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Professor Moray Mc Gowan
Fellow Emeritus, German


I studied German, English, Philosophy and Politics at Newcastle-upon-Tyne (BA 1971, MA in German 1973), and took a Dr. phil. in Literaturwissenschaft at Hamburg in 1987.

After teaching at the German Universities of Siegen and Kassel in the 1970s, I was a Lecturer in German Studies at three UK Universities, Lancaster, Hull and Strathclyde, between 1978 and 1989, when I became Professor of German and Head of the Department of Germanic Studies at the University of Sheffield (UK).

In 2000 I was appointed to the Chair of German at Trinity College Dublin, and was elected a Fellow in 2003.

I teach modern German literature and culture, particularly drama, German social and cultural history, contemporary studies and language. My main research interests are in the modern and contemporary periods, and I am currently working principally in three areas: German theatre and drama in and since the 'Wende' of 1989-90, ideas of 'Europa' in modern German thought, and Turkish-German writing.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

'"Volk eilt herzu": Beethoven's Opera Fidelio in Dresden on October 7 and 8, 1989, and Its Ambivalent Afterlife' in, editor(s)Siobhán Donovan & Maria Euchner , Music in German Politics/Politics in German Music , Rochester, NY, Camden House/Boydell & Brewer, 2022, pp115 - 132, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2022 DOI

Moray McGowan, 'The hand that rocks the cradle? Aras Ören's "Europa"', Monatshefte, 112, (4), 2020, p645 - 658 Journal Article, 2020 URL DOI

Reisende auf einem Bein in, editor(s)Norbert Otto Eke , Herta Müller, Stuttgart, Metzler, 2017, pp25 - 30, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2017

"Kikeriki! kikeriki!" Ein ost-west-östlicher Blick auf das deutsche Teilungspathos bei Emine Sevgi Özdamar in, editor(s)Margrid Bircken/Andreas Degen , Reizland DDR. Deutungen und Selbstdeutungen literarischer West-Ost-Migration, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2015, pp327 - 342, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2015

'Stadt und Schädel', 'Reisende' and 'Verlorene': City, Self and Survival in Herta Müller's Reisende auf einem Bein in, editor(s)Brigid Haines & Lyn Marven , Herta Müller, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013, pp64 - 83, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2013

Zafer Senocak's Gefährliche Verwandtschaft in, editor(s)Stuart Taberner , The Novel in German since 1990, Cambridge, CUP, 2011, pp79 - 93, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2011 URL

Fatzer's Footprints: Brecht's Fatzer and the GDR theatre in, editor(s)Laura Bradley and Karen Leeder , Brecht and the GDR. Politcs, Culture, Posterity, Rochester, NY, Camden House, 2011, pp201 - 222, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2011

The Tash her Father Wore: World Literature, Joyce, Kafka and the Invisible in Kemal Kurt's Ja, sagt Molly in, editor(s)Barbara Burns and Joy Charnley , Crossing Frontiers. Cultural Exchange and Conflict, Amsterdam & New York, Rodopi, 2010, pp42 - 53, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2010 TARA - Full Text

Prodigal Parturition? Walter Bauer's Poem 'Ich bin dein Sohn, Europa' in, editor(s)Brigid Haines, Stephen Parker, Colin Riordan , Aesthetics and Politics in Modern German Culture, Oxford et al., Peter Lang, 2010, pp53 - 64, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2010

Milch - Migration - Mythos. Beat Sterchis Roman Blösch (1983) in, editor(s)Jürgen Barkhoff, Valerie Heffernan , Schweiz schreiben. Zu Konstruktion und Dekonstruktion des Mythos Schweiz in der Gegenwartsliteratur, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2010, pp269 - 280, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2010

'What was the Wende and what of the Volk? Fidelio 's question and The Weavers' answer' in, editor(s)Varney, Denise , Theatre in the Berlin Republic, Oxford, Berne, Brussels, Frankfurt/Main, New York, Vienna, Peter Lang, 2008, pp115 - 139, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2008

Günter Kunert: 'Das Bild der Schlacht am Isonzo' in, editor(s)Jeff Morrison, Florian Krobb , Prose Pieces, Konstanz, Hartung-Gorre Verlag, 2008, pp191 - 198, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2008

'Turkish-German fiction since the mid-1990s' in, editor(s)Stuart Taberner , Contemporary German Fiction: Writing in the Berlin Republic, Cambridge, CUP, 2007, pp196 - 214, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2007

'Von Webern und Gurkenfliegern: Chorische Dramaturgien von Arbeit und Arbeitslosigkeit', in, editor(s)David Barnett, Moray McGowan, Karen Juers-Munby (eds.) , Das Analoge sträubt sich gegen das Digitale: Materialitäten des deutschsprachigen Theaters in einer Welt des Virtuellen, Berlin, Theater der Zeit , 2006, pp72-87 , [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2006

Beating Time? Fidelio in Dresden, 7-8 October 1989 in, Mark G Ward (ed.): , Borders and Margins, Uddingston, Scottish Papers in Germanic Studies, 2006, pp1 - 23, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2006

David Barnett, Moray McGowan & Karen Juers-Munby (eds.) , Das Analoge sträubt sich gegen das Digitale: Materialitäten des deutschsprachigen Theaters in einer Welt des Virtuellen, Berlin , Theater der Zeit , 2006, 160pp.pp Book, 2006

, "Der aktuellste Kabarettist zur Lage der Nation"? Wilhelm Tell, Staatstheater Schwerin, February 1989, Germanistik in Irland. Jahrbuch der/Yearbook of the Association of Third-Level Teachers of German in Ireland, 1, 2006, p67 - 74 Journal Article, 2006

Moray McGowan, 'Modern German Classics, Second Hand', German Life and Letters, 58, (2), 2005, p155 - 163 Journal Article, 2005

'Fidelio and Faust in the German "Wende" of 1989/90' in, editor(s)Lorraine Byrne , Goethe: Musical Poet, Musical Catalyst, Dublin, Carysfort Press, 2004, pp126 - 155, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2004

Introduction in, Franz Xaver Kroetz: Plays: 1, London, Methuen, 2004, ppvii - liv, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2004

'"Machen wir uns auf in das Land hinein." Volker Braun's Übergangsgesellschaft: "Übergangstheater", "übergangenes Theater", "Metatheater"?' in, editor(s)Rolf Jucker , Volker Braun in Perspective, Amsterdam & Atlanta, Rodopi , 2004, pp209 - 226, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2004

'Brücken und Brücken-Köpfe: Wandlungen einer Metapher in der türkisch-deutschen Literatur' in, editor(s)Manfred Durzak and Nilüfer Kuruyazýcý , Die andere Deutsche Literatur. Istanbuler Vorträge, Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann , 2004, pp31 - 40, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2004

'Ulrike Meinhof on the post-unification stage' in, editor(s)Steve Giles and Maeke Oergel (eds.): , , pp. - , Counter-Cultures in Germany and Central Europe. From Sturm und Drang to Baader-Meinhof, Berne etc. , Lang, 2003, pp373 - 393, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2003

'Rinderwahnsinn: Schwundstufe politischer Empfindungen am Ausgang des "Deutschen Jahrhunderts"?' in, editor(s)Anne Fuchs & Sabine Strümper-Krobb , Sentimente, Gefühle, Empfindungen. Zur Geschichte und Literatur des Affektiven von 1770 bis heute, Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann , 2003, pp255 - 267, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2003

'Heiner Müller', Dennis Kennedy (ed.): , Oxford Encyclopaedia of Theatre and Performance, Oxford, Oxford University Press , 2003, pp893 - [Moray McGowan] Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2003

'Odysseus on the Ottoman, or "The Man in Skirts": Exploratory masculinities in the prose texts of Zafer Senocak' in, editor(s)Tom Cheesman and Karin E. Yesilada , Zafer Senocak, Cardiff, University of Wales Press , 2003, pp61 - 79, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2003

'Staging the Wende: Some 1989 East German productions and the flux of history' in, editor(s)Edward Batley and David Bradby , Morality and Justice: The Challenge of European Theatre, Amsterdam & New York, Rodopi, 2002, pp73 - 92, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2002

Moray McGowan, 'Waiting for Waiting for Godot: Echoes of Beckett's play in Brecht's chosen land', Brecht-Jahrbuch/Brecht Yearbook , 27, 2002, p133 - 149 Journal Article, 2002

'Multiple masculinities in Turkish-German men's writing' in, editor(s)Roy Jerome , Conceptions of Postwar German Masculinity, Albany, SUNY Press , 2001, pp289 - 312, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2001

'Turkish-German views and visions of "Europa"' in, editor(s)Barrie Axford, Daniela Berghahn, Nick Hewlett , Unity and Diversity in the New Europe, Bern et al., Lang , 2000, pp339 - 354, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2000

'The Bridge of the Golden Horn: Istanbul, Europe and the "fractured gaze from the west" in Turkish writing in Germany' in, editor(s)A.A.Hollis , Beyond Boundaries. Textual Representations of European Identity , Amsterdam & Atlanta, Rodopi , 2000, pp53 - 69, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2000

Aras Ören, in: Matthias Konzett (ed.):, Fitzroy-Dearborn Encyclopaedia of German Literature, Chicago, Fitzroy Dearborn , 2000, ppca. 1000 words , [Moray McGowan] Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2000

'Caught in the act: some productions of November 1989 and the problems of topicality' in, editor(s)Clare Flanagan, Stuart Taberner , 1949 and 1989: Cultural Reflections , Amsterdam, Rodopi , 2000, pp145 - 160, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2000

McGowan, Moray, Jugendaufbauwerk Europa: Culture and capital in late 1940s Germany, 7th Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas., Bergen, Norway, 14-18 August 2000, 2000 Conference Paper, 2000

Pina Bausch, Marieluise Fleißer, Franz Innerhofer, Heidi Kabel, Heinar Kipphardt, Franz Xaver Kroetz, Eva Mattes, Heiner Müller, Sten Nadolny, Aras Ören, Ohnesorg-Theater, Gerlind Reinshagen, Schrebergarten, Botho Strauß, Georg Tabori, Peter Turrini, Bernward Vesper, Volksstück, Grete Weil, John Sandford , Encyclopaedia of Contemporary German Culture, London, Routledge, 1999, [Moray McGowan] Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 1999

'Myth, memory, testimony, Jewishness: Grete Weil's Meine Schwester Antigone' in, editor(s)Helmut Peitsch, Charles Burdett, Claire Gorrare , European Memories of the Second World War, Oxford & Providence, Berghahn, 1999, pp149 - 158, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 1999

'Jeux sans Frontières? Zur innerdeutschen Grenze auf der Bühne' in, editor(s)Rüdiger Görner , Nachdenken über Grenzen, Munich, Iudicium, 1999, pp209 - 222, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 1999

'Europa, Avrupa: "Mutual Exchanges" in den Europa-Bildern von Aras Ören und Zehra Çirak' in, editor(s)R.J.Kavanagh , Mutual Exchanges: A Sheffield-Münster Symposium, Frankfurt/Main, Lang, 1998, pp105 - 118, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 1998

'Zoo story? Jurek Becker's television script Wir sind auch nur ein Volk' in, editor(s)Colin Riordan , Jurek Becker, Cardiff, University of Wales Press , 1998, pp94 - 105, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 1998

'Black and white? Claire Goll's novel Der Neger Jupiter raubt Europa' in, editor(s)Eric Robertson & Robert Vilain , Yvan Goll - Claire Goll. Texts and Contexts, Amsterdam & Atlanta, Rodopi , 1997, pp205 - 218, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 1997

'German Writing in the West (1945-1990)' in, editor(s)Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly , The Cambridge History of German Literature, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press , 1997, pp440 - 506 , [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 1997

'"Bosporus fließt in mir": Europa-Bilder und Brückenmetapher bei Aras Ören und Zehra Çirak' in, editor(s)Hans-Peter Waldhoff, Dursun Tan & Elçin Kursat-Ahlers , Brücken zwischen Zivilisationen. Zur Zivilisierung ethnisch-kultureller Differenzen und Machtungleichheiten. Das türkisch-deutsche Beispiel, Frankfurt/Main, IKO-Verlag , 1997, pp21 - 39, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 1997

Moray McGowan and Sabine Fischer (eds.) , Denn Du tanzt auf einem Seil: Positionen deutschsprachiger MigrantInnenliteratur , Tübingen, Stauffenburg, 1997, 200pp Book, 1997

'From Pappkoffer to Pluralism: Migrant Writing in the German Federal Republic' in, editor(s)D. Horrocks, E. Kolinsky , Turkish Culture in German Society Today, Oxford & Providence, Berghahn, 1996, pp1 - 22, [Sabine Fischer, Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 1996

Moray McGowan, '"Die Stadt ist der Metzger": The Crisis of Bavarian Peasant Identity in Franz Xaver Kroetz's Bauern sterben', German Studies Review, 19 , (1), 1996, p29 - 40 Journal Article, 1996

'From Pappkoffer to Pluralism: Migrant Writing in the German Federal Republic' in, editor(s)Russell King, John Connell, Paul White , Writing Across Worlds: Literature and Migration, London & New York, Routledge, 1995, pp39 - 56, [Sabine Fischer, Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 1995

Moray McGowan, '"Die schwache Stimme in der Höhle unter dem Lärm". Gedanken zur Büchnerpreisrede von Botho Strauß (1989) und zur Politik des Unpolitischen', Weimarer Beiträge , 40, (2), 1994, p190 - 202 Journal Article, 1994

Moray McGowan and Ricarda Schmidt (eds.), From High Priests to Desecrators. Contemporary Austrian Writing, Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press , 1993, 215pp Book, 1993

'Nicht Fisch, nicht Fleisch? Franz Xaver Kroetz' in, editor(s)Ursula Hassel & Herbert Herzmann , Das zeitgenössische deutschsprachige Volksstück, Tübingen, Stauffenburg, 1992, pp193 - 205, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 1992

'Marxist - postmodernist - German: History in the work of Heiner Müller' in, editor(s)Martin Kane , Socialism and the Literary Imagination: Essays on East German Writers, Oxford/New York/Munich, Berg, 1991, pp125 - 145, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 1991

'Cromwell and the English revolution in two modern German plays' in, editor(s)John Flood , Common Currency? Aspects of Anglo-German Literary Relations since 1945, Stuttgart, Akademischer Verlag Hans-Dieter Heinz , 1991, pp165 - 177, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 1991

'Geschichtsbild und dramatische Form bei Heiner Müller' in, editor(s)John Flood , Kurz bevor der Vorhang fiel. Zum Theater der DDR, Amsterdam & Atlanta, Rodopi , 1990, pp65 - 79, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 1990

Moray McGowan, 'Past present and future: myth in three West German dramas of the 1980s', German Life and Letters , 43, (3), 1990, p267 - 279 Journal Article, 1990

'"Das Kapitel Mann ist beendet": "Female texts" by male writers as critiques of patriarchy? Botho Strauß and Stefan Schütz' in, editor(s)Arthur Williams et al. , Literature on the Threshold: The German Novel in the 1980s,, Oxford/New York/Munich, Berg, 1990, pp263 - 278, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 1990

'"Das Dinner geht weiter": Some reflections on Enzensberger and cultural pessimism' in, editor(s)Hinrich Siefken and J.H.Reid , 'Lektüre - ein anarchischer Akt': A Nottingham Symposium with Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Nottingham, University of Nottingham Monographs in the Humanities , 1990, pp5 - 17, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 1990

'Franz Xaver Kroetz' in, editor(s)Keith Bullivant , After the 'Death of Literature'. Aspects of West German Literature of the 1970s, Oxford/New York/Munich, Berg, 1989, pp296 - 312, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 1989

'Neue Subjektivität' in, editor(s)Keith Bullivant , After the 'Death of Literature'. Aspects of West German Literature of the 1970s, Oxford/New York/Munich, Berg, 1989, pp53 - 69, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 1989

'Subject, Politics, Theatre: Reflections on Franz Xaver Kroetz' in, editor(s)Max Sebald , A Radical Stage: Theatre in Germany in the 1970s and 1980s, Oxford/New York/Hamburg, Berg , 1988, pp77 - 92, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 1988

'Botho Strauß' in, editor(s)Keith Bullivant , The Modern German Novel, Leamington, Berg, 1987, pp243 - 258, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 1987

Moray McGowan , Marieluise Fleißer, Munich, C.H.Beck, 1987 Book, 1987

'Das Objekt entdeckt seine Subjektivität: "Innerlichkeit" in den neueren Kroetz-Stücken?' in, editor(s)K.Bullivant, H.-J.Althof , Subjektivität - Innerlichkeit - Abkehr vom Politischen? Tendenzen der deutschsprachigen Literatur der 70er Jahre, Bonn, DAAD , 1986, pp263 - 276, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 1986

Moray McGowan, 'Unendliche Geschichte für die Momo-Moderne? Rezeptionskontexte zum märchenhaften Erfolg der Stücke von Botho Strauß', TheaterZeitSchrift, 15, 1986, p88 - 106 Journal Article, 1986

Moray McGowan, 'Botho Strauß and Franz Xaver Kroetz: two contemporary views of the subject', Strathclyde Modern Language Studies , 5 , 1985, p59 - 75 Journal Article, 1985

Moray McGowan, 'Pale mother, pale daughter? Some reflections on Heinrich Böll's Leni Gruyten and Katharina Blum', German Life and Letters , 37, (3 ), 1984, p218 - 228 Journal Article, 1984

'Playing leapfrog on the people's potatoes: the role of the Kleingarten in the GDR' in, editor(s)G.Bartrum & A.E.Waine , Culture and Society in the GDR, Dundee, GDR Monitor , 1984, pp71 - 83, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 1984

Moray McGowan, 'Schlachthof und Labyrinth. Subjektivität und Aufklärungszweifel in der Prosa von Botho Strauß', text + kritik , (81), 1984, p55 - 71 Journal Article, 1984

'Comedy and the Volksstück' in, editor(s)G.Bartrum & A.E.Waine , Brecht in Perspective, London, Longman, 1982, pp63 - 82, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 1982

'Hans Günter Michelsen', H.L.Arnold , Kritisches Lexikon zur deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur, Munich, edition text + kritik, 1982, pp12pp , [Moray McGowan, Michael Töteberg] Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 1982

Moray McGowan, 'Truth, politics and the individual: Brian Friel's The Freedom of the City and the Northern Ireland conflict', Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht , 12 , (4), 1979, p287 - 303 Journal Article, 1979

Moray McGowan, 'Kette und Schuß: zur Dramatik der Marieluise Fleißer', text + kritik , (64), 1979, p11 - 34 Journal Article, 1979

Moray McGowan, 'Sprache, Gewalt und Gesellschaft: Franz Xaver Kroetz und die sozialrealistischen Dramatiker des englischen Theaters', text + kritik , (57), 1978, p37 - 48 Journal Article, 1978

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Moray McGowan, Fidelio = Revolution = Fidelio? Die Dresdner Inszenierung von Oktober 1989 und ihr dreißigjähriges Fortleben. Oder: Volk eilt herzu, Fidelio, un "véritable" opéra?, Paris, Opéra Comique, 13-15 December, 2018, Beethoven-Haus Bonn; EHESS (Centre Georg Simmel) Paris; Université de Versailles St Quentin, Universität Zürich Invited Talk, 2018

"Sie gucken beide an Milch Topf": Goethe's Bürgergeneral in double refraction' in, editor(s)Stuhlmann, Andreas & Studer, Patrick , Language - Text - Bildung/Sprache - Text - Bildung, Frankfurt/Main et. al., Peter Lang, 2005, pp79 - 88, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2005

Moray McGowan, Between Bull and Beck: Some German Ideas of "Europa", The Collinson Lecture, University of Liverpool, 15 March, 2005, University of Liverpool Invited Talk, 2005

'Once in Europa and the "People without History"' in, editor(s)Hermann Rasche & Christiane Schönefeld , Denkbilder. Festschrift für Eoin Bourke, Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann , 2004, pp231 - 238, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2004

'Introduction', in Gillian Pye in, Approaches to Comedy in German Drama, Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter, Mellen Press , 2002, ppii - iv, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2002

Moray McGowan, 'German Theatre in the Late 1990s', new books in german, (spring), 2001, p20 - 21 Journal Article, 2001

'Jeux sans Frontières? Zur innerdeutschen Grenze auf der Bühne' in, editor(s)Dirk Juergens , Mutual Exchanges. Sheffield-Münster Colloquium II, Frankfurt, Lang , 2000, pp9 - 23, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 2000

Moray McGowan, 'Germany - very British?' , Review of Klaus Pohl: 'Wartesaal Deutschland', Theater heute , 37, (1), 1996, p53 Review, 1996

Moray McGowan, 'Welttheater - über dem Pub. Londons anregendes Gate-Theatre, ein Nachspiel von Elfriede Jelineks Raststätte und Klaus Chattens Prunksitzung, alias Sugar Dollies', Theater heute , 37, (6), 1996, p23 - 24 Journal Article, 1996

Moray McGowan, 'The German Connection' [Tankred Dorst: Merlin in context], Theatre Scotland , 1, (1), 1992, p38 - 42 Journal Article, 1992

Moray McGowan, 'Spitzel sind international' , Review of Klaus Pohl: 'Karate Billi kehrt zurück', Howard Brenton: 'Berlin Bertie', Theater heute , 33 , (6), 1992, p31-32 Review, 1992

Moray McGowan, 'Der Golfkrieg als dramatische Gegenlegende' , Review of Trevor Griffiths: 'The Gulf between us', Theater heute , 33, (10), 1992, p32 Review, 1992

'Play that reclaims theatre as moral tribunal' [Rolf Hochhuth, The Representative], in, editor(s)Claude Schumacher and Derek Fogg , Hochhuth's The Representative at the Glasgow Citizens', Glasgow, Theatre Studies Publications , 1988, pp78 - 80, [Moray McGowan] Book Chapter, 1988

Moray McGowan, 'Goethe a Go-go' , Review of J.W. von Goethe: Faust I & II, Theater heute , 27, (1), 1986, p61 Review, 1986

Moray McGowan, 'Maria Stuart kehrt zurück' , Review of Friedrich Schiller: 'Maria Stuart' , Theater heute , 26, (3), 1985, p70 Review, 1985

Moray McGowan, 'Nach dem Attentat eine Spritztour' , Review of Rolf Hochhuth: 'Judith', , Theater heute , 25 , (12), 1984, p27 Review, 1984

Moray McGowan, 'Die Kultur blüht in der Wüste' [Glasgow Citizens' Theatre], Theater heute , 24, (8), 1983, p32 - 36 Journal Article, 1983

Moray McGowan, 'Erwachen aus dem Totenreich' , Review of Harold Pinter: 'Other Places', Theater heute, 24, (3), 1983, p30-33 Review, 1983

Moray McGowan, 'Der Gipfel der Geliebten' , Review of R.D.MacDonald: 'Summit Conference', Theater heute , 24, (1), 1983, p34-5 Review, 1983

Moray McGowan, 'Das Drama der Ulrike Meinhof' , Review of Eddie Boyd: 'Ulrike' , Theater heute , 23 , (7), 1982, p18-19 Review, 1982

Contemporary German Studies: Occasional Papers, Glasgow, University of Strathclyde: Department of Modern Languages, [eds.], -1993 Editorial Board,

Research Expertise


Modern and contemporary German literature, culture and social history. Cultures of migration. Currently working principally in three areas: German theatre and drama in and since the 'Wende' of 1989-90, ideas of 'Europa' in modern German thought, and Turkish-German writing.


Cultures of migration; East Germany; German Democratic Republic; German History since 1870; German ideas of Europe; German Language/Literature; German Theatre and Drama; German unification; Germany: Modern Cultural and Social History; Ideas of Europe; Migration and Literature; Modern and contemporary German drama and theatre; Post war German literature; Turkish-German Culture; Turkish-German writing



From period prior to appointment to TCD in 2000, examples only.

External Reviewer for BA (International) in European Studies at NUI Maynooth, 2002 2002

German Panel for UFC Research Assessment Exercise, UK 1992

British Academy Postgraduate Studentships Selection Committee 1993-96

Government of Ireland Postgraduate Research Scholarships Assessor 2001

External Evaluator, British Academy Research Professorships, AHRC and Leverhulme Research Grant and Leave schemes, UK frequently since 1999

German Academic Exchange Service Lektor Selection Panel, Bonn, Germany 1991, 1996, 2003

Debatte: Review of Contemporary German Affairs, Editorial Board 1997-

Editorial Adviser, Fitzroy-Dearborn Encyclopaedia of German Literature 2000

Peer refereeing of manuscripts and book proposals for Berg, CUP, Camden House, German Quarterly, Journal of Intercultural Studies, Longmans, MUP, Modern Language Review, OUP, Seminar. 1996-

Assessments of German-English poetry and prose translations for Irish Literature Exchange since 2002

External adviser for appointments, promotions and professorships at Universities of Aberdeen, Aston, Bath, Belfast, Birmingham, Bradford, Lancaster, Newcastle, Nottingham, Strathclyde, Sunderland, Swansea and Warwick, NUI Maynooth and NUI Galway. 1990-

The Collinson Lecture, University of Liverpool 15 March 2005

External Reviewer, Quality Review, Faculty of Arts, University of Warwick 2012


Marieluise-Fleißer-Gesellschaft (Germany) 1987

German Studies Association (USA) 1994

International Brecht Society 1990

Association of Third Level German Teachers in Ireland 2001

Conference of University Teachers of German in Great Britain and Ireland 1978-