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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Dr. Desmond Ryan
Associate Professor, Law


Dr. Desmond Ryan LL.B. (Dubl.), B.C.L., M.A. (Oxon.), Ph.D. (Dubl.), Barrister-at-Law, F.T.C.D. is an Associate Professor in the School of Law at Trinity College Dublin. He is a practising barrister at the Bar of Ireland and is also called to the Bar of England and Wales and the Bar of Northern Ireland.

Dr. Ryan's principal areas of research interest are in Employment Law and Tort Law, with a particular emphasis on the contract of employment, vicarious liability and dismissal law. He is interested in all aspects of the law of obligations and is the convenor of the Private Law Group.

He welcomes approaches from prospective doctoral candidates seeking to engage in research in these and related areas.

Dr Ryan teaches Employment Law, Tort Law, and Current Issues in Tort Theory and Practice on the LL.B. programmes and he has served as both Director of Teaching and Learning (Undergraduate) and as Director of the LLM Programmes.

He has published widely in journals including The Cambridge Law Journal, Professional Negligence, The Modern Law Review, The Civil Justice Quarterly, Legal Studies, The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer, the Dublin University Law Journal, the Irish Employment Law Journal and the Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Desmond Ryan, "The Power and Limits of Close Connection: Analysing the Legacy of Bazley v Curry through three international case studies", The Supreme Court Law Review (Canada), 2, (Third Series), 2024, p31 - 47 Journal Article, 2024

Desmond Ryan, Marta Lasek-Markey, Andrea Mulligan, Linda Hogan, Bryana Tunder, Conscientious Objection in an Uncertain Time: New Challenges in Ireland, Religions, 14, 2023, p1 - 16 Journal Article, 2023

Desmond Ryan, Emerging institutional reforms of the labour law dispute resolution machinery in Ireland, and their implications for labour law norms, Labour Law Research Network, Warsaw, Poland, 24 June 2023, 2023 Conference Paper, 2023

Desmond Ryan, Damages for false imprisonment by the state: counterfactual and vindicatory approaches in comparative perspective, Obligations X, Banff, Canada, 14 July 2023, 2023 Conference Paper, 2023

Desmond Ryan, The Duty of Care in Negligence: University College Cork v Electricity Supply Board, Irish Supreme Court Review, 2022, p185 - 201 Journal Article, 2022

Connecting Cautiously: Vicarious Liability in Ireland in Comparative Perspective in, editor(s)Paula Giliker , Vicarious Liability in the Common Law World, Oxford, Hart, 2022, pp103 - 119, [Desmond Ryan ] Book Chapter, 2022

Allison Silink and Desmond Ryan, Twenty Years on from Lister v Hesley Hall Ltd - Is There Now a 'Tailored Close Connection Test' for Vicarious Liability in Cases of Sexual Abuse, or Not?, Professional Negligence, 38, (1), 2022, p5 - 23 Journal Article, 2022

The influence of Chief Baron Palles on the development of the doctrines of vicarious liability and the non-delegable duty of care in, editor(s)Oonagh B. Breen and Noel McGrath , Palles: The Legal Legacy of the Last Lord Chief Baron, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2022, pp160 - 175, [Desmond Ryan] Book Chapter, 2022

Allison Silink and Desmond Ryan, The relevance of "control" in both stages of the test for vicarious liability in relationships that are "akin to employment" : an analysis of Blackpool in the Court of Appeal, Professional Negligence, 38, (4), 2022, p229 - 238 Journal Article, 2022

Desmond Ryan, Nano Nagle School v Daly, Irish Supreme Court Review, 2, 2021, p61 - 74 Journal Article, 2021

Rachael Walsh and Sarah Hamill (chapter authors) Deirdre Ahern and Suryapratim Roy (report editors), Policy Responses to Covid-19 In Ireland: Supporting Individuals, Communities, Businesses, and the Economy, COVID-19 Legal Observatory, Trinity College Dublin, December, 2020, p1 - 108 Report, 2020 TARA - Full Text URL

Desmond Ryan, Restating Restraint of Trade: The Implications of the Supreme Court's Judgment in Tillman v Egon Zehnder Ltd, Industrial Law Journal, 2020, p1 - 14 Journal Article, 2020

Desmond Ryan and Mark Bell, Disability, Reasonable Accommodation and the Employer's Obligations: Nano Nagle School v Daly, Modern Law Review, 83, 2020, p1059 - 1071 Journal Article, 2020 URL

Cliodhna Murphy, Desmond Ryan, Work, Dignity and Non-Citizens: Reflections from the Irish Constitutional Order, Public Law, Issue 1 January 2020, 2019, p30-40 Journal Article, 2019

Desmond Ryan, Vicarious Liability for Independent Contractors: Orthodox Principles "On the Move"?, Irish Employment Law Journal, 16, (1), 2019, p4 - 9 Journal Article, 2019

Desmond Ryan, SAAMCO re-explored: BPE and the law of professional negligence, Journal of Professional Negligence, 34, (2), 2018, p71 - 86 Journal Article, 2018

Allison Silink and Desmond Ryan, Vicarious Liability for Independent Contractors, Cambridge Law Journal, 2018, p458 - 461 Journal Article, 2018

Desmond Ryan, Bullying and Harassment Litigation post-Ruffley: An Analysis of the Judgment of the Court of Appeal in McCarthy v ISS Ireland Ltd, Tort Law and Litigation Review, 2018, p19 - 28 Journal Article, 2018

Desmond Ryan, Vicarious liability and the non-delegable duty of care: application of the Supreme Court's guidance at first instance, Professional Negligence, 2018, p209 - 215 Journal Article, 2018

Part-Time Workers in, editor(s)Ailbhe Murphy Maeve Regan , Employment Law, Dublin, Bloomsbury, 2017, pp401 - 428, [Desmond Ryan] Book Chapter, 2017

Fixed-Term Workers in, editor(s)Ailbhe Murphy Maeve Regan , Employment Law, Dublin, Bloomsbury, 2017, pp429 - 467, [Desmond Ryan] Book Chapter, 2017

Desmond Ryan, 'From opportunity to occasion: vicarious liability in the High Court of Australia', Cambridge Law Journal, 76, 2017, p14-18 Journal Article, 2017

Bullying Harassment and Stress at Work in, editor(s)Ailbhe Murphy, Maeve Regan , Employment Law, Dublin, Bloomsbury, 2017, pp233 - 283, [Desmond Ryan] Book Chapter, 2017

Vicarious Liability in, editor(s)Ailbhe Murphy Maeve Regan , Employment Law, Dublin, Bloomsbury, 2017, pp285 - 325, [Desmond Ryan] Book Chapter, 2017

Individualism and Autonomy in Occupiers' Liability and Compensation Culture in, editor(s)Eoin Quill Raymond Friel , Damages and Compensation Culture: Comparative Perspectives, United Kingdom, Hart Publishing, 2016, [Desmond Ryan] Book Chapter, 2016

Desmond Ryan, "Close Connection" and "Akin to Employment": Perspectives on Fifty Years of Radical Developments in Vicarious Liability", The Irish Jurist, LVI, 2016, p239 - 260 Journal Article, 2016

Desmond Ryan, Atypical Work in the Emergence from Austerity: Assumptions and Expectations Re-Evaluated, Dublin University Law Journal, 39(1), 2016, p75 - 92 Journal Article, 2016

Whistleblowing: National Report for Ireland in, editor(s)PD Dr. Gerrit Forst LL.M. (Cantab.) Gastprofessor Gregor Thusig , Whistleblowing: International Academy of Comparative Labour Law, Germany, Springer International, 2016, pp181 - 186, [Dr. Desmond Ryan and Dr. Michael Doherty] Book Chapter, 2016

Desmond Ryan, Parallel Proceedings in Employment Law: An Analysis of the High Court judgments in Cunningham and Culkin, Dublin University Law Journal, 38, (1), 2015, p219 - 231 Journal Article, 2015

Dublin University Law Journal, 37, (2014), i, 1 - iv, 299p, Desmond Ryan and Oran Doyle, [eds.], 2010-2014 Journal, 2014

Desmond Ryan, Individual Autonomy and Personal Responsibility in Occupiers' Liability and Compensation Culture, Compensation Culture: Comparative Tort Reform in the 21st Century, University of Limerick, 23 May 2014, 2014 Conference Paper, 2014

Desmond Ryan, The 'Constitutional Tort' in Ireland: Another Perspective on the Convergence Debate regarding Tort Law and Human Rights, Obligations VII, Hong Kong University, 15-18 July 2014, 2014 Conference Paper, 2014

DESMOND RYAN, Tort Law Defences by James Goudkamp, Review of Tort Law Defences , by James Goudkamp , Legal Studies, 34, (4), 2014, p743 Review, 2014

Dublin University Law Journal, 36, (2013), i, 1 - iv, 403p, Desmond Ryan and Oran Doyle, [eds.], 2010-2014 Journal, 2013

Desmond Ryan, From the Irish Supreme Court to the Strasbourg Grand Chamber: Domestic Approaches to Vicarious Liability under challenge in Europe', Society of Legal Scholars, Edinburgh, 3 September 2013, 2013 Conference Paper, 2013

Dublin University Law Journal, 2012, 35, (2012), i, 1 - iv, 355p, Des Ryan and Oran Doyle, [eds.], 2010-2014 Journal, 2012

Delany, H. and Ryan D., "Springboard Injunctions: An Analysis of Emerging Principles in the Case Law of the English and Irish Courts, Civil Justice Quarterly, 31, (3), 2012, p284 - 303 Journal Article, 2012

Dublin University Law Journal, 34, (2011), i, 1 - iv, 280p, Desmond Ryan and Oran Doyle, [eds.] Journal, 2011

Dublin University Law Journal, 33, (2011), i, 1 - ix,428p, Des Ryan and Oran Doyle, [eds.], 2010-2014 Journal, 2011

Report on Ireland in, editor(s)Monika Schlachter , The Prohibition of Age Discrimination in Labour Relations, Germany, Nomos, 2011, pp293 - 308, [Desmond Ryan and Michael Doherty] Book Chapter, 2011

Oran Doyle, Desmond Ryan, Judicial Interpretation of the European Convention on Human Rights Act 2003: Reflections and Analysis, Dublin University Law Journal, 33, 2011, p369 - 392 Journal Article, 2011 TARA - Full Text

Dr. Desmond Ryan, "Article 2 ECHR and the Tort of Negligence: Where are we Now?", Society of Legal Scholars, Southampton, United Kingdom, 16 September 2010, 2010 Conference Paper, 2010

Dr. Desmond Ryan & Dr. Michael Doherty, "Age Discrimination in Employment Law", International Academy of Comparative Law Congress , Washington DC, USA, July-August 2010, 2010 Conference Paper, 2010

Desmond Ryan, Vindicating Rights through the Tortious Liability of Public Authorities: Emerging Themes and Tensions in Comparative Perspective, Trinity College Dublin, 2010 Thesis, 2010

Part-Time Workers in, editor(s)Maeve Regan , Employment Law, Dublin, Tottel Publishing, 2009, pp281-303 - [Des Ryan] Book Chapter, 2009

Bullying, Harassment and Stress at Work in, editor(s)Maeve Regan , Employment Law, Dublin, Tottel Publishing, 2009, pp231-264 , [Des Ryan] Book Chapter, 2009

Desmond Ryan, Connections without consensus: recent approaches to vicarious liability in the Irish Supreme Court, Dublin University Law Journal, 31, (1), 2009, p457 - 472 Journal Article, 2009

Fixed-Term Workers in, editor(s)Maeve Regan , Employment Law, Dublin, Tottel Publishing, 2009, pp305-334 , [Des Ryan] Book Chapter, 2009

Neville CoxVal CorbettDesmond Ryan, Employment Law in Ireland, 1st, Dublin, Clarus Press, 2009, 1-892pp Book, 2009

Vicarious Liability in, editor(s)Maeve Regan , Employment Law, Dublin, Tottel Publishing, 2009, pp265-280 , [Des Ryan] Book Chapter, 2009

Desmond Ryan, Making connections: new approaches to vicarious liability in comparative perspective, Dublin University Law Journal, 30, (1), 2008, p41 - 70 Journal Article, 2008

Recent Judicial Approaches to Loss of Chance in Medical Negligence Cases in, editor(s)Professor William Binchy Dr. Ciaran Craven , Medical Negligence Litigation: Emerging Issues, Dublin, First Law, 2008, pp24 - 55, [Ray Ryan and Des Ryan] Book Chapter, 2008

Delany, H. and Ryan, D., Unconscionability: A Unifying Theme in Equity?, The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer, 72, (5), 2008, p401 - 436 Journal Article, 2008

Ray Ryan, Des Ryan, "Intoxicated Guests, Third Parties and the Law of Negligence", Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 2007, p108 - 119 Journal Article, 2007

Ray Ryan, Des Ryan, "Vicarious liability of employers - emerging themes and trends and their potential implications for Irish law", Irish Employment Law Journal, 2007, p3 - 8 Journal Article, 2007

Ray Ryan, Des Ryan, Asbestos litigation and the requirements of the negligence action: new developments in Irish and English law., Quarterly Review of Tort Law, 2007, p10 - 15 Journal Article, 2007

Desmond Ryan, "Royal Brunei Dishonesty: A Clear Welcome for Barlow Clowes", The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer, 2007, p168- Journal Article, 2007

Marguerite Bolger, Des Ryan , "The mutual duty of fidelity in the contract of employment: significant recent developments", Irish Employment Law Journal, 2007, p112 - 120 Journal Article, 2007

Ray Ryan, Des Ryan , "MRSA litigation in Ireland: new questions for tort law", Quarterly Review of Tort Law, 2007, p12 - 19 Journal Article, 2007

Ray Ryan, Des Ryan , Bonus points: employers' discretion in the determination of bonus payments, Commercial Law Practitioner, 2007, p166 - 171 Journal Article, 2007

Desmond Ryan, "Conditional Fee Agreements: Strutting Their Stuff Around a Circle that Cannot be Squared?", Civil Justice Quarterly , 2006, p20 - 26 Journal Article, 2006

Desmond Ryan, "Royal Brunei Dishonesty: Clarity at Last?" , The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer, 2006, p188 - 197 Journal Article, 2006

Ray Ryan, Des Ryan, "Resolving the duress dilemma: guidance from the House of Lords", Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 2005, p421 - 430 Journal Article, 2005

Dublin University Law Journal, Dublin, Clarus Press, [eds.], 2004-2017 Editorial Board, 2004

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Desmond Ryan, Redmond on Dismissal Law, Third, Dublin, Bloomsbury Professional, 2017, 1 - 641pp Book, 2017

Employment Law in, editor(s)Professor William Binchy Raymond Byrne, Director of Research, Law Reform Commission , Annual Review of Irish Law 2008, Dublin, Thomson Round Hall, 2009, pp311 - 324, [Des Ryan] Book Chapter, 2009

Employment Law in, editor(s)Professor William Binchy Raymond Byrne, Director of Research, Law Reform Commission , Annual Review of Irish Law 2007, Dublin, Thomson Round Hall, 2008, pp257 - 279, [Des Ryan] Book Chapter, 2008

Research Expertise


Employment Law and the contract of employment The relationship between statute and common law in employment law and tort law Tort Law esp. Negligence and Vicarious Liability Private Law Theory: Obligations


; Constitutional Law; Employment and Labour Law; Tort and Personal Injury Law



Convenor for Ireland, Society of Legal Scholars 2015-present

Awards and Honours

Elected a Visiting Fellow, Exeter College Oxford October 2016-June 2017

Provost's Teaching Award, Trinity College Dublin, 2011 2011

Invited as Academic Visitor, University of Melbourne Law School Centre for Employment Law and Industrial Relations July-August 2017

Nominated for a Provost's Teaching Award (ineligible for application due to having received this award in 2011) 2014


Convenor for Ireland and Member of Executive Committee, Society of Legal Scholars 2005 (Member); 2016 (Convenor)

Founder and Co-Director, Private Law Discussion Group, Trinity College Dublin 2012 – present

Founding Member, Employment Law Association of Ireland 2011 – present

European Employment Lawyers' Association 2011 – present

Health and Safety Lawyers' Association of Ireland 2012 – present