wyse Jackson]
P.N. Wyse Jackson, Review of Whatever is under the Earth: the Geological Society of London 1807 to 2007, by G.L. Herries Davies , Archives of Natural History, 35, (1), 2008, p189-190
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Hits and Misses, various determinations of the age of the Earth. , Open University Geological Society Annual Conference, University of London, Egham, London, 10 August 2008, 2008
P.N. Wyse Jackson, Irish Rock Stars: Maxwell Henry Close (1822-1903) , Earth Science Ireland, 4, 2008, p24 - 25
A book from the collection of John Ellis (c. 1710-1776), naturalist, now in the library of Isaac Norris held in Dickinson College, Pennsylvania, USA in, editor(s)P.N. Wyse Jackson and M.E. Spencer Jones , Annals of Bryozoology 2: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans, Dublin, Ireland, International Bryozoology Association, 2008, pp427 - 434, [P.N. Wyse Jackson]
P.N. Wyse Jackson, Irish Rock Stars: Sydney Mary Thompson (Madame Christen) (1847-1923) , Earth Science Ireland, 3, 2008, p14
William Lonsdale and the first thin-section of a fossil bryozoan in, editor(s)P.N. Wyse Jackson and M.E. Spencer Jones , Annals of Bryozoology 2: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans, Dublin, Ireland, International Bryozoology Association, 2008, pp435 - 442, [P.N. Wyse Jackson]
Global peregrinations: four centuries of geological travel. in, editor(s)P.N. Wyse Jackson , Four Centuries of Geological Travel: The Search for Knowledge on Foot, Bicycle, Sledge and Camel. , London, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 287, 2007, pp1 - 6, [P.N. Wyse Jackson]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Indian geologists, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA, 18 October 2007, 2007
Robert Mallet (1810-1881) ingegnere e scienziato sperimentale: le sue idee sulla vulcanologia in, editor(s)G. Ferrari , Viaggio nelle aree del terremoto del 16 dicembre 1857, Volume 2, Part 3. 16 dicembre 1857 un grande disastro sismico. Da un terremoto laboratorio a laboratori sul territorio., Bologna, SGA Storia Geofisica Ambiente, 2007, pp205 - 221, [P.N. Wyse Jackson]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The girdle of granite: the institutionalisation of geological studies in Ireland, 1730 to 1860. , The girdle of granite: the institutionalisation of geological studies in Ireland, 1730 to 1860. Communities of knowledge in nineteenth-century Ireland: science, culture and society, UCD Humanities Institute of Ireland , 23 February 2007, 2007
P.N. Wyse Jackson, The earliest thin-section of a fossil bryozoan, 14th meeting of the International Bryozoology Association, Boone, North Carolina, USA, July 2007, edited by S.J. Hageman and F.K. McKinney , 2007, pp86-
C.J. Buttler, P.N. Wyse Jackson & M.M. Key, Jr., Bryozoa from the Ordovician (Caradoc) of Courtown, Co. Wexford, Ireland, 14th meeting of the International Bryozoology Association, Boone, North Carolina, USA, July 2007, edited by S.J. Hageman and F.K. McKinney , 2007, pp7
Steinthorsdottir, M., Wyse Jackson, P.N., Hageman, S.J. and Abernethy, A., Measuring the stresses of everyday living: microenvironmental gradients in a rhabdomesine bryozoan from the Mississippian of Ireland., Abstracts volume, VII Larwood Meeting, Naples, 2nd February 2007, edited by F. Toscano , Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, 2007, pp27
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Robert Mallet (1810-1881): his ideas on volcanology., SEG Meeting, Naples, Italy, 16 December 2007, 2007
D. Cleary and P.N. Wyse Jackson, Stenophragmidium Bassler, 1952 (Trepostomidia: Bryozoa) from the Mississippian of Ireland and Britain, Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 25, 2007, p1 - 25
M.M. Key, Jr., P.N. Wyse Jackson, K.E. Miller & W.P. Patterson, A stable isotopic test for the origin of fossil brown bodies in trepostome bryozoans from the Ordovician of Estonia. , 14th meeting of the International Bryozoology Association, Boone, North Carolina, USA, July 2007, edited by S.J. Hageman and F.K. McKinney , 2007, pp32
P.N. Wyse Jackson, Irish geologists and engineers in nineteenth century India: intertwined professional and personal lives., Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America Annual meeting, Denver, 39, (6), 2007, pp382
Grenville Arthur James Cole (1859-1924 the cycling geologist. in, editor(s)P.N. Wyse Jackson , Four Centuries of Geological Travel: The Search for Knowledge on Foot, Bicycle, Sledge and Camel. , London, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 287, 2007, pp135 - 148, [P.N. Wyse Jackson]
Catalogue of lavas di Robert Mallet in, editor(s)G. Ferrari , Viaggio nelle aree del terremoto del 16 dicembre 1857, Volume 2, Part 4. Laboratorio Mallet. Fonti e studi su Robert Mallet e sui caratteri geodinamici dell'area lucana., Bologna, SGA Storia Geofisica Ambiente, 2007, pp95 - 102, [P.N. Wyse Jackson]
P.N. Wyse Jackson and M.E. Parkes, William Hellier Baily: forever an Acting Palaeontologist, Local Heroes, Geological Curators' Group meeting, Dublin, Ireland, December 2007, 2007, pp9
P.N. Wyse Jackson and Marcus M. Key, Jr., Borings in trepostome bryozoans from the Ordovician of Estonia: two ichnogenera produced by single maker, a case of host morphology control., Lethaia, 40, 2007, p237 - 252
P.N. Wyse Jackson, Irish Rock Stars: George Henry Kinahan (1829-1908), Earth Science Ireland, 1, 2007, p11-
P.N. Wyse Jackson, Review of Illustrators and their illustrations of Maltese Fossils and Geology: a historical and biographical account, by George Zammit Maempel , Earth Sciences History, 26, (2), 2007, p390-392
Earth Sciences History, 26, 1, (2007), 1 - 190p, P.N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
P.N. Wyse Jackson, John Joly (1857-1933): the sailing geologist, Local Heroes, Geological Curators' Group meeting, Dublin, Ireland, December 2007, 2007, pp8-
P.N. Wyse Jackson, Irish Rock Stars: John Joly (1857-1933) , Earth Science Ireland, 2, 2007, p11-
F.K. McKinney and P.N. Wyse Jackson, Workshop on Fenestrata, 14th meeting of the International Bryozoology Association, Boone, North Carolina, USA, July 2007, 2007, pp1 - 75
M.E. Spencer Jones & P.N. Wyse Jackson, Where is that bryozoan collection?, 14th meeting of the International Bryozoology Association, Boone, North Carolina, USA, July 2007, edited by S.J. Hageman and F.K. McKinney , 2007, pp76-
Wyse Jackson, P.N., Spencer Jones, M.E., The quiet workforce: The various roles of women in geological and natural history museums during the early to mid-1900s, Geological Society Special Publication, 281, 2007, p97-113
Earth Sciences History, 26, 2, (2007), 191 - 406p, P.N. Wyse Jackson, [Editor]
The contribution of women to geological studies and education in Ireland in, editor(s)Burek, C. & Higgs, B. , The Role of Women in the History of Geology, London, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 281, 2007, pp137 - 153, [B. Higgs & P.N. Wyse Jackson]
P.N. Wyse Jackson, Bryozoans: notable inhabitants of Irish coastal waters, Sherkin Comment, 43, 2007, p11-
P.N. Wyse Jackson, Four Centuries of Geological Travel: The Search for Knowledge on Foot, Bicycle, Sledge and Camel. , London, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 287, 2007, vi+415pp
M. Steinthorsdottir, P.N. Wyse Jackson, S.J. Hageman & A. Abernethy, Phenotypic variation in a rhabdomesine bryozoan from the Mississippian of Ireland, 14th meeting of the International Bryozoology Association, Boone, North Carolina, USA, July 2007, edited by S.J. Hageman and F.K. McKinney , 2007, pp77-
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Geological Time and the Age of the Earth, Appalachian State University Geology Seminar Series, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina, USA, 31 October 2006, 2006
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Jurassic Bark!: an exhibition of fossil and living plants: National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin: May - June 2006., 2006, -
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The Chronologers' Quest: episodes in the search for the age of the Earth, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006, 1 - 296pp
P.N. Wyse Jackson, An account of a geological visit to the Foze Rocks (near the Blaskets) by John Joly in August 1908, The Kerry Magazine, 16, 2006, p28 - 31
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Sir Richard John Griffith (1784-1878), public servant, valuator, and geologist. , Irish Genealogical Research Society, Irish Branch meeting, Dublin City Library, 13 May 2006, 2006
Bryozoen in, editor(s)M.R.W. Amler & D. Stoppel , Deutsche Stratigraphische Kommission (Hrsg.): Stratigraphie von Deutschland VI. Unterkabon (Mississippian)., Hanover, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 2006, pp101 - 105, [H.M. Weber & P.N. Wyse Jackson]
Wyse Jackson, P.N., McKinney, F.K., Bancroft, A.J., Fenestrate bryozoan genera based on species from Ireland originally described by Frederick M'Coy in 1844, Palaeontology, 49, (4), 2006, p741-767
P.N. Wyse Jackson, A. Ernst and D.V. Lisitsyn, Thamniscus King, 1849 (Fenestellida: Bryozoa): William King's original specimens and their bearing on the genus concept, Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal, 2006, (1), 2006, p72 - 74
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, International Bryozoology Association Larwood meeting, 10 March 2006, 2006, Trinity College, Dublin
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Society for the History of Natural History meeting - Naturalists, their books and their libraries. , 24-26 March 2006, 2006, Trinity College, Dublin & National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin
Wyse Jackson, P.N., The Honorable George Knox (1765-1827), parliamentarian and mineral collector: His collections in Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, Mineralogical Record, 37, (6), 2006, p543-551
Earth Sciences History, 25, 1, (2006), 1 - 192p, P.N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
The Geological Curator, 8, 6, (2006), 269 - 294p, P.N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Earth Sciences History, 25, 2, (2006), 193 - 292p, P.N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Wyse Jackson, P.N., Bryozoa from Waulsortian buildups and their lateral facies (Mississippian, Carboniferous) in Belgium and Ireland, CFS Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, (257), 2006, p149-159
The Geological Curator, 8, 5, (2006), 203 - 268p, P.N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, John Joly (1857-1933), an extraordinary scientist, British Assocition for the Advancement of Science Festival of Science, Trinity College, Dublin, 9 September 2005, 2005
T.M. Sampson, M.M. Key, Jr., P.N. Wyse Jackson and W.P. Patterson, Implications of sampling strategy on C and O isotope chemostratigraphy: a test from the Ordovician of Estonia, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America North-Eastern Section meeting, 2005, 37, (1), 2005, pp69 - 69
H.I. Moyano G., J.M. Cancino and P.N. Wyse Jackson, Bryozoan Studies 2004: Proceedings of the 13th International Bryozoology Association conference, Conception, Chile., 1st, Lisse, A.A. Balkema, 2005, x - 411pp
Wyse Jackson, P.N., Irish 'Rock Stars': James Ernest Richey (1886-1968), ES2k, 11, 2005, p12 - 12
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Guidelines for the curation of geological materials: setting or simply revisiting the standards? , Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections international symposium, Natural History Museum, London, 16 June 2005, 2005
P.N. Wyse Jackson, M.M. Key, Jr. and M.E. Burns, Bored bryozoans from the Ordovician of Estonia: a biological reinterpretation of the ichnogenus Sanctum Erickson and Bouchard, 2003., Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America Annual meeting, Denver, 2005, 37, (7), 2005, pp104 - 104
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The origins and culture of Trinity's Geological Museum, National Gallery of Ireland Lecture, National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin, 24 April 2005, 2005
Earth Sciences History, 24, 2, (2005), 153 - 296p, P.N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
P.N. Wyse Jackson, Guidelines for the curation of geological material: setting or simply revisiting the standards?, SPNHC Realising Standards 2005, SPNHC Realising Standards 2005, London, June 2005, edited by G.C. Miller and P. Davis , 2005, pp8 - 9
B. Higgs and P.N. Wyse Jackson, The role of women in the history of geology in Ireland., Women in Geology, London, November 2005, History of Geology Group, Geological Society of London, 2005
Key, M.M. jr., Wyse Jackson, P.N., Patterson, W.P. and Moore M.D., Stable isotope evidence for diagenesis of the Ordovician Courtown and Tramore Limestones, southeast Ireland, Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 23, 2005, p25 - 28
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Mary E. Spencer Jones, The hidden workforce: women in geological and natural history museums 1890-1930, History of Geology Group Symposium, Geological Society of London, 28 November 2005, 2005
The Geological Curator, 8, 3, (2005), 51 - 138p, P.N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
A bryozoan fauna from the Carboniferous (Mississippian, Late Viséan) of the Velbert Anticline, Germany. in, editor(s)Moyano G., H.I., Cancino, J.M., Wyse Jackson, P.N. , Bryozoan Studies 2004: Proceedings of the 13th International Bryozoology Association conference, Conception, Chile, Lisse, A.A. Balkema, 2005, pp375 - 381, [P.N. Wyse Jackson and H.M. Weber]
Wyse Jackson, P.N., Irish 'Rock Stars': Thomas Oldham (1816-1878), ES2k, 12, 2005, p12 - 12
Earth Sciences History, 24, 1, (2005), 1 - 152p, P.N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
P.N. Wyse Jackson and M.E. Spencer Jones, The hidden workforce: women in geological and natural history museums 1890-1930., Women in Geology, London, November 2005, History of Geology Group, Geological Society of London, 2005
The Geological Curator, 8, 4, (2005), 139 - 202p, P.N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Gigantism in Permian trepostomes from Greenland: testing the algal symbiosis hypothesis using ?13C and ?18O values. in, editor(s)Moyano G., H.I., Cancino, J.M., Wyse Jackson, P.N. , Bryozoan Studies 2004: Proceedings of the 13th International Bryozoology Association conference, Conception, Chile, Lisse, A.A. Balkema, 2005, pp141 - 151, [M.M. Key, Jr., P.N. Wyse Jackson, E. Håkansson, W.P. Patterson & M.D. Moore]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Thomas Hawkins, Lord Cole, William Sollas and all: casts of Lower Jurassic marine reptiles in the Geological Museum, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, The Geological Curator, 8, 2004, p11 - 18
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Review of Review of Thackray, J.C. (ed.) To see the Fellows fight: eye witness accounts of meetings of the Geological Society of London and its Club, 1822-1868. The British Society for the History of Science Monograph 12: 2003, by J.C. Thackray , Archives of Natural History, 31, (2), 2004, p367-368
The Geological Curator, 8, 1, (2004), 1 - 26p, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Irish 'Rock Stars': Rev. William Richardson (1740-1820), ES2k, 10, 2004, p12-
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Irish Contributions to the age of the Earth debate, Geological Society of Washington Lecture, Cosmos Club, Washington DC, USA, 13 October 2004, 2004
Close, Maxwell Henry (1822-1903), pp. 452-453; Fitton, William Henry (1780-1861), pp. 689-691; Ganly, Patrick (1809-99), pp. 750-751; Griffith, Richard John (1784-1878), pp. 847-848; Hardman, Edward Townley (1845-87), pp. 903-904; Joly, John (1857-1933), pp. 1098-1099; Kinahan, George Henry (1829-1908), pp. 1133-1134; Medlicott, Henry Benedict (1829-1905), pp. 1389-1390; Oldham, Richard Dixon (1858-1936), pp. 1500-1501; Oldham, Thomas (1816-78), pp. 1502-1503., B. Lightman, The Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century British Scientists , Bristol, Thoemmes Continuum, 2004, [Patrick N. Wyse Jackson]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Irish 'Rock Stars': John Kaye Charlesworth (1889-1972), ES2k, 9, 2004, p21-
The Geological Curator, 8, 2, (2004), 29 - 50p, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Robert George Spencer Hudson 1895-1965, Oxford Dictionary of Biography , 28, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004, pp588 - 589, [J.S. Jackson and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Bryozoans as cool-water biological paleoclimate indicators, Paleontological Society of Washington Lecture, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA, 15 December 2004, 2004
Ball, Sir Charles Bent, p. 63; geology, p. 435; geophysics, p. 435-436; Kane, Sir Robert John, p. 575; Museum of Irish Industry, p. 753; National Soil Survey of Ireland, p. 770; Royal College of Science for Ireland, p. 945; speleology, p. 1011, B. Lalor, The Encyclopedia of Ireland, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, 2003, [Patrick N. Wyse Jackson]
The Geological Curator, 7, 9, (2003), 323 - 350p, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, International Commission on the History of Geology (INHIGEO) 28th International Symposium, 14-18 July 2003, 2003, Trinity College, Dublin
Wyse Jackson, P.N., Buttler, C.J. and Sharpe, T. , Bryozoans and corsetry: the palaeontological work of George Robert Vine (1825-1893) of Sheffield. , Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 114, 2003, p339 - 344
The Geological Curator, 7, 10, (2003), 353 - 398p, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Sir Richard Griffith's catalogue of mines and mineral occurrences in Ireland: notes on various editions published between 1853 and 1862, Journal of the Mining Heritage Trust of Ireland, 2, 2002, p9 - 14
The Geological Curator, 7, 7, (2002), 235 - 296p, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Studies in Palaeozoic palaeontology and biostratigraphy in honour of C.H. Holland. Special Papers in Palaeontology, 67, (2002), 1 - 260p, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, M.A. Parkes and R. Wood, [eds.]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Permofenestella Morozova, 1974 (Fenestrata, Bryozoa): first record from the Lower Carboniferous of Ireland and western Europe, Irish Naturalists' Journal, 26, (11), 2002, p420 - 423
The Geological Curator, 7, 8, (2002), 299 - 319p, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
P.N. Wyse Jackson, C.J. Buttler and M.E. Spencer Jones, Bryozoan Studies 2001, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton (PA), Tokyo, A.A. Balkema, 2002, i-xii +1 - 409pp
P.N. Wyse Jackson and M.E. Spencer Jones, Annals of Bryozoology: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans, Dublin, International Bryozoology Association, 2002, i-viii+1 - 382pp
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Geology in the urban landscape, Extractive Industry Ireland Journal , 3, 2002, p59 - 63
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Classic Paper in the History of Geology: John Joly's paper: "Uranium and Geology" (1908), Episodes, 25, 2002, p258 - 263
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, C.J. Buttler and Marcus M. Key, Jr. , Comments on the proposed conservation of the specific names of Dianulites petropolitana Dybowski, 1877 and Diplotrypa petropolitana Nicholson, 1879 (Bryozoa). , Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 59, 2002, p42 - 44
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and W.E.N. Austin, Arthur Earland (1866-1958) and his links with Ireland, Journal of Micropalaeontology, 21, 2002, p167 - 168
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Michael Connolly, Fossils as Neolithic funereal adornments in County Kerry, southwest Ireland, Geology Today, 18, (4), 2002, p139 - 143
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Chronological listing of books published on the geology of Ireland from 1699 to 1999, Irish Naturalists' Journal, 26, 2001, p293 - 313
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, 12th International Conference International Bryozoology Association, 15-20 July 2001, 2001, Trinity College, Dublin
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, International Bryozoology Association and Society for the History of Natural History meeting - From John Ellis to bryostatins: the history of study of fossil and living bryozoans., 21 July 2001, 2001, Trinity College, Dublin
John Joly (1857-1933) and his determinations of the age of the Earth. in, editor(s)C.L.E. Lewis and S. Knell , The Age of the Earth: from 4004 BC to AD 22002, London, Geological Society of London, 2001, pp107 - 119, [Patrick N. Wyse Jackson]
The Geological Curator, 7, 5, (2001), 163 - 185p, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
The Geological Curator, 7, 6, (2001), 189 - 233p, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, C.J. Buttler and Marcus M. Key, Jr. , Case 3160 - Dianulites petropolitana Dybowski, 1877 and Diplotrypa petropolitana Nicholson, 1879 (Trepostomata, Bryozoa): proposed conservation of the specific names, Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 58, 2001, p215 - 219
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Kerry diamonds: facts and folklore, The Kerry Magazine, 12, 2001, p23 - 25
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson & Matthew A. Parkes, Irish Museums Association 'Geology for the Local Museum' , 4-5 November 2000, 2000, Trinity College, Dublin
P.N. Wyse Jackson, Science and Engineering in Ireland in 1798: a time of revolution, Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2000, i-viii, 1 - 81pp
The Geological Curator, 7, 4, (2000), 135 - 157p, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, J.R. Nudds and B. Higgs, Phanerotinus cristatus (Phillips, 1836): a giant flanged gastropod from the Lower Carboniferous of Ireland, Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 18, 2000, p113 - 122
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Rhombocladia dichotoma (M'Coy, 1844) [Fenestrata, Bryozoa]: designation of a lectotype, Bulletin of the Natural History Museum (Geology Series), 56, 2000, p133 - 134
The Geological Curator, 7, 3, (1999), 95 - 132p, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
The Geological Curator, 7, 1, (1999), 1 - 48p, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
The Geological Curator, 7, 2, (1999), 49 - 91p, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, William Henry Fitton (1780-1861) and the Wollaston Medal of 1852, Geoscientist, 6, 1998, p10
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Richard Kirwan (1733-1812): Chemist and Geologist, Irish Chemical News, 12, 1998, p36 - 39
Michael B. Wyse Jackson & Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, David Allardice Webb (1912-1994): bibliography of published writings - additions, Watsonia, 22, 1998, p206 - 207
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The Building Stones of Kerry, Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society Lecture, County Library, Tralee, Co. Kerry, 19 March 1998, 1998
The Geological Curator, 6, 10, (1998), 353 - 419p, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Paths of stone: promoting urban geology in Ireland., Irish Science Centres Association Network, University College, Galway, 31 Ovctober 1998, 1998
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The Building stones of Tralee: a walking guide, The Kerry Magazine, 9, 1998, p10 - 15
The Geological Curator, 6, 9, (1998), 317 - 350p, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Matthew A. Parkes & Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Geological collections in the Republic of Ireland, Museum Ireland, 8, 1998, p6 - 23
Matthew A. Parkes & Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, A survey of the state and status of geological collections in museums and private collections in the Republic of Ireland, The Geological Curator, 6, 1998, p377 - 388
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Veronica Burns 1914-1998, Curator Geological Museum, Trinity College, Dublin 1964-1980, The Geological Curator, 6, 1998, p339 - 340
The Geological Curator, 6, 7, (1997), 247 - 289p, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Alexander Nimmo's On the Application of the science of Geology to the purposes of Practical Navigation (1825): an early investigation on the nature of offshore geology, Earth Sciences History, 15, 1997, p167 - 171
P.N. Wyse Jackson and E. Vaccari, The Reverend George Graydon (c. 1753-1803): cleric and geological traveller, Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 1997, 1 - 14pp
The Geological Curator, 6, 8, (1997), 293 - 314p, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, J. Wilkinson, L. Lonergan, K. McCaffrey, Structural Controls and Genesis of Economic Deposits [Tectonic Studies Group and Mineral Deposits Studies Group of the Geological Society London; Irish Geological Association; Irish Association for Economic Geology], 8-9 November 1997, 1997, Trinity College, Dublin
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The Rev. George Graydon (c. 1753-1803): cleric and geological traveller. , National Committee for the History and Philosophy of Science: Public Lecture, Royal Irish Academy, 18 November 1997, 1997
Fluctuations in Fortune: Three Hundred Years of Irish Geology in, editor(s)J. Wilson Foster & H. Chesney , Nature in Ireland, Dublin, Lilliput Press, 1997, pp91 - 114, [Patrick N. Wyse Jackson]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Geological museums and their collections- neglected but rich sources for historian of geology, XXth congress on the history of science, Liege, Belgium, 26 July 1997, 1997
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Richard Kirwan 1733-1813: mineralogist and chemist, Meeting: Three centuries of Irish Chemistry., Royal Irish Academy, 12 September 1007, 1997
The Geological Curator, 6, 6, (1996), 221 - 244p, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
The Geological Curator, 6, 5, (1996), 187 - 217p, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Patrick Ganly (1809-1899) and the discovery of evidence of way-up in rocks on the Dingle Peninsul, The Kerry Magazine, 7, 1996, p8 - 9
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Bryozoa from the Lower Carboniferous (Viséan) of County Fermanagh, Ireland, Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, London (Geology), 52, 1996, p119 - 171
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Sir Charles Lewis Giesecke (1761-1833) and Greenland: a recently discovered mineral collection in Trinity College, Dublin, Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 15, 1996, p161 - 168
The Geological Curator, 6, 3, (1995), 117 - 145p, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson & A.J. Bancroft, Rhabdomeson Young and Young, 1874 (Bryozoa): proposed designation of Rhabdomeson progracile Wyse Jackson & Bancroft, 1995 as the type species, Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 52, 1995, p162 - 163
Ezio Vaccari and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The fossil fishes of Bolca and the travels in Italy of the Irish cleric George Graydon in 1791, Museologica Scientifica, 4, 1995, p57 - 81
The Geological Curator, 6, 4, (1995), 149 - 184p, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
The Geological Curator, 6, 2, (1994), 47 - 113p, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Palaeozoic Biostratigraphy and Palaeontology , 1994, Trinity College, Dublin
The Geological Curator, 6, 1, (1994), 1 - 45p, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, [eds.]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Geology of Kerry Exhibition: Kerry County Museum, Tralee May - June 1994; ENFO, Dublin August - October 1994, 1994, -
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, A Victorian Landmark: Trinity College's Museum Building, Irish Arts Review, 1994, p149 - 154
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Nigel T. Monaghan, Frederick M'Coy (c. 1823-1899): an eminent Victorian palaeontologist and his synopses of Irish palaeontology of 1844 and 1846, Geology Today, 10, 1994, p231 - 234
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Fish and other fossils from the Eocene of Bolca, Italy, The Geological Curator, 6, (2), 1994, p103 - 105
P.N. Wyse Jackson, In Marble Halls: geology in Trinity College, Dublin, Dublin, Department of Geology, Trinity College, Dublin, 1994, 1 - 135pp
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Ascopora Trautschold, 1876 (Bryozoa, Cryptostomata): proposed designation of Ceriopora nodosa Fischer de Waldheim, 1837 as the type species, Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature , 50, 1993, p13 - 15
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Ian S. Sanders, Geology of Dublin Exhibition: ENFO, Dublin March - April 1993, 1993, -
P.N. Wyse Jackson, The Building Stones of Dublin: a walking guide, Dublin, Country House, 1993, 1 - 67pp
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson & Ninian Falkiner, A Portrait of St Columba's College 1843-1993', Dublin, Old Columban Society, 1993, 1 - 126pp
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson & Ezio Vaccari, Volcanoes and Straw Bonnets: the Graydons of Burrishoole, Cathair na Mart, Journal of the Westport Historical Society, 13, 1993, p90 - 101
A Man of Invention: John Joly (1857-1933), engineer, physicist, and geologist in, editor(s)David S. Scott , Treasures of the Mind: A Trinity College Dublin Quatercentenary Exhibition, London, Sothebys, 1992, pp89-96; 158-160 , [Patrick N. Wyse Jackson]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson & Peter S. Wyse Jackson, The Irish Naturalist: 33 years of natural history in Ireland 1892-1924, Irish Naturalists' Journal, 24, 1992, p95 - 101
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The Geological Collections of Trinity College, Dublin, The Geological Curator, 5, (7), 1992, p263 - 274
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Gems under green wraps: Irish geological collections, The Geological Curator, 5, (7), 1992, p262
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The cycling geologist, Cycle Touring and Campaigning, June-July 1991, 1991, p26 - 27
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The Building Stones of Central Dublin, Technology Ireland, 22, 1991, p24 - 28
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Adrian J. Bancroft and Ian D. Somerville, Bryozoan zonation in a trepostome-dominated buildup from the Lower Carboniferous of North Wales, Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles de l'Ouest de la France, Mémoire HS 1, 1991, p551 - 559
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Distribution of Irish Marine Bryozoa, together with biographical notes relating to the chief researchers in the group, Bulletin Irish Biogeographical Society, 14, (2), 1991, p129 - 184
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and A.G. Sleeman, Return of Type, Figured, Referred and other fossils from the geological collections of Trinity College Dublin to the Geological Survey of Ireland', Geological Survey of Ireland Bulletin, 4, (3), 1990, p221 - 222
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Geology in Irish Museums. Geological Curators' Group Overseas Conference, 21-22 June 1990, 1990, Trinity College, Dublin
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Museum File 18: Geological Museum, Trinity College, Dublin, Geology Today, 6, 1989, p213 - 214
Geological Museum, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland in, editor(s)B.D. Webby , Fossil Collections of the World: An International Guide, Washington D.C., International Palaeontological Association, 1989, pp45 , [Patrick N. Wyse Jackson]
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, On Rocks and Bicycles: a biobibliography of Grenville Arthur James Cole (1859-1924) fifth Director of the Geological Survey of Ireland, Geological Survey of Ireland Bulletin , 4, 1989, p151 - 163
G. Sevastopulo, P.N. Wyse Jackson & R. Prokop, Functional morphology of the small disparid crinoid Pygmaeocrinus, Palaeontological Association Annual Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, 14-17 December 1988, 1988, pp13 - 14
P.N. Wyse Jackson, New fenestrate Bryozoa from the Carboniferous of County Fermanagh, Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 9, 1988, p197 - 208
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Statistical Survey of Geological and Geomorphological Excursions undertaken by the Dublin Naturalists' Field Club 1886-1986, Dublin Naturalists' Field Club Occasional Publication, 4, 1987, p1 - 14
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Robert Wyse Jackson: artist, historian, scholar and cleric, Cashel Arts Festival, Cashel, Co. Tipperary, 15 September, 2022
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, J.R.W. Jackson, Old Columban Society Bulletin, 76, 2021, p13 - 14
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, 'Talking History interview on the book on the Museum Building', Newtalk Radio, Dublin, 2020, -
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, 'Ballycarty Fossils', 20:20 KERRY: twenty objects, twenty stories, tales from the store room of KCM, 15 April 2020, Tralee, Kerry Radio, 2020, -
Louise Caulfield, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Andrew Tierney, Christine Casey, 'Irish Marble: Local to Global', Dublin, Making Victorian Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, 2018, -
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The geological trail at Rochdale Public Cemetery, Earth Science Ireland, 21, 2017, p5
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Dredging around Ireland: over 200 years of marine surveys, Sherkin Comment, 60, 2015, p7
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The Geological Heritage of West Kerry. Pedler's Lake: first evidence of the Ice Age in Ireland, West & Mid Kerry Live Corca Dhuibhne Beo , 155, 2015, p19-
Lena Viskova, Olga Weiss, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson and Andrej Ernst, Raisa Vasiljevna Gorjunova 1933-2014: an appreciation. , International Bryozoology Association Bulletin, 10, (1), 2014, p17 - 20
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Geological Heritage of West Kerry: Kilmurry Bay: egg-shaped boulders and fossil sand-dunes., West & Mid Kerry Live Corca Dhuibhne Beo, 132, 2014, p42
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The Geological Heritage of West Kerry. Ferriter's Cove: a haven of fossils, West & Mid Kerry Live Corca Dhuibhne Beo, (130), 2014, p54-
Vanessa and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson (eds), Rathgar Methodist Church (1874-2014): reflections on 140 years of service, worship & mission. , Dublin, Rathgar Methodist Church, 2014, 48pp
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Geological Heritage of West Kerry: Inch: a geological conundrum and more than an inch of sand, West & Mid Kerry Live Corca Dhuibhne Beo, 134, 2014, p50
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Geological Heritage of West Kerry: Slea Head: ancient rivers at the edge of Ireland., West & Mid Kerry Live Corca Dhuibhne Beo, 131, 2014, p32
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The Geological Heritage of West Kerry: volcanoes at Clogher Head, West & Mid Kerry Live Corca Dhuibhne Beo, 88, 2012, p45
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The Geological Heritage of West Kerry: fossils on the mythical mountain of Caherconree, West & Mid Kerry Live Corca Dhuibhne Beo, 85, 2012, p18
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The Roadside Geology of West Kerry, 2011, -
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Frank Kenneth (Ken) McKinney 1943-2011 [Obituary], International Bryozoology Association Bulletin, 7, (2), 2011, p6-8; 11-12
Adam Stuart Smith and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Discovering Ireland's Rocks and Fossils, Dublin, Ireland, Geoschol Books, 2009, 1 - 24pp
P.N. Wyse Jackson, Irish geology rockery opened in Dublin, Earth Science Ireland, 6, 2009, p25
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Great Irish Geoscientists, Geological Survey of Ireland, 2009
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The Building Stones of Ireland, Geoschol, Dublin, 2009
Adam Stuart Smith and Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, How tall are you? Travel through Ireland's geological past as you grow., Geoschol, Dublin, 2009
P.N. Wyse Jackson, Geology for Irish Schools - posters, activity book and website, Earth Science Ireland, 6, 2009, p4
P.N. Wyse Jackson, Irish Fossils Explained, Review of Irish Fossils, by P. Gaffikin , Earth Science Ireland, 4, 2008, p9
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Sir Richard John Griffith (1784-1878), public servant, valuator, and geologist. , Genealogical Society of Ireland meeting, Dun Laoghaire College of Further Education, 14 November 2006, 2006
P.N. Wyse Jackson, A cornucopia tinged with sadness, Earth Sciences History, 25, (2), 2006, p195 - 196
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, John Joly FRS (1857-1933): engineer, physicist and geologist. , Hamilton Maths Institute Public Lecture, Trinity College, Dublin, 15 February 2006, 2006
P.N. Wyse Jackson, A geological treasure trove: the Geological Museum, Trinity College, Dublin, Sherkin Comment, 41, 2006, p23 - 23
P.N. Wyse Jaclson and A. Murphy, Fossils: colouring and guide book., 1st, Sherkin Island, Cork, Sherkin Island Marine Station, 2005, 1 - 16pp
B. Higgs, C. Burek and P.N. Wyse Jackson, Is there genera bias in geology?, Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 23, 2005, p133 - 134
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The age of the Earth, Dickinson College Department of Geology Seminar, Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, USA, 22 October 2004, 2004
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, Fossils and Folklore, Dickinson College Library Seminar, Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, USA, October 2004, 2004
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, 'Volcanoes in Kerry', Ceiliuradh Ciarrai 2 - Celebrating County Kerry's Heritage, Radio Kerry, 2003, -
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, 'Dun an Oir', Ceiliuradh Ciarrai 2 - Celebrating County Kerry's Heritage, Radio Kerry, 2003, -
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, 'The Ice Age in Kerry', Ceiliuradh Ciarrai 2 - Celebrating County Kerry's Heritage, Radio Kerry, 2003, -
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, 'Mountain Formation', Ceiliuradh Ciarrai - Celebrating County Kerry's Heritage, Radio Kerry, 2001, -
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, 'Kerry Diamonds', Ceiliuradh Ciarrai - Celebrating County Kerry's Heritage, Radio Kerry, 2001, -
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, 'Tralee Courthouse', Ceiliuradh Ciarrai - Celebrating County Kerry's Heritage, Radio Kerry, 2001, -
P.N. Wyse Jackson, Carrick Lough Bryozoa: an exceptional fauna from the Lower Carboniferous of County Fermanagh, 32nd Annual Irish Geological Research Meeting, Queen's University, Belfast, 25-26 February 1989, 1989, pp3
Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, The Dublin Naturalists' Field Club - 1988 report, Irish Naturalists' Journal, 23, 1989, p165-
Research Expertise
- Title
- STONEBUILT Ireland 3
- Summary
- Builds on phases 1 and 2
- Funding Agency
- Geological Survey Ireland and Office of Public Works
- Date From
- September 2024
- Date To
- August 2027
- Title
- STONEBUILT Ireland 2
- Summary
- This project continues to build on the work of Stonebuilt Ireland 1 project (2019-20). It will further document quarries, stone types and buildings in Ireland, particularly those in public care, and will enhance the digital delivery of such information through the Geological Survey Ireland and through a dedicated interactive database. It will benefit local communities, conservationists, the extraction sector, and the reserach communities in the sciences and humanities.
- Funding Agency
- Geological Survey Ireland and Office of Public Works
- Date From
- 1-Dec-2020
- Date To
- 31-Nov-2022
- Title
- Summary
- Ireland contains a diverse range of rock types that are characterised as igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic origin, which have been utilised for building over the past 2,000 years and more. Until the mid-1900s local stone was generally used for vernacular, public and religious buildings, except where decorative stone had to be imported. Consequently, this has imparted a distinctive regional feel to villages, towns and cities. Dublin is characterised by use of Leinster Granite and imported Portland Stone, Galway through Mississippian limestones, while Cork and Kerry showcase structures built using local sandstone. By documenting sources of stone, and prominent examples of its use (in publicly accessible civic and religious buildings), STONEBUILT IRELAND aims to raise awareness of the regional characteristics of the built environment. The Department of Geology Trinity College Dublin, through collaboration with the Office of Public Works (OPW) and the Geological Survey Ireland (GSI) will provide a country-wide inventory of building stone analogous to those already available in Britain and Northern Ireland. In addition to promoting citizen science and awareness of local materials, the inventory will aid the public in complying with PART IV of the Planning and Development Act 2000, which requires owners to conserve protected structures. It will also assist local authorities in issuing Section 57 Declarations, which outline 'the type of works which it considers would or would not materially affect the character of the structure or any element of the structure'.
- Funding Agency
- Irish Research Council
- Date From
- March 2019
- Date To
- 31 November 2020
- Title
- Making Victorian Dublin
- Funding Agency
- Irish Research Council
- Date From
- December 2016
- Date To
- January 2019
- Title
- Palaeozoic Bryozoans of Ireland, Britain and Europe
- Funding Agency
- None
- Date From
- 1988
- Date To
- ongoing
- Title
- Revision of Bryozoa, Part G, Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology: Fenestrata
- Funding Agency
- University of Kansas
- Date From
- 2000
- Date To
- on going
- Title
- GEOSCHOL - Geology for schools in Ireland
- Summary
- This project will provide outreach materials to schools to promote an awareness of Ireland's geological heritage.
- Funding Agency
- Government of Ireland (120,000)
- Date From
- October 2007
- Date To
- September 2009
- Title
- The black and white photographs of John Joly
- Summary
- John Joly (1857-1933), Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, TCD, was a skillful photographer who invented a method of colour photography. He left a large collection of b/w glass negatives and these will be scaanned and archivally stored.
- Funding Agency
- The Heritage Council
- Date From
- 2006
- Date To
- 2007
International Bryozoology Association Council Member 1992-date; Conference volume facilitator 2001-date; President-Elect 2010-2013; President 2013-2016; International Conference host 2001 and 2022
History of the Earth Sciences Society (U.S.A.) Councilor-at-large
Editor 'The Geological Curator', Geological Curators' Group
Geological Curators' Group, Chairman
National Committee for the History of Science in Ireland, Royal Irish Academy Member 1996-2012; Chair 2005-2009
National Committee for Geology, Royal Irish Academy Member 1996-1999; 2003-2004
National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics, Royal Irish Academy, Member
Society for the History of Natural History Representative for Ireland
History of Geology Group, Geological Society of London, Committee member
Irish Geological Association Secretary 1989-1990; Vice President 1994; President 1995-1996
Dublin Naturalists' Field Club Hon. Secretary 1988-1991; Vice President 1994-1995; President 1992-1993; Committee member/Director 1988-1995, 2005-2006
Earth Sciences History, Editor 2005-2007; Associate Editor 2008-date
Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, Royal Irish Academy, Editorial Board
External Ph.D. reviewer: University of Birmingham
External Ph.D. reviewer: University of Reading
External Ph.D. reviewer: Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh
Journal of Paleontology, USA, Associate Editor
Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, Royal Irish Academy, Editor
Palaeontographical Society, UK: Vice-President
Voting Member on the Subcommission on Heritage Stones (International Union of Geological Sciences)
Irish Stone Forum (founder)
Advisor on historical stone use: Office of Public Works; Geological Survey Ireland; Dublin City Council, Trinity Estates and Facilities; Dublin Civic Trust; Irish Georgian Society; Kerry County Council; Kerry Museum; several conservation architectural practices.
Advisor on Irish dimension stone for inclusion in European database, European Committee for Standardization, Brussels
Reviewer: Austrian Science Council (external grant assessor); Journal of Palaeontology, Palaeontology, Special Papers in Palaeontology, Lethaia, Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, Journal of Earth Sciences, OU Geological Journal, Paleobiology, Acta Paleontological Polonica, Memoirs of the Australasian Paleontological Association, Geological Society of America Special Publications, Geological Society of London Special Publications, Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie, Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, Geobiology, Paleoworld, Journal of Palaeontology and others
Awards and Honours
Sylvester Bradley Award, Palaeontological Association
Paleontological Society of Washington - honorary membership
Fellow, Trinity College, Dublin
Trinity Monday Memorial Discourse 'John Joly'
New Permian bryozoan species named: Phragmophera patricki Ernst & Nakrem, 2007
International Bryozoology Association President-Elect
New Permian bryozoan genus named: Wysejacksonella Ernst & Gorgij, 2013
International Bryozoology Association President
New Permian bryozoan genus named: Wyseotrypa Gilmour, 2014
Member Royal Irish Academy
History of Geology Group (Geological Society of London) - honorary membership
International Bryozoology Association
Geological Curators' Group
International Commission on the History of Geology (INHIGEO)
Palaeontological Association
Paleontological Society
History of Earth Sciences Society
Society for the History of Natural History
History of Geology Group, Geological Society of London
Dublin Naturalists' Field Club
Irish Geological Association
Palaeontographical Society, UK