Professor Michael Rowan
Professor Emeritus, Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Professor Emeritus, Trinity Inst. of Neurosciences (TCIN)
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Ondrejcak T, Klyubin I, Hu NW, Yang Y, Zhang Q, Rodriguez BJ and Rowan MJ, Rapidly reversible persistent long-term potentiation inhibition by patient-derived brain tau and amyloid ß proteins, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, (379), 2024, p20230234
Neng-Wei Hu, Tomas Ondrejcak, Igor Klyubin, Yin Yang, Dominic M. Walsh, Frederick J. Livesey, and Michael J. Rowan, Patient-derived tau and amyloid-ß facilitate long-term depression in vivo: role of tumor necrosis factor alpha and the integrated stress response, Brain Communications, 2024, p10.1093/braincomms/fcae333
Ondrejcak T, Klyubin I, Hu NW, O'Malley TT, Corbett GT, Winters R, Perkinton MS, Billinton A, Prenderville JA, Walsh DM, Rowan MJ, Tau and amyloid ß protein in patient-derived aqueous brain extracts act concomitantly to disrupt LTP in vivo, The Journal of Neuroscience, 43, (32), 2023, p5870--5879
Hu Z, Ondrejcak T, Yu P, Zhang Y, Yang Y, Klyubin I, Rowan MJ, Kennelly SP, Hu NW, Do tau-synaptic long-term depression interactions in the hippocampus play a pivotal role in the progression of Alzheimer's disease?, Neural Regeneration Research, 18, (6), 2023, p1213-1219
Yin Yang, Tomas Ondrejcak, Neng-Wei Hu, Sadia Islam, Eugene O'Rourke, Richard Reilly, Colm Cunningham, Michael Rowan, Igor Klyubin, Gamma-patterned sensory stimulation reverses synaptic plasticity deficits in rat models of early Alzheimer's disease, European Journal of Neuroscience, 58, (6), 2023, p3402 - 3411
Zhang Y, Yang Y, Hu Z, Zhu M, Qin S, Yu P, Li B, Xu J, Ondrejcak T, Klyubin I and Rowan MJ, Hu NW, Long-term depression-inducing low frequency stimulation enhances p-Tau181 and p-Tau217 in an age-dependent manner in live rats, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 89, (1), 2022, p335--350
Hu Z, Yu P, Zhang Y, Yang Y, Zhu M, Qin S, Xu JT, Duan D, Wu Y, Wang D, Rowan MJ and Hu NW, Inhibition of the ISR abrogates mGluR5-dependent long-term depression and spatial memory deficits in a rat model of Alzheimer's disease, Translational Psychiatry, 12, (1), 2022
Klyubin I, Ondrejcak T, Hu NW, Rowan MJ, Glucocorticoids, synaptic plasticity and Alzheimer's disease, Current Opinion in Endocrine and Metabolic Research, 25, 2022, p100365
Qi Y, Klyubin I, Ondrejcak T, Hu NW, Rowan Mj, Enduring glucocorticoid-evoked exacerbation of synaptic plasticity disruption in male rats modelling early Alzheimer's disease amyloidosis, Neuropsychopharmacology, 46, (12), 2021, p2170 - 2179
Sosulina, L. and Mittag, M. and Geis, H.-R. and Hoffmann, K. and Klyubin, I. and Qi, Y. and Steffen, J. and Friedrichs, D. and Henneberg, N. and Fuhrmann, F. and Justus, D. and Keppler, K. and Cuello, A.C. and Rowan, M.J. and Fuhrmann, M. and Remy, S., Hippocampal hyperactivity in a rat model of Alzheimerâ s disease, Journal of Neurochemistry, 157, (6), 2021, p2128-2144
Babiloni, C. and Blinowska, K. and Bonanni, L. and Cichocki, A. and De Haan, W. and Del Percio, C. and Dubois, B. and Escudero, J. and Fernández, A. and Frisoni, G. and Guntekin, B. and Hajos, M. and Hampel, H. and Ifeachor, E. and Kilborn, K. and Kumar, S. and Johnsen, K. and Johannsson, M. and Jeong, J. and LeBeau, F. and Lizio, R. and Lopes da Silva, F. and Maestú, F. and McGeown, W.J. and McKeith, I. and Moretti, D.V. and Nobili, F. and Olichney, J. and Onofrj, M. and Palop, J.J. and Rowan, M. and Stocchi, F. and Struzik, Z.M. and Tanila, H. and Teipel, S. and Taylor, J.P. and WeiergrÀber, M. and Yener, G. and Young-Pearse, T. and Drinkenburg, W.H. and Randall, F., What electrophysiology tells us about Alzheimer's disease: a window into the synchronization and connectivity of brain neurons, Neurobiology of Aging, 85, 2020, p58-73
Qi, Y. and Klyubin, I. and Hu, N.-W. and Ondrejcak, T. and Rowan, M.J., Pre-plaque Aß-Mediated Impairment of Synaptic Depotentiation in a Transgenic Rat Model of Alzheimer's Disease Amyloidosis, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13, (861), 2019
Ondrejcak T, Hu N.-W, Qi Y, Klyubin I, Corbett G.T, Fraser G, Perkinton M.S, Walsh D.M, Billinton A, Rowan M.J, Soluble tau aggregates inhibit synaptic long-term depression and amyloid ß-facilitated LTD in vivo, Neurobiology of Disease, 127, 2019, p582 - 590
O'Riordan KJ, Hu NW, Rowan MJ, Physiological activation of mGlu5 receptors supports the ion channel function of NMDA receptors in hippocampal LTD induction in vivo, Scientific Reports, 8, (1), 2018, p4391
Ondrejcak T, Klyubin I, Corbett G.T, Fraser G, Hong W, Mably A.J, Gardener M, Hammersley J, Perkinton M.S, Billinton A, Walsh D.M, Rowan M.J, Cellular prion protein mediates the disruption of hippocampal synaptic plasticity by soluble tau in vivo, Journal of Neuroscience, 38, (50), 2018, p10595 - 10606
Balschun, D. and Rowan, M.J., Hippocampal synaptic plasticity in neurodegenerative diseases: AÃ , tau and beyond, Neuroforum, 2018
O'Riordan K.J, Hu N.-W, Rowan M.J, AÃ Facilitates LTD at Schaffer Collateral Synapses Preferentially in the Left Hippocampus, Cell Reports, 22, (8), 2018, p2053 - 2065
Hu NW, Corbett GT, Moore S, Klyubin I, O"Malley TT, Walsh DM, Livesey FJ, Rowan MJ, Extracellular forms of Aß and tau from iPSC models of Alzheimer's disease disrupt synaptic plasticity, Cell Reports, 23, (7), 2018, p1932-1938
O'Riordan KJ, Hu NW, Rowan MJ, Aß Facilitates LTD at Schaffer Collateral Synapses Preferentially in the Left Hippocampus., Cell reports, 22, (8), 2018, p2053 - 2065
Qi, Y. and Klyubin, I. and Claudio Cuello, A. and Rowan, M.J., NLRP3-dependent synaptic plasticity deficit in an Alzheimer's disease amyloidosis model in vivo, Neurobiology of Disease, 114, 2018, p24-30
O'Riordan, K.J. and Hu, N.-W. and Rowan, M.J., AÃ Facilitates LTD at Schaffer Collateral Synapses Preferentially in the Left Hippocampus, Cell Reports, 22, (8), 2018, p2094-2106
Zhang, D. and Mably, A.J. and Walsh, D.M. and Rowan, M.J., Peripheral Interventions Enhancing Brain Glutamate Homeostasis Relieve Amyloid β- A nd TNFα-Mediated Synaptic Plasticity Disruption in the Rat Hippocampus, Cerebral Cortex, 27, (7), 2017, p3724-3735
Zhang, D. and Qi, Y. and Klyubin, I. and Ondrejcak, T. and Sarell, C.J. and Cuello, A.C. and Collinge, J. and Rowan, M.J., Targeting glutamatergic and cellular prion protein mechanisms of amyloid β-mediated persistent synaptic plasticity disruption: Longitudinal studies, Neuropharmacology, 121, 2017, p231-246
Miller, A.M., Begley, E., Coen, R.F., Doyle, M., Dunne, J., Hutchinson, S., Kennelly, S.P., Kenny, R.A., Killeen, R.P., O'Dwyer, S., O'Neill, C., O'Sullivan, S.S., Rowan, M.J., Sheehy, N., McGuigan, C., Lawlor, B.A. , Clinical consensus guidelines on the application of cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis: recommendations of the Irish Network for Biomarkers in Neurodegeneration., Irish Medical Journal, 109, (10), 2016, p1-13
Zhang D, Jin B, Ondrejcak T, Rowan M.J, Opposite in vivo effects of agents that stimulate or inhibit the glutamate/cysteine exchanger system xcâ, ' on the inhibition of hippocampal LTP by AÃ , Hippocampus, 26, (12), 2016, p1655 - 1665
Chang L, Cui W, Yang Y, Xu S, Zhou W, Fu H, Hu S, Mak S, Hu J, Wang Q, Pui-Yan Ma V, Chung-Lit Choi T, Dik-Lung Ma E, Tao L, Pang Y, Rowan M.J, Anwyl R, Han Y, Wang Q, Protection against ß-amyloid-induced synaptic and memory impairments via altering ß-amyloid assembly by bis(heptyl)-cognitin, Scientific Reports, 5, 2015, p10256-
Harte NP, Klyubin I, McCarthy EK, Min S, Garrahy SA, Xie Y, Davey GP, Boland JJ, Rowan MJ, Mok KH, Amyloid Oligomers and Mature Fibrils Prepared from an Innocuous Protein Cause Diverging Cellular Death Mechanisms, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 290, (47), 2015, p28343 - 28352
Levites Y, O-Nuallain B, Puligedda R.D, Ondrejcak T, Adekar S.P, Chen C, Cruz P.E, Rosario A.M, Macy S, Mably A.J, Walsh D.M, Vidal R, Solomon A, Brown D, Rowan M.J, Golde T.E, Dessain S.K, A human monoclonal IgG that binds Aß assemblies and diverse amyloids exhibits anti-amyloid activities in vitro and in vivo, Journal of Neuroscience, 35, (16), 2015, p6265 - 6276
Harte NP, Klyubin I, McCarthy EK, Min S, Garrahy SA, Xie Y, Davey GP, Boland JJ, Rowan MJ, Mok KH, Amyloid Oligomers and Mature Fibrils Prepared from an Innocuous Protein Cause Diverging Cellular Death Mechanisms., The Journal of biological chemistry, 290, (47), 2015, p28343 - 28352
Hu NW, Nicoll AJ, Zhang D, Mably AJ, O'Malley T, Purro SA, Terry C, Collinge J, Walsh DM, Rowan MJ, mGlu5 receptors and cellular prion protein mediate amyloid-ß-facilitated synaptic long-term depression in vivo, Nature communications, 4, (5), 2014, p3374
Hu, N.-W. Nicoll, A.J. Zhang, D. Mably, A.J. O'Malley, T. Purro, S.A. Terry, C. Collinge, J. Walsh, D.M. Rowan, M.J., MGlu5 receptors and cellular prion protein mediate amyloid-ß- facilitated synaptic long-term depression in vivo, Nature Communications, 5, 2014
Klyubin, I. Nicoll, A.J. Khalili-Shirazi, A. Farmer, M. Canning, S. Mably, A. Linehan, J. Brown, A. Wakeling, M. Brandner, S. Walsh, D.M. Rowan, M.J. Collinge, J., Peripheral administration of a humanized anti-PrP antibody blocks Alzheimer's disease Aß synaptotoxicity, Journal of Neuroscience, 34, (18), 2014, p6140 - 6145
O'Malley, T.T. Oktaviani, N.A. Zhang, D. Lomakin, A. O'Nuallain, B. Linse, S. Benedek, G.B. Rowan, M.J. Mulder, F.A.A. Walsh, D.M., Aß dimers differ from monomers in structural propensity, aggregation paths and population of synaptotoxic assemblies, Biochemical Journal, 461, (3), 2014, p413 - 426
Klyubin I, Ondrejcak T, Hayes J, Cullen WK, Mably AJ, Walsh DM, Rowan MJ, Neurotransmitter receptor and time dependence of the synaptic plasticity disrupting actions of Alzheimer's disease Aß in vivo., Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 369, (1633), 2014, p20130147
Welzel, A.T. Maggio, J.E. Shankar, G.M. Walker, D.E. Ostaszewski, B.L. Li, S. Klyubin, I. Rowan, M.J. Seubert, P. Walsh, D.M. Selkoe, D.J., Secreted amyloid ß-proteins in a cell culture model include N-terminally extended peptides that impair synaptic plasticity, Biochemistry, 53, (24), 2014, p3908 - 3921
Qi YJ, Hu NW, Rowan MJ, Switching off LTP: mGlu and NMDA receptor-dependent novelty exploration-induced depotentiation in the rat hippocampus., Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 23, (4), 2013, p932 - 939
An K, Klyubin I, Kim Y, Jung JH, Mably AJ, O'Dowd ST, Lynch T, Kanmert D, Lemere CA, Finan GM, Park JW, Kim TW, Walsh DM, Rowan MJ, Kim JH, Exosomes neutralize synaptic-plasticity-disrupting activity of Aß assemblies in vivo., Molecular brain, 6, 2013, p47
Klyubin I, Cullen WK, Hu NW, Rowan MJ, Alzheimer's disease Aß assemblies mediating rapid disruption of synaptic plasticity and memory., Molecular brain, 5, 2012, p25
Ondrejcak T, Wang Q, Kew JN, Virley DJ, Upton N, Anwyl R, Rowan MJ, Activation of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors persistently enhances hippocampal synaptic transmission and prevents Aß-mediated inhibition of LTP in the rat hippocampus., European Journal of Pharmacology, 677, (1-3), 2012, p63 - 70
Hu NW, Ondrejcak T, Rowan MJ, Glutamate receptors in preclinical research on Alzheimer's disease: update on recent advances, Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 100, (4), 2012, p855 - 862
Lanté F, Toledo-Salas JC, Ondrejcak T, Rowan MJ, Ulrich D, Removal of Synaptic Ca2+-Permeable AMPA Receptors during Sleep., The Journal of Neuroscience , 31, (11), 2011, p3953-61
Klyubin, I, Wang, Q, Reed, MN, Irving, EA, Upton, N, Hofmeister, J, Cleary, JP, Anwyl, R, Rowan, MJ, Protection against Abeta-mediated rapid disruption of synaptic plasticity and memory by memantine., Neurobiology of Aging, 32, 2011, p614 - 633
Barry, A.E., Klyubin, I., McDonald, J.M., Mably, A.J., Farrell, M.A., Scott, M., Walsh, D.M., Rowan, M.J., Alzheimer's disease brain-derived amyloid-ß-mediated inhibition of LTP In Vivo is prevented by immunotargeting cellular prion protein, Journal of Neuroscience, 31, (20), 2011, p7259-7263
Freir DB, Nicoll AJ, Klyubin I, Panico S, Mc Donald JM, Risse E, Asante EA, Farrow MA, Sessions RB, Saibil HR, Clarke AR, Rowan MJ, Walsh DM, Collinge J, Interaction between prion protein and toxic amyloid ß assemblies can be therapeutically targeted at multiple sites., Nature Communications, 2, (336), 2011
O'Nuallain B, Klyubin I, Mc Donald JM, Foster JS, Welzel A, Barry A, Dykoski RK, Cleary JP, Gebbink MF, Rowan MJ, Walsh DM, A monoclonal antibody against synthetic Aß dimer assemblies neutralizes brain-derived synaptic plasticity-disrupting Aß., Journal of neurochemistry, 119, (1), 2011, p189-201
Ryan BK, Vollmayr B, Klyubin I, Gass P, Rowan MJ, Persistent inhibition of hippocampal long-term potentiation in vivo by learned helplessness stress., Hippocampus, 20, (6), 2010, p758-67
Adekar SP, Klyubin I, Macy S, Rowan MJ, Solomon A, Dessain SK, O'Nuallain B, Inherent anti-amyloidogenic activity of human immunoglobulin gamma heavy chains., The Journal of biological chemistry, 285, (2), 2010, p1066-74
Ondrejcak T, Klyubin I, Hu NW, Barry AE, Cullen WK, Rowan MJ, Alzheimer's disease amyloid ß-protein and synaptic function, NeuroMolecular Medicine, 12, (1), 2010, p13 - 26
Welsby, PJ, Rowan, MJ, Anwyl, R, Intracellular mechanisms underlying the nicotinic enhancement of LTP in the rat dentate gyrus., The European Journal of Neuroscience, 29, (1), 2009, p65-75
Wang, Q.-W., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., Inhibition of LTP by beta-amyloid is prevented by activation of β2 adrenoceptors and stimulation of the cAMP/PKA signalling pathway , Neurobiology of Aging, 30, (10), 2009, p1608-1613
Hu NW, Klyubin I, Anwyl R, Rowan MJ, GluN2B subunit-containing NMDA receptor antagonists prevent Abeta-mediated synaptic plasticity disruption in vivo, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106, (48), 2009, p20504 - 20509
Ryan, B, Musazzi, L, Mallei, A, Tardito, D, Gruber, SH, El Khoury, A, Anwyl, R, Racagni, G, Mathé, AA, Rowan, MJ, Popoli, M, Remodelling by early-life stress of NMDA receptor-dependent synaptic plasticity in a gene-environment rat model of depression., International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 12, (4), 2009, p553-559
Hu, NW, Smith, IM, Walsh, DM, Rowan, MJ, Soluble amyloid-ß peptides potently disrupt hippocampal synaptic plasticity in the absence of cerebrovascular dysfunction in vivo, Brain, 131, (9), 2008, p2414 - 2424
Kotilinek, L.A., Westerman, M.A., Wang, Q., Panizzon, K., Lim, G.P., Simonyi, A., Lesne, S., Agnieszka Falinska, Linda H. Younkin, Steven G. Younkin, Michael Rowan, James Cleary, Roi Ann Wallis, Grace Y. Sun, Greg Cole, Sally Frautschy, Roger Anwyl and Ashe, K.H., Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition improves amyloid-beta-mediated suppression of memory and synaptic plasticity , Brain , 131, (3), 2008, p651-664
Wang, Q., Klyubin, I., Wright, S., Griswold-Prenner, I., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., αv integrins mediate beta-amyloid induced inhibition of long-term potentiation , Neurobiology of Aging , 29, (10), 2008, p1485-1493
Klyubin I, Betts V, Welzel AT, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Wallin A, Lemere CA, Cullen WK, Peng Y, Wisniewski T, Selkoe DJ, Anwyl R, Walsh DM, Rowan MJ, Amyloid beta protein dimer-containing human CSF disrupts synaptic plasticity: prevention by systemic passive immunization., The Journal of Neuroscience, 28, (16), 2008, p4231-7
Ryan, BK, Anwyl, R, Rowan, MJ, 5-HT2 receptor-mediated reversal of the inhibition of hippocampal long-term potentiation by acute inescapable stress., Neuropharmacology, 55, (2), 2008, p175-182
Wu, J., Harney, S., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., Involvement of group I mGluRs in LTP induced by strong high frequency stimulation in the dentate gyrus in vitro , Neuroscience Letters, 436, (2), 2008, p235-238
Shankar, GM, Li, S, Mehta, TH, Garcia-Munoz, A, Shepardson, NE, Smith, I, Brett, FM, Farrell, MA, Rowan, MJ, Lemere, CA, Regan, CM, Walsh, DM, Sabatini, BL, Selkoe, DJ, Amyloid-β protein dimers isolated directly from Alzheimer's brains impair synaptic plasticity and memory., Nature Medicine, 14, (8), 2008, p837-842
Hayes, J., Li, S., Anwyl, R., Rowan, M.J., A role for protein kinase A and protein kinase Mζ in muscarinic acetylcholine receptor-initiated persistent synaptic enhancement in rat hippocampus in vivo, Neuroscience , 151, (2), 2008, p604-612
Li, S., Cullen, W.K., Anwyl, R., Rowan, M.J., Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor-dependent induction of persistent synaptic enhancement in rat hippocampus in vivo , Neuroscience, 144, (2), 2007, p754-761
Wang, Q., Chang, L., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., evelopmental dependence, the role of the kinases p38 MAPK and PKC, and the involvement of tumor necrosis factor-R1 in the induction of mGlu-5 LTD in the dentate gyrus , Neuroscience, 144, (1), 2007, p110-118
Amico, F., Spowart-Manning, L., Anwyl, R., Rowan, M.J., Performance- and task-dependent effects of the dopamine D1/D5 receptor agonist SKF 38393 on learning and memory in the rat , European Journal of Pharmacology , 577, (1-3), 2007, p71-77
Welsby, P.J., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., Beta-amyloid blocks high frequency stimulation induced LTP but not nicotine enhanced LTP , Neuropharmacology , 53, (1), 2007, p188-195
Rowan, M.J., Klyubin, I., Wang, Q., Hu, N.W., Anwyl, R., Synaptic memory mechanisms: Alzheimer's disease amyloid ß-peptide-induced dysfunction, Biochemical Society Transactions, 35, (5), 2007, p1219-1223
Welsby, P., Rowan, M., Anwyl, R., Nicotinic receptor-mediated enhancement of long-term potentiation involves activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors and ryanodine-sensitive calcium stores in the dentate gyrus , European Journal of Neuroscience , 24, (11), 2006, p3109-3118
Harney SC, Rowan MJ and Anwyl R, Long-Term Depression of NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission is dependent upon activation of mGluR5 and is altered to LTP by low intracellular calcium buffering, Journal of Neuroscience, 26, (4), 2006, p1128 - 1132
Cooke, S.F., Wu, J., Plattner, F., Errington, M., Rowan, M., Peters, M., Hirano, A., Karl D. Bradshaw, Roger Anwyl, Timothy V. P. Bliss and Giese, K.P., Autophosphorylation of αCaMKII is not a general requirement for NMDA receptor-dependent LTP in the adult mouse , Journal of Physiology , 574, (3), 2006, p805-818
Wu J, Rowan MJ, Anwyl R, Long-term potentiation is mediated by multiple kinase cascades involving CaMKII or either PKA or p42/44 MAPK in the adult rat dentate gyrus in vitro, Journal of Neurophysiology, 95, (6), 2006, p3519 - 3527
Salami, M., Rowan, M.J., Dose dependent effect of memantine on long-term potentiation in the CA1 area of the hippocampus , Yakhteh , 8, (29), 2006, p17-22+65
Klyubin I, Walsh DM, Lemere CA, Cullen WK, Shankar GM, Betts V, Spooner ET, Jiang L, Anwyl R, Selkoe DJ, Rowan MJ., Amyloid beta protein immunotherapy neutralizes Abeta oligomers that disrupt synaptic plasticity in vivo, Nature Medicine, 11, (5), 2005, p556 - 561
Rowan MJ, Klyubin I, Wang Q, Anwyl R., Synaptic plasticity disruption by amyloid beta protein: modulation by potential Alzheimer's disease modifying therapies, Biochemical Society Transactions, 33, (Part 4), 2005, p563 - 567
Wang Q, Harney S, Wu J, Rowan M, Anwyl R, Role of group I mGluRs in the beta-amyloid inhibition of LTP, 1826, 2005, -
Wang Q, Wu J, Rowan MJ and Anwyl R , Beta-amyloid inhibition of LTP is mediated via tumor necrosis factor, European Journal of Neuroscience, 22, (11), 2005, p2827 - 2832
Chang L, Wang Q, Wu J, Rowan M, Anwyl R, Investigation of the mechanisms underlying Group I-mediated LTD in the dentate gyrus, 1826, 2005, -
Walsh DM, Klyubin I, Shankar GM, Townsend M, Fadeeva JV, Betts V, Podlisny MB, Cleary JP, Ashe KH, Rowan MJ, Selkoe DJ, The role of cell-derived oligomers of Abeta in Alzheimer's disease and avenues for therapeutic intervention., Biochemical Society Transactions , 33, (5), 2005, p1087 - 1090
Wu J, Rowan MJ and Anwyl R., An NMDAR-independent LTP mediated by group II metabotropic glutamate receptors and p42/44 MAP kinase in the dentate gyrus in vitro, Neuropharmacology, 46, (3), 2004, p311 - 317
Wang Q, Rowan MJ, Anwyl R, Beta-amyloid-mediated inhibition of NMDA receptor-dependent long-term potentiation induction involves activation of microglia and stimulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase and superoxide, The Journal of Neuroscience, 24, (27), 2004, p6049 - 6056
Rowan MJ, Klyubin I, Wang Q, Anwyl R., Mechanisms of the inhibitory effects of amyloid beta-protein on synaptic plasticity, Experimental Gerontology, 39, (11-12), 2004, p1661 - 1667
Wang Q, Walsh DM, Rowan MJ, Selkoe DJ and Anwyl R , Block of Long-Term Potentiation by Naturally Secreted and Synthetic Amyloid {beta}-Peptide in Hippocampal Slices Is Mediated via Activation of the Kinases c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase, Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 5, and p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase as well as Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Type 5, Journal of Neuroscience, 24, (13), 2004, p3370 - 3378
Klyubin I, Walsh DM, Fadeeva JV, Anwyl R, Selkoe DJ, Rowan MJ, Anti-Aβ antibodies prevention block of long-term potentiation in the CA1 area of rat hippocampus in vivo by naturally produced Aβ oligomers , 1826, 2004, -
Klyubin I, Walsh DM, Cullen WK, Fadeeva JV, Anwyl R, Selkoe DJ, Rowan MJ , Soluble Arctic amyloid beta protein inhibits hippocampal long-term potentiation in vivo, European Journal of Neuroscience, 19, (10), 2004, p2839 - 2846
O'Reilly MA, Cunningham CJ, Lawlor BA, Walsh CD, Rowan MJ, The effect of the menstrual cycle on electrophysiological and behavioral measures of memory and mood, Psychophysiology, 41, (4), 2004, p592 - 603
Wu J., Rush AM, Rowan MJ and Anwyl R, Synaptically stimulated induction of group I metabotropic glutamate receptor-dependent long-term depression and depotentiation is inhibited by prior activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors and protein kinase C , Neuroscience, 123, (2), 2004, p507 - 514
Ovsepian SV, Anwyl R, Rowan MJ., Endogenous acetylcholine lowers the threshold for long-term potentiation induction in the CA1 area through muscarinic receptor activation: in vivo study, European Journal of Neuroscience, 20, (5), 2004, p1267 - 1275
Kotilinek LA, Wang QW, Westerman MA, Lim GP, Falinska A, Simonyi A, Younkin LH, Younkin SG, Sun GY, Rowan M, Cleary J, Frautschy SA, Cole GM, Anwyl R, Ashe KH, NSAIDs improve amyloid beta protein-induced deficits in memory and synaptic plasticity, 1826, 2004, -
Klyubin I, Walsh DM, Lemere CA, Cullen WK, Shankar GM, Betts V, Spooner ET, Jiang LY, Anwyl R, Selkoe DJ, Rowan MJ, Natural, cell-derived Aβ oligomers: their production, biological activity and inhibition , 1826, 2004, -
Rowan MJ, Klyubin I, Cullen WK, Anwyl R., Synaptic plasticity in animal models of early Alzheimer's disease, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 358, (1432), 2003, p821 - 828
Li, S., Cullen, W. K., Anwyl, R. and Rowan, M. J., Dopamine-dependent facilitation of LTP induction in hippocampal CA1 by exposure to spatial novelty, Nature Neuroscience, 6, 2003, p526 - 531
Gisabella B, Rowan MJ, Anwyl R., Mechanisms underlying the inhibition of long-term potentiation by preconditioning stimulation in the hippocampus in vitro, Neuroscience , 121, (2), 2003, p297 - 305
Li S, Cullen WK, Anwyl R and Rowan MJ , Dopamine-dependent facilitation of LTP induction in hippocampal CA1 by exposure to spatial novelty, Nature Neuroscience, 6, (5), 2003, p526 - 531
Walsh DM Klyubin I, Fadeeva JV, Cullen WK, Wolfe MS, Anwyl R, Rowan MJ and Selkoe DJ, Naturally secreted oligomers of the Alzheimers amyloid B-protein inhibit hippocampal long-term potentiation in vivo, Nature, 416, 2002, p535 - 539
Rush AM, Wu J, Rowan MJ and Anwyl, R, Group I Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor (mGluR)-Dependent Long-Term Depression Mediated via p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Is Inhibited by Previous High-Frequency Stimulation and Activation of mGluRs and Protein Kinase C in the Rat Dentate Gyrus In Vitro , Journal of Neuroscience , 22, (12), 2002, p6121 - 6128
Rush, A.M., Kilbride, J., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., Presynaptic group III mGluR modulation of short-term plasticity in the lateral perforant path of the dentate gyrus in vitro, Brain Research, 952, (1), 2002, p38-43
Shakesby AC, Anwyl R and Rowan MJ , Overcoming the effects of stress on synaptic plasticity in the intact hippocampus:rapid action of serotonergic and antidepressant agents, Journal of Neuroscience , 22, (9), 2002, p3638 - 3644
Carney R, Dardis C, Cullen WK, Felipo V, Anwyl R, Rowan MJ, Early spatial memory deficit induced by 2,5-hexanedione in the rat., Toxicology Letters, Mar 10, 128, (1-3), 2002, p107 - 115
Walsh, D. M., IKlyubin, I., Fadeeva, J. V., Cullen, W. K., Anwyl, R., Wolfe, M. S., Rowan, M. J. and Selkoe, D. J. , Naturally secreted oligomers of amyloid beta protein potently inhibit hippocampal long-term potentiation in vivo, Nature, 416, (6880), 2002, p535 - 539.
Wu, J, Rush, A, Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., MDA receptor- and metabotropic glutamate receptor-dependent synaptic plasticity induced by high frequency stimulation in the rat dentate gyrus in vitro, Journal of Physiology, 533, (3), 2001, p745-755
Kilbride, J., Rush, A.M., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., Presynaptic group II mGluR inhibition of short-term depression in the medial perforant path of the dentate gyrus in vitro, Journal of Neurophysiology, 85, (6), 2001, p2509-2515
Kim, J. H., Anwyl, R., Suh, Y. H., Djamgoz, M. B. and Rowan, M. J. , Use-dependent effects of amyloidogenic fragments of ß-amyloid precursor protein on synaptic plasticity in rat hippocampus in vivo, Journal of Neuroscience , 21, (4), 2001, p1327 - 1333.
Rush, A.M., Rowan, M.J, Anwyl, R., Application of N-methyl-D-aspartate induces long-term potentiation in the medial perforant path and long-term depression in the lateral perforant path of the rat dentate gyrus in vitro, Neuroscience Letters, 298, (3), 2001, p175-178
A. M. Rush, J. Wu, M. J. Rowan, R. Anwyl, Activation of group II metabotropic glutamate receptors results in long-term potentiation following preconditioning stimulation in the dentate gyrus, Neuroscience, 105, (2), 2001, p335 - 341
S. Li, R. Anwyl, M. J. Rowan, A persistent reduction in short-term facilitation accompanies long-term potentiation in the CA1 area in the intact hippocampus, Neuroscience, 100, (2), 2000, p213 - 220
Breakwell, N.A., Huang, L.Q., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R, Erratum: DCG-IV inhibits synaptic transmission by activation of NMDA receptors in area CA1 of rat hippocampus (European Journal of Pharmacology (1997) 322 (173-178) PII: S0014299997000150), 2000, - 85
Huang, L., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., Induction of long-lasting depression by (+)-α-methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine and other group II mGlu receptor ligands in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus in vitro, European Journal of Pharmacology, 366, (2-3), 1999, p151-158
Breakwell, N.A., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., Erratum: (+)-MCPG blocks induction of LTP in CA 1 of rat hippocampus via agonist action at an mGluR group II receptor (Journal of Neurophysiology (March 1998) 79 (1270-1276)), 1999, - 12
Camodeca, N., Breakwell, N.A., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R, Induction of LTD by activation of group I mGluR in the dentate gyrus in vitro, Neuropharmacology, 38, (10), 1999, p1597-1606
Huang, L., Killbride, J., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R, Activation of mGluRII induces LTD via activation of protein kinase A and protein kinase C in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus in vitro, Neuropharmacology, 38, (1), 1999, p73-83
Breakwell, N.A. Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., Erratum: (+)-MCPG blocks induction of LTP in CA1 of rat hippocampus via agonist action at an mGluR group II receptor (Journal of Neurophysiology (March 1998) 79 (1270-1276)), 1999, - xii
Huang, L.-Q., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., Role of protein kinases A and C in the induction of mGluR-dependent long-term depression in the medial perforant path of the rat dentate gyrus in vitro, Neuroscience Letters, 274, (2), 1999, p71-74
Kilbride, J., Huang, L, Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., Presynaptic inhibitory action of the group II metabotropic glutamate receptor agonists, LY354740 and DCG-IV, European Journal of Pharmacology, 356, (2-3), 1998, 149-157
Rowan MJ, Anwyl R, Xu L., Stress and long-term synaptic depression, Molecular Psychiatry, 3, (6), 1998, p472-474
Wu, J., Wang, Y., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., Evidence for involvement of the cGMP-protein kinase G signaling system in the induction of long-term depression, but not long-term potentiation, in the dentate gyrus in vitro, Journal of Neuroscience, 18, (10), 1998, p3589-3596
N. A. Breakwell, M. J. Rowan, and R. Anwyl , (+)-MCPG Blocks Induction of LTP in CA1 of Rat Hippocampus via Agonist Action at an mGluR Group II Receptor , Journal of Neurophysiology, 79, (3), 1998, p1270 - 1276
Camodeca, N., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., Induction of LTD by increasing extracellular Ca2+ from a low level in the dentate gyrus in vitro, Neuroscience Letters, 255, (1), 1998, p53-56
Xu, L., Anwyl, R. and Rowan, M. J. , Spatial exploration induces a persistent reversal of long-term potentiation in rat hippocampus, Nature, 394, 1998, p891 - 894
Xu, L., Holscher, C., Anwyl, R., Rowan, M.J., Glucocorticoid receptor and protein/RNA synthesis-dependent mechanisms underlie the control of synaptic plasticity by stress, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 95, (6), 1998, p3204-3208
Wang, Y., Wu, J., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., Role of protein kinase C in the induction of homosynaptic long-term depression by brief low frequency stimulation in the dentate gyrus of the rat hippocampus in vitro, Journal of Physiology, 513, (2), 1998, p467-475
McGahon B, Holscher C, McGlinchey L, Rowan MJ, Lynch MA., Training in the Morris water maze occludes the synergism between ACPD and arachidonic acid on glutamate release in synaptosomes prepared from rat hippocampus., Learning and Memory, 3, (4), 1997, p296 - 304
Doyle, C.A., Cullen, W.K., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R, Low-frequency stimulation induces homosynaptic depotentiation but not long-term depression of synaptic transmission in the adult anaesthetized and awake rat hippocampus in vivo, Neuroscience, 77, (1), 1997, p75-85
Hölscher, C., Anwyl, R., Rowan, M.J., Stimulation on the positive phase of hippocampal theta rhythm induces long-term potentiation that can be depotentiated by stimulation on the negative phase in area CA1 in vivo, Journal of Neuroscience, 17, (16), 1997, p6470-6477
Hölscher, C., Anwyl, R., Rowan, M., Block of HFS-induced LTP in the dentate gyrus by 1S,3S-ACPD: Further evidence against LTP as a model for learning, NeuroReport, 8, (2), 1997, p451-454
Xu, L, Anwyl, R., De Vry, J., Rowan, M.J., Effect of repeated ipsapirone treatment on hippocampal excitatory synaptic transmission in the freely behaving rat: Role of 5-HT(1A) receptors and relationship to anxiolytic effect, European Journal of Pharmacology, 323, (1), 1997, p59-68
Cullen, W.K., Wu, J., Anwyl, R., Rowan, M.J., β-Amyloid produces a delayed NMDA receptor-dependent reduction in synaptic transmission in rat hippocampus, NeuroReport, 8, (1), 1997, p87-92
Wang, Y, Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., Induction of LTD in the dentate gyrus in vitro is NMDA receptor independent, but dependent on Ca2+ influx via low-voltage-activated Ca2+ channels and release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores, Journal of Neurophysiology, 77, (2), 1997, p812-825
Xu, L., Anwyl, R. and Rowan, M. J. , Behavioural stress facilitates the induction of long-term depression in the hippocampus, Nature, 387, 1997, p497 - 500
Hölscher, C., Anwyl, R., Rowan, M.J., Block of theta-burst-induced long-term potentiation by (1S,3S)-1- aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid: further evidence against long-term potentiation as a model for learning, Neuroscience, 81, (1), 1997, p17-22
Wu, J., Wang, Y., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R, Evidence for involvement of the neuronal isoform of nitric oxide synthase during induction of long-term potentiation and long-term depression in the rat dentate gyrus in vitro, Neuroscience, 78, (2), 1997, p393-398
Breakwell, N.A., Huang, L., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., DCG-IV inhibits synaptic transmission by activation of NMDA receptors in area CA1 of rat hippocampus, European Journal of Pharmacology, 322, (2-3), 1997, p173-178
Hölscher, C., McGlinchey, L., Anwyl, R. Rowan, M.J., HFS-induced long-term potentiation of LFS-induced depotentiation in area CA1 of the hippocampus are not good models for learning, Psychopharmacology, 130, (2), 1997, p174-182
Wang, Y., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R, LTP induction dependent on activation of Ni2+-sensitive voltage-gated calcium channels, but not NMDA receptors, in the rat dentate gyrus in vitro, Journal of Neurophysiology, 78, (5), 1997, p2574-2581
Cullen, William K.; Suh, Yoo-Hun; Anwyl, Roger; Rowan, Michael J, Block of LTP in rat hippocampus in vivo by β-amyloid precursor protein fragments, NeuroReport, 8, (15), 1997, p3213-3217
Huang, L., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., mGluR II agonist inhibition of LTP induction, and mGluR II antagonist inhibition of LTD induction, in the dentate gyrus in vitro, NeuroReport, 8, (3), 1997, 687-693
Huang, L, Breakwell, N.A., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., PCCG-IV inhibits the induction of long-term potentiation in the dentate gyrus in vitro, European Journal of Pharmacology, 332, (2), 1997, p161-165
Wang Y, Wu J, Rowan MJ, Anwyl R., Conditions for the induction of long-term potentiation and long-term depression by conjunctive pairing in the dentate gyrus in vitro, Journal of Neurophysiology, 78, (5), 1997, p2569-2573
Christian Hölscher, Roger Anwyl and Michael J. Rowan, Activation of group-II metabotropic glutamate receptors blocks induction of long-term potentiation and depotentiation in area CA1 of the rat in vivo, European Journal of Pharmacology, 322, (2-3), 1997, p155 - 163
C Hölscher, L McGlinchey, R Anwyl, and M J Rowan, 7-Nitro indazole, a selective neuronal nitric oxide synthase inhibitor in vivo, impairs spatial learning in the rat., Learning & Memory, 2, 1996, p267 - 278
Breakwell, N.A., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., Metabotropic glutamate receptor dependent EPSP and EPSP-spike potentiation in area Ca1 of the submerged rat hippocampal slice, Journal of Neurophysiology, 76, (5), 1996, p3126-3135
Wang, Y, Wu, J., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., Ryanodine produces a low frequency stimulation-induced NMDA receptor-independent long-term potentiation in the rat dentate gyrus in vitro, Journal of Physiology, 495, (3), 1996, p755-767
Doyle, C., Hölscher, C., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R, The selective neuronal NO synthase inhibitor 7-nitro-indazole blocks both long-term potentiation and depotentiation of field EPSPs in rat hippocampal CA1 in vivo, Journal of Neuroscience, 16, (1), 1996, p418-424
Manahan-Vaughan, D., Anwyl, R., Rowan, M.J, The azapirone metabolite 1-(2-pyrimidinyl)piperazine depresses excitatory synaptic transmission in the hippocampus of the alert rat via 5-HT(1A) receptor, European Journal of Pharmacology, 294, (2-3), 1995, p617-624
O'Mara, S.M., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., Metabotropic glutamate receptor-induced homosynaptic long-term depression and depotentiation in the dentate gyrus of the rat hippocampus in vitro, Neuropharmacology, 34, (8), 1995, p983-989
Wu, J., Anwyl, R., Rowan, M.J., β-amyloid-(1-40) increases long-term potentiation in rat hippocampus, European Journal of Pharmacology, 284, (3), 1995, pR1-R3
O'Connor, J.J., Wu, J., Rowan, M.J, Anwyl, R., Potentiation of N-methyl-D-aspartate-receptor-mediated currents detected using the excised patch technique in the hippocampal dentate gyrus, Neuroscience, 69, (2), 1995, p363-369
O'Connor, J.J., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R, Tetanically induced LTP involves a similar increase in the AMPA and NMDA receptor components of the excitatory postsynaptic current: Investigations of the involvement of mGlu receptors, Journal of Neuroscience, 15, (3), 1995, p2013-2020
Wang Y, Rowan MJ, Anwyl R., (RS)-alpha-Methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine inhibits long-term potentiation only following the application of low frequency stimulation in the rat dentate gyrus in-vitro, Neuroscience Letters, 197, (3), 1995, p207 - 210
Wu, J., Anwyl, R., Rowan, M.J., β-Amyloid selectively augments NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission in rat hippocampus, NeuroReport, 6, (17), 1995, p2409-2413
O'Mara, S.M., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., Dantrolene inhibits long-term depression and depotentiation of synaptic transmission in the rat dentate gyrus, Neuroscience, 68, (3), 1995, p621-624
O'Connor, J. J., Rowan, M. J. and Anwyl, R. , Long-lasting enhancement of NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission by metabotropic glutamate receptor activation, Nature, 367, (6463), 1994, p557 - 559
Manahan-Vaughan, D., Anwyl, R., Rowan, M.J., Adaptive changes in 5-HT(1A) receptor-mediated hippocampal inhibition in the alert rat produced by repeated 8-OH-DPAT treatment, British Journal of Pharmacology, 112, (4), 1994, p1083-1088
Manahan-Vaughan D, Anwyl R, Rowan MJ., 5-HT1A receptor-mediated inhibition in the hippocampus of the alert rat--effects of repeated gepirone treatment., European Journal of Pharmacology, 260, (2-3), 1994, p149 - 155
O'Connor, J.J., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R, Long-lasting potentiation of the NMDA receptor-mediated EPSC is inhibited by metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonists in rat dentate granule cells in vitro, Journal of Physiology, 473, 1993, p170P
O'Connor, J.J., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., Use-dependent effects of acute and chronic treatment with imipramine and buspirone on excitatory synaptic transmission in the rat hippocampus in vivo, Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 348, (2), 1993, p158-163
O'Connor, J.J., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R, Potentiation of the isolated NMDA receptor-mediated excitatory postsynaptic current following metabotropic glutamate receptor activation and tetanic stimulation in rat hippocampal cells, Journal of Physiology, 473, 1993, 47P
McGuinness, N., Anwyl, R., Rowan, M.J., Enhancement of long-term potentiation by an agonist of the metabotropic glutamate receptor in the rat hippocampal slice , Journal of Physiology, 446, 1992, p442P
O'Connor, J.J., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., Erratum: Serotoningergic depression of auditory evoked responses recorded in the rat hippocampus: Effect of repeated buspirone treatment (Brain Research, 573 (1992) (190-196)), 1992, - 179
O'Connor, J.J., Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R, Serotoninergic depression of auditory evoked responses recorded in the rat hippocampus: Effect of repeated buspirone treatment, Brain Research, 573, (2), 1992, p190-196
McGuinness, N., Anwyl, R., Rowan, M., Inhibition of an N-methyl-D-aspartate induced short-term potentiation in the rat hippocampal slice, Brain Research, 562, (2), 1991, p335-338
McGuinness, N., Anwyl, R., Rowan, M., The effects of external calcium on the N-methyl-D-aspartate induced short-term potentiation in the rat hippocampal slice, Neuroscience Letters, 131, (1), 1991, p13-16
McGuinness, N., Anwyl, R., Rowan, M., Trans-ACPD enhances long-term potentiation in the hippocampus, European Journal of Pharmacology, 197, (2-3), 1991, p231-232
McGuinness, N., Anwyl, R., Rowan, M, The effects of trans-ACPD on long-term potentiation in the rat hippocampal slice, NeuroReport, 2, (11), 1991, p688-690
O'Connor JJ, Rowan MJ, Anwyl R., Actions of 5-HT1 ligands on excitatory synaptic transmission in the hippocampus of alert rats., British Journal of Pharmacology, 101, (1), 1990, p171 - 177
John J. O'Connor, Michael J. Rowan and Roger Anwyl, Serotonergic involvement in the inhibitory effects of repeated buspirone treatment on synaptic transmission in the hippocampus, European Journal of Pharmacology, 167, (1), 1989, p21-29
Anwyl, R., Mulkeen, D., Rowan, M.J., The role of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in the generation of short-term potentiation in the rat hippocampus , Brain Research, 503, (1), 1989, p148-151
Anwyl, R., Lee, W.-L., Rowan, M., The role of calcium in short-term potentiation in the rat hippocampal slice , Brain Research , 459, (1), 1988, p192-195
Rowan, M.J., O'Conner, J.J., Anwyl, R., Changes in auditory evoked responses and in the inhibitory action of 5-hydroxytryptophan following chronic treatment with imipramine in the rat , Psychopharmacology , 96, (3), 1988, p408-413
Mulkeen, D., Anwyl, R., Rowan, M., The effects of external calcium on long-term potentiation in the rat hippocampal slice , Brain Research, 447, (2), 1988, p234-238
Lee WL, Anwyl R, Rowan M., Caffeine inhibits post-tetanic potentiation but does not alter long-term potentiation in the rat hippocampal slice, Brain Research, 426, (2), 1987, p250-256
Anwyl, R., Walshe, J., Rowan, M., Electroconvulsive treatment reduces long-term potentiation in rat hippocampus , Brain Research , 435, (1-2), 1987, p377-379
Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., Neurophysiological effects of buspirone and isapirone in the hippocampus: Comparison with 5-hydroxytryptamine, European Journal of Pharmacology, 132, (1), 1986, p93-96
W.L. Lee, R. Anwyl and M. Rowan, 4-aminopyridine-mediated increase in long-term potentiation in CA1 of the rat hippocampus, Neuroscience Letters, 70, (1), 1986, p106 - 109
Anwyl, R., Rowan, M.J., Frequency-dependent block of field potentials in the rat hippocampal slice caused by tricyclic antidepressants, British Journal of Pharmacology, 86, (1), 1985, p201-208
Rowan, M.J., Anwyl, R., The effect of prolonged treatment with tricyclic antidepressants on the actions of 5-hydroxytryptamine in the hippocampal slice of the rat, Neuropharmacology, 24, (2), 1985, p131-137
Anwyl, R., Rowan, M.J., Neurophysiological evidence for tricyclic antidepressant-induced decreased beta-adrenergic responsiveness in the rat hippocampus , Brain Research, 300, (1), 1984, p192-194
Research Expertise
- Title
- Mechanisms of the synaptic plasticity disrupting actions of Aß
- Funding Agency
- Science Foundation Ireland Investigator Programme Grant
- Date From
- 2006
- Date To
- 2010
- Title
- Neurocardiovascular influences on cognitive functioning
- Summary
- This Translational Programme Grant is a collaboration with Prof RoseAnne Kenny and Prof Brian Lawlor
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- 2006
- Date To
- 2011
- Title
- Funding Agency
- European Union Framework 7
- Date From
- 2007
- Date To
- 2011