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Professor Michelle Leech
Professor In, Radiation Therapy


Prof. Michelle Leech is Professor (In) Radiation Therapy. She is the current Course Director of the BSc. Radiation Therapy at Trinity College and teaches at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, receiving four awards for her teaching methods to date. Prof. Leech is past chair of blended learning at the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) and is a faculty member for two international teaching courses. She is past chair of the ESTRO Radiation Therapist Committee, representing the profession of radiation therapist in Europe, including at both the European Union and European Commission. Prof. Leech is Editor-in chief of the ESTRO journal Technical Innovations and Patient Support in Radiation Oncology(tipsRO) and the only radiation therapist who is an editorial board member of the journal Radiotherapy and Oncology.

Prof. Leech's research is focused in improving radiation therapy outcomes for patients. She achieves this first through her work as Trinity's lead collaborator on radiation medicine with the International Atomic Energy Agency, leading research projects on raising the standard of radiation therapy practice globally. Second, through the optimisation of radiation technology, leading projects in radiomics, the quantitative analysis of routine imaging for radiation therapy practice for better patient stratification, in treatment planning for the optimisation of dose volume constraints and in paediatric radiation therapy.

Prof. Leech is an advocate for radiation therapy as a cancer treatment modality. She was the lead on Trinity's Massive Open Online Course on radiation therapy, housed on the FutureLearn platform and funded by both College and EIT Health.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Leech M, Katz M, Kazmierska J, McCrossin J, turner S. , Empowering patients in decision-making in radiation oncology-can we do better?, Molecular Oncology, DOI:10:1002/1878-026, 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Leech M, Coffey M, Mast M, Moura F, Osztavics A, Pasini D, Vaandering A, ESTRO ACROP guidelines for positioning, immobilisation and position verification of head and neck patients for radiation therapists, Technical Innovations and Patient Support in Radiation Oncology, 1, 2017, p1 - 7 Journal Article, 2017 TARA - Full Text DOI

Coffey M, Leech M and Poortmans P, Benchmarking Radiation Therapist education for safe practice: The time is now, Radiotherapy and Oncology, 119, (1), 2016, p12 - 13 Journal Article, 2016 URL

5. Kazmierska J, Jornet Sala N, Leech M, Jereczek-Fossa B, Lievens Y and Yarnold J. , Radiotherapy: Seizing the opportunity in cancer care. , ESTRO, 2019, p1 - 16 Report, 2019 URL TARA - Full Text

Coffey M and Leech M, Introduction to the ESTRO European Qualifications Framework (EQF) 7 and 8: Benchmarking Radiation Therapist (RTT) advanced education, Technical Innovations and Patient Support in Radiation Oncology, 8, 2018, p19 - 21 Journal Article, 2018 TARA - Full Text DOI

Leech M, Osman S, Jain S and Marignol L. , Personalization of the radiation therapy management of prostate cancer using MRI-based radiomics. , Cancer Letters, 498, 2021, p210 - 216 Journal Article, 2021 URL

Blaszczak W, Ahmed A, Leithner K, Schubert A, Leech M, Bonder C, Tsagakis I, Outlook of women in science: an interview with our authors., Molecular Oncology, 16, (5), 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Duffton A, Devlin L, Tsang Y, Mast M, Leech M, Advanced Practice: An ESTRO RTTC position paper, Technical Innovations and Patient Support in Radiation Oncology, 10, (2), 2019, p16 - 19 Journal Article, 2019 URL

Coffey M, Rosenblatt E, Vandevelde G, Osztavics A, Pasini D, Scherer P, Dickie C, Karadza V, Van Egten V, Leech M, A review of the Best Practice in Radiation Oncology project from 2008 to 2018, Technical Innovations and Patient Support in Radiation Oncology, 8, 2018, p3 - 7 Journal Article, 2018 TARA - Full Text DOI

Leech M, Publishing interdisciplinary science, Radiotherapy and Oncology, ESTRO 2021, Madrid, Spain, 161, Elsevier, 2021, ppS459 - S459 Oral Presentation, 2021 DOI

Coffey M and Leech M, The European Society of Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) European Higher Education Area levels 7 and 8 postgraduate benchmarking document for Radiation TherapisTs (RTTs), Technical Innovations and Patient Support in Radiation Oncology, 8, 2018, p22 - 40 Journal Article, 2018 TARA - Full Text DOI

Leech M, Leijenaar R, Hompland T, Gaffney J, Lyng H, Marignol L, Exploring hypoxia in prostate cancer with T2-weighted MRI radiomics and pimonidazole scoring, Radiotherapy and Oncology, ESTRO 2021, Madrid, Spain, 161, Elsevier, 2021, ppS1526 - S1527 Poster, 2021 DOI

Lawler G, Leech M, Dose Sparing Potential of Deep Inspiration Breath-hold Technique for Left Breast Cancer Radiotherapy Organs-at-risk, AntiCancer Research, 37, (2), 2017, p883 - 890 Journal Article, 2017

PET/CT-guided radiotherapy planning in prostate cancer in, editor(s)Luca Camoni , PROSTATE CANCER IMAGING AND THERAPY A TECHNOLOGIST'S GUIDE, Vienna, Austria, European Association of Nuclear Medicine, 2018, pp73 - 82, [Tsang Yat Man, Leech, Michelle] Book Chapter, 2018 URL

Duffy O, Forde E, Leech M, The dilemma of parotid gland and pharyngeal constrictor muscles preservation-Is daily online image guidance required? A dosimetric analysis, Medical Dosimetry, Article in press, 2017 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Eriksen JG, Leech M, Benstead K, Verfaillie C, Perspectives on medical education in radiation oncology and the role of the ESTRO School, Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology, 1, 2016, p15 - 18 Journal Article, 2016 TARA - Full Text

Lim JY and Leech M, Use of auto-segmentation in the delineation of target volumes and organs at risk in head and neck, Acta Oncologica, 2016 Journal Article, 2016 URL

Leech M, Gaffney J, Marignol L, Improving non-invasive detection of prostate cancer using diffusion-weighted MRI, Advances in Modern Oncology Research, 2, (6), 2016 Journal Article, 2016 TARA - Full Text DOI

Hanley O and Leech M, Reduction of xerostomia in head and neck cancer patients. A critical review of the literature. , Radiography, 2016 Journal Article, 2016 URL

Arthurs M, Gillham C, O'Shea E, McCrickard E and Leech M, Dosimetric comparison of 3DCRT and IMRT and impact of displacements in lower limb sarcoma radiation therapy, Practical Radiation Oncology, 6, (2), 2016, p119 - 125 Journal Article, 2016

Leech M, Coffey M, Mast M, Moura F, Osztavics A, Pasini D Vaanderring A, Development of guidelines for set-up and verification requirements in head and neck radiotherapy, 2nd ESTRO Forum, Geneva, Switzerland, 19th-23rd April 2013, 2013 Invited Talk, 2013

Forde E, Booth J and Leech M, A volumetric approach to path-length measurements is essential when treating radiotherapy with modulated beams, Medical Dosimetry, 39, (2), 2014, p194 - 196 Journal Article, 2014

Leech M and Broderick M, 'Construction of thermoplastic masks for head and neck radiotherapy', Dublin, Trinity College and St. Luke's Hospital, 2011, - Digital research resource production, 2011 URL

Information and support for patients throughout the radiation therapy pathway in, editor(s)Gopishankar, N. , Radiation Therapy, Rijeka, Croatia, Intech, 2012, pp341 - 358, [Michelle Leech and Mary Coffey] Book Chapter, 2012

Leech M, Craig A, Poole C, Broderick M, Ni Chuinneagain S, Coffey M, Byrne J, Clinical Oral Examinations: Assessment of Competency in Radiation Therapy, Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice, 8, (3), 2009, p115 - 118 Journal Article, 2009 TARA - Full Text

Kelly, Graham, Leech, Michelle, A Dosimetric Comparison of External Beam Radiation Therapy Techniques for Pituitary Adenoma, ESTRO 29, Barcelona, September 2010, 2010 Poster, 2010

Hendy, Viola, Leech, Michelle, The Knowledge and Attitudes of Health Care Professionals on the Sexual Health Information Needs of Gynaecological Cancer Patients, British Gynaecological Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Dublin, 2009, 2009 Poster, 2009

Broderick, M, Menezes, G, Leech, M, Coffey, M and Appleyard, R., A Comparison of Kilovoltage and Megavoltage Cone Beam CT in Radiotherapy, Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice, 6, 2007, p173 - 178 Journal Article, 2007

Bracken D, O'Shea E, Mullaney L, Gilmartin T, Leech M, Keaveney M, 'Evaluation of Radiation Therapists Education Group Lunchtime Lectures in St. Luke's Hospital', ESTRO 25, Leipzig, Germany, 2006 Poster, 2006

O'Donovan A, Gillham C, Cunningham C, Thirion P, Cunningham M, El Beltagi N and Leech M. , Managing the elderly in radiotherapy using geriatric assessment (MERGE): A Pilot Geriiatric Oncology study , SPHER (Structured Population and Health-services RResearch Education) Network First Annual Conference, Dublin, 9th January 2015, 2015 Conference Paper, 2015

O'Donovan A, Mohile S and Leech M. , Expert consensus panel guidelines on geriatric assessment in oncology, European Journal of Cancer Care, 24, (4), 2015, p574 - 589 Journal Article, 2015 URL

O'Donovan A, Gillham C, Cunningham C, Thirion P, Cunningham M, El Beltagi N and Leech M., Managing the elderly in radiotherapy using geriatric assessment (MERGE): A Pilot Geriatric Oncology Study., 9th International Cancer Conference, Dublin, 17-18 September 2014, 2014 Conference Paper, 2014

O'Donovan A, Gillham C, Cunningham C, Thirion P, Cunningham M, El Beltagi N and Leech M., Managing the elderly in radiotherapy using geriatric assessment (MERGE): A Pilot Geriatric Oncology Study., International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG) 14th Annual Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 23-25 October 2014, 2014 Conference Paper, 2014

O'Donovan A, Mohile S and Leech M. , Expert consensus panel on geriatric assessment interventions in Oncology: the Euopean perspective, Annual Scientific Meeting, Faculty of Radiology, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, September 2013, 2013 Conference Paper, 2013

O'Donovan A, Mohile S and Leech M. , Expert consensus panel on geriatric assessment interventions in Oncology: the Euopean perspective, International Society of Geriatric Oncology (2013) annual conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 2013, 2013 Oral Presentation, 2013

Browne M, Leech M and Forde E, Quantification of independent prostate and seminal vesicle planning margins in intermeidate-risk prostate radiotherapy, Annual Conference of the Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, September 2014, 2014 Poster, 2014

Mulryan K, Leech M and Forde E, A review of dosimetric endpoints reported on in clinical trials for stereotactic radiotherapy for Stage I non-small cell lung cancer. , Annual Conference of the Irish Institute of Radiography and Radiation Therapy, Dublin, 2014, 2014 Oral Presentation, 2014

Lim D, Quah DS, Leech M, Marignol L, Clinical potential of boron neutron capture therapy for locally recurrent inoperable previously irradiated head and neck cancer., Applied radiation and isotopes : including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine, 2015 Journal Article, 2015 DOI TARA - Full Text

Forde E, Booth J, Eade T, Kneebone A, LeMotte M and Leech M, FSD measurements are obsolete when treating prostate IMRT and VMAT, Radiotherapy and Oncology, 3rd ESTRO Forum, Barcelona, Spain, 24-28 April 2015, 115, (S (1)), Elsevier, 2015, ppS81- Conference Paper, 2015

Durcan A and Leech M, The impact of dose to the salivary apparatus on quality of life in patients treated with IMRT for head and neck cancer. , Radiotherapy and Oncology, 3rd ESTRO Forum, Barcelona, Spain, 24-28 April 2015, 115, (S(1)), Elsevier, 2015, ppS82 - S83 Conference Paper, 2015

Arthurs M, Gillham C, O'Shea E, McCrickard E and Leech M, Dosimetric comparison of techniques and impact of displacements in lower limb sarcoma radiation therapy, Radiotherapy and Oncology, 3rd ESTRO Forum, Barcelona, Spain, 24-28 April 2015, 115, (S(1)), Elsevier, 2015, ppS898- Conference Paper, 2015

Gill E, Coffey M and Leech M, An investigation of breast IGRT in Europe and North America and the clinical impact of its implementation, Radiotherapy and Oncology, ESTRO Anniversary Congress, London, UK, 8-12 May 2011, 99, (S(1)), Elsevier, 2011, ppS459- Conference Paper, 2011

Frewen H and Leech M, A comparison of treatment planning techniques for radiotherapy of the prostate and seminal vesicles in obese prostate patients, Radiotherapy and Oncology, 10th biennial ESTRO conference on Physics and Radiation Technology for Clinical Radiotherapy., Barcelona, Spain, Aug 30-Sep 3 2009, 92, (S(1)), Elsevier, 2009, ppS143- Conference Paper, 2009

Leech M and Broderick M, Implementation of a bite-block immobilisation system for cranial stereotactic radio surgery, Radiotherapy and Oncology, 10th biennial ESTRO conference on Physics and Radiation Technology for Clinical Radiotherapy., Barcelona, Spain, Aug 30-Sep 3 2009, 92, (S(1)), Elsevier, 2009, ppS61- Conference Paper, 2009

Monahan A, Broderick M, Coffey M and Leech M, The effectiveness of the TIGER programme in conjunction with contouring guidelines in reducing inter observer variability among radiation therapy students in contouring the prostate site, Radiotherapy and Oncology, ESTRO Anniversary Congress, London, UK, 8-12 May 2011, 99, (S(1)), Elsevier, 2011, ppS589 - S590 Conference Paper, 2011

Leech M, Bridging the theory-practice gap in RTT treatment planning education: To blog or not to blog?, Radiotherapy and oncology, ESTRO 33, Vienna, Austria, 4-8 April 2014, 111, (S(1)), Elsevier, 2014, ppS143 - S144 Conference Paper, 2014

ODonovan A, Leech M and Mohile S, An expert consensus panel on Geriatric Assessment (GA) in oncology, Radiotherapy and Oncology, ESTRO 33, Vienna, Austria, 4th-8th April 2014, 111, (S1), Elsevier, 2014, ppS110 - S111 Conference Paper, 2014

Lawler G and Leech M, Dose sparing potential of deep inspiration breath-hold technique for left breast radiotherapy organs at risk, Radiotherapy and Oncology, 3rd ESTRO Forum, Barcelona, Spain, 24-28 April 2015, 115, (S1), Elsevier, 2015, ppS893- Conference Paper, 2015

Burns J and Leech M, The dosimetric effect of systematic rotations on 3D conformal radiotherapy of the parotid gland, Radiotherapy and Oncology, ESTRO 31, Barcelona, Spain, 9-13 May 2012, 103, (S1), Elsevier, 2012, pp620- Conference Paper, 2012

Kierce S, Armstrong J, Callinan S, Burke D and Leech M, A retrospective analysis of the management of brain metastases using stereotactic radio surgery, Radiotherapy and Oncology, ESTRO 31, Barcelona, Spain, 9-13 May 2012, 103, (S1), Elsevier, 2012, ppS613- Conference Paper, 2012

Rogerson C and Leech M, An investigation of the dosimetric implications of contouring variability in 3DCRT of the prostate, Radiotherapy and Oncology, ESTRO 31, Barcelona, Spain, 9-13 May 2012, 103, (S1), Elsevier, 2012, ppS156- Conference Paper, 2012

Scanlon L, Moran D, Fagan A, Meaney J, Lynch T, Leech M, Coffey M, Hollywood D, Marignol L, Use of DWI and ADC values in detection and staging of prostate cancer of the central gland and peripheral zone, Radiotherapy and Oncology, ESTRO 31, Barcelona, Spain, 9-13 May 2012, 103, (S1), Elsevier, 2012, ppS429- Conference Paper, 2012

Durcan A and Leech M, The impact of dose to the salivary glands on quality of life in patients treated with IMRT for head and neck cancer, HSE Health and Social Care Professions' Research Conference, Dublin, April 16th 2015, 2015 Poster, 2015

Dangol S and Leech M, An investigation of the dosimetric impact of population-based set up errors in pelvic radiation therapy, Radiotherapy and Oncology, ESTRO 33, 111, (S1), 2014, ppS308 - S308 Conference Paper, 2014

Ging H and Leech M, A dosimetric comparison between 3D conformal radiotherapy and IMRT for glioblastoma multiform, Radiotherapy and Oncology, ESTRO 33, 111, (S1), 2014, ppS307 - S307 Conference Paper, 2014

Nolan L and Leech M, The impact of patient position in large field pelvic radiotherapy: A dosimetric analysis, Radiotherapy and Oncology, ESTRO 33, 111, (S1), 2014, ppS309 - S309 Conference Paper, 2014

Leech M, Kamphuis M, Are we precisely inaccurate in our adaption? , Radiotherapy and Oncology, ESTRO 35, Turin, Italy, 119, Elsevier, 2016, ppS296 - S296 Conference Paper, 2016

Mast M, Leech M, Coffey M, Moura F, Osztavics A, Pasini D, Vaandering A, The ESTRO perspective - a guideline for positioning of head and neck patients, Radiotherapy and Oncology, ESTRO 35, Turin, Italy, 119, Elsevier, 2016, ppS99 - S99 Conference Paper, 2016

Radiotherapy and Oncology, Elsevier, [Editorial Board member], 2016 Editorial Board, 2016

Technical Innovations and Patient Support in Radiation Oncology, Elsevier, [Editor in Chief], 2016 Editorial Board, 2016

Stritch MA, Forde E, Leech M., The impact of intensity-modulated radiation therapy plan normalization in the postprostatectomy setting-does it matter?, Medical dosimetry : official journal of the American Association of Medical Dosimetrists, 42, (4), 2017, p368-374 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Collins SD, Leech MM., A review of plan library approaches in adaptive radiotherapy of bladder cancer., Acta oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden), 57, (5), 2018, p566-573 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

O'Donovan, A., Leech, M. and Gillham, C., Assessment and Management of Radiotherapy Induced Toxicity in Older Patients , Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 8, (6), 2017, p421 - 427 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Mangan S, Leech M, Proton therapy- the modality of choice for future radiation therapy management of Prostate Cancer?, Technical Innovations and Patient Support in Radiation Oncology, 11, 2019, p1 - 13 Journal Article, 2019

Barrett S, Thirion P, Harper D, Simpkin A, Leech M, Hickey K, Ryan L, Marignol L, Dosimetric impact of uncorrected systematic yaw rotation in VMAT for peripheral lung SABR, . Reports of Practical Oncology & Radiotherapy, 24, (6), 2019, p520 - 527 Journal Article, 2019 URL

Barrett S., Leech M., Enderling H., Marignol L, User-adjusted auto-contouring of lung tumour volumes can facilitate accurate multiple measurements of lung GTV over the course of radiotherapy, 16th International Congress of Radiation Research, Manchester, UK, 25-29th August, 2019 Poster, 2019

Coffey M, Leech M, Hentschel H, Kristensan I, Boejen A, Scherer P, RTT Workshops-Preparing the RTT profession for the future, Technical Innovations and Patient Support in Radiation Oncology, 10, (2), 2019, p13 - 15 Journal Article, 2019 URL

Barrett S , Simpkin AJ , Walls G , Leech M , Marigno Ll , Geometric and dosimetric evaluation of a commercially available auto-segmentation tool for gross tumour volume delineation in locally advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: a feasibility study, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

O'Donovan, A., Gillham, C., Cunningham, C., Murphy, M., Leech, M., Cunningham, M., Beltagi, N., Thirion, P., The Impact of Geriatric Assessment on Patient Outcomes in Radiation Oncology: A Pilot Study., Gerontology and Geriatric Research., 2020, p1 - 14 Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text DOI

O'Donovan A and Leech M. , Personalised treatment for older adults with cancer: The role of frailty. , Technical Innovations and Patient Support in Radiation Oncology, 16, 2020, p30 - 38 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Wen YL and Leech M. , Review of the Role of Radiomics in Tumour Risk Classification and Prognosis of Cancer. , Anticancer Research, 40, (7), 2020, p3605-3618 Journal Article, 2020

Tsang Y, Duffton A, Rossi M, Leech M, Scherer P. , Meeting the challenges imposed by COVID-19: Guidance document by the ESTRO Radiation TherapisT Committee (RTTC). , Technical Innovations and Patient Support in Radiation Oncology, 15, 2020, p6-10 Journal Article, 2020

Zhang B and Leech M. , A Review of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy in the Management of Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer. , Anticancer Research, 40, (5), 2020, p2419-2428 Journal Article, 2020

Kearney M, Leech, M, O Neill M and Davis S., Evaluation of an e-Learning teaching innovation to assist clinical radiation therapy educators in the provision of student feedback, Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Science, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI TARA - Full Text

Leech M, MR Radiomics in Prostate Cancer, Radiotherapy and Oncology, ESTRO 2021, Madrid, Spain, 161, Elsevier, 2021, ppS12 - S12 Oral Presentation, 2021 DOI

Leijenaar R, Walsh S, Vaidyanathan A, Zerka F, Occhipinti M, Danthine D, Kridelka F, Hustinx R, Vos W, Guiot J, Leech M, Gillham C, Lyons C, Flavin A, Lambin P, Louinfosse P, External validation of a radiomic signature to predict HPV 9p16) status from standard CT images of anal and vulvar cancer patients. , Journal of Clinical Oncology, ASCO 2021, 39, (15-suppl), Elsevier, 2021, ppe15502 - e15502 Poster, 2021 DOI

Forde E, Leech M, Robert C, Heron E, Marignol L, Influence of Inter-Observer Delineation Variability on Radiomic Features of the Parotid Gland, Physica Medica, (82), 2021, p240 - 248 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Leech M, Current Status of RTT education globally, ICARO 3, Vienna Austria, International Atomic Energy Agency, 2021, pp187 - 187 Oral Presentation, 2021 URL

Leech M, Interprofessional Education, ICARO 3, Vienna, Austria, International Atomic Energy Agency, 2021, pp205 - 205 Oral Presentation, 2021 URL

Coffey M, Naseer A, Leech M., Exploring radiation therapist education and training., Tech Innov Patient Support Radiat Oncol, 24, 2022, p59-62 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Turner S, Benstead K, Millar BA, Morris L, Seel M, Leech M, Eriksen JG, Giuliani M., A new wave of leaders: Early evaluation of the interdisciplinary Foundations of Leadership in Radiation Oncology (FLiRO) program., Tech Innov Patient Support Radiat Oncol, 24, 2022, p94-100 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Dias Domingues DR, Leech MM., Exploring the impact of metabolic imaging in head and neck cancer treatment., Head & neck, 44, (10), 2022, p2228-2247 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Naidoo W, Leech M., Feasibility of surface guided radiotherapy for patient positioning in breast radiotherapy versus conventional tattoo-based setups- a systematic review., Tech Innov Patient Support Radiat Oncol, 22, 2022, p39-49 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Forde E, Robert C, Leech M, Marignol L., Spatial Resampling Combined with Intensity Discretization Improves Reproducibility of Radiomic Features of the Parotid Gland. (e-poster #604, European Congress of Medical Physics, Dublin, Ireland, August 2022, 2022 Conference Paper, 2022

Leijenaar RTH, Walsh S, Akshayaa Vaidyanathan, Aliboni L, Sanchez VL, Leech M, Joyce R, Gillham C, Kridelka F, Hustinx R, Danthine D, Occhipinti M, Vos W, Guiot J, Lambin P, Lovinfosse P., External validation of a radiomic signature to predict p16 (HPV) status from standard CT images of anal cancer patients., Scientific reports, 13, (1), 2023, p7198 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Vandemaele M, Aznar M, Blanchard P, Borras JM, Leech M, Aggarwal A, Lievens Y., A systematic literature review of definitions and classification systems for radiotherapy innovation: A first step towards building a value-based assessment tool for radiation oncology., Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, 183, 2023, p109602 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Leech, M. and Leijenaar, R.T.H. and Hompland, T. and Gaffney, J. and Lyng, H. and Marignol, L., Exploring Hypoxia in Prostate Cancer With T2-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging Radiomics and Pimonidazole Scoring, Anticancer Research, 43, (1), 2023, p351-357 Journal Article, 2023 DOI TARA - Full Text

Maeve Kearney, Gemma Farmer, Sara Faithfull, Scheryll Alken, Michelle Leech, Knowledge Support for Adolescents and Young Adult Cancer Survivors of Lymphoma in Ireland (KAYAC), Trinity St James"s Cancer Institute Christmas Research Blitz 2023 Agenda, Trinity St James's Cancer Institute, Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, Dublin 8, D08 W9RT, 08/12/23, 2023 Poster, 2023

Maeve Kearney, Gemma Farmer, Sara Faithfull, Scheryll Alken,Michelle Leech, Knowledge Support for Adolescents and Young Adult Cancer Survivors of Lymphoma in Ireland (KAYAC), Irish Association for Cancer Research 60th Anniversary Satellite Meeting Agenda, RCSI, Dublin, 26th February 2024, 2024 Poster, 2024

Maeve Kearney,Michelle Leech Sara Faithfull Gemma Farme, KNOWLEDGE SUPPORT FOR ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULT CANCER SURVIVORS OF LYMPHOMA IN IRELAND (KAYAC), MASCC/AFSOS/ISOO 2024 Annual Meeting, Lille, France, 27-29th June, 2024 Poster, 2024

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Ryan J and Leech M, Lung delineation and its impact on dose volume constraints in non-small cell lung cancer, Annual Conference of the Irish Institute of Radiography and Radiation Therapy, Dublin, November 2011, 2011 Poster, 2011

Leech, Michelle, Coffey, Mary, Hendy, Viola, Attitudes to Patient Sexual Health, Cancer Professional, (Summer 2010), 2010, p10 - 13 Journal Article, 2010

O'Neill K, Leech M, A Comparison of Lung, Heart and Contralateral Breast Dose with Two Breast Radiotherapy techniques, Annual Conference Irish Institute of Radiography and Radiation Therapy, Sligo, 8/11/2008, 2008 Poster, 2008

Rourke C, Leech M, Downes A, Thirion P, 'Electronic Portal Imaging of Head and Neck Radiotherapy', Radiography Ireland, 11, (1), 2007, p28 - 31 Journal Article, 2007

Hynes M, Leech M, Analysis of the effect of Active Breathing Control on the Normal Tissue Complication Probability of Lung cancer patients using a biological planning system, Annual Conference Irish Institute of radiography and Radiation Therapy, Sligo, 8/11/2008, 2008 Poster, 2008

Leech M, Coffey M, The Development of Postgraduate Education for Radiation Therapists in Ireland, All Ireland Radiation Therapy Study Day, NUI Galway, 2009 Invited Talk, 2009

Healy K, Coffey M and Leech M, Soft tissue sarcomas of the trunk: A literature review, Radiography Ireland, 15, (2), 2012, p55 - 59 Journal Article, 2012

Leech M, Offline correction protocols, Bulgarian National Society meeting on Patient Positioning and Verification in Radiation Therapy. , Sofia, Bulgaria, August 30th-31st , 2013 Invited Talk, 2013

Leech M, Radiation Therapists: Vision for the Future, South East Europe Technology in Radiation Oncology biannual conference, Zagreb, Croatia, November 6-8, 2015, SEETRO Invited Talk, 2015

Leech, M, Raising the professionalism of Radiation Therapists: The role of ESTRO, South East Europe Technology in Radiation Oncology biannual conference, Zagreb, Croatia, November 6-8, 2015, SEETRO Invited Talk, 2015

Leech, M, Can we raise our professionalism? The ESTRO RTT Committee, AITRO Annual Conference, Trento, Italy, 5-7 December, 2014, AITRO Invited Talk, 2014

Leech M, Working smarter to create my dream career: An RTT perspective, 3rd ESTRO Forum, Barcelona, Spain, 24-28 April , 2015, ESTRO Invited Talk, 2015

Leech M, Vision 2020: Challenges facing the RTT in Western Europe, 3rd ESTRO Forum, Barcelona, Spain, 24-28 April , 2015, ESTRO Invited Talk, 2015

Leech M and Broderick M, Implementation of a bite-block immobilisation system for cranial stereotactic radio surgery, Radiotherapy and Oncology, 10th biennial ESTRO conference on Physics and Radiation Technology for Clinical Radiotherapy., Barcelona, Spain, Aug 30-Sep 3 2009, 92, (S(1)), Elsevier, 2009, ppS61- Conference Paper, 2009

A Blended Learning Approach to an Undergraduate Evidence-based Practice Module for Healthcare Students in, editor(s)Brown, S. , Learning, teaching and assessment in higher education: global perspectives, Macmillan International Higher Education, , 2014, [O'Donovan, A. and Leech, M.] Book Chapter, 2014

Leech M, Cardone A, Ceka K, Hoving C, Poole C, Empowering patients in radiation oncology: Educating cancer patients about radiation oncology, Radiotherapy and Oncology, ESTRO 2021, Madrid, Spain, 161, Elsevier, 2021, ppS112 - S112 Oral Presentation, 2021 DOI

Research Expertise


Optimisation of radiation therapy Radiomics Radiation therapy practice Radiation Medicine Education


  • Summary
    • Advancing the care of osteoradionecrosis in Ireland (ACORN)
  • Funding Agency
    • Irish Cancer Society
  • Date From
    • March 1st 2022
  • Date To
    • February 28th 2024
  • Title
    • EPRO_Empowering European Patients in Radiation Oncology
  • Summary
    • E-PRO is a collaborative project between Trinity College Dublin, University of Maastricht and the European Cancer Patient Coalition. The project will add a patient decision aid on taking control of their own health after cancer treatment to an existing MOOC on radiation oncology, developed by my department. The MOOC will be translated into 3 European languages and piloted across various countries, patient age and socioeconomic groups.
  • Funding Agency
    • EIT Health
  • Date From
    • 1/12020
  • Date To
    • 31/12/2020
  • Title
    • Analysis of Changes in Radiation Oncology Practice during the Covid 19 pandemic
  • Summary
    • This project was a national analysis of changes in radiation oncology practice necessitated by the Covid 19 pandemic and included collaboration with radiation oncologists in Trinity St. James's Cancer Institute, SLRON, Galway University Hospital, UMPC Whitfield Clinic Waterford, Beacn Hospital and Cork University Hospital
  • Funding Agency
    • Dean of Research Covid-19 Pandemic Fund
  • Date From
    • 1 September 2020
  • Date To
    • 31 August 2021
  • Title
    • From diagnosis to survival: An introduction to Radiation Oncology
  • Summary
    • This project saw the development of a Massive Open Online Course, funded by Trinity Online Services
  • Funding Agency
    • Trinity Online Services
  • Date From
    • September 2018
  • Title
    • Oncovideos: Developing Vocational skills in Oncology through e-learning
  • Summary
    • The development of educational videos for RTs. This video is in relation to patient positioning and immobilisation in the head and neck region.
  • Funding Agency
    • EU
  • Date From
    • 2010
  • Date To
    • 2012
  • Title
    • Impact of dose to pharyngeal constrictor muscles and salivary glands on late effects in head and neck radiotherapy
  • Summary
    • This project investigates the impact of various dosimetric endpoints of the pharyngeal constrictor muscles on dysphagia in head and neck patients. Evaluation of dose to the parotid and submandibular glands is also analysed to ascertain effect on xerostomia.
  • Funding Agency
    • IIRRT
  • Date From
    • 2009
  • Date To
    • 2011


Education research; HUMAN CANCER; Radiomics; RADIOTHERAPY



RTT representative on the Education Council of ESTRO Current

Chair of the RTT Committee of ESTRO 2014-2019

National RT Education representative for Irish Institute of Radiography and Radiation Therapy 2008-2013

Expert advisor to CORU on the Framework Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics for Radiographers and Radiation Therapists April 2012

Representative of IIRRT on the Health Service Executive's Health and Social Care Professions Advisory Group 2011-2013

Secretary of the IIRRT 2009-2011

Editor of Radiography Ireland 2012-2013

Member of the International Advisory Panel of the Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences Current

Awards and Honours

Emmanuel van der Schueren award November 2020

Certificate of Commendation Provost's Teaching Awards 2011, 2012 and 2013

St. Luke's Prize 2000

Civic Engagement Award nominee May 2020


Member of teaching faculty on ESTRO teaching course on Best practice in radiation oncology: A course to train RTT trainers. August 2009 – Present

ESTRO member January 2007 – Present

IIRRT member October 1996 – Present

Course Director: ESTRO Teaching course on basic treatment planning March 2010 – September 2014