Dr. Frank Bannister
Fellow Emeritus, Computer Science
Frank Bannister is an Associate Professor in information systems in Trinity College. Dublin. Prior to becoming an academic in 1995, he worked in both the Irish civil service and for PricewatershouseCoopers as a management consultant. His research interests are e-government, e-democracy, on-line privacy and trust and IT value and evaluation, particularly in the public sector. He is chairman of the European Conference on e-Government, a member of the European Group on Public Administration and editor of the Electronic Journal of e-Government. Frank is a Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin, a member of the Institute of Management Consultants in Ireland, a Fellow of the Irish Computer Society and a Chartered Engineer.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Bannister, F. and R. Connolly, The Fourth Power: ICT and the role of the administrative state in protecting democracy, Information Polity, 23, (3), 2018, p307 - 323
López-López, V. ,Iglesias-Antelo. S., Vázquez-Sanmartín, A, Connolly, R. and F. Bannister, e-Government, Transparency & Reputation: An Empirical Study of Spanish Local Government, Information Systems Management, 35, (4), 2018, p276 - 293
Frisk, E. and F. Bannister, Improving the Use of Analytics and Big Data by Changing The Decision-Making Culture, Management Decision , 55, (10), 2017, p2074 - 2088
Bannister, Frank and Ake Gronlund, e-Government Research: A brief history, Hawaii International Conference on the System Sciences, Hawaii, 4-7 January 2017, 2017, pp1 - 10
In Defence of Bureaucracy: Governance and Public Values in a Digital Ag in, editor(s)Paulin, A., L. Anthopoulis and C. Reddick , Beyond Bureaucracy, USA, Springer, 2017, pp27 - 48, [Frank Bannister]
Khayyat, M. and F. Bannister, "Towards a Model for Facilitating and Enabling Co-Creation using Open Government Data", Information Polity, 22, (4), 2017, p211 - 231
Van Cauter, L., F. Bannister, J. Crompvoets and M. Snoek, When Innovation Stumbles: Applying Sauer's Failure Model to the Flemish Road Signs Database Project, International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age, 3, (1), 2016, p1 - 20
Goodstadt, L. F. Bannister and R. Connolly, The Hong Kong e-Identity Card: Examining the reasons for its success when others continue to struggle, Information Systems Management, 32, (1), 2015, p72 - 80
Khayyat, M. and F. Bannister, Open Data Licensing: More than meets the eye, Information Polity, 20, (4), 2015, p231 - 251
Bannister, F. and R. Connolly, The Great Theory Hunt: Does e-government really have a problem?, Government Information Quarterly, 2015, pdoi:10.1016/j.giq.2014.10.003
DeBri, F. and F. Bannister, e-Government Stage Models: A Contextual Critique, Hawaii Internation Conference on the System Sciences, Kauai, HI, January 2015, IEEE, 2015, pp2222 - 2231
Different Divisions: A Taxonomy and Examination of the Role of e-Government in the Digital Divide in, editor(s)Scott Baum and Arun Mahizhnan , 'Handbook of Research on E-governance and social inclusion: Concepts and Cases, USA, IGI Global, 2014, pp10 - 24, [Bannister F. and D. Leahy]
Bannister, F. and R. Connolly, , Public Values and Transformative Government: A framework and programme for research, Government Information Quarterly, 31, 2014, p119 - 128
Barry, E. and F. Bannister, Barriers to open data Release: A View from the Top , Information Polity, 19, (1/2), 2014, p129 - 152
Frisk, E., F. Bannister and R. Lindgren, Evaluation of Information System Investments Using Value Dials - A study of the Swedish Fire Rescue Services, Journal of Information Technology, 2014
Moloney, M., L. Church and F. Bannister, The Sealed Letter: Safeguarding the Public System of Privacy Protection in a Digital World, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, Hawaii, January 6-9, 2013, edited by Ralph Sprague , IEEE, 2013, pp1973 - 1982
Goodstadt, L., R. Connolly and F. Bannister, e-Identity Cards: Lessons from Hong Kong?, European Conference on e-Government, Como, Italy, 13-14 June 2013, edited by Elena Ferrari and Walter Castelnovo , Academic Publications International , 2013, pp213 - 220
Byrne, Barry and Frank Bannister, Knowledge Management in Defence, European Conference on Knowledge Management, Talinn, Estonia, 5/6 September 2013, edited by Janiūnaitė, B., A. Pundziene and M. Petraite , Academic Publications International, 2013, pp106 - 116
Meijer, A.J, F.Bannister and M.Thaens, ICT, Public Administration and Democracy in the Coming Decade, 1st, Amsterdam, IOS PRess, 2013, 1 - 147pp
Bannister, F. and R. Connolly, Forward to the Past: Lessons for the future of e-government from the story so far, Information Polity, 17, (3/4), 2012, p211 - 226
Bannister, F. and R. Connolly, A Surfeit of Technological Exuberance? The questionable impact of technology on e-participation, tGov 2012, Brunel University, London, 7th-9th May 2012, 2012, pp1 - 15
Tynham-Muldoon, M. and F. Bannister, GIS and Interagency Decision Making: A Study of Child Services in South Dublin, European Conference on e-Government, Barcelona, June 2012, edited by Mila Gasco , Academic Conferences International, 2012, pp722 - 733
Bannister, F. and R. Connolly, Defining e-Governance, e-Services Journal, 8, (2), 2012, p3 - 25
Meijer, A, F. Bannister and M. Thaens, ICT, Public Administration and Democracy in the Coming Age, Information Polity, 17, (3/4), 2012, p201 - 207
Plus Ca Change? ICT and Government Structures in, editor(s)Ig Snellan, Wim Van de Donk, Marcel Thaens , A Handbook of Administrative Management in the Information Age, Amsterdam, IOS Press, 2012, pp133 - 142, [F. Bannister]
Scannell, M. and F. Bannister, Shared Services In Irish Local Government, Electronic Government, IFIP eGov Conference, Kristiansand, 3-6 September 2012, edited by Hans J. Scholl , Marijn Janssen , Maria A. Wimmer , Carl Erik Moe and Leif Skiftenes Flak , 7443, Springer, 2012, pp114 - 125
A Green Revolution: Innovation and Transformation in the Use of ICT by the Irish Department of Agriculture in, editor(s)Vishanth Weerakoddy and Christopher Reddick , Public Sector Transformation through E-Government: Experiences from Europe and North America, New York, Routledge, 2012, pp47 - 59, [Bannister, F., R. Connolly and P. O'Reilly]
Bannister, F. and R. Connolly, Transformation and Public Values, tGov2011, Brunel University, UK., 17-18th March 2011, edited by Ghoneim, A. V. Weerakkody and M. Kamal , 2011, pp1 - 15
Bannister, F. and R. Connolly, Transformation and Public Sector Values, Electronic Government and Electronic Participation, eGOV 2011, Delft , 29/8/11-2/9/11, edited by Marijn Janssen, Anne Macintosh, Hans Scholl, Efthimios Tambouris, Maria Wimmer, Hand de Bruijn and Yao-Hua Tan , Trauner Verlag, 2011, pp231 - 239
Bannister, F. and D. Wilson, O(ver)-Government?: Emerging technology, citizen autonomy and the regulatory state, Information Polity, 16, (1), 2011, p63 - 69
Bannister, F. and R. Connolly, Trust and Transformation: A proposed framework for research, Government Information Quarterly, 28, (2), 2011, p137 - 147
Bannister, F. and R. Connolly, The Trouble with Transparency: A Critical View of Openness in e-Government, Policy & Internet, 3, (1), 2011, p158-187
Maad, S. and F. Bannister, An Overview of eGovernment Research in the EU Arena, tGov2011, Brunel University, UK., 17-18th March 2011, edited by Ghoneim, A. V. Weerakkody and M. Kamal , 2011, pp1 - 17
Bannister, F. and R. Connolly, New Problems for Old? Defining e-Governance , Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Kauai, Hawaii, 5-8th January 2011, edited by Ralph Sprague , IEEE, 2011, pp1 - 10
Connolly, R., F. Bannister and A. Keaney, Government website service quality: a study of the Irish revenue online service, European Journal of Information Systems, 19, 2010, p649 - 667
De Bri, F. and F. Bannister, Whole of Government: The Continuing Problem of Eliminating Silos, 10th European Conference on e-Government, Limerick, Ireland, 17-19th June, 2010, edited by David O'Donnell , Academic Conferences International, 2010, pp122 - 133
Bannister, F. and R. Connolly, Research e-Government: A Review of ECEG in its 10th Year, 10th European Conference on e-Government, Limerick, Ireland, 17-19th June, 2010, edited by David O'Donnell , Academic Conferences International, 2010, pp53 - 62
Underneath the Carapace: Deep e-Government in, editor(s)Scholl, J. , e-Government: Information, Technology and Transformation, Armonk, New York, ME Sharpe, 2010, pp33 - 51, [Bannister, F.]
Connolly, R. and F. Bannister, Government eTax Systems: Factors Influencing Citizen Adoption, Research Challenges in Information Science , Nice, France, May 19-21, 2010, 2010, pp79 - 84
A. Meijer and F. Bannister, Using public administration to analyse public innovation, Information Polity, 14, (4), 2010, p241 - 244
Government by Wire: Distance, Discourse and the Impact of Technology in, editor(s)Meijer, A., K. Boersma and P. Wagenaar , Citizens & Governance: After the Hype!, The Netherlands, IOS Press, 2009, pp198-216 - [Bannister, F. and R. Connolly]
Connolly, R. and F. Bannister, The Revenue Online System in Ireland: Factors influencing Adoption, United Kingdom Association of Information Systems Conference (UKAIS), Oxford, 30/3/2009-2/4/2009, 2009
Bannister, F. and D. Remenyi, Multitasking: the Uncertain Impact of Technology on Knowledge Workers and Managers , Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 12, (1), 2009, p1 - 12
Moloney, M. and F. Bannister, Measuring Individuals' Privacy Concerns, HICSS, Hawaii, January 2009, edited by Sprague, R.H. , IEEE, 2009, pp1 - 9
Bannister, F. and R. Connolly, 3GEG: Exploring the hidden dimensions of government ICT., 9th European Conference on e-Government, London, 29-30 June 2009, edited by Panis Hahamis , ACI, 2009, pp105 - 114
Connolly, R. and F. Bannister, Consumer Trust in Electronic Commerce:Social and Technical Antecedents. , International Journal of Social Sciences, 2, (4), 2008, p221 - 230
Don't Mention the War: Managing Disbenefits in, editor(s)Irani, Z. and P. Love , Evaluating Information Systems, UK, Elsevier, 2008, pp99 - 117, [Bannister, F.]
Connolly, R. and F.Bannister, The Revenue Online Tax System in Ireland: The Importance of Trust, eGOV 2008, Turin, Trauner Schriftenreihe Informatik, 2008, pp213 - 220
Connolly, R. and F. Bannister, Irish Consumers' Trust in Internet Shopping, Management Research News, 31, (5), 2008, p339 - 378
Bannister, F. and R. Connolly, Sense and Sensitivity: Power and shared services in public sector ICT, Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on e-Government, Lausanne, Switzerland, 10-11 July 2008, edited by Panis Hahamis , Academic Conferences Limited, 2008, pp51 - 62
Moloney, M. and F. Bannister, Online Privacy: Measuring Individuals' Concerns, EC-Web 2008, Turin, 1-5 September, 2008, edited by G. Psaila and R. Wagner , Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2008, pp21 - 30
Connolly, R. and F. Bannister, Consumer Trust in Internet Shopping in Ireland: Towards the Development of a more Effective Measurement Instrument, Journal of Information Technology, 22, (2), 2007, p102 - 118
Connolly, R. and F. Bannister, Citizen Trust in e-Government in Ireland: The role of website service quality., WEBIST, Barcelona, Spain, 3-6 March 2007, 2007, pp57 - 65
The Revenue Online Service in Ireland: Best Practice & Website Service Quality in, editor(s)Josef Makolm & Gerti Orthofer , E Taxation: State & Perspectives, Austria, Trauner Verlag, 2007, pp3 - 12, [Connolly, R. and F. Bannister]
Bannister, F, The Curse of the Benchmark: An Assessment of the Validity and Value of e-Government Comparisons, The International Review of Administrative Sciences, 73, (2), 2007, p189 - 203
Macro, Micro and Pica: a Three-Level Exploration of e-Government Economics in, editor(s)Phillipa Trevorrow, David Griffin, Edward Halpin , Developments in e-Government: A Critical Analysis, The Netherlands, IOS Press, 2007, pp137 - 151, [Frank Bannister]
Bannister, F. and R. Connolly, A Risk Framework for Electronic Voting, International Journal of Technology and Policy Management, 7, (2), 2007, p190 - 208
Bannister, F. and R. Connolly, Trust and the Taxman: A Study of the Irish Revenue's Website Service Quality, The 7th European Conference on e-Government, The Hague, 21-22 June 2007, edited by Dan Remenyi , Academic Conferences International, 2007, pp53 - 61
Bannister, F., P. Griffiths and D. Remenyi, Theory Building Through Case Study Analysis, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Research Methoods, 5th European Conference on Research Methods, Dublin, 17th-18th July 2006, edited by Remenyi, D. , Academic Conferences Limited, 2006, pp39 - 50
Connolly, R. and F. Bannister, Electronic Government & Online Service Quality: Methodological Considerations, International Business Information Management Association, Brescia, Italy, 12-14 December 2006, edited by Kalid Solomon , 2006, pp307 - 312
The End of the ICT Disaster: Maybe, but Haven't we Heard this Before in, editor(s)Alberto Luiz Albertin, Rosa Maria de Moura Albertin , Aspectos e Contribituicoes do Uso de Tehnologia de Infomacao, Sao Paulo, Atlas, 2006, pp90 - 97, [Remenyi, D, P. Griffiths and F. Bannister]
Bannister, F., Government by Wire: Decentralisation (R)e-location and technology, Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on e-Government, 6th European Conference on e-Government, Marburg, Germany, 2006, edited by Dan Remenyi , Academic Conferences Limited, 2006, pp3 - 21
Bannister, F., E. Berghout, P. Griffiths and D. Remenyi, Tracing the Eclectic (or maybe even Chaotic) Nature of ICT Evaluation, 13th European Conference on IT Evaluation, Genoa, Italy, 27-29th July, 2006, edited by Dan Remenyi , 2006, pp41 - 51
Bannister, F., e-Government and Administrative Power: The one-stop-shop meets the turf war, Electronic Government: An International Journal, 2, (2), 2005, p160 - 176
Bannister, F., Through a Glass Darkly: Fact and Filtration in the Interpretation of Evidence, Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 3, (1), 2005, p11 - 24
Bannister, F., The Panoptic State: Privacy, surveillance and the balance of risk, Information Polity, 10, (1,2), 2005, p65 - 80
Bannister, F. and D. Remenyi, In Answer to Carr: Some reflections on the strategic value of IT, 12th European Conference on IT Evaluation, Turku (Finland), 2005, edited by Remenyi, D. , Academic Conferences Limited, 2005, pp77 - 88
Lips, M., Taylor, J. and F. Bannister, Public Administration in the Information Society, The Netherlands, IOS Press, 2005, 151pp
Bannister, F., When Paradigms Shift: IT evaluation in a brave new world, Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 8, (1), 2005, p21 - 30
Bannister, F., A Risk Analysis Framework for Electronic Voting, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on e-Government, 5th European Conference on e-Government, Antwerp, 2005, edited by Remenyi, D. , 2005, pp43 - 55
Svennson, J. and F. Bannister, Pirates, Sharks and Moral Crusaders: Social Control in Peer to Peer Networks, First Monday, 9, (6), 2004
Bannister, F. and D. Remenyi, The Societal Value of IT: First steps towards an evaluation framework, Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 6, (1), 2004
Bannister, F., How Much Did We Pay for That? The tricky problem of information technology costs, The Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 5, (1), 2004
Bannister, F., Is That a Fact: Interpretivism and the Nature of Reality in Business Researh, Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Business Research Methods, 4th European Conference on Business Research Methods, Paris, 2004, edited by Remenyi, D. , Academic Conferences Limited, 2004, pp1 - 10
Electronic Journal of e-Government, Reading, UK, Academic Conferences Limited, [Editor], 2004-2006
Bannister, F., The Economics of e-Government: Some issues of interest, Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on e-Government, 4th European Conference on e-Government, Dublin, 2004, edited by Remenyi, D. , Academic Conferences Limited, 2004, pp889 - 908
Bannister, F. P. McCabe and D. Remenyi, "IS Costing - The case for a reference model", Southern African Business Review, 7, (1), 2003, p1 - 16
Bannister, F. and N. Walsh, The virtual public servant: Ireland's Public Services Broker, Information Polity, 7, (2), 2003, p115 - 128
Bannister, F., Echoes in the Mind: The use, misuse and abuse of language in business research, Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Business Research, 2nd European Conference on Business Research, Reading, UK, 2003, edited by Remenyi,.D. and A. Brown , MCIL, 2003, pp43 - 50
Diverging Trajectories: Explaining different levels of success in public sector ICT in, editor(s)Salminen, A. , Governing Networks, Netherlands, IOS Press, 2003, pp143 - 160, [Bannister, F.]
Bannister, F., Evaluating the Information Society: Some conceptual issues, Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on IT Evaluation, 10th European Conference on Information Technology Evaluation, Madrid, 2003, edited by Remenyi, D. , MCIL, 2003, pp11 - 20
Bannister, F., e-Democracy: The limits of the possible, Administration, 51, (3), 2003, p21 - 41
Remenyi, D, A. Money, D. Price and F. Bannister , The Creation of Knowledge Through Case Study Research, The Irish Journal of Management, 23, (2), 2002, p1 - 18
Bannister, F., Sustained delivery of value: the role of leadership in long-term IS effectiveness, Evaluation and Program Planning, 25, 2002, p151 - 158
Bannister, F., e-Democracy; Small is Beautiful?, Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on e-Government, 2nd European Conference on e-Government, Oxford, 2002, edited by Remenyi,D. and F. Bannister , MCIL, 2002, pp15 - 28
Bannister, F., The Dimension of Time. Historiography in IS Research, Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Business Research Methods, 1st European Conference on Business Research Methods, Reading, 2002, edited by Remenyi, D. and A. Brown , MCIL, 2002, pp7 - 16
Bannister, F., Presenting Productivity: A Personal Odyssey, Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on the Evaluation of Information Technology, 9th European Conference on the Evaluation of Information Technology, Paris, 2002, edited by Remenyi, D. and A. Brown , MCIL, 2002, pp45 - 54
Bannister, F., Value, Leadership and Absorbative Capacity, Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on the Information Technology Evaluation, 8th European Conference on the Information Technology Evaluation, Oxford, 2001, MCIL, 2001, pp19 - 28
Bannister, F., Public Service Values: Towards and Ethical Framework for e-Government, Pcoceedings of the European Conference on e-Government, European Conference on e-Government, Dublin, 2001, edited by Remenyi, D. and F. Bannister , MCIL, 2001, pp15 - 28
Bannister, F., Dismantling the silos: extracting new value from IT investment in public administration, Information Systems Journal, 11, 2001, p65 - 84
Bannister, F, L Worrall, D. Remenyi and A. Money , Measuring performance: Two models of IT satisfaction, Southern African Business Review, 5, (2), 2001, p4 - 15
Bannister, F. and D. Remenyi, How much did we really pay for that? The awkward problem of information technology costs, Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 5, (1), 2001
Bannister, F., Marking to a Different Drum: Citizen centricity and the changing perception of IT value in public administration, Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on the Evaluation of Information Technology, 7th European Conference on the Evaluation of Information Technology, London, 2000, edited by Remenyi, D. and A. Brown , 2000, pp19 - 30
Bannister, F., Serving the Citizen: A proposed Model for IT Value in Public Administration, Southern African Business Review, 4, (1), 2000, p33 - 44
Bannister, F. and D. Remenyi, Acts of faith: value, instinct and IT investment decisions, Journal of Information Technology, 15, (3), 2000, p231 - 241
Bannister, F. and D. Remenyi, Value Perception in IT Investment Decisions, The Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 2, (2), 1999
Bannister, F. and D. Remenyi, Henley Working Paper Series, 1998
Bannister, F., OLAP: A Question of Definition, Proceedings of the 16th Annual Czech Conference on Databases, Datasem '96, Brno, CZ, 1996, edited by Prednaskek, S. , 1996, pp211 - 222
Bannister, F., Decision Support Systems: New opportunities for O.R.?, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Operations Research, Operations Research '84, Washington DC, 1984, edited by Brans, J.D. , North-Holland, 1984, pp103 - 123
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
From Informatisation to e-Government and Beyond in, editor(s)Edoardo Ongaro , Public Administration in Europe: The Contribution of EGPA, UK, Plagrave Macmillan, 2018, pp101 - 112, [Frank Bannister]
Janssen, M., H.J. Scholl, M.A. Wimmer and F. Bannister, Electronic Government 13th IFIP EG8.5 Conference EGOV 2014, Dublin, Proceedings., Springer, Heidelberg, 2014
Bannister, Frank (Ed.), Cases in Electronic Government, 1st, Reading, UK, ACI, 2012
Rememyi, D. and F. Bannister, Writing Up Your Research for a Dissertation or Thesis, 1st, UK, ACI, 2012, 131pp
Bannister, F., e-Government: Today, Tomorrow and the Day After., DIGIT 2011, Brussels, 4th March, 2011, European Commission
Bannister, F., Provocation: Business schools and the economic crisis - Why blance the business schools?, International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy, 4, (1), 2010, p34 - 40
Bannister, F., ICT Hyperbole and the Red Queen Syndrome: e-Participation Policy and the Challenge of Technology Change, E-Gov. 2.0: pave the way for e-Participation, E-Gov. 2.0: pave the way for e-Participation, Madrid, 5th October 2009, edited by Patrizia Bitonti , 2009, pp115 - 125
Bannister, F. and D. Wilson, O(ver)-Government: e-Government and the Limits of the Desirable, ICEGOV: International Conference on eGovernment and eGoverance, Ankara, Turkey, 12-13 March 2009, edited by Kaplan, A., A. Balci, C.C. Aktan and O. Dalbay , 2009, pp1 - 16
Bannister, F., The Perspective of Janus: Reflecting on EGPA past and future, Information Polity, 12, (4), 2008, p227 - 232
Remenyi, D., F. Bannister and A. Money, The Effective Measurement and Management if ICT Costs and Benefits, 1, Oxford, UK, Elsevier, 2007, 379pp
Bannister, Frank, Purchasing and Financial Management of Information Technology, 1, London, Butterworth Heinemann, 2003, 1 - 341pp
Research Expertise
e-government e-democracy ICT Evaluation Project managementRecognition
Chair of the Technical Review Committee - Department of Social Protection
Member of Independent Review Group on staffing in Dublin City Council 2010-2011.
Member of the UNPAN Expert Committee on Benchmarking
Awards and Honours
Fellow of the Irish Computer Society
Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants and Advisors
Member of Engineers Ireland