Ms. Niamh Brennan
Assistant Librarian, Library
Niamh Brennan is Programme Manager for Research Informatics in Trinity College Library Dublin where she works on research reporting, evaluation and impact. She is responsible for the development of Trinity's Research Support System and its institutional repository, TARA (Trinity's Access to Research Archive). Niamh is a member of several national and international groups working on open access to research outputs and enabling their improved reporting, retrieval and evaluation. These include Ireland's National Open Science Forum (which represents all Irish funding councils and research agencies and institutions), DART-Europe (Digital Access to Research Theses Europe), OpenAIRE2020 (Horizon2020) and OpenAIRE Advance (Horizon2020). She is a member of the management councils of two key Irish journals in economics and social sciences and has partnered in a number of research projects in digital humanities, international development and social sciences. Niamh coordinated a national sectoral project in Ireland, funded by the HEA and managed by the IUA, which developed research reporting standards and research evaluation methodologies with a particular focus on developing new ways of demonstrating research impact. She has acted as a consultant on bibliometrics for HEA/Forfas (2011) and HEA (2106-2017). She is a member of the European Commission Expert Group on Skills for Open Science, reporting to the European Open Science Policy Platform (expert group report published: September 2017).
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
xxx, xxx, Brain Communications, 2024, p123 - 136
Lucy Hogan, Niamh Brennan, Ruth Hegarty, David Kane, Frances Madden, Hardy Schwamm, Publish OA Report: Comparison of Open Access Publishing Platform Software, European Organization for Nuclear Research, 2023
Darker, C., O'Connell, N., Dempster, M., Graham, C., O'Connor, C., Zgaga, L., Nolan, A., Tobin, K., Brennan, N., Nicolson, G., Burke, E., Mather, L., Crowley, P., Scally, G., Barry, J., Study protocol for the COvid-19 Toolbox for All IslaNd (CONTAIN) project: A cross-border analysis in Ireland to disentangle psychological, behavioural, media and governmental responses to COVID-19, HRB Open Research, 2020, p10.12688/hrbopenres.13105.1
Niamh Brennan, Shane Collins, Linda Doyle, Helen Shenton, The ascent of SOAPbox, Septentrio conference series, (1), 2019
K Kiely, N Brennan, A Hayes, Measuring research in the university via senior academic promotions and faculty research metrics, Procedia Computer Science, 146, 2019, p173 - 181
K Kiely, N Brennan, A Hayes, Measuring research in the university via senior academic promotions and faculty research metrics., CRIS2018, Umea, Sweden, 18-22 June 2018, 2018
Conor O'Carroll, Niamh Brennan, Berit Hyllseth, Ulrike Kohl, Gareth O'Neill, Rinske Van Den Berg, Providing researchers with the skills and competencies they need to practise Open Science: Open Science Skills Working Group Report, Brussels, European Commission DG-RTG, September, 2017, p1 - 36
Niamh Brennan, On grasping the lifeline - and avoiding the noose: Open Access in Social Sciences and Humanities, Workshop on Open Access infrastructures in the Social Sciences and Humanities, Covent Garden, Brussels, 6-7 February, 2013, 2013, ERCEA/A1 in collaboration with the ERC Scientific Council working group on Open Access
Niamh Brennan, The dark arts of rankings, Bibliometrics: Use and Abuse in the Review of Research Performance: an international symposium, Stockholm, May 23-25, 2013, Academia Europaea & Wenner-Gren Foundations, 2013
Niamh Brennan and Catherine Bruen, Transforming cultures: Open Access and the research-teaching nexus, eInfraNet 'Open' Workshop , Noordwijk aan Zee, Netherlands, 27-28 October 2011, 2011
The role of information and communications technology in research capacity building in, editor(s)Michael G. Healy and Mary Goretti Nakabugo , Research capacity building for development: resources for higher education institutions, Belfast, The Irish-African Partnership for Research Capacity Building, 2010, pp58 - 72, [Jane Grimson, Niamh Brennan, Catherine Bruen, Daniel Lete Murugarren, Margaret Ngwira, Vinny Wade and Kondwani Wella]
Niamh Brennan, Developments in Ireland, Keeping the records of science accessible: can we afford it? Annual Conference of the Alliance for Permanent Access 2008, Budapest, Hungary, 4th November, 2008, Alliance for Permanent Access, 2008
Vivero LE, Henman MC, Healy A,Brennan N , Information literacy training for the 21st century: The Medicines Information Retrieval Project., Pharmacotherapy, 24, 2004, p1472 - 1473p
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
K Kiely, Email Notification Fix, 2023
Sanchidrian, Monica and Brennan, Niamh, What an OER journey!, Open Science Fair 2023, Madrid, 25-27 September 2023, 2023
Loughnane, Christopher; Joy, Cillian, Advancing Open Repositories in Ireland: A Survey and Strategic Recommendations for National Progress, University of Galway, December, 2023, p1 - 36
Niamh Brennan, Metrics and Interdisciplinarity, Dublin, October, 2016
Niamh Brennan, Open Access policies in Ireland, Open Access: Maximising Research Impact workshop, New Bulgarian University Library, Sofia, Bulgaria, April 23-24, 2009, Bulgarian Information Consortium, New Bulgarian University Library and Supported by the Higher Education Support Program of the Open Society Institute
Niamh Brennan & Garret McMahon, Increasing points of access: a guide to metadata harvesting, A picture's worth a thousand euros - Return on Investment? How to improve the cultural and commercial potential of your image collection, The Royal Thames Yacht Club, Knightsbridge, Lindon, 28-29 January, 2009, Bridgeman Art Library, Collections Trust, Electric Lane and The MILE Project, 2009
Niamh Brennan, Beyond the repository: Current Research Information Systems & the REF, Repositories Support Project (RSP) Winter School, New Lanark, Scotland, 25-27 February 2009, 2009, Repositories Support Project (RSP), funded by JISC Repositories Net
Niamh Brennan, Donal Lyons, Andrew Watson, Kevin Kiely, Enovation Solutions, Case Study: TARA: Trinity's Access to Research Archive, RSP Repository Software Day 2009, Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester, 19th March 2009, Repositories Support Project, funded by JISC Repository Net, 2009
Niamh Brennan, Research information: an Irish perspective, Scottish Planning Forum, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Scotland, 28 January 2009, 2009, University of St Andrews
Niamh Brennan, Local integration, national federation - TCD-RSS, TARA, IReL-Open, Expertise Ireland , DRIVER Summit : Towards a Confederation of Digital Repositories, University of Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany, January 16-17, 2008, DRIVER (Digital Repositories Infrastructure ision for Europe), EU FP 7 Research Infractructures, 2008
Niamh Brennan, Donal Lyons, Andrew Watson, Kevin Kiely, Enovation Solutions, Access and Infrastructure: how an integrated research information systems can support reading, writing and reputation, Technology Futures Conference, Edinburgh, November 21st 2008, University of Edinburgh, 2008
Niamh Brennan, e-Library capabilities for international cooperation in education, research and publica outreach, Universitas 21 Workshop, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin, May 7th 2008, 2008, UCD & Universitas 21
Niamh Brennan, Pushing doors and opening windows, Repositories Support Project (RSP) Summer School, Thornton Manor, The Wirral, Cheshire, 18th-20th June 2008 , 2008, Repositories Support Project (RSP), funded by JISC Repositories Net
Niamh Brennan, Institutional repositories and the Open Access revolution in Ireland, Publishing government e-information: challenges and opportunities , Bedford Suite, Dublin Castle, 9 October 2008, Library Association of Ireland, Government Libraries Section, 2008
Niamh Brennan & Austin McLean, Plagiarism and ETDs: confronting the reality, EDT 2007 - Added value to e-theses: 10th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden, 13- 16 June 2007, EDT & Uppsala University Library, 2007
Niamh Brennan, Cataloguing in the electronic age: TARA (Trinity's Access to Research Archive), Cataloguing in the Electronic Age: LAI C&IG one-day seminar, National Library of Ireland, October 25th, 2007, Library Association of Ireland, Cataloguing & Indexing Group & The National Library of Ireland
Jane Grimson (Chair), Bertil Andersson, Catherine Cesarsky, Ulrike Felt, Norbert Kroó, Zita Kučinskienė, Gretty Mirdal, Niamh Brennan (Rapporteur), Scientific publication: policy on open access (European Research Advisory Board Final Report), EURAB 06.049, Brussels, EURAB, December, 2006, p1 - 14
Niamh Brennan & Paul Sheehan, Institutional repositories in an Irish context, 9 February 2005, 2005, National Library of Ireland, ANLTC
Brennan, N., Welcome to the Big Time: Building the Infrastructure for Irish Research Information, INULS Conference 2005, University College Cork, June 2005, 2005
Brennan, N., Ballrooms of Romance? Towards Collaborative Virtual Research Environments in Ireland, IUISC 2005: Sustaining Innovation in an Integrated Environment, Sligo, March 2005, 2005
Brennan, N. & Lyons, D., Joined-Up Thinking: Building TCD's Research Support System in a Collaborative Environment, IUISC 2004: Supporting Diversity, Kilkenny, March 2004, 2004
Brennan, N., Healy, A., Henman, M. & Vivero, L., Integrating information skills into the curriculum: the web-based approach, LIR Annual Seminar 2004: Digital Library Directions: Current Initiatives, Trinity College Dublin, March 2004, 2004
Brennan, N. & Healy, A., E-Learning & Access: Information Skills Teaching in TCD, IUISC 2004: Supporting Diversity, Kilkenny, March 2004, 2004
Research Expertise
Current research interests: emerging standards for research information, research evaluation standards, bibliometrics, data citation metrics, altmetrics and impact analysis; interoperability in open source and open access environments, web analytics associated with web-based / open access content.Projects
- Title
- OpenAIRE Advance
- Funding Agency
- European Commission
- Date From
- 2018
- Date To
- 2021
- Title
- OpenAIRE2020
- Funding Agency
- European Commission
- Date From
- 2014
- Date To
- 2017
- Title
- OpenAIREplus
- Funding Agency
- European Commission
- Date From
- 2012
- Date To
- 2014
- Title
- MIR (Medicines Information Retrieval) Project
- Summary
- EU 5,000
- Funding Agency
- Centre for Learning Technology, TCD
- Date From
- 2002
- Date To
- 2003
- Title
- TCD Institutional Repository programme
- Summary
- EU 53,000 +
- Funding Agency
- TCD Research Committee
- Date From
- 2005
- Date To
- 2006
- Title
- Bridge-IT Project
- Funding Agency
- TCD Long Room Hub
- Date From
- 2008
- Date To
- 2009
- Title
- National Research Data Project
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 2009
- Date To
- 2012
- Title
- OPSIT Project
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 2008
- Date To
- 2010
- Title
- MILE (Metadata for Image Libraray Exploitation) Project
- Funding Agency
- EU
- Date From
- 2008
- Date To
- 2009
- Title
- OpenAIRE
- Funding Agency
- European Commission
- Date From
- December 1st 2009
- Date To
- November 30th 2012
- Title
- Irish African Partnership for Research Capacity Building
- Funding Agency
- Irish Aid
- Date From
- 2009
- Date To
- 2011
- Title
- Test Project for SDGs
Digital Education Advisory Board (National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning)
European Commission Expert Group on Skills for Open Science
EuroCRIS Task Group on Standards and Identifiers
National Open Research Forum (formerly National Steering Group on Open Access)
Test entry
National Research Data Project ( Steering Group (Coordinator)
OpenAIRE and OpenAIREplus Projects: representative and coordinator for Ireland
DART-Europe Partnership (Board member and TCD representative)
DRIVER (Digital Repositories Infrastructure Vision for European Research) Project: representative and coordinator for Ireland
IUA Librarians' Working Group/Rian Steering Group on Institutional Repositories(Member & Chair of Metadata & Harvesting Group)
National Research Platform, Standards & Definitions Group: Chair
Research Information Systems Exchange (RISE) Group (TCD representative)
NDLR (National Digital Learning Objects Repository Committee) (Member)
NDLR Interoperability Subcommittee (Member)
Expertise Ireland Advisory Group Subcommittee (Chair)
Expertise Ireland Advisory Group (Member)
IUA Researcher Mobility Portal Advisory Group (Member)
National ORCID Project
Awards and Honours
TCD Graduate Students Union Lifetime Achievement Award
TCD Graduate Students Union Honourary Membership
EuroCRIS Member
Irish Learning Technology Association (member)
Digital Curation Centre Associates Network (Member)