Professor Linda Hogan
Professor of Ecumenics, School of Religion
Professor Linda Hogan is an ethicist with extensive experience in research and teaching in pluralist and multi-religious contexts. Her primary research interests lie in the fields of inter-cultural and inter-religious ethics, social and political ethics, human rights and gender. In addition to her academic role, Professor Linda Hogan was Vice-Provost/Chief Academic Officer and Deputy President at Trinity College Dublin (2011-16) and Head of Irish School of Ecumenics (2006-2010) She has received a number of international professional honors including election to the Royal Irish Academy 2023, the award of an Honorary Doctorate by Regis College, University of Toronto, 2022, and election to the International Women's Forum 2016. Recent national roles include appointment as Chair of the Expert Committee of the Creating Our Future Campaign, 2021 and her appointment as an Irish Representative to the UNESCO Intergovernmental Meeting of Experts which negotiated the UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Paris 2021. Recent publications include `Justifying Human Rights: Plural Foundations, Embedded Universalism" in Michael Krennerick, et al (eds.) "The Freedom of Human Rights: Subjects, Institutional Guarantees, Democracy" Wochenschau Verlag, 2023, and `Human Rights and the Vulnerabilities of Gender in a Climate Emergency', in Hilda Koster & Celia Deane-Drummond, (eds.) "In Solidarity with the Earth: A Multi-Disciplinary Theological Engagement with Gender, Mining and Toxic Contamination", Bloomsbury, 2022. She is the author of 3 monographs Keeping Faith with Human Rights, Georgetown University Press, 2015, Confronting the Truth, Conscience in the Catholic Tradition, Paulist Press, 2000 and From Women's Experience to Feminist Theology, Sheffield Academic Press 1995, reissued Bloomsbury Academic 2016, as well as numerous edited volumes. Professor Hogan has delivered keynote lectures and led expert seminars across the globe, including at the universities of Georgetown, Washington DC, Melbourne, Oxford, Sydney, and Vienna. She delivered the Newman Lecture at the University of Oxford 2021, and the United Nations 70th Anniversary UN Declaration of Human Rights Lecture RIKK, University of Iceland in 2018. She has been a member of the Irish Council for Bioethics and has been a Board member of the Coombe Hospital, Science Gallery and Chair of the Board of the Marino Institute of Education. She has worked on a consultancy basis for a number of national and international organisations, focusing on developing ethical infrastructures.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Human Rights and the Vulnerabilities of Gender in a Climate Emergency in, editor(s)Hilda Koster & Celia Deane-Drummond , In Solidarity with the Earth: A Multi-Disciplinary Theological Engagement with Gender, Mining and Toxic Contamination, London, Bloomsbury, 2024, pp13 - 27, [Linda Hogan]
Linda Hogan, Marta Lasek-Markey, Towards a Human Rights-Based Approach to Ethical AI Governance in Europe, Philosophies, 9, (6), 2024, p181-
Desmond Ryan, Marta Lasek-Markey, Andrea Mulligan, Linda Hogan, Bryana Tunder, Conscientious Objection in an Uncertain Time: New Challenges in Ireland, Religions, 14, 2023, p1 - 16
Linda Hogan, Goddiksen MP, Johansen MW, Armond AC, Clavien C, et al, The person in power told me to. European PhD students: perspectives on guest authorship and good authorship practice. , PLoS One , 18, (1), 2023
Linda Hogan, Mads Paludan Goddiksen, Mikkel Willum Johansen, Anna Catharina Armond, Mateja Centa, Christine Clavien, Eugenijus Gefenas, Roman Globokar, et al, Grey zones and good practice: A European survey of academic integrity among undergraduate students, Ethics and Behaviour, 2023, p1 - 19, pDOI: 10.1080/10508422.2023.218
Justifying Human Rights: Plural Foundations, Embedded Universalism in, editor(s)Michael Krennerick, Michaela Lissowsky and Marco Schende , The Freedom of Human Rights: Subjects, Institutional Guarantees, Democracy" " A Commemorative Volume in Honour of Professor Heiner Bielefeldt, Frankfurt, Wochenschau Verlag, 2023, pp13 - 27, [Linda Hogan]
Linda Hogan, Reflecting and Advancing the Transformation: Catholic Theological Ethics and the Journal of Religious Ethics, 1973"2023, Journal of Religious Ethics, 51, (1), 2023, p1 - 26, p
Linda Hogan, Doing the Truth, Studies The Irish Quarterly Review, 441, 2022, p26 - 37
Linda Hogan, Women's Reproductive Rights and the Legacy of Religion in Ireland: The Eight Amendment and its Repeal, Religion and Human Rights, 16, 2021, p143 - 172
Linda Hogan, Moral Leadership: A Challenge and A Celebration, Theological Studies, 82, 2021, p138 - 155
The End of Life: Concilium, 56, 5, (2021), 1 - 138p, Linda Hogan, [eds.]
Dave Lewis, Linda Hogan, David Filip, PJ Wall, Global Challenges in the Standardization of Ethics for Trustworthy AI, Journal of ICT Standardization, 8, (2), 2020, p123 - 150
Linda Hogan, Beyond the Northern Paradigm: Catholic Theological Ethics in Global Perspective, Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, 39, (1), 2019, p21 - 38
Concilium The City and Global Development: Beyond the North-South Paradigm , 2019/1, 1, (2019), 7 - 148p, Linda Hogan Marcus Buker & Alina Kraus, [eds.], 5 years
Technology: Between Apocalypse and Integration , 2019/3, 3, (2019), 7 - 148p, Linda Hogan Michelle Becka & Joao Vila-Cha, , [eds.], 5 years
Vulnerability: An Ethic for a Divided World? in, editor(s)Kristin Heyer, James Keenan & Andrea Vicini , Building Bridges in Sarajevo: The Plenary Papers, New York, Orbis, 2019, pp217 - 222, [Linda Hogan]
Linda Hogan, Religion, Gender and the Politics of Human Rights: A Genealogical Perspective , 70th anniversary of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights., RIKK - Institute for Gender, Equality and Difference University of Iceland , March 19 , 2018
Linda Hogan, Beyond the Northern Paradigm: Catholic Theological Ethics in Global Perspective, Society of Christian Ethics, Portland Oregon, 2018, 2018
Linda Hogan, Can Human Rights Survive Globalisation? A Perspective from the Study of Religion, University of Vienna Religion Series, Vienna, April , 2018
Concilium Ecology and the Theology of Nature , 2018/5, 5, (2018), 7 - 147p, Linda Hogan Michelle Becka & Joao Vila-Cha, , [eds.], 5 years
Linda Hogan, Feminist Intercultural Ethics: Conversing with Asia', Concilium, 2018, (1), 2018, p75 - 82
Linda Hogan, Cultural and Transcultural Normativity, Ethical Perspectives on HIV and AIDS, Frankfurt, 2018
Linda Hogan, Globalisation, Urbanisation, and the Common Good , Global Development in an Urbanised World, Frankfurt, May , 2018, Misereor
Linda Hogan, Dignitatis Humanae, the Future of Religious Freedom and the Global Common Good', Perspectiva Teológica , 50, (2), 2018, p277 - 288
Social Computing Systems and Ethical Considerations in, editor(s)Khurshid Ahmad , Social Computing and the Law Uses and Abuses in Exceptional Circumstances , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press , 2018, pp14 - 25, [Linda Hogan]
Linda Hogan, Theological Ethics :Perspectives on Gender , Contested Themes in Ethics , Gregorian University Rome, March , 2017
Linda Hogan, Keeping Faith with Human Rights, Expert Meeting on Religion and Human Rights, European Fundamental Rights Agency, Vienna , September , 2017
Human Dignity as Key to Human Rights for Religions and other World-view Based Communities' in, editor(s)Peter Kirchläger , Die Verantwortung von nichtstaatlichen Akteuren gegenȕber den Menschenrechten, Zurich, Theologischer Verlag, 2017, pp57 - 72, [Linda Hogan]
Linda Hogan, Situated Religious Communities and the Promotion of Human Rights: Challenges and Prospects, The Role of Human Rights Research, , Centre for Human Rights, University of Padova, November 2017, 2017
Linda Hogan, Contested Spaces: Rethinking the Role of Religion in Political Life, , American Conference for Irish Studies, , Georgetown University Washington DC, November 2017, 2017
Linda Hogan, Contested Spaces: Rethinking the Role of Religion in Political Life, , American Conference for Irish Studies, , Georgetown University Washington DC, November 2017, 2017
Linda Hogan, Restorative Justice: The Bonds of Mercy', Concilium, 2017, (4), 2017, p89 - 98
Linda Hogan, Integral Ecology, Human Rights and Peace-building: Vulnerable Individuals, Fragile Institutions, Connecting Ecologies Symposium, University of Oxford, December , 2017
Cultivating Justice and Peace in, editor(s)Darko Tomasevic & Zorica Maros , Pravda u BH dru tuv, , Sarajevo, Glas Koncila, Zagreb, 2017, pp243 - 253, [Linda Hogan]
Linda Hogan, From Women's Experience to Feminist Theology, Second Edition, 2, London, Bloomsbury Academic Collections Religion, Sexuality and Gender Series, 2016, 192pp
The Role of Religion in Building Political Communities in, editor(s)Cramner, Hill, Kenny & Sandberg , The Confluence of Law and Religion, Cambridge UK, Cambridge University Press, 2016, pp235 - 246, [Linda Hogan]
Linda Hogan, Human Dignity as Key to Human Rights for Religions and other World-view Based Communities, Human Rights and Religions as Non-State Actors, University of Lucerne, November , 2016
Linda Hogan, Dignitatis humanae, the Future of Religious Freedom and the Global Common Good, , Vatican II's Unfinished Agenda: Nostra aetate, Dignitatis humanae and Gaudium et spes, , Georgetown University Washington DC, November , 2016
Linda Hogan, Cultivating Justice and Peace, Justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Challenge to Basic Humanity , University of Sarajevo, September , 2016
Linda Hogan, Professional and Research Ethics in Science and Technology, , IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society , Dublin, November , 2015
Linda Hogan, Keeping Faith With Human Rights , Washington DC, Georgetown University Press , 2015, 1 - 240pp
Marriage Equality, Conscience and the Catholic Tradition in, editor(s)De Cosse D & Heyer, K , Conscience and Catholicism: Rights, Responsibilities and Institutional Responses, New York, Orbis, 2015, pp83 - 97, [Linda Hogan]
(c) Chapters contributed to books in, editor(s)Adrian Thatcher , The Oxford Handbook of Theology, Sexuality and Gender, , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014, pp323 - 339, [Linda Hogan]
Linda Hogan & Agbonkhianmghe Orobator., Feminist Catholic Theological Ethics, New York, Orbis, 2014, 1 - 288pp
Linda Hogan, Human Rights and the Ethics of Peace: The Contribution of Pacem in Terris', Jahrbuch für Christliche Sozialwissenschaften, 55, 2014, p43 - 57
Linda Hogan, In the Face of Religious Pluralism: The Global Politics of Human Right , Missio Ad gentes, Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster , December, 2014
Linda Hogan, 'The Ethical Imagination and the Anatomy of Change: A Perspective from Social Ethics, Proceedings from the Catholic Theological Society of America, 68, 2013, p18 - 30
Linda Hogan, 'Formative and Transformative: Charles Curran's Contribution to Theological Ethics, Journal of Religious Ethics, 40, (3), 2013, p355 - 375
From World Mission to Interreligious Witness Concilium, Special Issue, , 2011, 1, (2011), 1 - 123p, Linda Hogan, Norbert Hintersteiner, [eds.]
Linda Hogan, The Clerical Sex Abuse Crisis: Ireland and Beyond, Theological Studies, 72, (1), 2011, p170 - 186
Linda Hogan & John May, Visioning Ecumenics as Intercultural, Interreligious, and Public Theology, Concilium, 2011, (1), 2011, p70 - 84
Linda Hogan, Human Rights and the Politics of Universality, Louvain Studies, 35, 2011, p181 - 199
Mixed Reception: Paul VI and John Paul II on Sex and War in, editor(s)James Corkery and Thomas Worcester , The Papacy Since 1500 From Italian Prince to Universal Pastor, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010, pp204 - 222, [Linda Hogan]
Rahner and the Theologies of Liberation in, editor(s)Padraic Conway & Fainche Ryan , Karl Rahner Theologian for the Twenty-first Century, Bern, Peter Lang, 2010, pp163 - 170, [Linda Hogan]
Between Legitimation and Refusal: Jewish, Christian and Islamic Responses to Political Violence in, editor(s)LInda Hogan and Dylan Lee Lehrke , Religion and the Politics of Peace and Conflict, Eugene OR, Princeton Theological Monographs, 2009, ppix - xxii, [Linda Hogan]
Linda Hogan & Nigel Biggar, Religious Voices in Public Places, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, 1 - 334pp
Religious Voices in Public Places in, editor(s)Linda Hogan & Nigel Biggar , Religious Voices in Public Places, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, pp1 - 14, [Linda Hogan]
Religion and Public Reason in the Global Politics of Human Rights in, editor(s)Linda Hogan & Nigel Biggar , Religious Voices in Public Places, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, pp216 - 231, [Linda Hogan]
Linda Hogan and Dylan Lee Lehrke, Religion and the Politics of Peace and Conflict, Eugene OR, Princeton Theological Monographs , 2009, xi - 240pp
Linda Hogan, Public Theology for the Twenty-First Century, International Journal of Public Theology, 3, 2009, p235 - 240
Linda Hogan, Ethical Issues in Radiology: Perspectives from the Christian Tradition, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 135, (2), 2009, p106 - 109
Same-sex Relationships and the Common Good, in, editor(s)Hoose, B., Clague, J., Mannion,G., , Moral Theology for the Twenty-first Century, , London, T&T Clark, 2008, pp175 - 182, [Hogan, Linda]
Hogan, Linda, Editor, Traditions in Dialogue:Applied Ethics in a World Church, , Maryknoll, Orbis , 2008, 1 - 286pp
Cross-cultural Conversations: Applied Ethics in a World Church in, editor(s)Hogan, Linda , Traditions in Dialogue: Applied Ethics in a World Church, Maryknoll, Orbis, 2008, pp1 - 11, [Hogan, Linda]
Understanding War - Some Personal Reflections on the Role of the Arts in the Teaching of Ethics in, editor(s)Enda McDonagh , Remembering to Forgive, Dublin, Veritas, 2008, pp49 - 57, [Hogan]
Hogan, Linda, Just Love: Reordering the Moral Debate about Sexuality , The Furrow, 59, (12), 2007, p653 - 660
Contemporary Humanitarianism: Neutral and Impartial? in, editor(s)Amelia Fleming , Contemporary Irish Moral Discourse, Dublin, Columba, 2007, pp76 - 88, [Linda Hogan]
Linda Hogan, Social Ethics in Western Europe, Theological Studies, 68, (1), 2007, p154 - 171
Hogan L., International Crosscultural Network of Catholic Theological Ethicists, 2006, Padua
Gender and Culture as Dimensions of Bodiliness in, editor(s)Harm Goris , Bodiliness and Human Dignity, An Intercultural Approach, Münster,, LIT, 2006, pp45 - 61, [Linda Hogan]
Linda Hogan, Authority, Conciliarity and Morals: The Contested Legacy of Vatican II, Crucible, 23, 2006, p23 - 30
Hogan, Linda, A Different Mode of Encounter: Egalitarian Liberalism and the Christian Tradition , Political Theology, 7, (1), 2006, p59 - 73
Hogan L., Challenging the Logic of Violence Beyond Violent Futures: Cultivating Peace, Centre for Ecumenical Studies, Sydney and Melbourne Colleges of Divinity, 2005
Conscience, Philip Sheldrake, The New SCM Dictionary of Christian Spirituality, 1, London, SCM Press, 2005, pp208 - 209, [Linda Hogan]
Theology in Ireland : Changing Contours and Contexts, A Response in, editor(s)Declan Marmion , Christian Identity in a Postmodern Age, Dublin, Veritas, 2005, pp137 - 142, [Linda Hogan]
Linda Hogan, 'The Case for the Abolition of War in the Twenty-First Century', Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, 25, (2), 2005, p17 - 35
Virtue, Philip Sheldrake, The New SCM Dictionary of Christian Spirituality, 1, London, SCM Press, 2005, pp636 - 637, [Linda Hogan]
Hogan L., Hauerwas S. and McDonagh E., The Case for the Abolition of War in the 21st Century, Society for Christian Ethics, Miami, Florida, 2005
Linda Hogan, Religions and the Politics of Peace and Conflict, June 2004, 2004, Trinity College Dublin
Hogan L., May J. D., Gender and Culture as Dimensions of Bodiliness, Centre for Intercultural Ethics, Faculty of Theology University of Tilburg, November, 2004
Linda Hogan, Religious Communities in a Technological Culture: Rebuilding the Secular : A Response to Kroeker Religious Voices, Public Places Seminar, University of Leeds, June, 2003
Interpreting the Divorce Debates: Church and State in Transition in, editor(s)James Mackey and Enda McDonagh , Religion and Society at the Turn of the Millennium, a festschrift to honour Dr. Garret Fitzgerald, Dublin, Columba Press, 2003, pp107 - 118, [Hogan L.]
Hogan L., Ethical Relations Feminist Theory Special Issue, Introduction by Linda Hogan and Sasha Roseneil, London, Sage, 2003, 119pp
Women's Rights, Human Rights and the Legitimation of Change in the Churches' as 'Vrouwenrechten, mensenrechten en de legitimatie van verandering in de kerk in, editor(s)Henri Geerts and Hedwig Meyer-Wilmes , Als man en vrou, Spiritualiteit in veranderende man- vrouwverhoudingen, Amsterdam, KRKS, 2003, pp101 - 117, [Hogan L.]
Hogan L., May J. D., Constructing the Human: Dignity in Interreligious Dialogue, Concilium, 2003, p78 - 89
Linda Hogan, The New Ethical Humanitarianism, K U Leuven, September, 2002
Linda Hogan, Scrutinising the Signs of the Times, September, 2002, K U Leuven, International Association for Catholic Social Thought
Occupying a Precarious Position: Women in Culture and Church in Ireland in, editor(s)Angela Bourke, Siobhán Kilfeather, Maria Luddy, Margaret McCurtain, Geraldine Meaney, Máirín Ní Dhonnchadadha, Mary O' Dowd, Clair Williams , The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing, Vol. IV/V: Irish Women's Writing and Traditions, Cork, Cork University Press in association with Field Day, 2002, pp680 - 686, [Hogan L.]
Linda Hogan, Ethics, Care and the Problem of Foundations, ESRC Funded Seminar on Care and Values in Social Policy, University of Leeds, March, 2002
Hogan L., Gendering Ethics/The Ethics of Gender, Feminist Theory Special Issue. Introduction by Linda Hogan and Sasha Roseneil, London, Sage, 2001, 109pp
'Feminist Theology', 'Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza', 'Rosemary Radford Ruether', Adrian Hastings, Alisdair Mason, Hugh Pyper, The Oxford Companion to Christian Thought, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2000, pp238-240, 242, 629-630 , [Hogan L.]
Trocaire: A Catholic Development Agency Working to Support Communities in their Efforts to Overcome Poverty and Oppression in, editor(s)Jonathan Boswell, Frank McHugh, Johan Verstraeten , Catholic Social Thought, Twilight or Renaissance, Bibilotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniesium, Leuven, Leuven University Press/Peeters, 2000, pp183 - 190, [Hogan L.]
Living with the Contradictions : Responding to HIV\AIDS in the Context of Church Teaching in, editor(s)James Keenan , Catholic Ethicists on HIV/AIDS Prevention, New York, Continuum, 2000, pp41 - 47, [Hogan L.]
Linda Hogan, Gendering Ethics/The Ethics of Gender, June, 2000, Leeds, Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies
Hogan L., Confronting the Truth: Conscience in the Catholic Tradition, New York and London, Paulist Press and Darton, Longman & Todd, 2000
Hogan L., International Seminar on Christian Social and Political Thought, Von Hügel Institute, University of Cambridge, April, 1999
Linda Hogan, Towards an Ethic of Responsibility, Lecture Series in Honour of the Late Bernard Haaring, Faculty of Divinity University of Cambridge, November, 1999
Boundaries and Knowledge : Feminist Ethics in Search of Sure Foundations in, editor(s)Kathleen O' Grady, Ann Gilroy and Janette Gray , Bodies, Lives, Voices : Gender in Religion, Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press, 1998, pp24 - 39, [Hogan L.]
Linda Hogan, Moral Realism and an International Ethic, University of Lancaster, February, 1997
Linda Hogan, The Case for a Realist Epistemology in Feminist Ethics, Centre for Religion, Culture and Gender, University of Manchester, May, 1997
Linda Hogan, Feminist Theological Ethics and Emancipatory Politics, School of Classics and Theology, University of Exeter, February, 1997
Hogan L., Gender and Ethics in Spirituality, The Way Supplement on Spirituality and Ethics, Spring, 1997, p95 - 106
Hogan L., Resources for a Feminist Ethic: Women's Experience and Praxis, Journal of Feminist Theology, No. 3, May 1993, 82-99, 3, 1993, p82 - 99
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Linda Hogan, Floret The Irish School of Ecumenics at 50, Search, 44, (2), 2021, p192 - 201
Vulnerability: An Ethic for a Divided World? in, editor(s)Kristin Heyer, James Keenan, Andrea Vicini , Building Bridges in Sarajevo: The Plenary Papers, New York, Orbis, 2019, pp217 - 222, [Linda Hogan]
Linda Hogan, Introducing Trinity EthicsLab, Arts & Humanities Collaboration with Enterprise, Trinity Long Room Hub, May , 2018
Linda Hogan, Ethics Matters: Ethics in a Digital Age, Trinity Humanities Research Showcase, London, May , 2018
Linda Hogan, Designing an Ethical Future: Can Artificial Intelligence Help? Our Digital World: Who is Serving Whom?, Behind the Headlines: Our Digital World: Who is Serving Whom?, Long Room Hub Trinity College Dublin, October , 2017
Looking to the Future in, editor(s)Michael Hurley , Floreat ut Pereat, Dublin, Columba, 2008, pp213 - 230, [Linda Hogan]
Hogan L., Review of Moral Wisdom, Lessons and Texts from the Catholic Tradition, by James F. Keenan , The Tablet, 2005, p21-22
Linda Hogan, Negotiating Catholic School Leadership in a Morally Ambiguous World, Champagnat, 6, (3), 2005, p65 - 76
Hogan L., May J. D., Gender and Culture as Dimensions of Bodiliness, The Helder Camara Lectures, Melbourne and Sydney, Australia, July, 2004
Hogan L., The Appropriation of Human Rights Language in Christian Social Ethics, Association of Moral Theologians Britain and Ireland, May, 2004
Hogan L., Living with Contradictions: Disagreement and Dialogue in the Church, Quest Digest, 3, 2004, p22 - 25
Hogan L., Fitzgerald B., Between Poetry and Politics: Christian Ethics in Dialogue. Essays in Honour of Enda McDonagh, Dublin, Columba Press, 2003, 236pp
Hogan L., Human Rights: Christian Perspectives on Development Issues, revised with a new Afterword, London/Dublin, CAFOD/Trocaire/Veritas, 2003, 66pp
Hogan L., Consistency and Irish Foreign Policy, Search A Church of Ireland Journal, 26, (2), 2003, p85 - 91
Hogan L., Review of The Ethics of Aquinas, Doctrine and Life, 53, (2), 2003, p123-128
Hogan L., Review of Ethics as Grammar: Changing the Postmodern Subject, by Brad J. Kallenberg , Theological Studies, 64, (1), 2003, p179-180
Hogan L., Review of Conscience and Other Virtues: From Bonaventure To MacIntyre, by Douglas C. Langston , Theological Studies, 63, (3), 2002, p630-632
Hogan L., Living with Contradictions: Conscience in the Catholic Tradition, Quest Annual Conference, London, July, 2002
Hogan L., Christian Ethics and Multiculturalism, Ethics and Culture Seminar Series, Institute of Theology and Cultures, Kimmage Manor, March, 2002
Hogan L., Live that Others May Live - Social and Political Implications, European Forum of National Laity Committees, Madrid, June, 2000
Hogan L., Christian Ethics and Cross-cultural Moral Debate, Theology at the Turn of the Millennium: Unanswered Questions and Prospects, Trinity College, November, 1999
Hogan L., Feminist Theological Ethics : Key Trends, Past and Future, Association of Moral Theologians Britain and Ireland, May, 1999
Occupying a Precarious Position : Women in Culture and Church in Ireland in, editor(s)Dermot Lane , New Century, New Society : Christian Perspectives, Columba Press, 1999, pp140 - 149, [Hogan L.]
Hogan L., Towards a Personalist Theology of Conscience, Association of Moral Theologians Britain and Ireland, November, 1999
Hogan L., The Role of Human Rights in a Catholic Social Ethic, Towards a Global Ethic Conference, Dublin, October, 1998
Hogan L., Human Rights: Christian Perspectives on Development Issues, Dublin, Trocaire/Veritas/CAFOD, 1998, 66pp
Mirroring the Crisis: Feminist Responses to the Confusions in Ethics in, editor(s)John Scally , Ethics in Crisis, Dublin, Veritas, 1997, pp43 - 54, [Hogan L.]
Hogan L., Towards Global Responsibility?, Doctrine and Life, 45, 1995, p204 - 212
Hogan L., Forming and Following One's Conscience, Doctrine and Life, 43, 1993, p402 - 410
Procreative Choice: A Feminist Theological Comment in, editor(s)Hogan L. , The Abortion Papers, Dublin, Attic Press, 1992, pp175 - 185, [Hogan L.]
Hogan L., A Woman's Right to Choose, Doctrine and Life, 42, 1992, p410 - 417
Research Expertise
Social and political ethics; the ethics of human rights; the ethics of gender; Christian ethics; religion in the public squareProjects
- Title
- INTEGRITY: Empowering Students for Responsible Conduct in Research
- Funding Agency
- European Union
- Date From
- January 2019
- Date To
- December 2012
- Title
- Visioning 21st Century Ecumenism: Diversity, Dialogue & Reconciliation
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 2008
- Date To
- 2011
- Title
- Interreligious Ethics and the Cultural Dynamics of Globalisation
- Summary
- Headed jointly with Maureen Junker-Kenny
- Funding Agency
- IIIS, Trinity College Dublin
- Title
- Health Policy Formation in a Christian Culture with Religious Minorities
- Summary
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board, Adelaide Hospital Society, Tallaght Hospital & ISE Trust
- Date From
- 2005
- Date To
- 2007
Chair of the Board of Governors, Marino Institute of Education
Member of Board of Science Gallery, Dublin.
Member of Board of Governors, Coombe Hospital, Dublin
Editorial Board, Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society
Irish Council for Bioethics, Member,
Editorial Board, Journal of Religious Ethics
Editorial Board, Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics (USA)
Editorial Board, Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Editorial Board, Feminist Theory
Deputy Director and Co-Founder, Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, University of Leeds
Arts and Humanities Research Board Peer Review College, UK, Member
Awards and Honours
Fellow of Trinity College Dublin
Society of Christian Ethics, USA
Society for the Study of Christian Ethics, UK
Society for Women in Philosophy
Irish Theological Association (Committee Member 1993 - 1996)
European Society of Women for Theological Research (Irish Representative 1996 - 1999)
European Society for Catholic Theology
European Ethics Network
Association of Teachers Moral Theology Britain and Ireland (Secretary of British Association, 1998 - 2001)
American Academy of Religion