Dr. Bidisha Ghosh
Associate Professor, Civil Struct & Env. Eng.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Dhivya Bharathi, Juan Manuel González Sopeña, Siobhan Clarke, Bidisha Ghosh, Travel time prediction utilizing hybrid deep learning models, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2023
Ruchita Ingle, Saheba Bhatnagar, Bidisha Ghosh, Laurence Gill, Shane Regan, John Connolly and Matthew Saunders, Development of Hybrid Models to Estimate Gross Primary Productivity at a Near-Natural Peatland Using Sentinel 2 Data and a Light Use Efficiency Model, Remote Sensing, 15, 2023, p1673-
Gill L., Bhatnagar S., Bijkerk E., Regan S., Somlai C., Naughton O., Ghosh B., Waldren S., Coxon C., Johnston P., EcoMetrics - Environmental Supporting Conditions for Groundwater-dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems, Wexford, Ireland, Environmental Protection Agency, 2022, 1 - 54pp
Bhatnagar S., Gill L.W., Waldren S., Sharkey N., Naughton O., Johnston P., Coxon C., Morrissey P., Ghosh B., Ecohydrological metrics for vegetation communities in turloughs (ephemeral karstic wetlands), Ecohydrology, 14, 2021, pe2316
Bhatnagar, Saheba, Gill, Laurence, Regan, Shane, Naughton, Owen, Johnston, Paul, Waldren, Steve, Ghosh, Bidisha, MAPPING VEGETATION COMMUNITIES INSIDE WETLANDS USING SENTINEL-2 IMAGERY IN IRELAND, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 88, 2020, p102083
Galvin, Myles and Lenihan, Benjamin and Popovici, Emanuel and Doorley, Ronan and Pakrashi, Vikram and Ghosh, Bidisha, Estimating Environmental Exposure of Cyclists in Cork using Limited Sensing Capabilities, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Urban Design and Planning, 2020, p1--31
Wenliang Qiu, Vikram Pakrashi and Bidisha Ghosh, Underwater Fishing Net Health State Estimation, EWSHM2020, Palermo, Italy, 2020
J.M. González-Sopeña, V. Pakrashi, and B. Ghosh, Multi-step ahead wind power forecasting for Ireland using an ensemble of VMD-ELM models, 2020 31st Irish Signals and Systems Conference, June, 2020
O'Byrne M., Ghosh B., Schoefs F., Pakrashi V., Applications of virtual data in subsea inspections, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8, (5), 2020
Doorley, Ronan, Pakrashi, Vikram, Szeto, W. Y., Ghosh, Bidisha, Designing cycle networks to maximize health, environmental, and travel time impacts: An optimization-based approach, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 14, (5), 2020, p361-374
Basu, B., Alam, M.S., Ghosh, B., Gill, L.W., McNabola, A., Augmenting limited background monitoring data for improved performance in land use regression modeling: using support vector regression and mobile monitoring, Atmospheric Environment, 201, 2019, p310 - 322
Reddy, Santosh Kumar, Ram, Bhargav, O'Byrne, Michael, Vanajakshi, Lelitha, Ghosh, Bidisha, Alternative approach to traffic state analysis on Indian roads using image processing, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport, 172, (6), 2019, p336-346
Bhatnagar S., Ghosh B., Regan S., Naughton O., Johnston P.M., Gill L.W., Remote sensing based ecotope mapping and transfer of knowledge in raised bogs, Geophysical Research Abstracts , 21, 2019
Dey, S., Caulfield, B., Ghosh, B. , Modelling Uncertainty of Vehicular Emissions Inventory: A Case Study of Ireland, Journal of Cleaner Production, 213, 2019, p1115 - 1126
J.M. González-Sopeña, V. Pakrashi, and B. Ghosh, Ensemble empirical mode decomposition based deep learning model for short-term wind power forecasting, GREENER 2019 Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 2019
Buckley, T., Pakrashi, V. and Ghosh, B., Pitfalls & Challenges of Time Series Analysis Techniques for Bridge Structural Health, ITRN2019, Belfast, UK, August, 2019
McHale T; O'Byrne M; Doorley R; Rittgers G; Ghosh B; Pakrashi V, The Influence of Passing Events on Cyclists Behavior and Risk Perception, Velo-City 2019, Dublin, Ireland, 2019
STEAM at Work: Physiological and Psychological Perceptions of Risk of Cyclists in, Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp171-186 , [Doorley, Ronan, Pakrashi, Vikram, Byrne, Eoin, Comerford, Samuel, Groeger, John A., Ghosh, Bidisha]
Hale, Thomas Mac, Doorley, Ronan, O'Byrne, Michael, Rittgers, Giacinto, Pakrashi, Vikram, Ghosh, Bidisha, How Do Passing Events Influence the Perception of Risk Among Cyclists?, IEEE, 2019
Shane Kelly, Ajinkya S. Mane and Bidisha Ghosh, Cork Bus Route Evaluation using Spatial Analysis, ITRN2019, Belfast, UK, September, 2019
Djordjevic, B., Mane, S.A., Caulfield, B., Ghosh, B., Vehicular Emission and Possible Mitigation from Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDV): Insights From MAP-HDV Project, ITRN2019, Belfast, UK, September, 2019
Doorley, Ronan, Pakrashi, Vikram, Ghosh, Bidisha, Health, environmental and travel cost impacts of urban cycling in Dublin, Ireland, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, 2018, p1-11
O'Byrne, Michael and Pakrashi, Vikram and Schoefs, Franck and Ghosh, Bidisha, Damage Assessment of the Built Infrastructure using Smartphones, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland 2018 (CERI2018), University College Dublin, Ireland, 29-30 August, 2018, The STEAM Revolution, 2018
Meabh Gallagher, Bidroha Basu, Aonghus McNabola, Balz Kamber, Laurence Gill, Bidisha Ghosh and Md. Saniul Alam, Source Apportionment of Ambient Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Greater Dublin Area: A Focus on Emissions from Diesel Vehicles, 28th Irish Environmental Researchers Colloquium 2018 Environ 2018, Cork, 2018
Michael O'Byrne, Bidisha Ghosh, Franck Schoefs, Vikram Pakrashi, Image-Based Damage Assessment for Underwater Inspections , 1st, 2018
O'Byrne, Michael and Pakrashi, Vikram and Schoefs, Franck and Ghosh, Bidisha, ROC-based Performance Analysis and Interpretation of Image-based Damage Diagnostic Tools for Underwater Inspections, IALCCE 2018, 6th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, Ghent, Belgium , 28-31 October , 2018, pp1679--1686
Dey, Shreya; Caulfield, Brian; Ghosh, Bidisha, Quantification of Diesel Burden and the Potential Impact of Diesel-Ban in Dublin, Ireland, Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, United States, 2018
Bhatnagar S., Ghosh B., Regan S., Naughton O., Johnston P.M., Gill L.W., Monitoring environmental supporting conditions of a raised bog using remote sensing techniques, Remote Sensing and Hydrology Symposium ICRS-IAHS, Córdoba, Spain, 8th-10th May, 2018, pp1
Dey, S., Caulfield, B., Ghosh, B., Potential Health & Economic Benefits of Banning Diesel Traffic in Dublin, Ireland, Journal of Transport & Health, 2018, p156 - 166
O"Byrne, Michael, Pakrashi, Vikram, Schoefs, Franck, Ghosh, and Bidisha, Semantic Segmentation of Underwater Imagery Using Deep Networks Trained on Synthetic Imagery, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 6, (3), 2018, p93
Bidroha Basu, Md. Saniul Alam, Bidisha Ghosh, Laurence Gill and Aonghus McNabola, Assessing the impact of emissions from diesel vehicles on air quality by using micro-simulation studies, 28th Irish Environmental Researchers Colloquium 2018 Environ 2018, Cork, 2018
Bidroha Basu, Md. Saniul Alam, Bidisha Ghosh, Laurence Gill, and Aonghus McNabola, Development of a Land Use Regression model using Support Vector Regression for estimating ambient air pollution exposure to PM2.5 in Dublin, Ireland, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Austria, 2018
Dey, S., Caulfield, B., Ghosh, B., Quantification of Diesel Burden and the Potential Impact of Diesel-Ban in Dublin, Ireland, 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 2018
Bhatnagar S., Ghosh B., Regan S., Naughton O., Johnston P.M., Gill L.W., Monitoring environmental supporting conditions of a raised bog using remote sensing techniques, Proceedings of Remote Sensing and Hydrology Symposium ICRS-IAHS, 380, 2018, p9 - 15
Galvin M, Lenihan B, Popovici E, Doorley R, Pakrashi V and Ghosh B. , Individual Exposure of Cyclists to Environmental Pollution - A Study on Cork, International Cycling Conference 2017, Mannheim, Germany, 19-21 September 2017, 2017
Meabh Gallagher, Aongus Mcnabola, Balz Kamber, Laurence Gill, Bidisha Ghosh, and Saniul Alam, Chemical Fingerprints Of The Major Sources Of Pm2.5 In Dublin, Ireland: A Focus On Diesel Vehicle Emissions. , Air Pollution 2017, Cadiz, Spain, 25-27 April , 2017
Dey, S., Caulfield, B., Ghosh, B., The potential health, financial and environmental impacts of dieselgate in Ireland, Transportation Planning and Technology, 2017, p1 - 20
Leonard, Niamh, O'Mahony, Stephen, Ghosh, Bidisha and Pakrashi, Vikram, Inspection of Cycleways with DataCycle-Preliminary Results, Irish Transport Research Network (ITRN) 2017, Dublin, Ireland, August, 2017
Guyonnet, R., Monteil, J., Ghosh, B., & Bouroche, M., Empirical and Simulation Analysis of the Relation between Microscopic and Macroscopic Traffic Considering Trajectory Data Sets, Transportation Research Board 96th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, Washington DC, January, 2017, 2017, pp1 - 22
O'Byrne, M., Schoefs, F., Pakrashi, V., & Ghosh, B. , An underwater lighting and turbidity image repository for analysing the performance of image based non-destructive techniques, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2017
Leonard N, O'Mahony S, Ghosh B and Pakrashi V. , the Irish Cycleway Maintenance Management System, International Cycling Conference 2017, Mannheim, Germany, 19-21 September 2017, 2017
O'Donnell, D., Wright, R., O'Byrne, M., Sadhu, A., Edwards Murphy, F., Cahill, P., Kelliher, D., Ghosh, B., Schoefs, F., Mathewson, A., Popovici, E. and Pakrashi, V., Modelling and testing of a historic steel suspension footbridge in Ireland, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Bridge Engineering, 2017, p116 - 132
Olivier Kracht, José Luis Santiago, Fernando Martin, Antonio Piersanti, Giuseppe Cremona, Gaia Righini, Lina Vitali, Kevin Delaney, Bidroha Basu, Bidisha Ghosh, et al., First outcomes of the fairmode aquila intercomparison exercise on spatial representativeness, 18th International Conference on harmonisation within atmospheric dispersion modelling for regulatory purposes, Bologna, Italy, 2017
Meabh Gallagher, Aonghus Mcnabola, Balz Kamber, Laurence Gill, Bidisha Ghosh, & Md Saniul Alam., Probing PM2.5 Sources With Laser Ablation: A Case Study Of Traffic Emissions In Dublin City, Ireland, Goldschmidt 2017, Paris, France, 13-18 August 2017, 2017
O'Byrne, M., Schoefs, F., Pakrashi, V., & Ghosh, B. , A Stereo-Matching Technique for Recovering 3D Information from Underwater Inspection Imagery, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2017
Dey, S., Caulfield, B., & Ghosh, B. , The potential health, financial & environmental impacts of diesel-gate in Ireland, 49th Annual UTSG Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 4-6 January, 2017, 2017
Ghosh B, Basu B and Pakrashi V. , Analysis of traffic data by considering nonlinearity and nonstationarity, ENOC, 9th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 25-30 June, 2017, 2017
Dey, S., Caulfield, B., Ghosh, B. , Examining alternative fuel options and potential emission reductions from changes in public transport bus fleet in Ireland, ITRN, UCD, 2017
Doorley R, Pakrashi V, and Ghosh B, Health impacts of cycling in Dublin on individual cyclists and on the local population, Journal of Transport & Health, 2017
Paramanandam, M., O'Byrne, M., Ghosh, B., Mammen, J. J., Manipadam, M. T., Thamburaj, R., & Pakrashi, V. , Automated Segmentation of Nuclei in Breast Cancer Histopathology Images, PloS one, 11, (9), 2016
Ronan Doorley, Conor de Courcy, Francesco Pilla, Vikram Pakrashi, Bidisha Ghosh, Intake of Air Pollutants by Cyclists in Urban Environments: Characterization Using Low-Cost Mobile Monitoring, Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 10-14 January, 2016, 2016, ppNo. 16-3447
Abraham, N., Ghosh, B., Simms, C., Thomson, R., & Amato, G., Assessment of the impact speed and angle conditions for the EN1317 barrier tests, International Journal of Crashworthiness, 21, (3), 2016, p211-221
O'Byrne, M, Schoefs, F. Ghosh, B. and Pakrashi, V. , Evaluation of camera calibration techniques for quantifying deterioration, Civil Engineering Research Ireland (CERI) Conference, Galway, Ireland, 2016
Rabbitt, N., & Ghosh, B. , Economic and environmental impacts of organised Car Sharing Services: A case study of Ireland, Research in Transportation Economics, 57, 2016, p3 - 16
Doorley R, Pakrashi V, and Ghosh B , Quantification of the Potential Health and Environmental Impacts of Active Travel in Dublin, 94th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA, January 11-15, 2015, 2015
O'Byrne M, Ghosh B, Schoefs F, O'Donnell D, Wright W and Pakrashi V. , Acquisition and Analysis of Dynamic Responses of a Historic Pedestrian Bridge using Video Image Processing, Institute of Physics, Journal of Physics, Conference Series, 628, (1), 2015, p012053
Doorley, R., Pakrashi, V., & Ghosh, B. , Quantification of the Potential Health and Environmental Impacts of Active Travel in Dublin, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2531, 2015, p129 - 136
R Doorley, V Pakrashi, E Byrne, S Comerford, B Ghosh, JA Groeger, Analysis of heart rate variability amongst cyclists under perceived variations of risk exposure, Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 28, 2015, p40 - 54
Amato, G., O'Brien, F., Ghosh, B., & Simms, C. , Gabions: evaluation of potential as low-cost roadside barriers, International Journal of Crashworthiness, 20, (1), 2015, p12-26
Doorley R, Pakrashi V, and Ghosh B , Quantifying the Health Impacts of Active Travel: Assessment of Methodologies, Transport Reviews, 35, (5), 2015, p559 - 582
O'Byrne M, Ghosh B, Schoefs F and Pakrashi, V., Protocols for Image Processing based Underwater Inspection of Infrastructure Elements, Institute of Physics, Journal of Physics, Conference Series, 628, (1), 2015
Lawson, A. R., Ghosh, B., & Pakrashi, V. , Quantifying the perceived safety of cyclists in Dublin, Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers - Transport, 2015, p290 - 299
Amato, G., Ghosh, B., Simms, C., Vehicle-barrier tracking of a scaled crash test for roadside barrier design, 7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, EWSHM - 2nd European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) Society , 2014
Doorley, R., Pakrashi, V., Caulfield, B., Ghosh, B., Short-Term Forecasting of Bicycle Traffic Using Structural Time Series Models, 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Qingdao, China, 2014, 2014
M O'Byrne, B Ghosh, F Schoefs, V Pakrashi, Regionally Enhanced Multiphase Segmentation Technique for Damaged Surfaces, Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 29, (9), 2014, p644 - 658
Ghosh, B., & Smith, D. P. , Customization of automatic incident detection algorithms for signalized urban arterials, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18, (4), 2014, p426 - 441
O'Byrne, Michael and Pakrashi, Vikram and Schoefs, Franck and Ghosh, Bidisha, A comparison of image based 3D recovery methods for underwater inspections, EWSHM-7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Nantes (France), July, 2014
O'Byrne, M., Pakrashi, V., Schoefs, F., and Ghosh, B., A Comparison of Image Based 3D Recovery Methods for Underwater Inspections, EWSHM-7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Nantes, France, July 8 - 11, 2014, 2014
Amato G, O'Brien F, Ghosh B, Williams, G, Simms CK, A Scaling Method for Modelling the Crashworthiness of Novel Roadside Barriers, Journal of Crashworthiness, 18, (1), 2013, p93-102
O'Byrne, M., Schoefs, F., Ghosh, B., Pakrashi, V., Texture Analysis based Damage Detection of Ageing Infrastructure Elements, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 28, (3), 2013, p162 - 177
Dunne, S., Ghosh, B. , Weather Adaptive Short-Term Vehicular Traffic Prediction using Wavelet Based Neural Nets, The 13th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR) 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 15-18, 2013, 2013
Ghosh, B., Caulfield, B., Pakrashi, V. , Effects of Weather on Bicycle Demand in Dublin, The 13th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR) 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 15-18, 2013, 2013
Amato G, O'Brien F, Ghosh B, Williams, G, Simms CK, Multibody modelling of gabion beams for impact applications, Journal of Crashworthiness, 18, (3), 2013, 237-250
Lawson, A.R., Pakrashi, V., Ghosh, B., Szeto, W.Y. , Perception of safety of cyclists in Dublin City,, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 50, 2013, p499 - 511
Michael O'Byrne, Bidisha Ghosh, Franck Schoefs, Vikram Pakrashi , ROC Based Evaluation of Image Analysis Technique Applied to Offshore Infrastructural Elements using Texture Information, ICOSSAR'11, New York, USA, 2013
Amato G, O'Brien F, Ghosh B, Simms CK, Multibody modelling of a TB31 and a TB32 crash test with vertical portable concrete barriers: Model verification and sensitivity analysis, IMechE Journal of Multibody Dynamics, 227, (3), 2013, p245-260
R Maitra, B Ghosh, P Davis, S Jerrams , Seaport Policy Ireland: A Critique, Irish Transport Research Network, 2013, Dublin, Ireland, 5-6 September, 2013, 2013
O'Byrne, M., Ghosh, B., Schoefs, F. and Pakrashi, V. , Effects of turbidity and lighting on the performance of an image processing based damage detection technique, 11th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, New York, USA, 16-20 June 2013, 2013, pp2645-2650
Rabbitt, N., Ghosh, B. , A study of feasibility and potential benefits of organised car sharing in Ireland, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 25, 2013, p49 - 58
Lawson A.R., Ghosh, B., Pakrashi., V. , Comparison of Mode-Specific Perceived Safety Among Cyclists in Multi-Modal Urban Network, The 13th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR) 2013, July 15-18, 2013, 2013
Dunne, S., & Ghosh, B. , Weather adaptive traffic prediction using neurowavelet models, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 14, 2013, p370 - 379
Gill L.W., Naughton O., Johnston P.M., Basu B., Ghosh B., Characterisation of hydrogeological connections in a lowland karst network using time series analysis of water levels in ephemeral groundwater-fed lakes (turloughs), Journal of Hydrology, 499, (30), 2013, p389 - 402
Mai, T., Ghosh, B., Wilson, S. , Short-term traffic flow forecasting with A-SVARMA, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineering-Transport, 167, (4), 2013, p232 - 239
Lawson A.R., McMorrow, K, Ghosh, B. , Analysis of the Non-Motorized Commuter Journeys in Major Irish Cities, Transport Policy, 27, 2013, p179 - 188
O'Byrne, M., Schoefs, F., Ghosh, B., and Pakrashi, V., A Comparison between Pixel Intensity and Texture Analysis based Damage Detection Techniques, 7th International Workshop NDT in Progress, Dresden, Germany, November 7 - 8, 2013, 2013
Amato, Giuseppina and Oâ Brien, Fionn and Ghosh, Bidisha and Williams, Gavin and Simms, Ciaran, A scaling method for modelling the crashworthiness of novel roadside barrier designs, International journal of crashworthiness, 18, (1), 2013, p93--102
Amato, G., O'Brien, F., Simms, C., Ghosh, B., & Lyons, M., Scaled Modelling of Occupant Injuries from Vehicle Accelerations for Roadside Barrier Design, Bioengineering in Ireland conference 2012, Belfast, UK, January 27-28, 2012, 2012
Real-time Monitoring, Surveillance and Control of Road Networks Under Adverse Weather Conditions: Effects of Weather on Traffic and Pavement in, editor(s)Nour-Eddin El Faouzi (Ed) , Real-time monitoring, surveillance and control of road networks under adverse weather conditions, Iffsttar Lyon, Les collections de l'INRETS, 2012, [El Faouzi et al.]
Gavin, M., Pakrashi, V., Barton, J., O'Flynn, B., Bouroche, M., Ghosh, B., Cyclists' Route Planner Mobileapp for Dublin City, 40th European Transport Conference 2012, Glasgow, UK, 8-10 October 2012, 2012
Lawson, A., Ghosh, B., Pakrashi, V., Szeto, W.Y. , Analysis of the Perception of Safety among Cyclists, 40th European Transport Conference 2012, Glasgow, UK, 8-10 October 2012, 2012
O'Byrne, M., Ghosh, B., Pakrashi, V., Schoefs, F., , Image Processing based Damage Detection of Offshore Infrastructural Elements using Texture and Pixel Intensity Information, 5th European Conference on Structural Control (EACS), Genoa, Italy, June 18-20, 2012, 2012
Stephen Dunne, Bidisha Ghosh, Regime-Based Short-Term Multivariate Traffic Condition Forecasting Algorithm, Journal of Transportation Engineering, 138, (4), 2012, p455--466
O'Byrne, M., Ghosh, B., Pakrashi, V., Schoefs, F., Texture Analysis based Detection and Classification of Surface Features on Ageing Infrastructure Elements, Bridge and Concrete Research in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, 6-7th September 2012, 2012
Mahon, J., Ghosh, B., Rice, H. , The Effect of Compromises in Equipment Deployed in the Implementation of Adrienne Method,, Noise and Vibration - Emerging Methods (NOVEM 2012), Sorrento, Italy, 1-4 April 2012, 2012
O'Byrne, Michael and Ghosh, Bidisha and Pakrashi, Vikram and Schoefs, Franck, Image Processing based Damage Detection of Offshore Infrastructural Elements using Texture Information, 5th European Conference on Structural Control, Genova, 2012
Mai, T., Ghosh, B., & Wilson, S. , Multivariate short-term traffic flow forecasting using Bayesian vector autoregressive moving average model, Transportation Research Board 91st Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA, January 22-26, 2012, 2012, ppNo. 12-3728
Mai, T., Ghosh, B., & Wilson, S. , Short-term traffic flow forecasting using dynamic linear models, Irish Transport Research Network, 2011, Cork, Ireland, 2011
Lawson, A. & Ghosh, B., Prediction of Traffic-Related Nitrogen Oxide Concentrations in Dublin City. , 90th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C., 2011, 2011
Gavin, Maurice; Ghosh, Bidisha; Pakrashi, Vikram; Barton, John; O'Flynn, Brendan; Lawson, Anneka, A cycle route planner mobile-app for Dublin city, ITRN2011, Cork, 2011
Amato, Giuseppina and Fionn, O and Ciaran, K and Bidisha, G, Development of roadside safety barriers using natural building materials, ITRN Conference Cork, 2011
Pakrashi, V., Kelly, J. & Ghosh, B. , Sustainable Prioritization of Bridge Rehabilitation Considering Road User Cost. , 90th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D. C., 2011, 2011
Ghosh, B, Pakrashi, V and Schoefs, F, High Dynamic Range Image Processing for Non-Destructive-Testing, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 15, (7), 2011, p1085 - 1096
McMorrow, K. & Ghosh, B. , Analysis of Nonmotorized Commuter Journeys in Irish Cities., 90th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board , Washington, D. C., 2011, 2011
Lawson, A.R., Ghosh, B., Broderick, B. , Prediction of Traffic-Related Nitrogen Oxides Concentrations using Structural Time Series Models, Atmospheric Environment, 45, (27), 2011, p4719-4727
Michael O'Byrne, Vikram Pakrashi, Bidisha Ghosh and Franck Schoefs, Receiver Operating Characteristics of a Modified Edge Detection Technique for Corrosion Classification, 23rd conference of Forum Bauinformatik, Cork, 2011
Anneka Ruth Lawson, Vikram Pakrashi, Bidisha Ghosh, Liam O'Brien, Perception of Safety among Cyclists in Dublin City, ITRN2011, Cork, 2011
Franck Schoefs, Vikram Pakrashi, Bidisha Ghosh, Measure of the reliability of defect detection from image analysis by ROC curves, Journées Scientifiques de l'Université de Nantes, Nantes, 2010
Ghosh, B., Basu, B. and O'Mahony, M. M. , Random Process Model for Urban Traffic Flow Using a Wavelet-Bayesian Hierarchical Technique, Computer aided civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 25, (8), 2010, p613 - 624
Dunne, S. & Ghosh, B., Short-term Traffic Flow Predictions using Neutral Networks a Comparison of Adaptive Learning Rate Algorithms, Irish Transport Research Network, Dublin, 2010, 2010
Dunne, S. & Ghosh, B. , Optimal Data Aggregation Interval for Short-term Traffic Flow Prediction in Urban Arterials: A Neural Network Approach, 5th IMA Conference on Mathematics in Transport, London, 2010, 2010
Ghosh, B, Pakrashi, V and Schoefs, F , Detection of Pitting Corrosion in Steel using Image Processing, MEDACHS 2010, La Rochelle, France, 2010
Dennehy, B. and Ghosh, B. , Public perception of ridership attractions of light-rail and bus transit in Dublin, Irish Transport Research Network, Dublin, 2010, 2010
Szeto, W. Y., Ghosh, B., Basu, B., & O'Mahony, M. , Multivariate Traffic Forecasting Technique Using Cell Transmission Model and SARIMA Model, Journal of Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers , 135, (9), 2009, p658 - 667
Ghosh, B., Basu, B. and O'Mahony, M., Multivariate Short-term Traffic Flow Forecasting Using Time-Series Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 10, (2), 2009, p246 - 254
Pakrashi, Vikram; Ghosh, Bidisha, Application of S transform in structural health monitoring, 7th International Symposium on Nondestructive Testing in Civil Engineering (NDTCE), Nantes, 2009
Pakrashi V and Ghosh B. , Damage Detection in Beams with an Open Crack using S Transform, 7th International Symposium on Non Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering (NDTCE) Conference, Nantes, France, 30 June -3 July 2009, 2009
Ghosh, B., Basu, B. and O'Mahony, M, Wavelet-Bayesian hierarchical stochastic model for short-term traffic flow at noncritical junctions, Procs of the 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January, 2008, ppCDROM
B.Ghosh, B. Basu. M. O'Mahony, Bayesian Time-Series Model for Short-term Traffic Flow Forecasting, Journal of Transportation Engineering, 133, (3), 2007, p180 - 189
Ghosh, Bidisha, Application of Time-series and Wavelet Analysis for Traffic Flow Modelling and Incident Detection, 2007
Ghosh, B., Basu, B. and O'Mahony, M. M. , Analysis of Trend in Traffic Flow, Proceedings of Institute of Engineering and Technology: Irish Signals and Systems Conference, 2006
Ghosh, B., Basu, B. and O'Mahony, M., Cell-based short-term traffic flow forecasting using time series modelling, Procs. of the 10th Conference of the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, 2005, 2005, pp317 - 326
Ghosh, Bidisha, Basu, B and O'Mahony, M, CELL-BASED SHORT-TERM TRAFFIC FLOW FORECASTING USING TIME SERIES MODELLING, Transportation and the Economy: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, December , 2005, pp317
B. Ghosh, B. Basu and M. O'Mahony, Time-series modelling for forecasting vehicular traffic flow in Dublin, 84th Transportation Research Board Conference, National Academies, Washington D.C., Jan, 2005, ppCDROM
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Bidisha Ghosh, Cycling: Impacts, Measurements and Network Integration, Seminar Series, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani , 2020
Bidisha Ghosh, Eco-driving: trends & potential impacts for Irish heavy-duty vehicles , Decarbonising Road Freight Workshop, Dublin Convention Centre, February, 2020
Bidisha Ghosh, Women Engineers in Academia, Alumni Seminar Series, Jadavpur University, June, 2020
Bidisha Ghosh, Economic and environmental impacts of organized Car Sharing Services: a case study of Ireland, RIDER-Jean Monnet Project: Seminar, Palermo, Italy, October, 2019
Bidisha Ghosh, Impacts of organized Car Sharing Services: a case study of Ireland, RIDER-Jean Monnet Project: Seminar, Palermo, Italy, October, 2019
Bidisha Ghosh, Image-Based Underwater Damage Assessment , Seminar Series, Madras Christian College, December , 2019
Bidisha Ghosh, Potential Health, Economic & Environmental Impact of Traffic Emissions, Seminar Series, IIT Madras, Chennai, 2019
Bidisha Ghosh, Health, Economic & Environmental Impact of Traffic Emissions, Seminar Series, IIT Madras, December , 2019
Bidisha Ghosh, Cycling: Measurements, Impacts and Network Integration, Seminar Series, National Technical University Athens, 04 October , 2018
Bidisha Ghosh, Intelligent Transportation System in 21st Century, Seminar Series, IIT Guwahati, December , 2018
Bidisha Ghosh, 'Traffic Data & Intelligent Transportation Systems', EXPOIngeniería2018, Medellin, Colombia, October, 2018
Gallagher, M., McNabola, A., Kamber, B., Gill, L.W., Ghosh, B., Alam, M.S., Particulate Matter from Diesel Vehicles: Emission & Exposure in Dublin, The 27th Irish Environmental Researchers Colloquium (Environ 2017) , Athlone, 10-12 April, 2017
Bidisha Ghosh, Real-time traffic modelling integrating weather for real-time traffic management, ITS Europe congress, Dublin, Ireland, June, 2013, Special session 0073pp
Bidisha Ghosh, Perceptions of Cycling Safety in Dublin, Dublin Cycling Campaign Monthly Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, November, 2012
Research Expertise
- Title
- Experimental and Numerical Characterisation of Low-Cost Roadside Barrier Solutions
- Summary
- The NRA is seeking low-cost roadside barrier solutions for National Secondary Roads suitable for implementation following road realignment projects. The current project proposes to use well-established computational modelling techniques to evaluate the potential for proposed new designs that are based on freely available low-cost natural building materials (e.g. stone wall, earth etc.) and which meet cost, aesthetic and engineering requirements. The proposed designs will simultaneously be evaluated for aesthetics and lifecycle cost and a cost/benefit analysis on the proposed designs will be performed by comparison with existing products. A scaled prototype of the final proposed design will be produced and physically crash tested to predict the likely performance of the proposed new design in a full-scale barrier test. If the scaled prototype physical test indicates a high potential for success, a full-scale barrier test will be performed at TRL in the UK.
- Funding Agency
- National Roads Authority (298,000, Co-PI)
- Date From
- 02-2011
- Date To
- 08-2013
- Title
- Testing, modelling and optimal design of noise barriers for Ireland
- Summary
- Noise barriers must satisfy a number of standards with regards to their acoustic performance in a laboratory environment along with their mechanical performance and general safety requirements. However these test methods are not developed with a view to on-site testing or to determine continued performance of barriers. The proposed project aims to improve current assessment procedures for determining the acoustic performance of road traffic noise reducing devices. This will initially involve an assessment of the current European standard method for determining values for sound reflection and airborne sound insulation for a noise barrier using an in-situ technique. An alternative, relatively cheap and rapid technique for measuring the in-situ performance of noise barriers will then be developed.
- Funding Agency
- National Roads Authority (142,000, Co-PI)
- Date From
- 10-2010
- Date To
- 10-2012
- Title
- ROTHAR: Route planning and network modelling for cyclists
- Summary
- In a road network, cyclists are the group exposed to the maximum amount of risk. Route choice of a cyclist is often based on level of expertise, perceived or actual road risks, personal decisions, weather conditions and a number of other factors. Consequently, cycling tends to be the only significant travel mode where optimised route choice is not based on least-path or least-time. The project will involve collecting a significant amount of data using Smart Phones from selectively chosen volunteer cyclists in Dublin representing a wide cross-section of the entire gamut of cyclists. A repository will be established for the cycling routes and other variables for anonymous but uniquely identified cyclists. Interrelationships and clustering for targeted sub-groups within cyclists will be explored from this data. The research will eventually develop a cycling network map of the city with all possible routes marked and indexed according to their safety, reliability, travel time, energy requirement and other attributes. This map would provide an invaluable tool to cyclists in terms of journey safety and time efficiency. CLARITY has funded 5000 for development of a smart-phone based app.
- Date From
- 10-2010
- Date To
- 10-2014
- Title
- Short-term modelling of traffic variable
- Summary
- Short-term Traffic Flow Forecasting (STFF), the process of predicting future traffic conditions based on historical and real-time observations is an essential aspect of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). This project aims at developing univariate and multivariate STTF algorithms using time-series and neural network algorithms. VARMA model, Structural time-series models, adaptive MLF & RBF models are used to develop new and efficient prediction algorithms using SCATS and MIDAS data. Along with this, vehicular air-pollution levels are also modelled and predicted.
- Date From
- 10-2008
- Date To
- 10-2012
- Title
- Automatic Detection of Damage using Image based Techniques in Underwater Marine Structures
- Summary
- This project proposes to automate damage detection in underwater marine structures using image based techniques. Access to underwater structures is usually limited and an automated detection can potentially very significantly improve the condition monitoring, operational complexity and financial implications related to deterioration of the structures. The project will develop image based techniques particularly suited to underwater conditions and automatically detect damage and related features of interest. Advanced image segmentation and texture analysis techniques will be significantly employed in this project. Isolation of diverse surface features like marine growth, dusty regions and presence of marine life will be established. Additionally, this image based Non-Destructive (ND) approach will explore the appropriateness and limitations of resurrecting archived image and video data of underwater inspections.
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 10-2011
- Date To
- 10-2014
- Title
- Use of hydroecological indicators in characterizing the hydrological flooding regime in karst areas of Ireland
- Summary
- The evidence for climate change in Ireland is growing, particularly in terms of increased frequency of intense rainfall periods (EPA,2007). The project involves modelling of short term and long term spatio-temporal changes in rainfall pattern over the last six decades in karst areas of Ireland. Project involves estimation of the impact of climate change on flooding events, utilizing a rainfall generation model, linked to a response model for groundwater flooding and the trends in the determined risk and also evaluation the effect of a changing hydrological regime on corresponding hydrochemistry and ecology through innovative use of ecological indicators for hydrological flood risk assessment.
- Funding Agency
- AXA (120,000, Co-PI)
- Date From
- 10-2010
- Date To
- 09-2013
Chair of the Irish Transportation Research Network (ITRN)
Member of Editorial Advisory Board: Transportation Research Part C
Member of the Transportation Research Board (Washington D.C.) Committee on Statistical Methods, (ABJ80)
IEEE Smart Cities Smart Mobility Technical Committee
Organising Committee and founding member of the Irish Transportation Research Network (ITRN)
Member of TCD Future Cities Steering Committee
International Member of the Transportation Research Board (Washington D.C.) Committee on Statistical Methods, (ABJ80)
COST Action TU0903: Methods and tools for supporting the use, calibration and validation of traffic simulation models (MULTITUDE)
COST ACTION TU0702: Real-time Monitoring, Surveillance and Control of Road Networks under Adverse Weather Conditions
Irish Transport Research Network
TRB Committee on Statistical Methods, ABJ80