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Dr. Tadhg Stapleton
Associate Professor Occupational Therapy, Occupational Therapy


Tadhg Stapleton joined the lecturing staff in the Discipline of Occupational Therapy in Trinity College Dublin in 2001. Prior to taking up his current post he worked as an occupational therapist in Ireland, UK, and USA, principally in the areas of adult neurological rehabilitation and older adult rehabilitation in both hospital and community settings. He is currently Head of the Discipline of Occupational Therapy since July 2015, and oversees the delivery of the four year undergraduate degree programme and the one year occupational therapy degree programme (Singapore). His research interest include driving and community mobility for people with medical conditions, outcomes of occupational therapy interventions across a variety of clinical conditions including stroke, dementia and mild cognitive impairment, inflammatory arthritis, obesity, prolonged disorders of consciousness and others.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Spirtos M,. Stapleton T., Interventions for sleep disorders in children with cerebral palsy (CP) - a systematic review, AOTI Conference 2024 Book of Abstracts, Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland, 26th 27th September, 2024, pp39 - 40 Oral Presentation, 2024

Y. Codd, T. Fitzgerald, J. Brownlee, K. Mahon, T. Stapleton, O. Glennon, G. Killeen, D. Kane, Work-able solutions: preliminary report on the identification and need for an integrated care occupational therapy work intervention for individuals with musculoskeletal disorders and arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, EULAR, Vienna, Austria, 12th-16th June 2024, 83, (Suppl 1), 2024, pp2177- Published Abstract, 2024 DOI

Stapleton T., Norris L., Clancy K., O Gorman A., Bannan C., Kent B., Conlon P., Nadajaran P., Kerr C., Connolly D., Outcomes of a fatigue management intervention for people with post COVID-19 condition., American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation., 103, (5), 2024, p410 - 417 Journal Article, 2024 TARA - Full Text DOI

Cunningham L, Horgan F, Stapleton T., Impact of post stroke cognitive impairment on return to work following mild stroke and TIA, European Life after Stroke Forum 2024, Dublin, March 2024, 2024 Poster, 2024

Codd, Y., Porter-Armstrong, A., Turtle, B., McNally, A., McArdle, M.,, Stinson, M., MCIlwaine, P., Abbi, L., Morrow, F., Hughes, T., Maguire, A., Stapleton, T., A Communities of Practice approach to understand barriers and facilitators in implementing clinical based stroke research, Irish Heart Foundation Stroke Conference, Dublin, 15th November 2024, 2024 Oral Presentation, 2024

Cunninghan L,. Stapleton T., Horgan F., Impact of post-stroke cognitive impairment on returning to work in working-aged stroke survivors: a systematic review, Irish Heart Foundation Stroke Study Day for Healthcare Professinals2024, Dublin, 15th November, 2024 Oral Presentation, 2024

Dickerson AE., Stapleton T., Bloss J., Gelinas I., Harries P., Choi M., Margot-Cattin I., Mazer B., Patomella AH., Swanepoel L., Van Niekerk L., Unsworth C., Vrkljan B., A systematic review of effective interventions and strategies to support the transition of older adults from driving to driving retirement/cessation, Innovation in Aging, 8, (6), 2024, pigae054 Journal Article, 2024 URL

Cunningham, L., Stapleton, T., Horgan, F., Impact of post-stroke cognitive impairment (PCSI) on return to work (RTW) in working-aged stroke survivors following minor stroke and TIA, Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy, Association of Occupational Therapists Of Ireland (AOTI) Annual Conference, Ireland, 26th 27th September, 52, (2), Emerald Insight, 2024, pp99 - 99 Published Abstract, 2024 DOI

O'Donnell M, Eadie P, Dorairaj J, Stapleton T, Advanced practice occupational therapy led triage and treatment clinic for patients with carpal tunnel syndrome in an Irish public hospital, Musculoskeletal Care, 21, (3), 2023, p633 - 643 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Codd Y, Coe A, Mullan RH, Kane D, Stapleton T, 'My role as a parent, to me, it has narrowed' the impact of early inflammatory arthritis on parenting roles: a qualitative study, Disability and Rehabilitation, 45, (1), 2023, p72 - 80 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Codd Y, Coe A, Kane D, Mullan R, Stapleton T, Experiences of working with early inflammatory arthritis: a qualitative descriptive study., Rheumatology, British Society for Rheumatology Annual Conference 2023, 62, (Supplement 2), 2023, ppii43 - ii44 Published Abstract, 2023 DOI

Codd Y, Coe A, Kane D, Mullan RH, Stapleton T., A multidisciplinary led early arthritis service to manage client identified participation restrictions in early inflammatory arthritis: A qualitative study of service user and staff perspectives, Musculoskeletal Care, 21, (1), 2023, p130 - 142 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

McCann A, Stapleton T, DeLargy M., Ready to Care- Informal Caregiving for People With Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness in Ireland, International Brain Injury Association 14th World Congress on Brain Injury, Dublin, 2023, 2023 Oral Presentation, 2023

Stapleton T, Elliott O'Dare Catherine, Measuring community participation among older adults using the UAB Life Space Assessment., Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland (AOTI) Conference 2023, Ireland, 5th-6th October, 2023 Oral Presentation, 2023

Dickerson A, Stapleton T, Margot-Cattin I, Harries P, Gelinas I, Choi M, Swanepoel L, Unsworth C., A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES OR INTERVENTIONS TO SUPPORT DRIVING CESSATION AMONG OLDER ADULTS, Innovation in Aging, Gerontological Society of America, Annual Scientific Meeting 2023., Tampa, Florida, Nov 8-12, 2023, 7, (S1), Oxford Academic, 2023, pp878- Published Abstract, 2023 DOI

Stapleton T, Jetter K, Commins S., Recommendations on developing an on-road fitness-to-drive route and test that incorporates an assessment for higher cognitive functioning, Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy, 51, (2), 2023, p60 - 72 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Griffin A, Stapleton T, Occupational Therapy Cognitive Rehabilitation and dementia - The Specialised Memory and Attention Rehabilitation Program, British Geriatrics Society Northern Ireland Meeting 2022, online, 27 May 2022, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022

Griffin A, O'Gorman A, Robinson D, Gibb D, Stapleton T., The impact of an occupational therapy group cognitive rehabilitation program for people with dementia, Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 69, (3), 2022, p331 - 340 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Unsworth C, Dickerson A, Gelinas I, Harries P, Margot-Cattin I, Mazer B, Stapleton T, Swanepoel L, Trimmer A, Van Niekerk L, Vrkljan B., Linking people and activities through community mobility: an international comparison of the mobility patterns of older drivers and non-drivers, Ageing and Society, 42, (8), 2022, p1938 - 1963 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Codd Y, Coe A, Kane D, Mullan R, Stapleton T, Irish experiences of parenting with early inflammatory arthritis: a qualitative study, The Lancet Rheumatology, The Lancet Summit: Sex and Gender in Rheumatology, 22 September 2022, Vol 4., (Suppl. 1), ScienceDirect, 2022, ppS7- Oral Presentation, 2022 DOI

Codd Y, Coe A, Mullan RH, Kane D, Stapleton T, 'You don't want to be seen as a burden' experiences of working with early inflammatory arthritis: a qualitative study, Disability and Rehabilitation, early online, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Clancy K, Connolly D, Norris L, O'Gorman A, Bannon C, Nadarajan P, Stapleton T., Impact of an Occupational Therapy intervention on fatigue and quality of life (QoL) for people post- COVID 19 in an Irish setting, Infectious Diseases Society of Ireland IDSI Conference 2022, Dublin, 19-20 May , 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022

Stapleton T, Elliott O'Dare C., Use of the UAB Life Space Assessment to address community participation among older adults , World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) Congress 2022, Paris, 28-31 August 2022, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022 URL

Usher R, Stapleton T., Assessing Older Adults Decision-Making Capacity for Independent Living: Practice Tensions and Complexities, Journal of Applied Gerontology, 41, (5), 2022, p1264 - 1273 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Griffin A, Stapleton T, O'Gorman A., The impact of an occupational therapy cognitive rehabilitation program for people with dementia - the Specialised Memory and Attention Rehabilitation Therapy (SMART) program, Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland (AOTI) Conference 2022, Athlone, 7-8 Oct , 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022

O'Keeffe H, Nolan R, Gibb M, Stapleton T, Usher R., Occupational Therapy in Dementia Care - E-Learning initiative, Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland (AOTI) Conference 2022, Athlone, 7-8 Oct, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022

Norris L, Clancy K, O'Gorman A, Connolly D, Bannon C, Nadarajan P, Kent B, Stapleton T, Designing and evaluating the implementation of an Occupational Therapy led Fatigue Management Programme (FaME-PC) for individuals with persistent fatigue Post-COVID 19 (SARS-CoV-2) infection., 32nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases ECCMID, Lisbon, Portugal, April 23- 26, 2022 Poster, 2022

Mazer B, Gelinas I, Van Niekerk L, Dickerson A, Harris P, Margot-Cattin I, Stapleton T, Swanepoel L, Unsworth C, Vrkljan B, Community mobility and changes in out-of-home participation in older adults: An international study, World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) Congress 2022, Paris, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022 URL

Clancy K, O'Gorman A, Norris, Stapleton T, Connolly D., The impact of an occupational therapy (OT) led fatigue management programme for post-COVID patients, Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland (AOTI) Conference 2022, Athlone, 7-8 October, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022

Usher R. , Stapleton T., OLDER ADULTS DECISION-MAKING CAPACITY FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING: OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY CONTRIBUTIONS TO COLLABORATIVE MULTIDISCIPLINARY ASSESSMENT, Age and Ageing, Annual and Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society 2022: New Frontiers in Gerontology, Cavan, Ireland, 51, (Supplement 3), 2022 Published Abstract, 2022 DOI

Aine Coe, Joan Elliott, Paul O'Brien, Mary Martin, Anne O'Driscoll, Yvonne Codd, Tadhg Stapleton, An Evaluation of an Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment Pathway for cognitively impaired drivers attending geriatric services in Naas General Hospital., Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland Annual Conference, Athlone, Ireland, 7-8th October 2022, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022 URL

Usher R, Stapleton T, Assessment of older adults' decision-making capacity in relation to independent living: A scoping review, Health and Social care in the Community, 30, (2), 2022, pe255 - e277 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Usher R, Stapleton T, Occupational Therapy Practice in Assessment of Older Adults' Decision-Making Capacity for Independent Living in the Irish Context: Findings from a Consensus Meeting, World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) Congress 2022, Paris, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022 URL

Vrkljan B, Unsworth C, Patomella AH, Margot-Cattin I, Dickerson A, Van Niekerk L, Stapleton T, Swanepoel L, Harris P, Gelinas I, Mazer B, Advancing the role of occupational therapy for lifelong community mobility: Building global bridges, World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) Congress 2022, Paris, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022 URL

Carr, E., Spirtos, M., O'Donnell, M., Stapleton, T., Naughton, M., Flexor tendons - What happens after surgery., Irish Hand Surgery Society Annual Meeting, Virtual, May 22nd 2021, 2021 Oral Presentation, 2021

Coe A, Martin M, Codd Y, Stapleton T, A Qualitative Evaluation of the Memory Strategy Education Group: The Service Users' Perspective., Association of Occupational Therapists in Ireland Annual Conference 2021, 2021 Oral Presentation, 2021

Yvonne Codd, Áine Coe, Ronan H. Mullan, David Kane, Tadhg Stapleton , 'You don't want to be seen as a burden': Experiences of working with early inflammatory arthritis., Irish Rheumatology Health Professional Society Conference, Virtual, 17th September 2021, 2021 Poster, 2021

Yvonne Codd, Áine Coe, Ronan H. Mullan, David Kane, Tadhg Stapleton, 'My role as a parent, to me, it has narrowed': The pervasive impact of early inflammatory arthritis on parenting roles. A qualitative study, Irish Rheumatology Health Professional Society Conference, Virtual, 17th September, 2021 Oral Presentation, 2021

Rehabilitation Equipment in, editor(s)O'Hanlon S., Smith M. , A Comprehensive Guide to Rehabilitation of the Older Patient, 4th ed, London, Elsevier, 2021, pp53 - 58, [Horgan F., Galvin R., Connolly D., Stapleton T.] Book Chapter, 2021 URL

Codd, Y., Mullan, R., Kane, D., Coe, Á., & Stapleton, T., 'The right advice, in the right way and at the right time': An Innovative Multidisciplinary Approach to Address Client-Identified Participation Needs in Early Inflammatory Arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, EULAR - 21st Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, Virtual, 2-4th June 2021, 80 , (Suppl 1), 2021, pp291 Poster, 2021 URL

Spirtos M, Naughton M, Carr E, Stapleton T, O'Donnell M., Post-operative management of flexor tendon injuries at zone II and flexor Pollicis Longus - a survey of Irish practice, Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy, 49, (2), 2021, p70 - 76 Journal Article, 2021 DOI TARA - Full Text

Kathleen Clancy, Deirdre Connolly, Louise Norris, Aoife O Gorman, Tadhg Stapleton, Designing and Evaluating an Innovative Occupational Therapy (OT) rehabilitation programme for people post COVID-19 , Association of Occupational Therapists in Ireland Annual Conference 2021, online, October, 2021 Oral Presentation, 2021

Stapleton T, A pilot study using the Life Space Assessment among community-dwelling older adults in Ireland, Innovation in Aging, Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, November 2020, 4, (Supplement 1), Oxford University Press, 2020, pp673- Oral Presentation, 2020 DOI

Usher R, Stapleton T, Occupational therapy and decision-making capacity assessment: A survey of practice in Ireland , Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 67, (2), 2020, p110 - 120 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Coe, A., Martin M., Stapleton T., The Memory Strategy Education Group (MSEG): A practical guide to implementing an evidence-based memory strategy education group intervention., Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland (AOTI) Annual Conference 2020, 2020 Oral Presentation, 2020 URL

Codd, Y., Coe A., Stapleton T., Exploring the Impact of Early Inflammatory Arthritis on Participation: How do Clinical Services Address Client identified Participation Restrictions?, Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland (AOTI) Annual Conference 2020, 2020 Oral Presentation, 2020 URL

Coe A, Martin M, Stapleton T, Effects of an occupational therapy memory strategy education group intervention on Irish older adults' selfmanagement of everyday memory difficulties., Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 33, (1), 2019, p37 - 63 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Usher, R; Stapleton, T, Decision-Making Capacity Assessment: Occupational Therapy Contribution within a Multidisciplinary Approach, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society meeting, Cork, 27/9/2019, 48, (Supplement 3), Oxford Academic, 2019, iii17 - iii65 Published Abstract, 2019 DOI

Usher R, Stapleton T, Approaches for assessing decision-making capacity in older adults; a scoping review protocol, JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 17, (0), 2019, p1 - 9 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Stack AH, Duggan O, Stapleton T, Assessing fitness to drive after stroke: A survey investigating current practice among occupational therapists in Ireland., Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy, 46, (2), 2018, p106 - 129 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Usher R, Stapleton T, Overview of the Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act (2015): Implications and opportunities for occupational therapy, Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy, 46, (2), 2018, p130 - 140 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Paul McElwaine, Joan McCormack, Michael McCormick, Anthony Rudd, Carmel Brennan, Heather Coetzee, Paul E Cotter, Rachel Doyle, Anne Hickey, Frances Horgan, Cliona Loughnane, Chris Macey, Paul Marsden, Dominick McCabe, Riona Mulcahy, Imelda Noone, Emer Shelley, Tadhg Stapleton, David Williams, Peter Kelly, Joseph Harbison., Thrombolysis for Stroke in Ireland: Increasing access and maintaining safety in a challenging environment., Irish Journal of Medical Science, 187, 2018, p275 - 280 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Vaucher P, Choi M, Gelinas I, Harries P, Margot-Cattin I, Mazer B, Van Niekerk L, Patomella AH, Stapleton T, Swanepoel L, Unsworth C, Vrkljan B. , Development of the International Expert Advisory Panel on Community Health and Transport (I-CHaT) to coordinate research on transport mobility. , British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 81, (5), 2018, p245 - 246 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Usher R, Stapleton T, Occupational Therapy and decision making capacity assessment: Preliminary findings from an Irish study, AOTI Older Person Advisory Group Study Day, Dublin, 12 October 2018, 2018 Poster, 2018

Margot-Cattin I, Vrkljan B, Gelinas I, Mazer B, Choi M, Harries P, Patomella AH, Stapleton T, Swanepoel L, Van Niekerk L, Vaucher P, Unsworth C, Examining community transport mobility transitions in an ageing society using an occupational lens: an I-CHaT project, World Federation of Occupational Therapists Congress 2018, South Africa, 21-25 May 2018, 2018 Poster, 2018

O'Gorman A, Stapleton T, Duggan O, Returning to drive post stroke: a national survey investigating occupational therapists' evaluation practices in Ireland, British Journal of Occupational Therapy, Royal College of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference 2018, Belfast, 11-13 June 2018, 81, (8 Suppl), Sage Journals, 2018, pp20 - 21 Published Abstract, 2018

Codd Y, Stapleton T, Kane D, Mullan R, A survey to establish current practice in addressing work participation with inflammatory arthritis in the Irish clinical setting, Musculoskeletal Care, 16, (1), 2018, p158 - 162 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Codd Y, Stapleton T,Mullan R, Kane D, , How is work participation for those with inflammatory arthritis currently addressed in rheumatology services? Irish rheumatology clinicians' experiences and perspectives., Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland Annual Conference, Limerick, 22-23 April 2017, 2017 Poster, 2017

Haughey F, Morgan J, McLeod F, Stapleton T, Preparing stroke survivors to self manage a non-functional upper limb: a survey of occupational therapists and physiotherapists in Ireland, 14th Congress of the European Forum for Research and Rehabilitation, Glasgow Caledonian University, 24-27 May 2017, 2017 Poster, 2017

Stapleton T, Weyham A., Long term driving patterns and confidence post acquired brain injury, National Office for Traffic Medicine Research Day. Health Mobililty and Road Safety., Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, 14 March 2017, 2017 Oral Presentation, 2017

McManus E, O'Connor C, Stapleton T, Dolan C., Experience of work for people with multiple sclerosis and occupational therapy role, Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland Annual Conference, Limerick, 22-23 April 2017, 2017 Oral Presentation, 2017

Paul McElwaine, Joan McCormack, Michael McCormick, Anthony Rudd, Carmel Brennan, Heather Coetzee, Paul E Cotter, Rachel Doyle, Anne Hickey, Frances Horgan, Cliona Loughnane, Chris Macey, Paul Marsden, Dominick McCabe, Riona Mulcahy, Imelda Noone, Emer Shelley, Tadhg Stapleton, David Williams, Peter Kelly, Joseph Harbison., A comparison of service organisation and guideline compliance between two adjacent European health services, European Stroke Journal, 2, (3), 2017, p238 - 243 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Buckley S, Robinson K, Stapleton T, Driving and depression: Health professional's perspectives in Ireland, Journal of Transport and Health, 7, (Part B), 2017, p235 - 246 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Coe A, Stapleton T, Martin M, A study to examine the effectiveness of a memory strategy education group for clients presenting with mild cognitive impairment and early dementia in a acute general hospital., COTEC-ENOTHE Congress, National University of Ireland Galway, 15-19 June 2016, 2016 Oral Presentation, 2016

Buckley S, Robinson K, Stapleton T., The current knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding fitness to drive with individuals with depression; Perspectives of health professionals in Ireland., Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy, AOTI Conference 2015, Galway, 28/03/2015, 44, (1), 2016, pp27 - 28 Published Abstract, 2016

Sok Mui Lim, Tadhg Stapleton , Exploration of occupational justice in developed Asian societies, Journal of Occupational Science, 23, (3), 2016, p389 - 396 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Buckley S, Robinson K, Stapleton T, Driving and Depression:Irish health professional's perspectives., COTEC-ENOTHE Congress, National University of Ireland Galway, 15-19 June 2016, 2016 Oral Presentation, 2016

Howard M, Stapleton T, Van den Bergh N, Yoder R, O'Shea D, An exploration into the impact of obesity on the daily occupational participation of adults attending an Irish weight management clinic, Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy, AOTI Conference 2015, Galway, 27/03/2015, 44, (1), 2016, pp15 - 16 Published Abstract, 2016

Tinnelly M, O'Toole L, Crowe S, Stapleton T., 'Memory and Lifestyle': Exploring the impact of an occupational therapy intervention on the health and well-being of adults with mild cognitive impairment in a primary care setting., COTEC-ENOTHE Congress, National University of Ireland Galway, 15-19 June 2016, 2016 Poster, 2016

Stapleton T, Elliott J, Weyham A., Occupational Therapy involvement in assessing fitness to drive for people with Neurological Disabilities and Cognitive Impairment., Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy, AOTI Conference 2015, Galway, 28/03/2015, 44, (1), 2016, pp25 - 25 Published Abstract, 2016

Stapleton T, Eliott J., Outcomes of an occupational therapy driving assessment pathway for people with stroke and mild cognitive impairment in an Irish acute care hospital., COTEC-ENOTHE Congress, National University of Ireland Galway, 15-19 June 2016, 2016 Oral Presentation, 2016

Howard M, Stapleton T, Van den Bergh N, Yoder R, O'Shea D, The impact of a 'vicious cycle' on the daily functioning of a group of severely obese adults, Clinical Obesity, 6, (5), 2016, p341 - 353 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Coe A, Stapleton T, Martin M, OUTCOMES OF A MEMORY STRATEGY EDUCATION GROUP INTERVENTION FOR CLIENTS WITH MILD COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT AND EARLY DEMENTIA, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society, Ireland, 45, (Suppl_2), Oxford University Press, 2016 Published Abstract, 2016 DOI

Stapleton T, Eliott J., Development of a driving assessment pathway for stroke and mild cognitive impairment in an Irish acute care hospital. , Gerontologist, Gerontological Society of America, Orlando, Florida USA, 18-22 November 2015, 55, (Suppl_2), Oxford University Press, 2015, pp804- Oral Presentation, 2015 DOI

Buckley SE, Robinson K, Stapleton T, Medical fitness to drive and mental health: Are you aware of the guidelines?, Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy, 43, (1), 2015, p35 - 42 Journal Article, 2015

Stapleton T, Connolly D, O'Neill D, Factors Influencing the Clinical Stratification of Suitability to Drive after Stroke: A Qualitative Study, Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 29, (3), 2015, p253 - 271 Journal Article, 2015 URL DOI

Stapleton T., Engaging Generalists Occupational Therapists in the Process of Assessing Fitness to Drive after Stroke and Cognitive Impairments, American Occupational Therapy Association 94th Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD USA, 3-6 April 2014, 2014 Oral Presentation, 2014

Stapleton T., AOTA 2014: Older Driver Initiative Update. Developments for Occupational Therapy in Ireland, American Occupational Therapy Association 94th Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD USA, 2-6 April 2014, 2014 Oral Presentation, 2014

Lim SM, Stapleton T, Chan ML, Connolly D.., Evaluation of a newly established occupational therapy degree course in Singapore, Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference 2014, Singapore, 2014 Poster, 2014

Lim SM, Stapleton T, Chan ML, Connolly D.., Evaluation of one-year occupational therapy degree course in Singapore., 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Japan, 2014 Poster, 2014

Stapleton T., Fitness to Drive after Stroke: Highlighting the contribution of the 'generalist' occupational therapist. , American Occupational Therapy Association 93rd Annual Conference, San Diego, CA USA, 24-28 April 2013, 2013 Oral Presentation, 2013

Garcia C, Stapleton T, McPhillips K, Collins R, Is constraint induced movement therapy acceptable? A study of irish therapists' perspectives , Irish Journal of Medcial Science, Annual Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society, Dublin, 182, 2013, ppS250 - S251 Poster, 2013

Haughey F, Morgan J, Stapleton T., A case of dressing apraxia? A case study., International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 19, (12), 2012, p704 - 710 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

Stapleton T, Connolly D, O'Neill D, Exploring the relationship between self-awareness of driving efficacy and that of a proxy when determining fitness to drive after stroke., Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 59, (1), 2012, p63-70 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

Stapleton T, The role of perceptions on driving exposure in older post stroke drivers, Gerontologist , Gerontological Society of America 65th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, 52, 2012, pp267 - 267 Meeting Abstract, 2012

Stapleton T, Connolly D, O'Neill D, Determining suitability to drive among people with stroke within an Irish context of practice, Gerontologist, Gerontological Society of America 65th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, 52, 2012, pp366 - 366 Poster, 2012

Stapleton T., Combining qualitative and quantitative processes in the occupational therapy assessment of fitness to drive after stroke, National Occupational Therapy Conference. 10th Singapore Malaysia Occupational Therapy Symposium, Singapore, 5-6 October 2012, 2012 Oral Presentation, 2012

Stapleton T, Formative factors influencing the clinical decision to refer for a driving assessment following stroke , Gerontologist, Gerontological Society of America 65th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, 52, 2012, pp463 - 463 Meeting Abstract, 2012

Stapleton T, O'Neill D, Connolly D, Examining optimum timing to assess fitness to drive among acute and subacute stroke patients, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Dublin, 9-10 Sept 2011, 180, (Suppl 10), 2011, ppS329 Meeting Abstract, 2011 DOI

Spirtos M, Stapleton T, Designing Practice Based Research for Novice Researchers. , European Seating Symposium, Pre-Symposium Workshop, Dublin, 7th November 2011, 2011 Invited Talk, 2011

Stapleton T, Connolly D, O'Neill D., Examining optimum timing to assess fitness to drive among acute and subacute stroke patients, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 59th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society, Dublin, 9/10th Sept 2011, 180, (Supplement 10), 2011, ppS329 - S329 Oral Presentation, 2011

Stapleton T, Connolly D, O'Neill D, Exploring readiness to assess fitness to drive after stroke, Cerebrovascular Diseases, 20th European Stroke Conference, Hamburg, May, 31, (Suppl 2), 2011 Meeting Abstract, 2011

Stapleton T, Connolly D, O'Neill D, Pre-cursive clinical reasoning underlying the stratification of acute andsubacute stroke patient's suitability to undertake a formal driving assessment , International Journal of Stroke, UK Stroke Forum Conference, Glasgow, 29/11 to 1/12/2011 , 6, (Supplement 2), 2011, pp50- Meeting Abstract, 2011

Stapleton T, Connolly D, O'Neill D., Preliminary findings from a qualitative study exploring clinical decision making employed by occupational therapists when considering fitness to drive among patients with acute stroke., Physical Therapy Reviews, Rehabilitation and Therapy Research Society Annual Conference, University of Limerick, 13th May, 2011, 16, (4), 2011, pp285 - 286 Meeting Abstract, 2011

Stapleton T, Buckley S, Positioning Occupational Therapy within Driving Assessment in the Irish Context of Practice, Crossing Borders. Book of Proceedings, All Ireland Occupational Therapy Conference, Dundalk, 8-9 April 2011, AOTI and COT, 2011, pp28 - 28 Oral Presentation, 2011

Codd Y, Stapleton T, Veale DJ, Fitzgerald O, Bresnihan B, A qualitative study of work participation in early rheumatoid arthritis, International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 17, (1), 2010, p24 - 32 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

T. Stapleton, D. O'Neill, D. Connolly, R. Collins, Self-efficacy rating and driving assessment after stroke, Cerebrovascular Diseases, European Stroke Conference, Barcelona, May, 29, (Suppl 2), 2010 Meeting Abstract, 2010

Cahill M, Connolly D, Stapleton T, Exploring occupational adaptation through the lives of women with multiple sclerosis, British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 73, (3), 2010, p106 - 115 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

Stapleton T, Connelly D, Occupational therapy practice in predriving assessment post stroke in the irish context: findings from a nominal group technique meeting., Topics in stroke rehabilitation, 17, (1), 2010, p58-68 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

Buckley S, Stapleton T, How to talk to your client about driving, Book of Proceedings, Association of Occupational Therapists in Ireland Annual Conference, Dublin, May 28-29 2010, 2010, pp31 - 31 Meeting Abstract, 2010

Doyle N, Stapleton T, Nolan C, Pender N, O'Brien D., A pilot study to explore the use of the Sensory Modality Assessment and Rehabilitative Technique (SMART) with low awareness state patients in an acute hospital setting., Physical Therapy Reviews, Rehabilitation and Therapy Research Society, Trinity College Dublin, 14 May 2010, 15, (2), 2010, pp123 - 123 Meeting Abstract, 2010

Stapleton T, Connolly D, Recommendations on occupational therapy pre-driving assessment for people after stroke, Physical Therapy Reviews, Rehabilitation and Therapy Research Society 5th Annual Conference , University College Cork, 14, (3), 2009, pp204 - 204 Meeting Abstract, 2009

Stapleton T, Lanigan-O'Keeffe C, Traynor A, Driving patterns of the older Dublin driver: findings from a postal survey, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 57th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society, Belfast, 25th and 26th Sept, 178, (Supplement 8), Springer, 2009, ppS324 - S324 Poster, 2009 DOI

Stapleton T, Connolly D, Findings of an Occupational Therapy consensus meeting of driving assessment for people after stroke, Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland Annual Conference 2009, Kilkenny, April 2009, 2009 Meeting Abstract, 2009

Milford C, Nolan C, Stapleton T , The impact of dyxpraxia on the adolescent's occupational participation , Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland Annual Conference 2009, Kilkenny, 2009 Oral Presentation, 2009

Stapleton T, McBrearty C, Use of Standardised Assessments and Outcome Measures among a Sample of Irish Occupational Therapists working with Adults with Physical Disabilities , British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 72, (2), 2009, p55 - 64 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

Stapleton T, Swanton T , Practice Guidelines for Occupational Therapists working with people who have fallen - based on a review of the literature, Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland Annual Conference 2008, Kilkenny, 2008 Oral Presentation, 2008

Logan C, MacCobb S, McNamara A, Stapleton T, Exploring the factors associated with an incomplete spinal cord injury and the impact on the person's occupations in areas of leisure, self-care and work, Physical Therapy Reviews, Rehabilitation and Therapy Research Society, University of Ulster, 27/04/07, 13, (2), 2008, pp140 - 140 Meeting Abstract, 2008

MacCarrick T, Stapleton T, The implications of myalgic encephalomelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome on occupational performance and participation, Physical Therapy Reviews, Rehabilitation and Therapy Research Society, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, 23/05/08, 13, (3), 2008, pp218 - 218 Meeting Abstract, 2008

Rafferty C, Stapleton T, Occupational Therapy in Accident and Emergency; preliminary outcomes of a retrospective audit, Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland Annual Conference 2008, Kilkenny, 2008 Oral Presentation, 2008

Hopkins M, Stapleton T, A study to explore the impact of caring for a person with a stroke on the primary carer, Southampton Neurorehabilitation Conference 2008 , University of Southampton, 2008 Oral Presentation, 2008

Held L, Stapleton T, McNamara A, An investigation into the functional outcomes of individuals with paraplegia, resulting from spinal cord injury, following discharge from a rehabilitation setting, Physical Therapy Reviews, Rehabilitation and Therapy Research Society, University of Ulster, 27/04/2007, 13, (2), Maney, 2008, pp122 - 122 Meeting Abstract, 2008

Hopkins M, Stapleton T, The primary carer's experience of caring for a person with a stroke: a qualitative study, Physical Therapy Reviews, Rehabilitation and Therapy Research Society, University of Ulster, 27/04/07, 13, (2), 2008, pp134 - 135 Meeting Abstract, 2008

Crowley S, Stapleton T. , An Exploratory Study to describe the type of private practice engaged in by Occupational Therapists, Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy, 35, (1), 2007, p4 - 9 Journal Article, 2007

Reynolds C, Stapleton T , An investigation into the current follow-up practices of Occupational Therapists working in acute general hospitals in Ireland, Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland Annual Conference 2007, Tullamore, 2007 Oral Presentation, 2007

Codd Y, Stapleton T, Veale DJ, Fitzgerald O, Bresnihan B, A Qualitative analysis of work participation in early rheumatoid arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, EULAR 2007, Barcelona, 66, (suppl II), 2007, pp659 Meeting Abstract, 2007

Ryan F, Stapleton T, Nolan C, Delargy M, Assessing adults with mild acquired brain injury in the community environment, Physical Therapy Reviews, RTRS, Dublin, 2006, 11, 2006, pp208 Meeting Abstract, 2006

Stapleton T., Galvin M., Current Practice trends among Occupational Therapists working in Stroke Care - results of a postal survey, Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy, Spring 2005, 2005, p3 - 9 Journal Article, 2005

Stapleton T., Mulholland L., Assessment of a fatigue management programme for people with Multiple Sclerosis, International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 11, (12), 2004, p547 - 552 Journal Article, 2004 URL

Stapleton T., Ashburn A., Stack E., A pilot study of attention deficits, balance control and falls in the subacute stage following stroke., Clinical Rehabilitation, 15, (4), 2001, p437 - 444 Journal Article, 2001 DOI

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Stapleton, T., Addressing Driving in Occupational Therapy, Dun Laoghaire PCCC Clinical Update, St Michael's Hospital Dun Laoghaire, November 5th, 2024 Invited Talk, 2024

Coe A., Stapleton T., Preliminary Outcomes of a retrospective evaluation of occupational therapy driving assessment in NGH, AOTI Older Persons Advisory Group (OPAG) and Mental Health Older Persons Advisory Group (MHOPAG) Study Day 2024, Dublin, March 2024, 2024 Oral Presentation, 2024

Stapleton T, Driving and Parkinson's Disease, Inaugural Parkinson's Disease Conference, MISA, St James's Hospital, Dublin, 12/04/2024, 2024 Invited Talk, 2024

Stapleton, T., Off Road Driving Assessment Updates and Developments, National Office for Traffic Medicine Clinical Update, November 27th, 2024, National Office for Traffic Medicine Invited Talk, 2024

Stapleton T, Community Mobility after Stroke, Joint Stroke Nursing and Early Supported Discharge Network Study Day, Dublin, 11/05/2023, 2023, National Programme for Stroke Invited Talk, 2023

Stapleton T, Driving Assessment across An Mhuir Eireann: Assessing Medical Fitness to Drive, British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine - Scottish Branch Summer Meeting 2022, online, 24 June, 2022, British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine Scottish Branch Invited Talk, 2022

Stapleton T, Developing Research in Neurology Occupational Therapy Practice, AOTI Neurology Advisory Group Study Day 2020, NRH, Dublin, 7th Feb, 2020, AOTI Neurology Advisory Group Invited Talk, 2020

Stapleton T., Assessing Medical Fitness to Drive: Occupational Therapy and On-road driving assessment, Irish Wheelchair Association National Training Day, Athlone, 17/07/2018, 2018, Irish Wheelchair Association Invited Talk, 2018

Stapleton T., Getting back to life after stroke, Irish Heart Foundation Stroke Survivor's Day, Croke Park Dublin, 24 April 2018, 2018, Irish Heart Foundation Invited Talk, 2018

Stapleton T., Occupational Therapy and Assessment of Fitness to Drive, Clinical Update Traffic Medicine. Fresh thinking and the older driver., Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, 23 February 2016, 2016, National Office for Traffic Medicine, RCPI. Invited Talk, 2016

Stapleton T., Driving After Stroke; What you need to know, CROI Stroke Study Day (Stroke Survivors and Carers Day), CROI Galway, 05/067/2015, 2015, CROI Galway Invited Talk, 2015

Stapleton T., Driving as an IADL: screening fitness to drive - a concern for all occupational therapists., Assessing Clinical 'Fitness-to-Drive' - An Occupational Therapy Research Symposium, Brunel University, London, 23 June 2015, 2015 Invited Talk, 2015

Stapleton T., Driving Post Stroke, National Institute for Preventative Cardiology Stroke Study Day (Professionals Day), CROI Galway, 06/06/2015, 2015, CROI Galway Invited Talk, 2015

Stapleton T., Driving and Community Mobility, Irish Posture and Mobility Network 2015 Transnational Day of Shared Learning, Dublin City University, 28 January 2015, 2015, Irish Posture and Mobility Network Invited Talk, 2015

Stapleton T, Occupational Therapy Clinical Based Assessment of Fitness to Drive, Masterclass Series Hot Topics: Vision, Cognition Disorders and Driving, Dublin, 22/02/2013, 2013, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland Invited Talk, 2013

Stapleton T., An exploration of the occupational therapy contribution to the assessment of fitness to drive after stroke. , Rehabilitation Therapy and Research Society 9th Annual Conference, Ulster University, 2013 Invited Talk, 2013

Stapleton T., An exploration of the occupational therapy contribution to the assessment of fitness to drive after stroke. , Rehabilitation Therapy and Research Society 9th Annual Conference, Ulster University, 2013 Invited Talk, 2013

Stapleton T, Driving after Stroke, NIMAST/UKSF Northern Ireland Stroke Conference, Lisburn, 2 May, 2012, NIMAST/UKSF Invited Talk, 2012

Stapleton T, Driving Assessment following Stroke, 13th Annual Stroke Study Day, Dublin, 26/03/2010, 2010, Irish Heart Foundation Council on Stroke, 9 - 9pp Invited Talk, 2010

Stapleton T, Driving after Stroke - Recent Research and Current Practices, Access and Mobility Exhibition, Dublin, 2009 Invited Talk, 2009

Stapleton T, Book Review, Review of Head Injury. A practical guide (2nd Ed.), by Powell T , Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy, 34, (1), 2005, p2 Review, 2005

Stapleton T, Occupational Therapy in Neurology, Neurology in the 21st century: New Imperatives for Future Care, Dublin, 2003, Neurological Alliance of Ireland Invited Talk, 2003

Stapleton T, Attention Deficits Following Stroke, 5th Annual Stroke Study Day, Dublin, 2002, Irish Heart Foundation Invited Talk, 2002

Research Expertise


Main areas of research interest include community mobility and fitness to drive for people with disabilities, particularly those after stroke, brain injury, and age related cognitive decline. Provide supervision for postgraduate research at MSc and PhD level on driving issues after stroke and driving and mental health conditions. Currently I am PI for the Irish arm of an International descriptive study on transportation usage and community mobility among older adults (I-CHaT, International Expert panel on Community Health and Transport). Currently PI for the Southern Irish component of a randomised trial on mirror box therapy and upper limb functional recovery after stroke, in conjunction with Ulster University. Currently supervising two PhD studies on subject areas that are topical and relevant to clinical practice. One PhD study due for completion in 2020 is on evaluating the impact of inflammatory arthritis on participation and how these issues are addressed by healthcare providers. The second PhD study due for completion in 2021 is on the occupational therapy role in the assessment of decision making capacity among older adults when making decisions about Independent living. Other research interests include supporting and implementing clinical based research directly stemming from specific areas of occupational therapy practice. Recent research includes: occupational therapy memory strategy training programme for people with mild cognitive impairment and dementia, impact of providing care for people with progressive disorders of consciousness on informal family caregivers, occupational impact of obesity and piloting an occupational therapy intervention programme for people with obesity, impact of inflammatory arthritis on employment and wider participation.


  • Title
    • HPF/2009/7 Occupational Therapy involvement in pre-driving assessment for people after stroke and how the findings from the assessment relate to in-car driving performance
  • Summary
    • PhD study focused on the assessment of fitness to drive for people after stroke. Three phased study; Phase 1 identifying assessment approaches recommended for occupational therapy assessment, Phase 2 the clinical implementation of an occupational therapy led assessment process pathway, and Phase 3 a qualitative exploration of factors influencing clinical decision making in the process of assessing fitness to drive after stroke.
  • Funding Agency
    • Health Research Board (HRB)
  • Date From
    • 01/09/2009
  • Date To
    • 01/09/2012
  • Title
    • HPF/2009/7/K
  • Summary
    • Knowledge Exchange and Dissemination based on findings from Research training Fellowship Grant (HPF/2009/7). The grant was awarded to enable the development and delivery of training programmes designed specifically for occupational therapists working in healthcare settings in Ireland to address the issue of assessing fitness to drive in the clinical setting.
  • Funding Agency
    • Health Research Board (HRB)
  • Date From
    • 09/11/2012
  • Date To
    • 30/09/2014
  • Title
    • A randomized controlled trial (RCT) of mirror box therapy in upper limb rehabilitation with sub-acute stroke patients
  • Funding Agency
    • Cross-border Healthcare Intervention Trials in Ireland Network (CHITIN). (INTERREG HRB)
  • Date From
    • May 2019
  • Date To
    • April 2023
  • Title
    • The lived experiences of caregivers of children with disabilities: an experience-based co-design study to develop resources for professionals
  • Funding Agency
    • The Ireland Funds Singapore Applied Research Grant



National Office for Traffic Medicine (NOTM). Currently the occupational therapy representative to the Joint Royal College of Physicians of Ireland/Road Safety Authority RCPI/RSA National Office for Traffic Medicine. NOTM. The NOTM was established in 2011 with the purpose of assisting medical doctors, other healthcare professsionals, and licencing authorities promote safe mobility in Ireland and their work includes overseeing the annual review and publication of the Irish Medical Fitness to Drive Guidelines (Slainte agus Tiomaint). Slainte agus Tiomaint Guidelines updated yearly, available at: National Office for traffic Medicine: 2011 - current

National Office for Traffic Medicine (NOTM) Education Subgroup. Actively involved in the establishment of the Education subgroup of the NOTM and continue to input to this group. Major contributor the to development of the first online Certificate in Traffic Medicine (RCPI) designed for medical doctors and occupational therapists. Designed the occupational therapy online module for this certificate course and deliver the required workshops associated with the certificate. 2013 - current

International expert advisory panel in Community Health and Transport (I-CHaT). Invited to participate in the formation of I-CHaT, an International group of primarily occupational therapy researchers in the area of driving and community mobility with the aim of developing a cohesive group of international researchers to work on agreed research priorities, collaborate on international research projects, seek competitive research grants, and guide practice internationally on the area of driving and community mobility for older adults and people with disability. The inaugural meeting of the group was in November 2016. current

Irish Heart Foundation Council on Stroke. Occupational Therapy representative to the Council on Stroke, from 2011 to present. Member of the Stroke Study Day Conference organising committee 2017, active contributor to the Stroke Survivors Day 2012, 2013, contributing member to the Stroke Outcome Measures working group in 2012. 2011 - current

Irish National Stroke Audit 2015. Member of the IHF/HSE National Stroke Audit 2015 Steering Group 2014 - 2015. Report published 2015, 2014 - 2015

Health Service Executive (HSE) National Steering Group for Practice Education (NSGPE). Since 2015 have represented the Discipline of Occupational Therapy TCD as a contributing member to the NSGPE. The focus of the NSGPE is on national issues related to the execution of the mandatory practice education (clinical placement) requirements of Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, and Speech and language Therapy students. 2015 - current

Reviewer. Invited to act as reviewer for several international journals including: Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, Occupational Therapy in Healthcare, British Journal of Occupational Therapy, Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, Advances in Transportation Studies Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy. Acted as Conference Abstract reviewer for the following occupational therapy and interprofessional conferences: Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland Annual Conference (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015) Rehabilitation Therapy research Society Annual Scientific Meeting (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012) Irish Heart Foundation Annual Stroke Study Day (2017) current

National Steering Group on the Prevention of Falls in Older People and the Prevention and Management of Osteoporosis throughout Life. Occupational Therapy representative to the steering group on falls and osteoporosis. the report of the steering group 'Strategy to Prevent Falls and Fractures in Ireland's Ageing Population' was published in 2008. 2007 - 2008

Rehabilitation Therapy Research Society (RTRS). The RTRS was an All Ireland Society established to foster and disseminate clinical research in the therapy professions (Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, and Speech and Language Therapy). Acted as Membership Secretary to the RTRS from 2006-2009, and Chairperson of the RTRS from 2009 to 2012, as well as Conference Secretary in 2010. 2006 - 2012

Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland (AOTI). Member of the Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland. Previous Council Member of AOTI 2008-2009, member of the AOTI National Conference Committee from 2009 - 2015 (co-chair of conference committee 2015). 2008-2015


Member of the Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland (AOTI) – current

Occupational Therapy Representative on the joint Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI), Road Safety Authority (RSA) National Office for Traffic Medicine. – current

Member of the Irish Heart Council on Stroke (Occupational Therapy Representative) – current

Chairperson of the Rehabilitation Therapy Research Society (RTRS) 2009 – 2012

Membership Secretary of the Rehabilitation and Therapy Research Society (RTRS) 2006 – 2009