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Dr. Eoin O'Dell
Associate Professor, Law


Eoin O'Dell BCL(NUI), BCL(Oxon), PhD (Cantab), FTCD, Barrister-at-Law. Dr O'Dell lectures Contract, Restitution and Freedom of Expression, researches and publishes primarily in the fields of private and commercial law, and has been President of the Irish Association of Law Teachers and Editor of the Dublin University Law Journal.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Eoin O'Dell, Property and Proportionality: Evaluating Ireland's Tobacco Packaging Legislation, Queensland University of Technology Law Review , 17, (3), 2017, p46 - 65 Journal Article, 2017 TARA - Full Text URL

Eoin O'Dell, Compensation for Breach of the General Data Protection Regulation, Dublin University Law Journal, 40, (1), 2017, p97 - 164 Journal Article, 2017 TARA - Full Text URL

Dublin University Law Journal, Dublin, Clarus Press, [eds.], 2015 Editorial Board, 2015

Dublin University Law Journal, Dublin, Clarus Press, [eds.], 2015 Editorial Board, 2015

Dublin University Law Journal, Dublin, Clarus Press, [eds.], 2014 Editorial Board, 2014

Dublin University Law Journal, Dublin, Clarus Press, [eds.], 2013-2015 Editorial Board, 2013

Eoin O'Dell, Prof Steve Hedley, & Patricia McGovern, Modernising Copyright The Report of the Copyright Review Committee, Dublin, 2013, 1-179 Report, 2013

Dublin University Law Journal, 2013, Clarus Press, [eds.], 2013 Editorial Board, 2013

Eoin O'Dell, Prof Steve Hedley, & Patricia McGovern, Copyright and Innovation A Consultation Pape, Dublin, February, 2012, 1-172 Report, 2012

Geoffrey Shannon and Eoin O'Dell, Law and Practice: Essays on Reform, Dublin, Clarus Press, 2009, 1-479pp Book, 2009

Eoin O'Dell, Older people in modern Ireland : essays on law and policy, Dublin, First Law, 2006, 1-598pp Book, 2006

Irish Case Study on Commercial Trusts in, editor(s)Michele Graziadei, Ugo Mattei and Lionel Smith , Commercial Trusts in European Private Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2005, pppassim , [O'Dell, Eoin, with N Moloney] Book Chapter, 2005

O'Dell, Eoin with Hugh Mohan SC, Paula Mullooly, Sinead McSweeney and Regina Terry , Report of the Legal Advisor Group on Defamation, Government Publications, 2003 Report, 2003

Ireland in, Restitution Law Review, 2003, [O'Dell, Eoin] Book Chapter, 2003

Contract in, editor(s)R. Byrne and W. Binchy , Annual Review of Irish Law 2001, Dublin , Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell, 2002, pp123 - 176, [O'Dell, Eoin] Book Chapter, 2002

O'Dell, Eoin, Restitution, rectification and mitigation: negligent solicitors and wills, again, Modern Law Review, 65, (3), 2002 Journal Article, 2002 TARA - Full Text

O'Dell, Eoin, The use and abuse of Clayton's case, Dublin University Law Journal, 23, 2001 Journal Article, 2001 TARA - Full Text

Ireland in, Restitution Law Review, 2001, [O'Dell, Eoin] Book Chapter, 2001

Contract in, editor(s)R. Byrne and W. Binchy , Annual Review of Irish Law 2000, Dublin, Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell, 2001, [O'Dell, Eoin] Book Chapter, 2001

O'Dell, Eoin, Unjust enrichment and the remedial constructive trust, Dublin University Law Journal, 23, 2001 Journal Article, 2001 TARA - Full Text

O'Dell, Eoin, Restitution: Debt and Taxes, Dublin University Law Journal, 23, 2001 Journal Article, 2001

Contract Law in, editor(s)R. Byrne and W. Binchy , Annual Review of Irish Law 1999, Dublin , Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell, 2000, pp123 - 176, [O'Dell, Eoin] Book Chapter, 2000

O'Dell, Eoin, (Editor), Leading Cases of the Twentieth Century, Dublin, Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell, 2000 Book, 2000

O'Dell, Eoin, Tracing, Dublin University Law Journal, 22, 2000, p131 - 172 Journal Article, 2000 TARA - Full Text

Contract Law in, editor(s)R. Byrne and W. Binchy , Annual Review of Irish Law, Dublin, Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell, 2000, pp81 - 126, [O'Dell, Eoin] Book Chapter, 2000

Incapacity in, editor(s)Birks, P and Rose, F. , Lessons of the Swaps litigation, London, Mansfield Press, 2000, pp113 - 167, [O'Dell, Eoin] Book Chapter, 2000 TARA - Full Text

The Case that Fell to Earth, Sinclair v Brougham in, editor(s)O'Dell, Eoin , Leading Cases of the Twentieth Century, Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell, 2000, pp28 - 63, [O'Dell, Eoin, ed] Book Chapter, 2000 TARA - Full Text

Contract in, editor(s)R. Byrne and W. Binchy , Annual Review of Irish Law 1999, Dublin, Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell, 2000, [O'Dell, Eoin] Book Chapter, 2000

Ireland in, Restitution Law Review, 2000, [O'Dell, Eoin] Book Chapter, 2000

Ireland in, Restitution Law Review, 1999, [O'Dell, Eoin] Book Chapter, 1999

Eoin O'Dell, Reflections on a Revolution in Libel, Irish Law Times , 9, 1999, p214 - 218 Journal Article, 1999

Contract in, editor(s)Binchy, William and Byrne, Raymond with specialist contributors , Annual Review of Irish Law, 1998, Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell, 1999, [O'Dell, Eoin] Book Chapter, 1999

Contract Law in, editor(s)Binchy, W and Byrne, R , Annual Review of Irish Law 1998, Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell, 1999, [O'Dell, Eoin] Book Chapter, 1999

Bricks and Stones and the Structure of the Law of Restitution in, editor(s)O'Dell, Eoin , Dublin University Law Journal, Dublin, 1998, [O'Dell, Eoin] Book Chapter, 1998

Contract Law in, editor(s)Binchy, W and Byrne, R , Annual Review of Irish Law, 1997, Round Hall, 1998, [O'Dell, Eoin] Book Chapter, 1998

When two tribes go to war: privacy interests and media speech in, editor(s)McMonagle, M , Law and the Media, Dublin, Round Hall Press, 1997, pp181 - 256, [O'Dell, Eoin] Book Chapter, 1997 TARA - Full Text

Contract Law in, editor(s)R. Byrne and W. Binchy , Annual Review of Irish Law 1996, Dublin, Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell, 1997, [O'Dell, Eoin] Book Chapter, 1997

Ireland in, Restitution Law Review, 1997, [O'Dell, Eoin] Book Chapter, 1997

O'Dell, Eoin, Insurance Payments (Mis)Directed, Equitable Maxims (Mis)Used, and Restitution Doctrines missed, Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, 1997, p197 - 203 Journal Article, 1997

O'Dell, Eoin, Restititution and res Judicata in the Irish Supreme Court, Law Quarterly Review, 113, 1997, p245 - 249 Journal Article, 1997

O'Dell, Eoin, Restitution, coercion by a third party, and the proper role of notice, Cambridge Law Journal, 56, (1), 1997, p71 - 99 Journal Article, 1997 TARA - Full Text

Ireland in, Restitution Law Review, 1995, [O'Dell, Eoin] Book Chapter, 1995

Speech in a Cold Climate: The Chilling Effect of the Contempt Jurisdiction in, editor(s)L. Heffernan , Human Rights. A European Perspective, Dublin, Round Hall Press, 1993, pp219 - 228, [O'Dell, Eoin] Book Chapter, 1993

O'Dell, Eoin, Estoppel and Ultra Vires Contracts, Dublin University Law Journal, 14, 1992 Journal Article, 1992

O'Dell, Eoin, Reform of Occupier's Liability - Part 1, Gazette I.L.S.I., 86, 1992 Journal Article, 1992

O'Dell, Eoin, Reform of Occupier's Liability, Gazette I.L.S.I, 86, 1992 Journal Article, 1992

The Principle Against Unjust Enrichment, Dublin University Law Journal, 15, 1992 Journal Article, 1992

O'Dell, Eoin, a Tragedy in Five Acts: Behind the Scenes in Cotter and McDermott (No. 2), Irish Student Law Review 2, 1992 Journal Article, 1992

O'Dell, Eoin, Legal Aspects of the Control of Anti-Competitive Behaviour in Ireland, Irish Student Law Review 2, 1992 Journal Article, 1992

O'Dell, Eoin, Danger Invites Rescue. The Tort of Negligence and the rescue Principle, Dublin University Law Journal, 14, 1992 Journal Article, 1992

O'Dell, Eoin, Whyte, G.F., Fitzpatrick, Barry and Docksey, Christopher, Welfare, women and unjust enrichment, Industrial Law Journal , 20, (4), 1991, p304 - 320 Journal Article, 1991 DOI TARA - Full Text

O'Dell, Eoin, Relfections on a Revolution in Libel - Part 2, Irish Law Times, 9, 1991 Journal Article, 1991

O'Dell, Eoin, Relfections on a Revolution in Libel - Part 1, Irish Law Times, 9, 1991 Journal Article, 1991

O'Dell, Eoin, Does Defamation Value Free Expression? The Possible Influence of New York v. Sullivan on Irish Law, Dublin University Law Journal (new series), 12, 1990 Journal Article, 1990

O'Dell, Eoin, Does Defamation Value Free Expression? The Possible Influence of New York v. Sullivan on Irish Law, Dublin University Law Journal (new series), 12, 1990 Journal Article, 1990

Eoin O'Dell, "Does Defamation Value Free Expression? The Possible Influence of New York Times v. Sullivan on Irish Law", Dublin University Law Journal , 12, 1990, p50 - 80 Journal Article, 1990

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Eoin O'Dell, Comparative Defamation and Privacy Law - Irish Perspectives, Dublin University Law Journal, 40, (1), 2017, p236 - 49 Journal Article, 2017 URL TARA - Full Text

Eoin O'Dell, 'cearta',, - Digital research resource production, URL

Research Expertise


Contract, Restitution, Freedom of Expression, Defamation, Competition Policy, Constitutional Law and Intellectual Property


Competition Policy, Constitutional Law; Contract, Restitution, Freedom of Expression, Defamation; Intellectual Property



Dublin University Law Journal Editor 1999-2004

Dublin University Law Journal Technical Editor 1991-1999

Restitution Law Review, Regional Editor and Contributor for Ireland 1992 - to date

Irish Student Law Review Editor 1993

Member of Editorial Board, Irish Student Law Review 1992- to date

Irish Moot Court Committee, Founder, Treater and Author of the 1991 and 2003 Cases 1991

Member of Organising Committee for BILETA annual conference 1998

Member of Organising Committee for ALT / IALT annual Conference 1997

Acting President of IALT 1997-1998

Organiser of Annual IALT Conference: The Academy, The Bench and Law Reform 1998

Organiser of Annual Conference "The Leading Cases of the Twentieth Century" 1999

President IALT 1998-1999

Member of Organising Committee of IALT Annual Conference 2000

Council Member of Society of Legal Scholars 2003 - to date

Executive Member of Society of Legal Scholars 2003 - to date

Awards and Honours

College Scholarship, University College Cork 1989

Prendergast Scholar, University of Oxford, 1989

Rodney Overend Memorial Trust scholar 2001

Newton Trust Scholarship, University of Cambridge, 2001

Fellow, TCD 2003