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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Professor Joe Barry
Fellow Emeritus, Public Health & Primary Care

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Jo-Hanna Ivers, Lina Zgaga, Bernie O'Donoghue-Hynes, Aisling Heary, Brian Gallwey, Joe Barry, Five-year standardised mortality ratios in a cohort of homeless people in Dublin, BMJ Open, 9, (1), 2019 Journal Article, 2019

Smyth BP, Barry J, Financial Support by Billionaires for Research and Policy Analysis Should Be Subject to Disclosure Rules, Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 80, (2), 2019, p265 - 266 Journal Article, 2019 URL DOI

Ivers JH, Larkan F, Barry J., A Longitudinal Qualitative Analysis of the Lived Experience of the Recovery Process in Opioid-Dependent Patients Post-Detoxification., Journal of psychoactive drugs, 50, (3), 2018, p231-239 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Ivers JH, Zgaga L, Sweeney B, Keenan E, Darker C, Smyth BP, Barry J., A naturalistic longitudinal analysis of post-detoxification outcomes in opioid-dependent patients., Drug and Alcohol Review, 37, (S1), 2018, p339 - 347 Journal Article, 2018 TARA - Full Text DOI

Whiston, L., O'Keane, V., Barry, J.M., & Darker, C, Patient, family and clinician preferences for the intensity and implementation of patient and family participation in healthcare design and delivery in psychiatry. , European Journal of Psychiatry. , in press, 2018 Journal Article, 2018

Kelly, B.D., Sorin, G.M., Barry, J.M., Whiston, L., Donnelly-Swift, E., & Darker, C. , Community-based, cross sectional study of self-reported health in post-recession Ireland: what has changed? , QJM: An International Journal of Medicine., 111, (8), 2018, p555 - 559 Journal Article, 2018 DOI URL

Darker, C.D., Nicolson, G.H., Carroll, A., & Barry, J. , The barriers and facilitators to the implementation of National Clinical Programmes in Ireland: using the MRC framework for process evaluations. , BMC Health Services Research , 18, (733), 2018 Journal Article, 2018 TARA - Full Text DOI

Gabrielle McKee, Joe Barry, Martina Mullin, Shane Allwright, Catherine Hayes, Predictors of Daily and Occasional Smoking and Quitting in Irish University Students, Health, 9, 2017, p435 - 450 Journal Article, 2017 URL Handle DOI TARA - Full Text

Darker, C.D., Donnelly-Swift, E., Whiston, L., Moore, F. & Barry, J. , Determinants of self rated health in an Irish deprived suburban population - a cross sectional face-to-face household survey., Psychology, Health & Medicine, Dublin, 2017 Conference Paper, 2017

Kelly P, Hegarty J, Barry J, Dyer KR, Horgan A., A systematic review of the relationship between staff perceptions of organizational readiness to change and the process of innovation adoption in substance misuse treatment programs., Journal of substance abuse treatment, 80, 2017, p6-25 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Whiston, L., Joe M. Barry, & Darker, C.D. , Participation of patients and family members in healthcare services at the service and national levels: a lesson learned in Dublin, Ireland. , Patient Education and Counselling. , 100, (3), 2017, p583 - 591 Journal Article, 2017 DOI TARA - Full Text

Whiston, Lucy, Barry, Joe, Darker, Catherine, Preferred intensity and implementation of patient and family participation in an outpatient psychiatric service and an outpatient type 2 diabetes service, International Journal of Integrated Care, 17, (5), 2017, p5 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Cousins G., Mongan D., Barry J., Smyth B., Rackard M., Long J., Potential impact of minimum unit pricing for alcohol in Ireland: Evidence from the national alcohol diary survey, Alcohol and Alcoholism, 51, (6), 2016, p734-740 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Darker C, Sweeney B, Keenan E, Whiston L, Anderson R, Barry J, Screening and Brief Intervention for illicit drug use and alcohol use in methadone maintained opiate dependent patients: Results of a randomised control trial feasibility study, Substance Use and Misuse, 51, (9), 2016, p1104 - 1115 Journal Article, 2016 DOI URL

Darker, C., Sweeney, B., Keenan, E., Whiston, L., Anderson, R., & Barry, J. , Tailoring a brief intervention for illicit drug use and alcohol use in Irish methadone maintained opiate dependent patients: a qualitative process. , BMC Psychiatry , 16, (373), 2016 Journal Article, 2016 DOI TARA - Full Text

Cousins G., Mongan D., Barry J., Smyth B., Rackard M., Long J., Estimating Risk of Alcohol Dependence Using Empirically Validated Ordinal Risk Zones Versus Recommended Binary Risk Zones of the RAPS4: A Validation Study Using Stratum-Specific Likelihood Ratio Analysis, Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 40, (8), 2016, p1700-1706 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Darker, C., Ho, J., Kelly, G., Whiston, L., & Barry, J. , Demographic and clinical factors predicting retention in methadone maintenance: results from an Irish cohort. , Irish Journal of Medical Science, 185, (2), 2016, p433 - 441 Journal Article, 2016 DOI TARA - Full Text

Darker CD, Sweeney BP, Barry JM, Farrell MF, Donnelly-Swift E, Psychosocial interventions for benzodiazepine harmful use, abuse or dependence., Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , CD009652, (5), 2015 Journal Article, 2015 DOI TARA - Full Text

Cousins G, Boland F, Courtney B, Barry J, Lyons S, Fahey T., Risk of mortality on and off methadone substitution treatment in primary care: a national cohort study., Addiction, 111, 2015, p73 - 82 Journal Article, 2015

Ni Shuilleabhain, Barry, J., Kelly, A., O'Kelly, F., Darker, C., & O'Dowd, T. , Alcohol consumption in pregnancy: results from the general practice setting, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 183, (2), 2014, p231 - 240 Journal Article, 2014 DOI

Armstrong R, Barry J, Towards a framework for ImplementingEvidence Based Alcohol Interventions, Irish Medical Journal, 107, (2), 2014, p39 - 40 Journal Article, 2014

Deirdre J Murphy, Clare Dunney, Aoife Mullally, Nita Adnan, Tom Fahey, Joe Barry, A prospective cohort study of alcohol exposure in early and late pregnancy within an urban population in Ireland, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11, (2), 2014, p2049-63 Journal Article, 2014 TARA - Full Text DOI

Gilroy D, O'Brien S, Barry J, Ivers Jo-Hanna, Whiston L, Keenan E, Darker C, Benzodiazepine use in a methadone maintained opioid dependent cohort in Ireland, Heroin Addiction and related clinical problems, 2014, p17 - 22 Journal Article, 2014

Murphy DJ, Mullally A, Cleary BJ, Fahey T, Barry J, Behavioural change in relation to alcohol exposure in early pregnancy and impact on perinatal outcomes--a prospective cohort study., BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 13, 2013, p8 Journal Article, 2013 DOI TARA - Full Text

Darker, C., Sweeney, B., El Hassan, H., Kelly, A., Smyth, B., & Barry, J. , Non-attendance at counselling therapy in cocaine-using methadone-maintained patients: lessons learnt from an abandoned randomised controlled trial, Irish Journal of Medical Sciences, 181, (1), 2012 Journal Article, 2012 DOI TARA - Full Text

Darker, C., Sweeney, B., El Hassan, H., Kelly, A., Smyth, B., and Barry, J. , Cognitive behavioural coping skills therapy in cocaine using methadone maintained patients: a pilot randomised controlled trial, Heroin Addiction & Related Clinical Problems, 14, (3), 2012, p101-110 Journal Article, 2012

Darker, C., Sweeney, B., El Hassan, H., Smyth, B., Ivers, J., & Barry, J, Brief interventions are effective in reducing alcohol consumption in opiate dependent methadone maintained patients: results from an implementation study. , Drug & Alcohol Review, 31, (3), 2012, p348 - 356 Journal Article, 2012 DOI TARA - Full Text

Aoife Mullally, Brian J Cleary, Joe Barry, Tom P Fahey and Deirdre J Murphy, Prevalence, predictors and perinatal outcomes of peri-conceptional alcohol exposure-retrospective cohort study in an urban obstetric population in Ireland, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 11, (27), 2011 Journal Article, 2011 TARA - Full Text

Darker CD, Sweeney BP, El Hassan HO, Smyth BP, Ivers JH, Barry JM, Brief interventions are effective in reducing alcohol consumption in opiate-dependent methadone-maintained patients: Results from an implementation study., Drug and alcohol review, 2011 Journal Article, 2011 DOI URL

Field CA, Klimas J, Barry J, Bury G, Keenan E, Lyons S, Smyth BP, Cullen W, Alcohol screening and brief intervention among drug users in primary care: a discussion paper., Irish journal of medical science, 2011 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Jan Klimas, Catherine Anne Field, Joe Barry, Gerard Bury, Eamon Keenan, Suzi Lyons, Bobby Smyth, Walter Cullen, Commentary on 'The research translation problem: Alcohol screening and brief intervention in primary care - real world evidence supports theory', Drugs: education, prevention and policy, Online, 2011, p1 - 3 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Smyth, B.P., Darker, C., Donnelly-Swift, E., Barry, J.M., & Allwright, S.P. , A telephone survey of parental attitudes and behaviours regarding teenage drinking, BMC Public Health, 10, 2010, p297 Journal Article, 2010 DOI TARA - Full Text URL

Barry, J.M., Darker, C.D., Thomas, D.E., Allwright, S.P., & O'Dowd T. , Primary medical care in Irish prisons, BMC Health Services Research, 10, (74), 2010, p74 - 79 Journal Article, 2010 URL TARA - Full Text DOI

Mullen L, Keenan E, Barry J, Long J, Mulholland D, Grogan L, Delargy I., Factors predicting completion in a cohort of opiate users entering a detoxification programme., Irish Journal of Medical Science, 179, 2010, p569 - 573 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

Smyth BP, Barry J, Keenan E, Ducray K, Lapse and relapse following inpatient treatment of opiate dependence., Irish medical journal, 103, (6), 2010, p176-9 Journal Article, 2010 URL

Barry J, Ward M, Cotter S, MacDiarmada J, Hannan M, Sweeney B, Grant KA, McKeown P, Botulism in injecting drug users, Dublin, Ireland, November-December 2008, Eurosurveillance, 14, (1), 2009, p1 - 4 Journal Article, 2009

Ryder N, Cullen W, Barry J, Bury G, Keenan E, Smyth BP, Prevalence of problem alcohol use among patients attending primary care for methadone treatment., BMC Family Practice, 10, (42), 2009 Journal Article, 2009 URL DOI TARA - Full Text

O'Meara M O, Barry J, Mullen L, Epidemiology of Hepititis C infection, ERHA/HSE Eastern Region, Irish Medical Journal, 100, (2), 2007, p365 - 366 Journal Article, 2007

Barry J, O'Dowd T, Investing in alcohol is no longer responsible [letter], British Medical Journal, 334, 2007, p1235 - 1235 Journal Article, 2007

Long J, Keenan E, Grogan L, Mullen L, Barry J, Sinclair H, HIV infection among heroin users and area of residence, Irish Medical Journal, 99, (8), 2006, p230 - 233 Journal Article, 2006 URL

Kavanagh P, Long J, Barry J, Completeness and accuracy of the drug treatment reporting system in Dublin, Ireland, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 175, (3), 2006, p52 - 56 Journal Article, 2006

Long J, Keenan E, Grogan L, Mullen L, Barry J, Sinclair H, HIV infection among heroin users and area of residence, Irish Medical Journal, 99, (8), 2006, p230 - 233 Journal Article, 2006

Smyth B, Barry J, Keenan E, Irish injecting drug users and hepatitis C: the importance of the social context of injecting, International Journal of Epidemiology, 34, 2005, p166 - 172 Journal Article, 2005 DOI URL

R. O'Loughlin, S. Allwright, J. Barry, A. Kelly and C. Teljeur, Using HIPE data as a research and planning tool: limitations and opportunities, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 174, (2), 2005, p40 - 45 Journal Article, 2005

K. Murray- Lillibridge, J. Barry, S. Reagan, D. O'Flanagan, G. Sayers, C. Bergin, E. Keenan, S. O'Briain, P. Plunkett, G. McMahon, C. Keane, P. O'Sullivan, D. Igoe, L. Mullen, M. Ward, A. Smith and M. Fischer, Epidemiological findings and medical, legal, and public health challenges of an investigation of severe soft tissue infections and deaths among injecting drug users - Ireland, 2000, Epidemiological Infections, 2005, p1 - 8 Journal Article, 2005

B.P. Smyth, J. Barry, A. Lane, M. Cotter, M. O'Neill, C. Quinn and E. Keenan, In-patient treatment of opiate dependence: Medium-term follow-up outcomes, British Journal of Psychiatry, 187, 2005, p360 - 365 Journal Article, 2005

Cullen W, Barry J. et al. (Dublin Area Hepatitis C Initiative Group), Hepatitis C among drug users: consensus guidelines on management in general practice, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 173, (3), 2005, p1 - 6 Journal Article, 2005

Barry J, Ireland's workplace smoking ban [Editorial], Drugs: education, prevention and policy, 12, (1), 2005, p1 - 4 Journal Article, 2005

Teljeur C, Barry J, Kelly A, The potential impact on travel times of closure and redistribution of A& E units in Ireland, Irish Medical Journal, 97, (6), 2004, p173 - 175 Journal Article, 2004

Unexplained severe illness and death among injecting drug users in Scotland, Ireland and England from April to August 2000 in, editor(s)Scheld W, Murray B, Hughes J , Emerging Infections, Washington, ASM Press, 2004, pp121 - 132, [Fischer M, Whitney A, Ahmed S, Barry J, Jones J] Book Chapter, 2004

Alcohol: damaging personal health and the social fabric in, editor(s)Mulholland J , Building a Better Ireland, Dublin, Joe Mulholland, 2003, pp80 - 83, [Barry J] Book Chapter, 2003

Cullen W, Bury G, Barry J, O'Kelly FD., Hepatitis C infection among drug users attending general practice., Irish Journal of Medical Science, 172, (3), 2003, p123 - 127 Journal Article, 2003

Public health before private profit in, editor(s)Denyer S, Boydell L Wilde J, Hearne U , Reflecting Leadership - leadership for building a healthy society, Dublin, The Institute of Public Health in Ireland, 2003, pp101 - 103, [Barry J] Book Chapter, 2003

Cahill R, Keenan E, Clarke A, Boland M, Barry J, Consequences of legislative changes to methadone prescribing in Ireland, International Journal of Drug Policy, 14, 2003, p241 - 245 Journal Article, 2003

Smyth BP, O'Connor JJ, Barry J, Keenan E, Retrospective cohort study examining incidence of HIV and hepatitis C infection among injecting drug users in Dublin, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 57, 2003, p310 - 311 Journal Article, 2003 DOI

Mullen L, Barry J, Igoe D, Keenan E, Ward M, Murray K, Unexplained illness among injecting drug users in Dublin: a case-control study, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 56, 2002, p575 - 576 Journal Article, 2002 DOI

Barry J, Policy response to opioid misuse in Dublin, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 56, (1), 2002, p6 - 7 Journal Article, 2002

Barry J, Thornton L, Igoe D, Case of botulism in Ireland, Eurosurveillance Weekly, 7, (13), 2002 Journal Article, 2002 URL

Bargagli AM, Sperati A, Davoli M, Perucci C, Vicente J, Hartnoll R, Barry J, Brugal T, Buster M, Ferraz de Olveira F, Haastrup L, Heinemann A, Kouklinos A, Risser D, Svensson D, Vuori E, Mortality among problem drug users in Europe: A project of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDD), Heroin Addiction and Related Cliical Problems, 4, (1), 2002, p5 - 15 Journal Article, 2002

Comiskey CM, Barry JM, A capture-recapture study of the prevalence and implications of opiate use in Dublin, European Journal of Public Health, 11, 2001, p198 - 200 Journal Article, 2001

Mullen L, Barry J, An analysis of 15-19 year-old first attenders at the Dublin Needle Exchange, 1990-1997, Addiction, 96, 2001, p251 - 258 Journal Article, 2001

Ward M, Barry J, Opiate-related deaths in Dublin, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 170, (1), 2001, p35 - 37 Journal Article, 2001

Fitzgerald M, Barry J, O'Sullivan P, Thornton L, Blood-borne infections in Dublin's opiate users, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 170, (1), 2001, p32 - 34 Journal Article, 2001

Smyth B, Barry J, Keenan E, Syringe borrowing persists in Dublin despite harm reduction interventions, Addiction, 96, 2001, p717 - 727 Journal Article, 2001 URL DOI URL

Long J, Allwright S, Barry J, Reaper Reynolds S, Thornton L, Bradley F, Parry JV, Prevalence of antibodies to hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV and risk factors in entrants to Irish prisons: a national cross sectional survey, British Medical Journal, 323, 2001, p1209 - 1212 Journal Article, 2001

Thornton L, Barry J, Long J, Allwright S, Bradley F, Parry JV, Comparison between self-reported hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV antibody status and oral fluid assay results in Irish prisoners, Communicable Disease and Public Health, 3, (4), 2000, p253 - 255 Journal Article, 2000

Allwright S, Bradley F, Long J, Barry J, Thornton L, Parry JV, Prevalence of antibodies to hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV and risk factors in Irish prisoners: results of a national cross sectional survey, British Medical Journal, 321, 2000, p78 - 82 Journal Article, 2000

The psychosocial health of Irish traveller mothers in, editor(s)MacLachlan M, O'Connell M , Cultivating Pluralism - Psychological, Social and Cultural Perspectives on a Changing Ireland, Dublin, Oak Tree Press, 2000, pp93 - 116, [Heron S, Barry J, Fitzgerald M, MacLachlan M] Book Chapter, 2000

Ireland in, editor(s)Farrell M, Howes S, Verster A, Davoli M, Solberg U, Greenwood G, Robertson K , Insights - Reviewing current practice in drug-substitution treatment in the European Union, EMCDDA Series 3, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2000, pp135 - 145, [Barry J] Book Chapter, 2000

Smyth B, O'Brien M, Barry J, Trends in treated opiate misuse in Dublin: The emergence of chasing the dragon., Addiction, 95, 2000, p1217 - 1223 Journal Article, 2000 URL URL DOI

Langton D, Hickey A, Bury G, Smith M, O'Kelly F, Barry J, Sweeney B, Bourke M, Methadone maintenance in general practice: impact on staff attitudes, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 169, (2), 2000, p133 - 136 Journal Article, 2000

Barry J, Bloodborne viruses in Dublin's opiate users , Eurosurveillance Weekly, 5, (13), 2000 Journal Article, 2000 URL

Murray K, Barry J, O'Flanagan D, Unexplained illness and death among injecting drug users in Dublin, Ireland - update, Eurosurveillance Weekly, 5, (25), 2000 Journal Article, 2000 URL

Cullen W, Bury G, Barry J, O'Kelly F, Drug users attending general practice in Eastern Regional Health Authority (ERHA), Irish Medical Journal, 93, (7), 2000, p214 - 217 Journal Article, 2000

O'Sullivan P, Barry J, Reporting delay in the AIDS Surveillance System of the Eastern Health Board [letter], Irish Medical Journal, 92, 1999, p405 - 405 Journal Article, 1999

Keenan E, Barry J, Managing drug use in general practice [letter], British Medical Journal, 319, 1999, p1497- Journal Article, 1999

Developments in the Epidemiology of disease in the next century in, editor(s)Leahy AL,Wiley MM , The Irish Health System in the 21st Century, Dublin, Oak Tree Press, 1998, pp173 - 181, [Barry J] Book Chapter, 1998

Barry J, Kirke P, Congenital Anomalies in the Irish Traveller Community, Irish Medical Journal, 90, (6), 1997, p233 - 234 Journal Article, 1997

Barry J, Maternal and infant health of Irish Travellers, University of Dublin, 1996 Thesis, 1996

Johnson Z, O'Connor M, Pomeroy L, Johnson H, Barry J, Scully M, Fitzpatrick E, Prevalence of HIV and associated risk behaviour in attendees at a Dublin needle exchange, Addiction, 89, 1994, p603 - 607 Journal Article, 1994

Barry J, Alcohol use in post-primary school children, Irish Medical Journal, 86, (4), 1993, p128 - 129 Journal Article, 1993

Barry J, Avoidable Mortality as an Index of Health Care Outcome: Results from the European Community Atlas of 'Avoidable Death', Irish Journal of Medical Science, 161, (8), 1992, p490 - 492 Journal Article, 1992

Observed Patterns of HIV Related Risk Behaviour Amongst Intravenous Drug Users Attending a Dublin Needle Exchange in Its First Year in, editor(s)N. Loimer, R. Schmid, A. Springer , Drug Addiction and AIDS, New York, Springer-Verlag Wien, 1991, pp368 - 371, [Scully M, Pomeroy L, Johnson Z, Johnson H, Barry J] Book Chapter, 1991

Barry J, An evaluation of the Notification of Birth Form, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 158, (5), 1989, p102 - 104 Journal Article, 1989

Paul E, Evans J, Barry J et al, Geographical variations in mortality from conditions amenable to medical interventions in Europe: The European Community Atlas of Avoidable Death, World Health Statistics Quarterly, 42, (1), 1989, p42 - 49 Journal Article, 1989

Barry J, The misery of measles for patients and their families, Communicable Disease Report, 88, (46), 1988, p3 - 3 Journal Article, 1988

Dean G, Barry J, The Oldest Old, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 156, (4), 1987, p122 - 123 Journal Article, 1987

Barry J, Perinatal health of Travellers and an evaluation of the notification of birth form, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, 1987 Thesis, 1987

Barry J, The misery of measles for patients and their families, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 1985 Thesis, 1985

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Barry J, Ward M, Cotter S, MacDiarmada J, Hannan M, Sweeney BMcKeown P, Botulism in injecting drug users, Dublin, Ireland, 2008, Dublin, Epi-Insight, HPSC, January, 2009, 1, 4 Report, 2009

Barry S, Kearney A, Lawler E, McNamee E, Barry J, The Coombe Women's Hospital Study of Alcohol, Smoking and Illicit Drug Use, 1988-2005, Dublin, Department of Health and Children, 2007 Report, 2007

Barry J, Sinclair H, Kelly A, O'Loughlin R, Handy D, O'Dowd, Inequalities in health in Ireland - hard facts, Dublin, Department of Community Health & General Practice Trinity College, 2001, 1, 88 Report, 2001

Long J, Allwright S, Barry J, Reaper-Reynolds S, Thornton L, Bradley F, Hepatitis B,hepatitis C and HIV in Irish Prisoners, Part ll: Prevalence and risk in committal prisoners 1999, Dublin, The Stationery Office, 2000, 1, 59 Report, 2000

Allwright S, Barry J, Bradley F, Long J, Thornton L, Hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV in Irish Prisoners: prevalence and risk, Dublin, The Stationery Office, 1999, 1, 67 Report, 1999 TARA - Full Text

Herity B, Hynes M. Barry J, Cancer - Ireland and the EC, Dublin, Faculty of Public Health Medicine, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, 1991, 1-45 Report, 1991

Barry J, Herity B, Solan J, Vital Statistics of Travelling People, 1987, Dublin, The Health Research Board, 1989, 1-36 Report, 1989

Barry J, Daly L, Census of Travelling People, 1987, Dublin, The Health Research Board, 1988, 1-44 Report, 1988