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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Professor Roger Plumer West
Fellow Emeritus, Civil Struct & Env. Eng.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Dervilla Niall and Roger P. West, Development of concrete facade sandwich panels incorporating phase change materials, Energies, 17, 2024, p28 Journal Article, 2024

Ahmed Alawais and Roger P. West, Sustainable concrete with zero carbon footprint, Recent Progress in Materials, 6, (3), 2024, p32 Journal Article, 2024

Dipendu Bhunia, Roger P. West and Jaya Kumar Bhaskar, An investigation of the behaviour of reinforced concrete coupling beams, EMI 2024, Vienna, 2024 Conference Paper, 2024

PR Himasree, CA Korde, RP West and N Ganesan, Review of physio-chemical and mechanical properties of bamboo as a reinforcement in concrete, Journal of Bamboo and Rattan, 2024, p1-32 Journal Article, 2024

Bhalla, S., Singh, A., Bhagat, D. and West, R.P., Achieving a sustainable built environment using a bamboo composite frame system with cow-dung masonry infills, Urban Lifeline, 2024, p1-17 Journal Article, 2024

To teach is human in, editor(s)Shibani Khanra Jha , Perspectives and strategies on newage education and creative learning, India, Springer Nature, 2024, pp7 , [Roger P. West] Book Chapter, 2024

Ramanand Gupta, Shweta Goyal, Roger P. West and Maneek Kumar, Optimization of Controlled Low Strength Concrete incorporating supplementary cementitious materials, Journal of Sustainable Cement-based Materials, 2023 Journal Article, 2023

P.R. Himasree, C. Korde, R.P. West and N. Ganesan, State of the art review of bamboo reinforced concrete structural elements, Magazine of Concrete Research, 2023, p27 Journal Article, 2023

Hore, A., West, R.P. and McAuley, B., Accelerating BIM adoption in Ireland: A ten-year review of CitA BIM Gathering proceedingss, CitA 6th BIM Gathering 2023 - Accelerating BIM adoption, Athlone, September 2023, 2023 Conference Paper, 2023

Jaya Kumar Bhaskar, Dipendu Bhunia, Roger P. West, An approach to investigating the behaviour of RCC coupling beams, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2023 Journal Article, 2023

M.Jabri, S.Masoumi, F.Sajadirad, R.P.West, A.Pakdel, Thermoelectric conversion in buildings, Material Today Energy, 2023 Journal Article, 2023 URL TARA - Full Text

Polystyrene Concrete in, editor(s)R.P. West and R. Byrne , A Cast of 50, Dublin, 2023, pp84 , [Roger P. West] Book Chapter, 2023

Alan V. Hore, Barry McAuley and Roger P. West(ed.), BIM Gathering 2023 - Accelerating BIM Adoption, Athlone, 18-20 September 2023, CitA Ltd, 2023, 1-211 p Proceedings of a Conference, 2023

Roger P. West and Ahmed Alawais, Truly sustainable concrete, UKIERI Concrete Congress - Sustainable |Concrete Infrastructure, Jalandhar, India, March 2023, 2023 Conference Paper, 2023

Roger P. West and Rosemary Byrne, A Cast of 50, Dublin, Irish Concrete Society, 2023, 1 - 123pp Book, 2023

S. Kuang, A. Hore,, A. Hassan, B. McAuley, R.P. West, Public sector BIM adoption: Development and evaluation of government policy interventions: A systematic literature review, 30th EG-ICE International Conference on Intelligent Computing, UCL, London, 2023, pp531 - 538 Conference Paper, 2023

Niall Holmes, Caitriona de Paor and Roger P West(ed.), Civil Engineering Research in Ireland 2022, Dublin, 25-26 August 2022, 2022, 622 p Proceedings of a Conference, 2022

Orlaith Murphy, Roger P. West, Eoin Kelly and Niti Saini, Understanding mould growth causes and solutions for A-rated homes, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI2022), Dublin, edited by Niall Holmes, Caitriona de Paor, Roger P. West , 2022, pp210 - 215 Conference Paper, 2022

Failure modes of load-bearing sandwich panels in shear in, editor(s)S B Singh and S V Barai , Stability and failure of high performance composite structures, Springer Nature, 2022, pp39 - 66, [Oliver Kinnane, Roger P. West, Richard O'Hegarty] Book Chapter, 2022

Roger P. West and Mark Richardson, Concrete Matters - 25 years of Concrete Research in Ireland Conferences, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI2022), Dublin, edited by Niall Holmes, Caitriona de Paor, Roger P. West , 2022, pp2 - 10 Conference Paper, 2022

Ruchita Jani, Niall Holmes, Roger West, Kevin Gaughan, Xiaoli Liu, Esther Orisakwe, Ming Qu, Jorge Kohanoff, Lorenzo Stella, Hongxi Yin and Bartlomiej Wojciechowski, Characterisation and performance enhancement of cement-based thermoelectric materials, Polymers, 14, (2311), 2022, p19 Journal Article, 2022

Erica Markey, Roger P. West and Niti Saini, Optimising heating costs in low-occupancy offices, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI2022), Dublin, edited by Niall Holmes, Caitriona de Paor, Roger P. West , 2022, pp573 - 578 Conference Paper, 2022

Niti Saini, Roger P. West, Patrick Shiel, Ruth Kerrigan, Ricardo Filho and Ian Pyburn, Modelling human influences on the indoor environment in homes, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI2022), Dublin, edited by Niall Holmes, Caitriona de Paor, Roger P. West , 2022, pp497 - 502 Conference Paper, 2022

Méabh Childs, and Roger P. West, A solution to bamboo reinforced concrete's bond problem, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI2022), Dublin, edited by Niall Holmes, Caitriona de Paor, Roger P. West , 2022, pp22 - 27 Conference Paper, 2022

Niall Holmes, Mark Tyrer, Roger West, Aaron Lowe and Denis Kelliher, Using PHREEQC to model cement hydration, Construction and Building Materials, 319, (126129), 2022, p1-15 Journal Article, 2022

Roger P. West and Stephen W. West, Shrinking Sports Socks and Cracking Concrete Slabs, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI2022), Dublin, edited by Niall Holmes, Caitriona de Paor, Roger P. West , 2022, pp544 - 548 Conference Paper, 2022

Roger P. West, Declan O'Loughlin, Amir Pakdel, Michael Grimes and Shane Hunt, Delivering materials laboratory sessions to large classes during the pandemic, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI2022), Dublin, edited by Niall Holmes, Caitriona de Paor, Roger P. West , 2022, pp549 - 554 Conference Paper, 2022

Chaaruchandra Korde, Matthew Cruickshank and Roger P. West, Activation of Slag: Comparative study of cement, lime, Calcium Sulphate, GGBS fineness and temperature, Magazine of Concrete Research, 73, (1), 2021, p15 - 31 Journal Article, 2021

Richard O'Hegarty, Oliver Kinnane, John Newell and Roger P. West, High performance low carbon concrete for building cladding applications, Journal of Building Engineering, 43, 2021, p13 Journal Article, 2021

Roger P. West, Alan V. Hore and Barry McAuley, Digital construction and BIM research in Ireland 2016-2020, BIM Gathering 2021, Dublin, 21-23 September 2021, 2021, pp8 - 21 Conference Paper, 2021

Ruth Kerrigan, Roger P. West and Patrick Shiel, Minimizing the performance gap of A-Rated Buildings while supporting high levels of user comfort, eSIM2020 - Building simulation meets building data, Vancouver, 2021 Conference Paper, 2021

Bhagat, D., Bhalla, S. and West, R.P., , Fabrication and structural evaluation of fibre-reinforced bamboo composite beams as green structural elements, Composites Part C (Open Access), 2021 Journal Article, 2021 URL

Jagoda Lipczynska, Roger P. West, Michael Grimes, Dervilla Niall, Oliver Kinnane and Richard O'Hegarty, Composite behaviour of wide sandwich panels with thin high performance recycled aggregate concrete wythes with fibre reinforced polymer shear connectors , Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, 6, (3), 2021, p187 - 196 Journal Article, 2021

Alan Hore, Barry McAuley, Roger P. West(ed.), CitA BIM Gathering 2021 - Construction Innovation for Future Generations, Dublin, CitA, 2021, 1-190 p Proceedings of a Conference, 2021

Composite behaviour of thin precast concrete sandwich panels in, editor(s)Shamsher Singh , Emerging Trends in Advanced Composite Materials in Structural Applications, Springer Nature, 2021, pp1 - 28, [Roger P. West and Oliver Kinnane] Book Chapter, 2021

Roger P. West, and Michael A. Wride, Examining large student cohorts - a question of questions, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI20), Cork, 2020, pp406 - 411 Conference Paper, 2020

Christopher Shiell and Roger P. West, Cathedrals in Ireland - the same but different, Advances in Cultural Heritage Studies, 2020, p185 - 200 Journal Article, 2020

Roger P. West, Alan Hore and Barry McAuley, BIM research in Irish academic institutions 2015-2020, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI20), Cork, 2020, pp733 - 739 Conference Paper, 2020

Oliver Kinnane, Roger P. West, Richard O'Hegarty, Structural shear performance of insulated precast concrete sandwich panels with steel plate connectors, Engineering Structures, 215, (110691), 2020, p10 Journal Article, 2020

Korde, Chaaruchandra, Crookshank, Matthew, and West, Roger P. , Hollowcore slabs with alternative cementitious materials for summer conditions, Magazine of Concrete Research, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Roger P. West, David Taylor, Martin Burke and Michael Grimes, Teaching Engineering Materials through experiential learning, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI20), Cork, 2020, pp412 - 417 Conference Paper, 2020

Chaaruchandra Korde, Matthew Cruickshank, Roger P. West, A technique for early-age strength determination and enhancement of zero slump concrete for hollowcore slab, Concrete and Building Materials, 256, (119321), 2020, p16 Journal Article, 2020

Chaaruchandra Korde, Matthew Cruickshank and Roger P. West, Early Age activation of slag concrete for applications in hollowcore slabs, Magazine of Concrete Research, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Barry McAuley, Roger P. West and Alan Hore, The Irish construction industry's state of readiness for a BIM mandate, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI20), Cork, 2020, pp758 - 763 Conference Paper, 2020

Ruchita Jani, Niall Holmes, Roger P. West, Kevin Gaughan, Xiaoili Liu, Esther Orisakwe, Conrad Johnston, Ming Qu, Lorenzo Stella, Jorge Kohanoff and Hongxi Yin, Characterization and performance enhancement of cement-based thermoelectric materials, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI20), Cork, 2020, pp342 - 347 Conference Paper, 2020

Jagoda Lipczynska, Roger P. West, Michael Grimes, Dervilla Niall, Oliver Kinnane and Richard O'Hegarty, Composite behaviour of wide sandwich panels with high performance concrete thin wythes with and without Thermomass shear connectors, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI20), Cork, 2020, pp125 - 130 Conference Paper, 2020

Christopher Shiell and Roger P. West, St. Mary and St. Anne Cathedral Cork - An optimum heating solution for heritage buildings?, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI20), Cork, 2020, pp389 - 394 Conference Paper, 2020

Dervilla Niall, Roger P. West, Oliver Kinnane and Richard O'Hegarty, Modelling the thermal behaviour of a precast PCM enhanced concrete cladding panel, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI20), Cork, 2020, pp143 - 149 Conference Paper, 2020

Chaaruchandra Korde, Matthew Cruickshank and Roger P. West, Activation of slag as partial replacement of cement mortar: Effects of Super fine GGBS, temperature and admixture, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE , 32, (7), 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Richard O'Hegarty, Oliver Kinnane, Michael Grimes, John Newell, Michael Clifford, Roger P. West, Development of thin precast sandwich panels: Challenges and outcomes, Construction and Building Materials, (12098), 2020, p26 Journal Article, 2020 URL

Niti Saini, Patrick Shiel, Roger P. West, Ruth Kerrigan and Ian Pyburn, Impact of occupancy patterns on the indoor environment of A-rated buildings, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI20), Cork, 2020, pp348 - 353 Conference Paper, 2020

Korde, Chaaruchandra, Crookshank, Matthew, and West, Roger P., Experimental study on early age performance of pre-stressed hollow core slabs with CEM I, Magazine of Concrete Research, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Chaaruchandra Korde, Matthew Cruickshank, Roger P. West, Hollowcore slabs with alternative cementitious materials in winter conditions, Magazine of Concrete Research, 2020, p1-11 Journal Article, 2020

Ahmed Alawais and Roger P. West, Ultra-violet and chemical treatment of crumb rubber aggregate in a sustainable concrete mix, Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, 4, (3), 2019, p144 - 152 Journal Article, 2019

Chaaruchandra Korde, Matthew Cruickshank, Roger P, West and Claudia Pellegrino, Activated slag as partial replacement of cement mortars: Effect of temperature and a novel admixture, Construction and Building Materials, 216, 2019, p506 - 524 Journal Article, 2019

Peter McDonnell, Academia - Estates Management Synergies in HEIs - The Low Hanging Fruit, Proc of BIM Gathering 2019, Galway Ireland, 26th September 2019, 2019, pp132 - 139 Conference Paper, 2019

Alan Hore, Shiyao Kuang, Barry McAuley, Roger P. West, Development of a Framework to Support the Effective Adoption of BIM in the Public Sector: Lessons for Ireland, CIB World Building Congress 2019, Hong Kong, 2019, pp10 Conference Paper, 2019

Richard O'Hegarty, Roger P. West, Aidan Reilly and Oliver Kinnane, Composite behaviour of fibre-reinforced concrete sandwich panels with FRP shear connectors, Engineering Structures, 198, 2019, p15 Journal Article, 2019

Benoit Lefevre, Roger West, Peter O'Reilly and David Taylor, A New Method for Joining Bamboo Culms, Engineering Structures, 190, 2019, p1 - 8 Journal Article, 2019

Alan Hore, Barry McAuley, Roger P. West, Centre of Excellence for Digital Construction: Lessons for Ireland's Construction Industry, Proc of BIM Gathering 2019, Galway Ireland, 26th September 2019, 2019, pp249 - 255 Conference Paper, 2019

Eoghan Sexton, Gurbir Kaur, Roger P. West, Dervilla Niall, Richard O'Hegarty, Oliver Kinnane, Design of UHPC and PCM Concrete for Thin Lightweight Sandwich Panels, UKIERI Congress, NIT Jalandhar, Punjab, (212), 2019, pp10 Conference Paper, 2019

Barry McAuley, Alan Hore , Roger P. West, A Study of BIM Maturity and Diffusion in Ireland, Proc of BIM Gathering 2019, 26th September 2019, 2019, pp222 - 229 Conference Paper, 2019

Anand Mecheri, Roger P. West, Trinity Business School: BIM to Digital Twin - The Journey, Proc of BIM Gathering 2019, Galway Ireland, 2019, pp125 - 131 Conference Paper, 2019

Roger P. West, Sharing concrete knowledge globally, UKIERI Congress, NIT Jalandhar, Punjab, 2019, pp20 Conference Paper, 2019

Michael Challenor and Roger P. West, Comparison of concrete drying rates in suspended slabs in a commercial building, 29th Biennial National Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia (Concrete 2019), Sydney, Australia, 8-11 Sept, 2019, pp9 Conference Paper, 2019

Chaaruchandra Korde, Matthew Cruickshank, Roger P. West, John Reddy, Activated slag for precast concrete hollow core slabs: Laboratory trials and field investigation, UKIERI Congress, NIT Jalandhar, Punjab, (513), 2019, pp9 Conference Paper, 2019

Alan Hore, Barry McAuley, Roger P. West, From Roadmap to Implementation: Lessons for Ireland's Digital Construction Programme, Proc of BIM Gathering 2019, Galway Ireland, 26th September 2019, 2019, pp238 - 246 Conference Paper, 2019

Richard O'Hegarty, Aidan O'Reilly, Roger P. West, Oliver Kinnane, Thermal investigation of thin precast concrete sandwich panels, Journal of Building Engineering, 27, 2019, p11 Journal Article, 2019

Alan Hore, Barry McAuley, Roger P. West(ed.), CitA BIM Gathering 2019 - delivering better outcomes for Irish construction, Galway Ireland, 26th September 2019, 2019, 261 p Proceedings of a Conference, 2019

McAuley, B., Hore, A. and West, R., BIM Macro Adoption Study: Establishing Ireland's BIM Maturity and Managing Complex Change, International Journal of 3-D Information Modeling, 7, (1), 2018, p1 - 11 Journal Article, 2018

Hyde, R., West, R.P. and Nanukuttan, S., A study on the impact of a controlled permeability formliner, polymer resin, calcium aluminate cement and heat treatment on the permeability of an ultra-highperformance geopolymer concrete cladding panel, Proc Civil Engineering Research in Ireland conference, UCD, Dublin, 2018, pp135 - 139 Conference Paper, 2018

Chaaruchandra Korde, Matthew Cruickshank, Roger P. West, John Reddy, Evaluation of pre-early age strength of superfine GGBS mortars, Non-conventional Materials and Technologies, Materials Research Proceedings, Mexico, 7, 2018, pp676 - 684 Conference Paper, 2018

Alawais, A. and West, R.P., Pre-treatment of recycled concrete aggregates with silica fume, Proc Civil Engineering Research in Ireland conference, UCD, Dublin, 2018, pp123 - 128 Conference Paper, 2018

Saini, N., West, R.P. and Shiel, P., Analysis of the effectiveness of mechanical ventilation in controlling humidity in sealed dwellings, Proc Civil Engineering Research in Ireland conference, UCD, Dublin, 2018, pp877 - 882 Conference Paper, 2018

West, R., and Kaur, G., G.G.B. Slag Graduates - But with what CGPA ?, 2nd International Conference on Advances in Concrete, Structural & Geotechnical Engineering, BITS Pilani, Rajasthan, 2018, pp51 - 55 Conference Paper, 2018

Kaur, G. and West, R.P., Coping with Statistics in Concrete Technology, Proc Civil Engineering Research in Ireland conference, 2018, pp690 - 695 Conference Paper, 2018

Korde, C., Pellegrino, C.., West, R. P., and Reddy, J., Evaluation of Pre-early age strength of GGBS mortars, 2nd International Conference on Advances in Concrete, Structural & Geotechnical Engineering, BITS Pilani, Rajasthan, 2018, pp613 - 617 Conference Paper, 2018

Alawais, A. and West, R.P., Using treated crumb rubber as an aggregate in a sustainable concrete mix, Proc Civil Engineering Research in Ireland conference, UCD, Dublin, 2018, pp117 - 122 Conference Paper, 2018

Niall, D., Kinnane, O. and West, R.P., Design and manufacture of a precast PCM enhanced concrete cladding panel for full scale performance monitoring, Proc Civil Engineering Research in Ireland conference, UCD, Dublin, 2018, pp140 - 145 Conference Paper, 2018

Shiell, C. and West, R.P., The thermo-hygrometric environment in Ireland's cathedrals, Proc Civil Engineering Research in Ireland conference, UCD, Dublin, 2018, pp865 - 870 Conference Paper, 2018

Hore, A., McAuley, B. and West, R., Establishing Lessons for Ireland's BIM Policy Through a Systematic Review of International BIM Programmes, International Journal of 3-D Information Modeling, 6, (4), 2018, p1 - 14 Journal Article, 2018

Korde C. and West R., Analysis of an innovative multi-level bamboo structure, 2nd International Conference on Advances in Concrete, Structural & Geotechnical Engineering, BITS Pilani, Rajasthan, 2018, pp618 - 622 Conference Paper, 2018

Korde, C, Cruickshank, M., West, R.P. and Reddy, J., Temperature and admixtures effects on the maturity of GGBS mortars for the precast concrete industry, Proc Civil Engineering Research in Ireland conference, UCD, Dublin, 2018, pp129 - 134 Conference Paper, 2018

McGiolla Phadraig, I. , West R, Kumar M. and Goyal S., The effects of curing method on ground granulated blast furnace slag concrete in hot climates, 2nd International Conference on Advances in Concrete, Structural & Geotechnical Engineering, BITS Pilani, Rajasthan, 2018, pp628 - 632 Conference Paper, 2018

Korde, C, Cruickshank, M. and West, R.P., Exploring a sustainable alternative for addressing the Irish housing crisis using bamboo, Proc Civil Engineering Research in Ireland conference, UCD, Dublin, 2018, pp647 - 652 Conference Paper, 2018

O'Hegarty, R., Kinnane, O. and West, R.P., Finite Element Analysis of Thin Precast Concrete Sandwich Panels, Proc Civil Engineering Research in Ireland conference, UCD, Dublin, 2018, pp146 - 151 Conference Paper, 2018

West, R.P. and Kaur, G., Concrete Research in Ireland 2015-2017, Proc Civil Engineering Research in Ireland conference, UCD, Dublin, 2018, pp162 - 171 Conference Paper, 2018

Chaaruchandra Korde, Puspanjali Das, Roger P. West, Sudakar Puttagunta, Construction of a sustainable multi-level bamboo structure, Non-conventional Materials and Technologies, Materials Research Proceedings, Mexico, 7, 2018, pp190 - 198 Conference Paper, 2018

Hyland A., West R, Bhalla S. and Bhagat D., Analysis of a flexible bamboo-epoxy composite portal frame, 2nd International Conference on Advances in Concrete, Structural & Geotechnical Engineering, BITS Pilani, Rajasthan, 2018, pp623 - 627 Conference Paper, 2018

Merchuri, A., and West, R., Breaking into the black box - demystifying BIM data, Proceedings of the 3rd CitA BIM Gathering, Dublin, 23rd - 24th November, 2017, pp9 - 14 Conference Paper, 2017

Hore, A., McAuley, B., West, R., Kassem, M. and Kuang, S., Ireland's BIM Macro Adoption Study: Establishing Irelands BIM Maturity, Proceedings of the 3rd CitA BIM Gathering, Dublin, 23rd - 24th November, 2017, pp32 - 40 Conference Paper, 2017

Korde C., Cruickshank M., West R. and Reddy J., Evaluation of pre-early age strength of Super-fines Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag mortars, 17th International Conference on Non-conventional Materials and Technologies, Yucatan, 2017 Conference Paper, 2017

Hore, A., McAuley, B. and West, R.P. (ed.), CitA 3rd BIM Gathering - Building capabilities in complex environments, Dublin, Ireland, 23rd - 24th Nov , 2017, 252 p Proceedings of a Conference, 2017

Kuang, S., Hore, A., McAuley, B. and West, R., A Study on Supporting the Deployment and Evaluation of Government Policy Objectives Through the Adoption of Building Information Modelling, Proceedings of the 3rd CitA BIM Gathering, Dublin, 23rd - 24th November, 2017, pp58 - 62 Conference Paper, 2017

Hyde R, Kinnane O, West R and Nanukuttan S, Design of a test hut field experiment for prototype precast geopolymer sandwich panels for the retrofit cladding of existing buildings, 3rd International Conference on Chemically Activated Materials, Gold Coast, 2017 Conference Paper, 2017

Hyde, R., Kinnane, O., West, R.,Nanukuttan, S. and Davis,G., Manufacture and assembly of a thin, lightweight, low impact, prototype precast geopolymer sandwich panel for the retrofit cladding of existing buildings, Advanced Building Skins Conference, Berne, 2017 Conference Paper, 2017

McAuley, B., Hore, A., West, R. and Kuang, S., Stewardship of International BIM Programmes: Lessons for Ireland, Proceedings of the 3rd CitA BIM Gathering,, Dublin, 23rd - 24th November, 2017, pp15 - 23 Conference Paper, 2017

O'Keeffe, S., Hyland, N., Dore, C., Brodie, S., Hore, A., McAuley, B. and West, R.P., 'Automatic validation of as-is and as-generated IFC BIMs for advanced scan-to-BIM methods, Proceedings of the 3rd CitA BIM Gathering, Dublin, 2017 Conference Paper, 2017

Hore, A., McAuley, B. and West, R., BIM Innovation Capability Programme of Ireland, Proceedings of the Lean & Computing in Construction Congress (LC3), Crete, 4-12 July , 2017 Conference Paper, 2017

Hyde, R., Nanukuttan, S., Russell, M., Kinnane, O. and West, R., A study for suitability of local quarry dust materials for replacement of aggregate in an ultra-high-performance geopolymer concrete, Cement and Concrete Science Conference, London, 2017 Conference Paper, 2017

West, R., Bhalla, S. and Bhagat, D., Flexible response of bamboo epoxy frames, Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, 2, (2), 2017, p70 - 77 Journal Article, 2017

Niall, D., Kinnane, O, West, R., McCormack, S., Mechanical and thermal evaluation of different types of PCM-concrete composite panels, Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, 2, (2), 2017, p100 - 108 Journal Article, 2017

Niall, D., West, R., Kinnane, O., McCormack, S. , Influence of Ground Granulated Blastfurnace Slag on the thermal properties of PCM-concrete composite panels, Advanced Building Skins Conference , Bern, Switzerland, 10th - 11th October, 2016, pp963 - 973 Conference Paper, 2016

Shiel, P., West, R., Effects of building energy optimisation on the predictive accuracy of external temperature in forecasting models, Journal of Building Engineering, 7, 2016, p281 - 291 Journal Article, 2016

Niall, D., West, R., Kinnane, O., McCormack, S. , Mechanical and thermal evaluation of different types of PCM-concrete composite panels, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference 2016, Galway, Ireland , 29th - 30th August, 2016, pp353 - 358 Conference Paper, 2016

Niall, D., West, R., McCormack, S., Assessment of two methods of enhancing thermal mass performance of concrete through the incorporation of phase change materials, Sustainable Design and Applied Research, 4, (1), 2016, p30 - 37 Journal Article, 2016

West, R., Bhalla, S., Bhagat, D. , Flexural response of bamboo-epoxy frames, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference 2016, Galway, Ireland , 29th - 30th August, 2016, pp147 - 152 Conference Paper, 2016

Alawais, A., West, R. , Sustainable concrete with 95% recycled and natural components, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference 2016, Galway, Ireland , 29th - 30th August, 2016, pp347 - 352 Conference Paper, 2016

Niall, D., West, R., Kinnane, O., McCormack, S. , Thermal mass behaviour of concrete panels incorporating phase change materials, Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2016, Hamburg, Germany, 8th - 11th March, 2016, pp1276 - 1285 Conference Paper, 2016

West, R., Basu, B., Broderick, B., McGranaghan, G. , Developing a deeper understanding of structural dynamics, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference 2016, Galway, Ireland , 29th - 30th August, 2016, pp421 - 426 Conference Paper, 2016

Shiell, C., West, R. , Monitoring the internal thermo-hygrometric environment of cathedrals in Ireland, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference 2016, Galway, Ireland , 29th - 30th August, 2016, pp105 - 110 Conference Paper, 2016

Shiel, P. and West, R.P., Re-examining of external temperature as a predictor of energy use, J. Building Engineering, 3, 2015, p184 - 194 Journal Article, 2015

West, R.P. and Bhalla, S., Strength grade-cover-cement type trade-offs to achieve carbonation and chloride durability, UKIERI Concrete Congress - Concrete Research Driving Profit and Sustainability, Jalandhar, 2nd - 5th November, 2015, pp838 - 849 Conference Paper, 2015

Korde C, West R, Gupta A, Puttagunta S, Laterally restrained bamboo concrete composite arch under uniformly distributed loading, Journal of Structural Engineering (United States), 141, (3), 2015, p1 - 11 Journal Article, 2015 URL DOI

West, R.P., Mohammed, A.K. and Bhunia, D, Flexural and shear performance of high dosage steel fibre reinforced concrete in suspended slabs, UKIERI Concrete Congress - Concrete Research Driving Profit and Sustainability, Jalandhar, 2nd - 5th November, 2015, pp2405 - 2417 Conference Paper, 2015

McAuley, B, Hore, A.V. and West, R., The Development of Key Performance Indicators to Monitor Early Facilities Management Performance Through the Use of BIM Technologies in Public Sector Projects, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics, 2nd International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics, Tokyo, 22-24 April 2014, 2015, pp8pp Conference Paper, 2015

West, R.P., Kwatra, K. and Alawais, A, Sustainable concrete as a platform for outreach, 2nd R N Raikar International Conference, and Banthia-Basheer International Symposium in Advances in Science and Technology of Concrete, 18-19th December, 2015, pp68 - 71 Conference Paper, 2015

McAuley, B., Gunnigan, L., Hore, A. and West, R.P., Ensuring that the facilities management needs of the end user are effectively communicated through BIM during the design stage, CITA BIM Gathering, Dublin, 2015, pp207 - 216 Conference Paper, 2015

Lynn C.J, Dhir R.K, Ghataora G.S, West R.P, Sewage sludge ash characteristics and potential for use in concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 98, 2015, p767 - 779 Journal Article, 2015 URL DOI

West, R.P., Concrete - Making an Impact, Proc. Civil Engineering Research in Ireland, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland, Queen's University Belfast, 2015, pp303 - 310 Conference Paper, 2015

Mc Donnell, P. and West, R.P., The adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) to improve existing teaching methods and support services within higher education institutions in Ireland, CITA BIM Gathering, Dublin, 6-7th November, 2015, pp271 - 278 Conference Paper, 2015

Concrete Research on the Island of Ireland 2004-2015 - an overview in, editor(s)M. Richardson , Concrete Practice in Ireland, Dublin, 2015, pp124 - 157, [West, R.P.] Book Chapter, 2015

West, R.P. and McConnell, K., Formwork buildability: Bridging the designer-constructor divide, UKIERI Concrete Congress - Concrete Research Driving Profit and Sustainability, Jalandhar, 2nd - 5th November, 2015, pp1887 - 1897 Conference Paper, 2015

Belton, R., Goyal, S., Kumar, M. and West, R.P., The rheological characteristics of steel fibre reinforced self compacting concrete with PFA and GGBS, UKIERI Concrete Congress - Concrete Research Driving Profit and Sustainability, Jalandhar, 2nd - 5th November, 2015, pp2479 - 2495 Conference Paper, 2015

McAuley, B., Hore, A. and West, R.P., Developing key performance indicators to measure effectiveness of early facilities management performance on BIM governed public sector projects, CITA BIM Gathering, Dublin, 6-7th November, 2015, pp198 - 206 Conference Paper, 2015

Hore, A.V., McAuley, B. and West, R.P. (ed.), CitA 2nd BIM Gathering - An integrated future, Dublin, Ireland, 12th - 13th Nov, 2015, 278 p Proceedings of a Conference, 2015

Gupta, M., Bhalla, S., Bhagat, D., West, R.P., Nagpal, A., Pre-engineered construction using bamboo portal frames, Proceedings of 9th Biennial Conference on Structural Engineering , Delhi, 2014 Conference Paper, 2014

Donnelly, A., West, R.P., Mohammed, A.K. and Grimes, M., Ultimate Structural Capacity of Very High Dosage Steel Fibre Concrete Beams and Slabs, Proc. Civil Engineering Research in Ireland, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland, Queen's University Belfast, 2014, pp311 - 316 Conference Paper, 2014

West, R.P. and Dousti, M., Impact resistance of high-dosage steel fibre reinforced concrete slabs, Proc. Civil Engineering Research in Ireland, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland, Queen's University Belfast, 2014, pp327 - 332 Conference Paper, 2014

Kinnane, O., West, R., Grimes, M. and Grimes, J., Shear Capacity of Insulated Precast Concrete Façade Panels, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland, Belfast, 2014, 2014, pp385 - 390 Conference Paper, 2014

Holmes, N. and West, RP., Performance of vinyl on concrete floors subject to pull off testing, Proc. Civil Engineering Research in Ireland, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland, Queen's University Belfast, 2014, pp451 - 456 Conference Paper, 2014

Gao, J., O'Rourke, D., West, R.P. and Gill, D., Fresh and hardened properties of controlled low strength material, UKIERI Concrete Congress - Innovations in Concrete Construction, NIT Jalandhar, Punjab, edited by Ravindra Dhir, SP Singh, Sanjay Goel , 2013, pp1 - 14 Conference Paper, 2013

Sweeney, A. and West, R.P., The use of a greyness index chart as an indicator of surface albedo of concrete, UKIERI Concrete Congress - Innovations in Concrete Construction, NIT Jalandhar, Punjab, edited by Ravindra Dhir, SP Singh, Sanjay Goel , 2013, pp1 - 11 Conference Paper, 2013

West, R.P., Are fibres everything they are cracked up to be?, UKIERI Concrete Congress - Innovations in Concrete Construction, NIT Jalandhar, Punjab, edited by Ravindra Dhir, SP Singh, Sanjay Goel , 2013, pp1 - 14 Conference Paper, 2013

McAuley, B., Hore, A.V. and West, R.P., Establishing Key Performance Indicators to measure the benefit of introducing the Facilities Manager at an early stage in the Building Information Modelling Process, Proceedings of the CITA BIM Gathering, Dublin, 2013, pp61 - 69 Conference Paper, 2013

Hore, A.V., McAuley, B., West, R.P. and Rowland, D., Creating Interactive Facilities Management capabilities through Building Information Modelling as a tool for managing the Irish Public Sector Estates, Proceedings of the CITA BIM Gathering, Dublin, 2013, pp17 - 24 Conference Paper, 2013

Kinnane, O., and West, R.P., BIM introduction into the curriculum of Civil and Structural Engineering students: A project-based active learning approach, Proceedings of the BIM Gathering, Dublin, 2013, pp175 - 184 Conference Paper, 2013

Hore, A.V., McAuley, B. and West, R.P. (ed.), CITA 1st BIM Gathering, Dublin, Ireland, 14th - 15th Nov, 2013, 260 p Proceedings of a Conference, 2013

Holmes, N. and West, R.P., Enhanced accelerated drying of concrete floor slabs, Magazine of Concrete Research, 65, (19), 2013, p1187 - 1198 Journal Article, 2013

McAuley, B., Hore, A. and West, R., Establishing key performance indicators to measure the benefit of introducing the Facilities Manager at an early design stage of the Building Information Modelling process, International Journal of 3-D Information Modelling, 2, (4), 2013, p38 - 51 Journal Article, 2013

West, R.P., Hore, A.V. and McAuley, B., Advancing the Facilities Management process in Ireland through the implementation of Building Information Modelling within the Public Sector, Proceedings of the RICS Cobra 2013, New Delhi, 2013, pp1 - 8 Conference Paper, 2013

Redmond A., West, R. P. and Hore, A., Designing a framework for exchanging partial sets of BIM information on a cloud-based service, Proceedings of the BIM Gathering, Dublin, 2013, pp141 - 150 Conference Paper, 2013

Redmond, A., West, R. and Hore, A., Designing a framework for exchanging partial sets of BIM information on a cloud-based service, International Journal of 3-D Information Modelling, 2, (4), 2013, p12 - 24 Journal Article, 2013

Kinnane, O. and West, R., BIM education for engineers via self-directed creative design education, International Journal of 3-D Information Modelling, 2, (4), 2013, p65 - 73 Journal Article, 2013

McAuley, B., West, R. and Rowland, D, Enhancing the facilities management process through the application of building information modelling as a tool for managing the Irish public sector estates, Corporate Real Estate Journal, 3, (2), 2013, p119 - 133 Journal Article, 2013

Redmond, A., Alshawi, M., West, R.P. and Zarli, A., A critical review of BIM assessment practice for construction management students, CIB W078, International Conference on Information Technology for Construction, Beijing, 2013 Conference Paper, 2013

Sweeney, A., West, R. & Seymour, P. , Factors affecting the measurement of solar reflectance using an albedometer: proceedings of the Bridge and Concrete Research in Ireland (BCRI) Conference, Bridge and Concrete Research in Ireland (BCRI) Conference, DIT and TCD, Dublin, 2012, edited by Caprani, C and O'Connor, A. , 2012, pp241 - 245 Conference Paper, 2012

McAuley, B., Hore, A.V, West, R.P. and Kehily, D., Addressing the Need to Reform Construction Public Procurement in Ireland through the Implementation of Building Information Modelling, Proceedings of the 1st ASEA-SEC-1 International Conference on Research, Development and Practice in Structural Engineering and Construction, Perth, 2012, pp895 - 900 Conference Paper, 2012

Redmond, A., Hore, A., Alshawi, M. and West, R., Exploring how information exchanges can be enhanced through Cloud BIM, Automation in Construction, 24, 2012, p175 - 183 Journal Article, 2012

Sweeney, A., West, R.P. and O'Connor, C., Measuring the albedo of concrete slabs for different slag contents and surface finishes, Proc of International Congress in the Low Carbon Era, Dundee, 2012, pp1 - 13 Conference Paper, 2012

McAuley, B., Hore, AV and West, RP, Use of Building Information Modeling in responding to Low Carbon Construction Innovations: An Irish Perspective, Proceedings of the Joint CIB W055, W065, W089, W118, TG76, TG78, TG8 International Symposium on Management of Construction: Research to Practice, Joint CIB W055, W065, W089, W118, TG76, TG78, TG8 International Symposium on Management of Construction: Research to Practice, Montreal, Jun 26th - 29th 2012, 2012, pp526 - 538 Conference Paper, 2012

Redmond, A., Smith, B. and West, R., Evaluating A Cloud BIM Model 'Situation Analysis' based on a Usability Review, UK Academic Conference on BIM (1st), Northumbria University, 5-7 September 2012, 2012, pp241 - 253 Conference Paper, 2012

McAuley, B., Hore, AV., West, RP & Wall, J , The Economic Case for Early Adoption of Facilities Management: proceedings of the Joint CIB W070, W092 & Tg72 International Conference on Delivering Value to the Community, Joint CIB W070, W092 & Tg72 International Conference on Delivering Value to the Community, University of Cape Town, 23-25 January 2012, edited by Mitchell, K., Bowen, P. & Cattell, K. , 2012, pp49 - 55 Conference Paper, 2012

McAuley, B., Hore, AV and West, RP , Implementing of Building Information Modeling in Public Works Projects in Ireland, Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Product and Process Modeling, European Conference on Product and Process Modeling (9th), Reykjavik, July 25 - 27th 2012, edited by Gudnason, G & Scherer, R , 2012, pp589 - 596 Conference Paper, 2012

Redmond, A and West, R., The Use of Cloud Enabled Building Information Models - an Expert Analysis, Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building, 12, (4), 2012, p53 - 67 Journal Article, 2012

Redmond, A., Underwood, J., Alshawi, M., Hore, A.V. and West, R.P. , The Future of ICT in the Construction Industry Through the Use of Cloud Computing, COBRA 2011 - The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors International Research Conference, University of Salford, UK, 12-13 September 2011, 2011 Conference Paper, 2011

Sweeney, A., West, R. and O'Connor, C., The effects of slag content and surface finish on concrete albedo, SB11 World Sustainable Building Conference, Helsinki, 2011, 2011, pp58 - 59 Conference Paper, 2011

Byrne, N., West, RP., Monitoring the Environmental Performance of Traditional Buildings, SB11 World Sustainable Buildings Conference, Helsinki, 2011, 2, 2011, pp278 - 279 Conference Paper, 2011

Redmond, A., Hore, A.V., West, R.P., Underwood, J. and Alshawi, M., Developing a Cloud Integrated Life Cycle Costing Analysis Model Through BIM, Computer Knowledge Building 2011 - the joint organization of CIB W078 and CIB W102 conferences, Sophia Antipolis, France, 26-28 October 2011, 2011 Conference Paper, 2011

Redmond, A., Hore, A.V., Alshawi, M., Underwood, J., and West, R.P., Identifying Cost Savings for the UK Building Industry through Cloud, BIM and Open Standards, COBRA 2011 - The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors International Research Conference, University of Salford, UK, 12-13 September 2011, 2011 Conference Paper, 2011

Nora Aine Ni Nuallain, Des Walsh, Roger P. West, Eamonn Cannon, Colin Caprani, Bryan McCabe(ed.), Joint Proceedings of Concrete Research in Ireland and Bridge and Infrastructure Research in Ireland 2010, Cork, 2010, 1-672 p Proceedings of a Conference, 2010

Redmond, A., Hore, A.V., West, R.P. and Alshawi, M., Building Support for Cloud Computing in the Irish Construction Industry, CIB W78 2010: International Conference (27th), Cairo, Egypt, 16-18 November 2010, 2010 Conference Paper, 2010

Hore, A.V. Redmond, A. and West, R.P., Finding a Middleware ICT Solution for the Irish Construction SME Sector, COBRA 2010: the Construction and Building Research Conference of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors , Université, Paris-Dauphine, Paris, 2-3 September 2010, RICS, 2010 Conference Paper, 2010

Holmes, N and West, RP, Moisture Movement in concrete during drying and after covering - a review: proceedings of the Bridge and Concrete Research in Ireland (BCRI) Conference, University College Cork and Cork Institute of Technology, Cork, September, 2010, edited by Walsh, D and Ni Nuallain, NA , 2010, pp73 - 82 Conference Paper, 2010

Hore, A.V., West, R.P. and Redmond, A., Cloud Computing and its Application in the Irish Construction Industry, International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (6th), Penn State University, 9-11 June, 2010, 2010, pp446 - 455 Conference Paper, 2010

Sweeney, A., West, R. & O Connor, C. , Parameters affecting the albedo effect in concrete: proceedings of the Bridge and Concrete Research in Ireland (BCRI) Conference, Bridge and Concrete Research in Ireland (BCRI) Conference, University College Cork and Cork Institute of Technology, 2010, edited by Walsh, D and Ni Nuallain, NA , 2010, pp513 - 520 Conference Paper, 2010

Gao, J and West RP, Assessing the modulus of elasticity of high strength concrete made from different types of Irish aggregates: proceedings of the Bridge and Concrete Research in Ireland (BCRI) Conference, Bridge and Concrete Research in Ireland (BCRI) Conference, University College Cork and Cork Institute of Technology, September, 2010, edited by Walsh, D and Ni Nuallain, NA , 2010, pp557 - 566 Conference Paper, 2010

Hore, A.V., Redmond, A. and West, R.P., Development of a cloud solution for SMEs in the construction industry, eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Cork, 2010 Conference Paper, 2010

Hore, A.V., Redmond, A. and West, R.P., Development of a Cloud Web Collaborator for SMEs in the Irish Construction Industry, European Conference on Product and Process Modeling (8th), University College Cork, 14-16 September 2010, 2010, pp139 - 144 Conference Paper, 2010

Hore, A.V., Redmond, A. and West, 'Software as a service and its application in the Irish construction industry, Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Loughborough, 2010 Conference Paper, 2010

Alan Redmond, Alan Hore, Roger West, Mustafa Alshawi, Building support for cloud computing in the Irish construction industry, 27 International Conference on Applications of IT in the AEC Industry, Cairo, Egypt, 16-17 November 2010, 2010 Conference Paper, 2010 URL TARA - Full Text

Hore, A.V., West, R.P. and Redmond, A., The Future Scenario of Creating a digital SME Community in the Irish Construction Industry, CIB W78 Conference Managing IT in Construction, Istanbul, Turkey, October 1-3 2009, 2009, pp121 - 130 Conference Paper, 2009

Hore, A.V., West, R.P. and Redmond, A., Creating a Software Marketplace for the SME Community in the Irish Construction Industry, COBRA: the Construction and Building Research Conference of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Cape Town , 10-11 September 2009, RICS, 2009 Conference Paper, 2009

Hore, A.V., West, R.P. and Redmond, A., Creating a digital SME Community in the Irish Construction Industry, CIB W78 Conference Managing IT in Construction, Istanbul, Turkey, October 1-3 2009, 2009, pp855 - 860 Conference Paper, 2009

Shoaib, A. and West, R.P., A single equation yield surface of an I-section for bimoment and bi-axial bending moments, Proc of 12th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Stirlingshire, edited by BHV Topping, LF Costa Neves and RC Barros , 2009 Conference Paper, 2009

O'Dwyer, D., West, R.P. and Tchrakian, T., Load capacity of slabs on grade under the action line loading, Proc. Concrete Research in Ireland, University College Galway, 2008, pp371 - 380 Conference Paper, 2008

West, R.P. and McElhinney, B., Performance of crumb rubber concrete, Proc. Concrete Research in Ireland, University College Galway, 2008, pp363 - 370 Conference Paper, 2008

Hore, A.V. and West, R.P., Implementing eCommerce in the Irish construction industry, eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Paris, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008

Kennedy, C. and West, R,P., The use of thermographic imaging to identify building envelope defects in the energy assessment of masonry houses, Proc. Concrete Research in Ireland, University College Galway, 2008, pp381 - 392 Conference Paper, 2008

Eamonn Cannon, Roger West and Paul Fanning(ed.), Joint Proceedings of Concrete Research in Ireland and Bridge and Infrastructure Research in Ireland 2008, Galway, 2008, 1-461 p Proceedings of a Conference, 2008

O'Connell, L. , Hore, A. and West, R.P., Efficiency gains to be won through the introduction of electronic tendering in the construction industry, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference CIB W102: Information and knowledge management - helping the practitioner in planning and building, Stuttgart, 2008, edited by C.P. Lima and M. Bauer , 2008, pp264 - 273 Conference Paper, 2008

O'Kelly B.C., Torrance A.A., West R.P., Burke M.J. and Boland F.M., Case study of an interdisciplinary problem-based engineering design course, Proceedings of the Sixth AECEF International Symposium on Civil Engineering Education in Changing Europe, Vilnius, Lithuania, 28-30 May 2008, 2008, pp37 - 48 Conference Paper, 2008 TARA - Full Text URL

Hore, A. and West, R.P., CITAX: A collaborative ICT standards model for the Irish construction industry, Proceedings of 25th CIBW78 conference: Improving the management of construction projects, Santiago, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008

West, R.P. and Sinnott, D., Residual strength of fibre reinforced paving flags damaged by impact, 7th International Congress on Concrete: Construction's Sustainable Option, Dundee, 2007, pp343 - 352 Conference Paper, 2007

Hore, A., O'Connell, L. and West, R.P. , Realising electronic tendering in the Irish construction industry, Proceedings of CIB W092 Interdisciplinary in Built Environment Procurement, Newcastle, Australia, 2007, 2007, pp289 - 296 Conference Paper, 2007

Tchrakian, T., O'Dwyer, D. and West, R.P., Load spreading and moment re-distribution in fibre-reinforced slabs on grade, 7th International Congress on Concrete: Construction's Sustainable Option, Dundee, 2007, pp245 - 254 Conference Paper, 2007

Hore, A. and West, R.P., , CITAX: Defining XML standards for data exchange in the construction industry supply chain, Proceedings of CIB W78 Bringing ITC Knowledge to Work, Slovenia, 2007, edited by D. Rebolj , 2007, pp217 - 224 Conference Paper, 2007

West, R.P., Hore, A.V. and O'Connell, L., Electronic tendering: Delivering business efficiencies for the Irish construction Industry, International Conference on Information Technology in Construction, 2007 Conference Paper, 2007

Aboud, R. and West, R.P. , Improving the impact resistance of GRC planks using GRC bars, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Shock and Impact Loads on Structures, Beijing, 2007, edited by F.L. Huang, Q.M.Li and T.S.Lok , 2007, pp91 - 98 Conference Paper, 2007

West, R.P. and Cannon, E., EC2 - An Irish perspective, Proceedings of the Bridge and Infrastructure Research in Ireland Symposium, University College Dublin, 2006, pp399 - 408 Conference Paper, 2006

Shoaib, A. and West, R.P., Yield surface verification and comparison of response for small and large deflection elastic-plastic analysis, Proceedings of McMat 2005: joint ASME/ASCE/SES Conference on Mechanics and Materials, Baton Rouge, Louisianna, 2005, ppCD-ROM, 7 Conference Paper, 2005

Hore, A.V. and West, R.P., Realising electronic purchasing in the Irish construction industry, Combining Forces - Advanced Facilities Management & Construction Through Innovation Conference, Helsinki, 2005, pp153 - 166 Conference Paper, 2005

West, R.P. and Holmes, N., Predicting moisture movement during the drying of concrete floors using finite elements, Construction and Building Materials, 19, 2005, p674 - 681 Journal Article, 2005

Tchrakian, T.T., O'Dwyer, D.W. and West R.P., Investigation of the structural behaviour of reinforced concrete slabs on grade, Proceedings of the Concrete Research in Ireland Colloquium 2005, University College Dublin, edited by Ciaran McNally , 2005, pp1 - 8 Conference Paper, 2005

Hore, A.V. and West, R.P., Benefits of deploying IT in the material procurement of ready-mix concrete in the Irish construction industry, Proceedings of the Concrete Research in Ireland Colloquium 2005, University College Dublin, edited by Ciaran McNally , 2005, pp71 - 80 Conference Paper, 2005

Coumo, G., West, R.P. and Zhang, S., Demonstrating the alignment of long steel fibres in fibre-reinforced concrete slabs, Proceedings of the Concrete Research in Ireland Colloquium, University College Dublin, edited by Ciaran McNally , 2005, pp139 - 147 Conference Paper, 2005

Cullen, R., West, R.P., Development of a hand-held rheology tool and suitable testing criteria, Proceedings of the International Conference Cement Combinations for Durable Concrete,, edited by R.K. Dhir, T.A. Harrison and M.D. Newlands , 2005, pp195 - 202 Conference Paper, 2005

West, R.P., Zhang, S. and Mandl, J., Aligning long steel fibres in fresh concrete, Proceedings of the International Conference Cement Combinations for Durable Concrete, edited by R.K. Dhir, T.A. Harrison and M.D. Newlands , 2005, pp467 - 476 Conference Paper, 2005

Hore, A.V. and West, R.P., Attitudes towards electronic purchasing in the Irish construction industry, International Symposium on Procurement Systems, Las Vagas, USA, 2005, pp289 - 296 Conference Paper, 2005

Hore, A.V., and West, R.P., A survey of electronic purchasing practice in Ireland: a perspective for the Irish construction industry, The 2nd Internationsl Salford Centre for Research and Innovation (SCRI) Research Symposium and International Built and Human Research Week, Salford University, Manchester, 2005, pp98 - 108 Conference Paper, 2005

West, R.P., Rice, F. and Courtney, K., Accidental Impact of Kegs on Paving Slabs, Proceedings of the 6th Asia Pacific Conference on Shock and Impact Loads on Structures, Perth, 2005, pp83 - 90 Conference Paper, 2005

Hore, A.V., West, R.P. and L. Gunnigan, L., Enabling the re-engineering of material purchasing in the construction industry by the effective use of information technology, Proceedings of the 1st International SCRI (Salford Centre for Research and Innovation) Symposium, University of Salford, Salford, U.K., edited by G. Aouad, D. Amaratunga, M. Kagioglou, L. Ruddock and M. Sexton , 2004, pp386 - 395 Conference Paper, 2004

Cullen, R. and West, R.P., The development of a hand-held rheology tool for characterising the rheological properties of fresh concrete', 2004, p71 - 78 Journal Article, 2004

Heelis, M.E., Pavlovic, M.N. and West, R.P., The analytical prediction of the buckling loads of fully and partially embedded piles, Geotechnique, 6, 2004, p363 - 373 Journal Article, 2004

Hore, A.V. and West, R.P., A proposal for re-engineering the procurement of building materials by the effective use of ICT, Proceedings of the World ICT Conference on Design, Managing and Supporting Construction Projects through Innovation and ICT Solutions, Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia, edited by P. Brandon, H. Li, N. Shaffii and Q. Shen , 2004, pp375 - 380 Conference Paper, 2004

Holmes, N. and West, R.P., Moisture re-distribution in concrete under impermeable coverings, Concrete Congress, Dundee, edited by R.K. Dhir, M.D. Newlands and K.A. Paine , 2003, pp299 - 308 Conference Paper, 2003

West, R.P. and Deasy, A., Sensitivity analysis of beam design to changes to the nationally determined parameters in Eurocode 2, Proceedings of the Colloquium on Concrete Research in Ireland, The Queen's University of Belfast, edited by P.A.M. Basheer and M.I. Russell , 2003, pp177 - 186 Conference Paper, 2003

Holmes, N. and West, R.P., Shrinkage of concrete with aligned steel fibres and steel rings, Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Role of Concrete in Sustainable Development, edited by R.K. Dhir, M.D. Newlands and K.A. Paine, Thomas Telford , 2003, pp299 - 308 Conference Paper, 2003

Orr, T.L.L., West, R.P. and Bromwich, B., Challenges in providing continuing education in Ireland, Proceedings of WFEO/ASEE e-conference, 2003, pp1 - 13 Conference Paper, 2003

West, R.P. and Cullen, R., Characteristics of a new hand-held rheology tool, The Queen's University of Belfast, edited by P.A.M. Basheer and M.I. Russell , 2003, pp137 - 146 Conference Paper, 2003

Perry, S.H., West, R.P. and Bromwich, B., Hard impact testing in characterizing new materials, Proceedings of the 5th Asia-Pacific conference on Shock and Impact Loads on Structures, Central South University, Hunan, China, edited by X. Li, T.S. Lok and D. Liu , 2003, pp59 - 70 Conference Paper, 2003

West, R.P. and Holmes, N., Finite element modeling of moisture movement in concrete floors, Proceedings of the Colloquium on Concrete Research in Ireland, The Queen's University of Belfast, edited by P.A.M. Basheer and M.I. Russell , 2003, pp157 - 166 Conference Paper, 2003

West, R.P., Goyal, K. and Shoaib, A., Moisture re-distribution in concrete under impermeable coverings, Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Role of Concrete in Sustainable Development, edited by R.K. Dhir, M.D. Newlands and K.A. Paine, Thomas Telford , 2003, pp147 - 156 Conference Paper, 2003

West, R.P., Design issues in the alignment of steel fibres in concrete slabs using a magnetic fin, Proceedings of the International Concrete Congress - Challenges of Concrete Construction, Concrete Floors and Slabs, Dundee, 2002, pp35 - 44 Conference Paper, 2002

Cuomo, G. and West, R.P., Pavimentazioni in calcestestruzzo fibrio-rinforzato (in Italian), Enco Journal, 7, (20), 2002, p36 - 39 Journal Article, 2002

Ryan, C.A., Broderick, B.M. and West, R.P., Confinement effects in RC members employing Wireball reinforcement, Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, London, 2002, pp123 - 131 Conference Paper, 2002

Holmes, N. and West, R.P., Moisture migration in concrete slabs during drying, Proceedings of the International Concrete Congress - Challenges of Concrete Construction, Concrete Floors and Slabs, Dundee, 2002, pp173 - 182 Conference Paper, 2002

Ryan, C.A., West, R.P. and Broderick, B.M., Wireballs - their genesis and future, Colloquium on Concrete Research in Ireland, University College Galway, edited by E, Cannon , 2001, pp25 - 30 Conference Paper, 2001

West, R.P. and Holmes, N., Experimental investigation of moisture migration in concrete, Colloquium on Concrete Research in Ireland, University College Galway, edited by E,Cannon , 2001, pp39 - 44 Conference Paper, 2001

West, R.P. and Cuomo, G., Strength loss in the wake of a cylinder dragged through a concrete slab, Colloquium on Concrete Research in Ireland, University College Galway, edited by E, Cannon , 2001, pp87 - 92 Conference Paper, 2001

Ryan, C.A., Broderick, B. and West, R.P., Performance of Wireball reinforced concrete under seismic loading conditions, 3rd International Conference on Concrete under Severe Conditions, Vancouver, 2001, pp707 - 714 Conference Paper, 2001

Decard, J.C., West, R.P. and Prichard, S.J., The impact response of recycled paper waste concrete, International Symposium on Recovery and Recycling of Paper, Dundee, 2001, pp81 - 92 Conference Paper, 2001

West, R.P. and O'Connor, A., An investigation of non-holonomic elastoplastic behaviour of two span beams, Abnormal Loading on Structures, London, E. and P. Spon, 2000, pp317 - 327 Conference Paper, 2000

West, R.P. and Pavlovic, M.N., Finite element model sensitivity in the vibration of partially embedded beams, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 44, (4), 1999, p517 - 534 Journal Article, 1999

West, R.P., C.A. Ryan and Thompson, A., Shrinkage and creep of recycled paper waste concrete, Exploiting Wastes in Concrete, London, edited by R.K.Dhir and T.G. Jappy , 1999, pp233 - 242 Conference Paper, 1999

West, R.P. and Pavlovic, M.N., A parametric study of the clustering of modes in the vibration of partially embedded beams, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 1999, p547 - 559 Journal Article, 1999

Heelis, M.E., Pavlovic, M.N. and West, R.P., The stability of uniform-friction piles in homogeneous and non-homogeneous elastic foundations, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 36, 1999, p3277 - 3292 Journal Article, 1999

West, R.P. O'Neill, M.L. and Rynhart, A.D., Measuring the near-surface moisture condition of concrete slabs and gypsum screeds, Specialist techniques and materials for concrete construction, London, edited by R.K. Dhir and N.A. Henderson , 1999, pp331 - 342 Conference Paper, 1999

West, R.P. O'Neill, M.L. and Rynhart, A.D., The measurement of the moisture condition of concrete and gypsum using the concrete moisture encounter, Proceedings of the International Conference Non-destructive Testing and Experimental Stress and Analysis of Concrete Structures, Bratislava, 1998, pp162 - 169 Conference Paper, 1998

West, R.P., Heelis, M.E. and Pavlovic, M.N., A generalised analytical solution for the stability of beams in elastic foundations, Proceedings of the International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics, Kharagpur, India, 1998, pp1 - 13 Conference Paper, 1998

West, R.P. and Pavlovic, M.N., A fast iterative algorithm for eigenvalue determination, Computers and Structures, 63, (4), 1997, p749 - 758 Journal Article, 1997

West, R.P., Heelis, M.E., Pavlovic, M.N. and Wylie, G.B., The stability of end-bearing piles in a non-homogeneous elastic foundation, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Geomechanics, 21, 1997, p845 - 861 Journal Article, 1997

West, R.P. and Holmes-Ievers, J., The contribution of bond and friction in timber-concrete composite beams, Colloquium on Concrete Research in Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, edited by R.P. West and D. O'Dwyer , 1997, pp19 - 24 Conference Paper, 1997

McDonnell, C. and West, R.P., Crack propagation in plastic shrinkage cracking, Colloquium on Concrete Research in Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, edited by R.P. West and D. O'Dwyer , 1997, pp107 - 114 Conference Paper, 1997

West, R.P. and Levins, C., Spherical reinforcement in short columns, 4th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Analysis and Modeling, Kumasi, Ghana, 1997, pp102 - 114 Conference Paper, 1997

West, R.P. and Pavlovic, M.N., Modal clustering in the vibration of partially embedded piles, Modern Practice in Stress and Vibration Analysis, Instit. Of Physics, Dublin, 1997, pp113 - 119 Conference Paper, 1997

West, R.P., Recycled paper waste concrete, The Concrete Way to Development, FIP'97, Johannesberg, 1997, pp699 - 703 Conference Paper, 1997

West, R.P. and O'Leary, R., An improved two-point workability apparatus, Colloquium on Concrete Research in Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, edited by R.P. West and D. O'Dwyer , 1997, pp91 - 98 Conference Paper, 1997

Roger P. West and Dermot O'Dwyer(ed.), Proceedings of Concrete Research in Ireland Colloquium, Dublin, 1997, 1-148 p Proceedings of a Conference, 1997

West, R.P., Concrete Research at Trinity College Dublin, Concrete Practice in Ireland, University College Dublin, 1995, pp148 - 156 Conference Paper, 1995

West, R.P. and Stewart, D., Our House technology, Transactions of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland, 119, 1995, p207 - 223 Journal Article, 1995

West, R.P., The use of project management software in filming industry, Developments in Computational Techniques for Civil Engineering, CIV-COMP 95, Cambridge, 1995, pp51 - 58 Conference Paper, 1995

Perry, S.H. and West, R.P., Concrete structural elements - design against impact from hard projectiles, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Structural Engineering, Analysis and Modeling, Kumasi, Ghana, 1993, pp105 - 130 Conference Paper, 1993

West, R.P. and Pavlovic, M.N., A fast iterative algorithm for eigenvalue determination, Developments in Computational Engineering Mechanics, CIV-COMP 93, Edinburgh, 1993, pp229 - 236 Conference Paper, 1993

West, R.P., Concrete retempering without strength loss, Properties of Fresh Concrete, Hannover, Chapman and Hall, 1990, pp134 - 141 Conference Paper, 1990

West, R.P. and Pavlovic, M.N., Modal clustering in the vibration of partially and fully embedded steel piles, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 1, (11), 1988, p57 - 67 Journal Article, 1988

Pavlovic, M.N. and West, R.P., Modal clustering in the vibration of steel piles, Proceedings of the International Conference on Steel Structures, Budva, Yugoslavia, 3, 1986, pp815 - 823 Conference Paper, 1986

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Shiell, C. and West, R.P. , Cathedrals of Ireland - a sustainability problem or an opportunity, Search Church of Ireland Journal, 2020, p218 - 227 Journal Article, 2020

Alan Hore, Barry McAuley, Roger P. West, Building Information Modelling in Ireland 2019, Dublin, 2019, 65 Report, 2019

National Children's Hospital (NCH) Dublin, Chapter 10: BIM Case Studies in, 3rd Edition of the BIM Handbook, 2018, pp405 - 409, [Hore, A., McAuley, B. and West, R.] Book Chapter, 2018

Matthew Cruickshank, Chaaruchandra Korde, Roger West and John Reddy, Temperature and admixtures effects on the maturity of normal and super fine ground granulated blast furnace slag mortars for the precast concrete industry, The 20th International Research Conference Proceedings, Venice, 2018, pp765 - 770 Conference Paper, 2018

Hore, A., McAuley, B. and West, R., BIM in Ireland 2017, BIM Innovation Capability Programme, CitA Ltd, 2017 Book, 2017

Hore, A., McAuley, B., and West, R., Global BIM Study - Lessons for Ireland's BIM Programme, BIM Innovation Capability Programme, CitA Ltd, 2017 Book, 2017

Research Expertise


Concrete Technology: impact, diffusion, rheology, fibre-reinforcing, recycled paper waste. Construction: innovative methods and materials, e-procurement. Structural Mechanics: vibrations and stability of partially piles, structural optimisation.


Building Construction; Civil Engineering, Pavements and Structures; Concrete Technology; Construction Innovation; Design Engineering; Earthquake engineering; Earthquake resistant structures; Structures; Vibration and Accoustic Engineering



National Eurocodes Advisory Committee On-going

Irish Concrete Consultative Committee (National Standards Authority of Ireland) On-going

Chartered Engineer Panelist, IEI On-going

Chairman to the Irish Concrete Society Durability Committees On-going

Member of Examination Board of Institute of Concrete Technology, UK On-going

Reviewer for American Concrete Institute - Materials journal papers On-going

MSc Examiner, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London 2005-2008

Scientific Committee for Bridge Research Conference, TCD 2006 2006

Conference Advisor to 3rd International Conference on Protection of Structures against Hazards, Padua, Sept. 2006 2006

Chair of External Review Panel for new degree course in Civil Engineering Management, LIT 2006

Verifier for SAMARIS research programme on corrosion inhibitors 2006

Joint-Organiser of Colloquium on Concrete Research in Ireland 2007 2007

Scientific Committee of 7th International Congress, Concrete: construction's sustainable option, Dundee, Sept. 2007 2007

Guest Editor for issue of Institution of Civil Engineers (UK) journal Buildings and Structures on Impact on Concrete 2008

Chairman of the Structures and Construction Section of IEI Formerly

Member of Civil Division Committee, IEI Formerly

Vice-Chairman of the Irish Concrete Society Formerly

Irish Eurocode 2 Liaison Engineer Formerly

Member of Examinations and Qualifications Board IEI Formerly

Member of Accreditation Panel at Sligo Institute of Technology Formerly

Task Force Chairman on Third Level Links, IEI Formerly

Secretary to Irish mirror group to TC135, Eurocode on steel structure fabrication Formerly

Irish representative on European Concrete Societies Network Formerly

Joint Editor of Proceedings of the Concrete Research in Ireland 1997 Colloquium, 2006, 2008 Formerly

Scientific Committee for Concrete research in Ireland Colloquia 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016. Formerly

Member of Accreditation Panel, IEI: Sligo IT Formerly

Awards and Honours

Lifetime Achievement Award, Civil Engineering Association of Ireland August 2018

Best Paper Award, Civil Engineering Research Association of Ireland, 2016 August 2016

Global Engagement Award, Trinity College Dublin, 2015 August 2015

UKIERI Congress Distinguished Academic Award in March 2019


Chartered Engineer, Institution of Engineers of Ireland March 1995 – Present

Fellow of Institution of Engineers of Ireland 2003 – Present

Corporate Member of Irish Concrete Society

Member of Construction Information Technology Alliance (CITA) 2000 – Present

Member of the Institution of Concrete Technology, UK Sept 1993 – Present