Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Laird E, Rhodes J, Kenny RA, Vitamin D and Inflammation: Potential Implications for Severity of Covid-19., Irish medical journal, 2020
Rhodes JM, Subramanian S, Laird E, Kenny RA., Editorial: low population mortality from COVID-19 in countries south of latitude 35 degrees North supports vitamin D as a factor determining severity., Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics, 2020
Rhodes JM, Subramanian S, Laird E, Anne Kenny R, Letter: low population mortality from COVID-19 in countries south of latitude 35 degrees North supports vitamin D as a factor determining severity. Authors' reply., Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics, 2020
O'Connor DMA, Laird EJ, Carey D, O'Halloran AM, Clarke R, Kenny RA, Molloy AM., Plasma concentrations of vitamin B12 and folate and global cognitive function in an older population: Cross-sectional findings from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA)., The British journal of nutrition, 2020, p1-25
Rhodes JM, Subramanian S, Laird E, Griffin G, Kenny RA, Perspective: Vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19 severity - plausibly linked by latitude, ethnicity, impacts on cytokines, ACE2 and thrombosis., Journal of internal medicine, 2020
Moore K, Hughes CF, Hoey L, Ward M, Cunningham C, Molloy AM, Strain JJ, McCarroll K, Casey MC, Tracey F, Laird E, O'Kane M, McNulty H., B-vitamins in Relation to Depression in Older Adults Over 60 Years of Age: The Trinity Ulster Department of Agriculture (TUDA) Cohort Study., Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 2019, p551-557.e1
Crowley D, Lambert JS, Betts-Symonds G, Cullen W, Keevans M, Kelly E, Laird E, McHugh T, McKiernan S, Miggin SJ, Murphy C, Murtagh R, O'Reilly D, Tobin C, Van Hout MC. , The seroprevalence of untreated chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and associated risk factors in male Irish prisoners: a cross-sectional study, , Eurosurveillance, 24, (14), 2019
Porter KM, Ward M, Hughes CF, O'Kane M, Hoey L, McCann A, Molloy AM, Cunningham C, Casey M, Tracey F, Strain S, McCarroll K, Laird E, Gallagher AM, McNulty H, Hyperglycemia and metformin use are associated with B-vitamin deficiency and cognitive dysfunction in older adults., The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 2019
Briggs R, McCarroll K, O'Halloran A, Healy M, Kenny RA, Laird E, Vitamin D Deficiency Is Associated With an Increased Likelihood of Incident Depression in Community-Dwelling Older Adults., Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 20, (5), 2019, p517 - 523
O'Halloran AM, Laird EJ, Feeney J, Healy M, Moran R, Beatty S, Nolan FM, Molloy AM, Kenny RA. , Circulating micronutrient biomarkers are associated with three measures of frailty: Evidence from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA). , JAMDA, 2019
Gannon, J., Claffey, P., Laird, E., Newman, L., Kenny, R.A., Briggs, R., The cross"sectional association between diabetes and orthostatic hypotension in community"dwelling older people, Diabetic Medicine, 2019
Aspell N, Laird E, Healy M, Lawlor B, O'Sullivan M, Vitamin D Deficiency Is Associated With Impaired Muscle Strength And Physical Performance In Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Findings From The English Longitudinal Study Of Ageing., Clinical interventions in aging, 2019
Crowley D, Murtagh R, Cullen W, Keevans M, Laird E, McHugh T, McKiernan S, Miggin SJ, O'Connor E, O'Reilly D, Betts-Symonds G, Tobin C, Van Hout MC, Lambert JS, Evaluating peer-supported screening as a hepatitis C case-finding model in prisoners., Harm reduction journal, 2019
Laird E, O'Halloran AM, Fedorowski A, Melander O, Hever A, Sjögren M, Carey D, Kenny RA., Orthostatic hypotension and novel blood pressure associated gene variants in older adults: data from the TILDA Study., The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, 2019
Laird, E.J., O'Halloran, A.M., Carey, D., O'Connor, D., Kenny, R.A., Molloy, A.M., Voluntary fortification is ineffective to maintain the Vitamin B
Swabri J, Uzor C, Laird E, O'Carroll A, Health status of the homeless in Dublin: does the mobile health clinic improve access to primary healthcare for its users?, Irish journal of medical science, 2018
Carson EL, Pourshahidi LK, Madigan SM, Baldrick FR, Kelly MG, Laird E, Healy M, Strain JJ, Mulhern MS, Vitamin D status is associated with muscle strength and quality of life in patients with COPD: a seasonal prospective observation study., International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 2018
Pinart M, Nimptsch K, Bouwman J, Dragsted LO, Yang C, De Cock N, Lachat C, Perozzi G, Canali R, Lombardo R, D'Archivio M, Guillaume M, Donneau AF, Pischon T, Joint Data Analysis in Nutritional Epidemiology: Identification of Observational Studies and Minimal Requirements., The Journal of nutrition, 2018
Kearney S, O'Donoghue L, Pourshahidi LK, Richardson P, Laird E, Healy M, Saunders KJ, Conjunctival ultraviolet autofluorescence area, but not intensity, is associated with myopia., Clinical & experimental optometry, 2018
Bardon LA, Streicher M, Corish CA, Clarke M, Power LC, Kenny RA, O'Connor DM, Laird E, O'Connor EM, Visser M, Volkert D, Gibney ER, MaNuEL consortium, Predictors of incident malnutrition in older Irish adults from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) cohort- a MaNuEL study., The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, 2018
Laird, E. and O'Halloran, A.M. and Carey, D. and Healy, M. and O'Connor, D. and Moore, P. and Shannon, T. and Molloy, A.M. and Kenny, R.A., The Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency and the Determinants of 25(OH)D Concentration in Older Irish Adults: Data from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 73, (4), 2018, p519-525
Ntlholang O, McCarroll K, Laird E, Molloy AM, Ward M, McNulty H, Hoey L, Hughes CF, Strain JJ, Casey M, Cunningham C, The relationship between adiposity and cognitive function in a large community-dwelling population: data from the Trinity Ulster Department of Agriculture (TUDA) ageing cohort study., The British journal of nutrition, 2018
Laird EJ, O'Halloran AM, Carey D, O'Connor D, Kenny RA, Molloy AM, Voluntary fortification is ineffective to maintain the vitamin B12 and folate status of older Irish adults: evidence from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA)., The British journal of nutrition, 2018, p111 - 120
Laird E, Molloy A.M, McNulty H, Ward M, McCarroll K, Hoey L, Hughes C.F, Cunningham C, Strain J.J, Casey M.C, Greater yogurt consumption is associated with increased bone mineral density and physical function in older adults, Osteoporosis International, 28, (8), 2017, p2409 - 2419
Avril M Beirne, Kevin G McCarroll, J Bernard Walsh, Miriam C Casey, Eamon Laird, Helene McNulty, Mary Ward, Leanne Hoey, Anne Molloy, Martin Healy, Conal J Cunningham, 274Vitamin D Deficiency and Resource Utilisation " A Prospective Association, Age and Ageing, 46, (Suppl{\_), 2017, piii13--iii59
Chen Yang, Mariona Pinart, Patrick Kolsteren, John Van Camp, Nathalie De Cock, Katharina Nimptsch, Tobias Pischon, Eamon Laird, Giuditta Perozzi, Raffaella Canali, Axelle Hoge, Marta Stelmach-Mardas, Lars Ove Dragsted, Stéphanie Maria Palombi, Irina Dobre, Jildau Bouwman, Peter Clarys, Fabio Minervini, Maria De Angelis, Marco Gobbetti, Jean Tafforeau, Oscar Coltell, Dolores Corella, Hendrik De Ruyck, Janette Walton, Laura Kehoe, Christophe Matthys, Bernard De Baets, Guy De Tré, Antoon Bronselaer, Angela Rivellese, Rosalba Giacco, Rosario Lombardo, Sofian De Clercq, Niels Hulstaert, Carl Lachat, Perspective: Essential Study Quality Descriptors for Data from Nutritional Epidemiologic Research, Advances in Nutrition: An International Review Journal, 8, (5), 2017, p639--651
Sharon M. Madigan, Joshua Todd, Emeir McSorley, L. Kirsty Pourshahidi, Eamon Laird, Martin Healy, Mark Kilbane, Malachi McKenna, Pamela Magee, Twelve-weeks Oral Spray Vitamin D3 Supplementation Does Not Alter Bone Turnover Markers In Collegiate Gaelic Footballers, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 49, 2017, p105
Avril M. Beirne, Kevin G. McCarroll, Miriam C. Casey, Helene McNulty, Eamon Laird, J. Bernard Walsh, Mary Ward, Leanne Hoey, Anne Molly, Martin Healy, Conal J. Cunningham, 291Vitamin D Deficiency and Cognition Function- A Case Control Study, Age and Ageing, 46, (Suppl{\_), 2017, piii1--iii12
Keegan, D., Crowley, D., Laird, E., Van Hout, M.C., Prevalence and risk factors for hepatitis C viral infection amongst a cohort of irish drug users attending a drug treatment centre for agonist opioid treatment (AOT), Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems, 19, (1), 2017, p47-56
, The relationship between protein quantity, BMD and fractures in older adults., Irish journal of medical science, 2017
, Exploring Patient Characteristics and Barriers to Hepatitis C Treatment in Patients on Opioid Substitution Treatment Attending a Community Based Fibro-scanning Clinic., Journal of translational internal medicine, 2017
O'Halloran AM, Laird EA, Healy M, Moran R, Nolan J et al, CIRCULATING BIOMARKERS PREDICT INCIDENT FRAILTY: THE IRISH LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGEING (TILDA) , Innovation in Aging, 21st International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) World Congress, San Fransisco, 23-27 July 2017, 1, (1 supplemental), Oxford Academic, 2017, pp23 - 23
Deirdre O'Connor, Eamon Laird, Aisling O'Halloran, Anne M. Molloy, Rose Anne Kenny, Variations in vitamin B12 and folate balance: implications for cognitive function? Findings from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 76, ({OCE), 2017
Des Crowley, Claire Collins, Ide Delargy, Eamon Laird, Marie Claire Van Hout, Irish general practitioner attitudes toward decriminalisation and medical use of cannabis: results from a national survey, Harm Reduction Journal, 14, (1), 2017
E. Laird, M. C. Casey, M. Ward, L. Hoey, C. F. Hughes, K. Mccarroll, C. Cunningham, J. J. Strain, H. Mcnulty, A. M. Molloy, Dairy intakes in older Irish adults and effects on vitamin micronutrient status: Data from the TUDA study, The journal of nutrition, health & aging, 2016, p1-8
Coen RF, McCarroll K, Casey M, McNulty H, Laird E, Molloy AM, Ward M, Strain JJ, Hoey L, Hughes C, Cunningham CJ, The Frontal Assessment Battery: Normative Performance in a Large Sample of Older Community-Dwelling Hospital Outpatient or General Practitioner Attenders., Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology, 29, (6), 2016, p338-343
Joshua J. Todd, Emeir M. McSorley, Kirsty Pourshahidi, Sharon M. Madigan, Eamon Laird, Ruth R. Weir, Martin Healy, Pamela J. Magee, Lower Cathelicidin Concentrations In Irish Athletes Compared To Healthy Controls, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 48, 2016, p341
Aisling O'Halloran, Eamon Laird, Martin Healy, Rachel Moran, John Nolan, Stephen Beatty, Anne Molloy, Rose Anne Kenny, 034PREVALENCE OF MICRONUTRIENT, INFLAMMATORY STRESS, METABOLIC AND RENAL CONDITIONS IN FRAIL OLDER ADULTS: THE IRISH LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGEING (TILDA), Age and Ageing, 45, (suppl 2), 2016, pii13.178--ii56
Tom Shannon, Eamon Laird, Crowley VEF, Martin Healy, The potential benefits of geo-mapping for visualizing the vitamin D status of Dublin City, Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 75, ({OCE), 2016
Joshua J. Todd, Emeir M. McSorley, L. Kirsty Pourshahidi, Sharon M. Madigan, Eamon Laird, Martin Healy, Pamela J. Magee, Vitamin D3 supplementation in healthy adults: a comparison between capsule and oral spray solution as a method of delivery in a wintertime, randomised, open-label, cross-over study, British Journal of Nutrition, 2016, p1--7
Todd, J.J., McSorley, E.M., Pourshahidi, L.K., Madigan, S.M., Laird, E., Healy, M., Magee, P.J., Vitamin D
Todd, J., Madigan, S., Pourshahidi, K., McSorley, E., Laird, E., Healy, M., Magee, P., Vitamin D status and supplementation practices in elite Irish athletes: An update from 2010/2011, Nutrients, 8, (8), 2016
Weir, R.R., Carson, E.L., Mulhern, M.S., Laird, E., Healy, M., Pourshahidi, L.K., Validation of a food frequency questionnaire to determine vitamin D intakes using the method of triads, Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 29, (2), 2016, p255-261
, Oral spray wintertime vitamin D3 supplementation has no impact on inflammation in Gaelic footballers., Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 2016
Aisling O'Halloran, Eamon Laird, Martin Healy, Rachel Moran, John Nolan, Stephen Beatty, Anne Molloy, Rose Anne Kenny, 032CIRCULATING BLOOD BIOMARKERS IN OLDER ADULTS WITH FRAILTY: THE IRISH LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON AGEING (TILDA), Age and Ageing, 45, (suppl 2), 2016, pii13.177--ii56
Todd JJ, McSorley EM, Pourshahidi LK, Madigan SM, Laird E, Healy M, Magee PJ, Vitamin D3 supplementation using an oral spray solution resolves deficiency but has no effect on VO2 max in Gaelic footballers: results from a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial., European journal of nutrition, 2016
E. Laird, T. Shannon, V. E. F. Crowley, M. Healy, The benefits of utilising geo-mapping for visualising the vitamin D status of Dublin city and the surrounding urban districts, Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -), 2016
Eamon Laird, Aisling O'Halloran, Martin Healy, Rose Anne Kenny, Anne Molloy, Vitamin B12 and vitamin D status of older Irish adults: Preliminary results from the BIO-TILDA Study, Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 75, ({OCE), 2016
McCarroll K, Beirne A, Casey M, McNulty H, Ward M, Hoey L, Molloy A, Laird E, Healy M, Strain JJ, Cunningham C, Determinants of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in older Irish adults., Age and Ageing, 44, (5), 2015, p847-853
Deac O.M, Mills J.L, Shane B, Midttun O, Ueland P.M, Brosnan J.T, Brosnan M.E, Laird E, Gibney E.R, Fan R, Wang Y, Brody L.C, Molloy A.M, Tryptophan catabolism and vitamin B-6 status are affected by gender and lifestyle factors in healthy young adults, Journal of Nutrition, 145, (4), 2015, p701 - 707
Molloy AM, Einri CN, Jain D, Laird E, Fan R, Wang Y, Scott JM, Shane B, Brody LC, Kirke PN, Mills JL.., Is low iron status a risk factor for neural tube defects?, Birth Defects Research A Clinical and Molecular Teratology., 100, (2), 2014, p100 - 106
Laird E, McNulty H, Ward M, Hoey L, McSorley E, Wallace JM, Carson E, Molloy AM, Healy M, Casey MC, Cunningham C, Strain JJ., Vitamin D deficiency is associated with inflammation in older irish adults., Journal of Clinical and Endocrinology Metabolism, 99, (5), 2014, p1807 - 1815
E. Laird, A.M. Molloy, Water-Soluble Vitamins and Essential Nutrients, Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, 2014
Laird, E., Ward, M., McNulty, H., Wallace, J.M.W., McSorley, E.M., Mulhern, M.S., McAfee, A.M., Myers, G.J., Davidson, P.W., Thurston, S.W., Shamlaye, C.F., Watson, G.E., Van Wijngaarden, E., Strain, J.J., Vitamin D status in pregnancy: Data from the Seychelles Child Development Nutrition study, Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 71, (OCE2), 2012
Laird, E., Ward, M., McNulty, H., Wallace, J.M.W Healy, M., Casey, M.C. & Strain, J.J. , Lipid profile and markers of bone health in free living older men and women, Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, Translational nutrition: integrating research, practice and policy, Queens University Belfast , 16th-19th July 2012, edited by Cambridge Core , 2012
Forsythe, L.K., Wallace, J.M.W., Laird, E. & Livingstone, M.B.E. , Vitamin D status, body composition and physical activity in healthy young men, Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, Vitamins in early development and healthy ageing: impact on infectious and chronic disease', University College Cork, 15-17th June 2011, edited by Cambridge Core , Cambridge, 2011
Laird, E., Ward, M., Healy, M., Casey, M.C., Strain, J.J. & Wallace, J.M.W., Vitamin D status and BMD in a sub-set of participants from the TUDA Study, Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, Vitamins in early development and healthy ageing: impact on infectious and chronic disease', University College Cork, 15-17th June 2011, edited by Cambridge Core , 70, 2011
Laird, E., Ward, M., McSorley, E., Strain, J.J., Wallace, J., Vitamin D and bone health; Potential mechanisms, Nutrients, 2, (7), 2010, p693-724