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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Professor Brian Broderick
Professor, Civil Struct & Env. Eng.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Brian Broderick, Hollie Moore, Breiffni Fitzgerald, John Hickey, Validation of Acceleration Response Modelling for Modular High Rise Structures through Full Scale Monitoring, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Eurodyn 2023, 2647, IOP Publishing, 2024, pp242007 Conference Paper, 2024 URL

James McAuliffe, Shubham Baisthakur, Brian Broderick, and Breiffni Fitzgerald, Corrosion fatigue analysis of NREL's 15-MW offshore wind turbine with time-varying stress concentration factors, The Science of Making Torque from Wind (TORQUE 2024), Florence, 2024 Conference Paper, 2024 DOI URL TARA - Full Text

John Hickey; Hollie Moore; Brian Broderick; Breiffni Fitzgerald, Structural damping estimation from live monitoring of a tall modular building, The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, e2067, 2023 Journal Article, 2023

Ó Domhnaill, A., Broderick, B., O'Mahony, M., Integrated transportation and land use regression modelling for nitrogen dioxide mitigation, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment , 115, (103572), 2023 Journal Article, 2023 TARA - Full Text DOI

Ó Domhnaill, A. O"Mahony, M., Broderick, B., Hennessy, M., Donnelly, A., Naughton, O., Hurley, E., Carthy, P., Nolan, A., Moriarty, F. and Lyons, S., Impact of Nitrogen Dioxide on Health with Particular Emphasis on Vulnerable Groups, Environmental Protection Agency, 2023, p1 - 48 Report, 2023 URL

James McAuliffe, Shubham Baisthakur, Brian Broderick and Breiffni Fitzgerald, Improved fatigue life of floating offshore wind turbine towers with tuned mass damper inerters (TMDIs), XII International Conference on Structural Dynamics, Delft, 2023 Conference Paper, 2023 URL DOI TARA - Full Text

John Hickey, Hollie Moore, Brian Broderick, Breiffni Fitzgerald, Structural damping estimation from live monitoring of a tall modular building, The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 2023 Journal Article, 2023 TARA - Full Text DOI

Brian Broderick, Hollie Moore, Breiffni Fitzgerald and John Hickey, Validation of Acceleration Response Modelling for Modular High Rise Structures through Full Scale Monitoring, XII International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN), Delft, 2023 Conference Paper, 2023 URL DOI TARA - Full Text

John Hickey, Hollie Moore, Brian Broderick & Breiffni Fitzgerald , Damping Ratio Estimation for a Slender Modular Building from Full Scale Ambient Response Monitoring, Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures, Milan, 2023 Conference Paper, 2023 DOI TARA - Full Text

Hollie Moore, Breiffni Fitzgerald, John Hickey, Brian Broderick, The Effect of Acceleration Signal Length on the Outputs from Modal Identification Methods, 34th Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC), 2023 Conference Paper, 2023 TARA - Full Text DOI

John Hickey, Brian Broderick, Breiffni Fitzgerald, Hollie Moore, Mitigation of wind induced accelerations in tall modular buildings, Structures, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 TARA - Full Text DOI

John Hickey, Brian Broderick, Breiffni Fitzgerald, Hollie Moore, Mitigation of Wind Induced Accelerations in Tall Modular Buildings , Structures, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI TARA - Full Text

Perillo H., Broderick B.M., Gill L.W., McNabola A., Kumar P., Gallagher J., Spatiotemporal representativeness of air pollution monitoring in Dublin, Ireland, Science of the Total Environment, 827, (154299), 2022, p1-27 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

J Hickey, B Broderick, Regression models for predicting the inelastic seismic response of steel braced frames, J of Constructional Steel Research, 194, (107338), 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI TARA - Full Text

Hollie Moore, Brian Broderick, Breiffni Fitzgerald, Vincent Barrett, Shane Linehan, Model Validation for the Wind Response of Modular High-Rise Buildings through Full Scale Monitoring, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland, 2022 Conference Paper, 2022 TARA - Full Text

Hollie Moore, Brian Broderick and Breiffni Fitzgerald, Experimental and computational evaluation of modal identification techniques for structural damping estimation, International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2022 Conference Paper, 2022 DOI TARA - Full Text

Broderick, B.M and Ryan, T., Dynamic buckling of steel braces in concentrically braced frames, SeismiCON22, 3rd Intl Conf on Seismic Design and Analysis of Structures, 2022, pp12 - 21 Conference Paper, 2022

R Banuru, B Broderick, J Hickey, SB Singh, Vibration serviceability of modular tall buildings, Stability and Failure of High Performance Composite Structures, 2022, p221 - 248 Journal Article, 2022

J. Goggins, Y. Jiang, B.M. Broderick, S. Salawdeh, G.J. O'Reilly, A.Y. Elghazouli, H. Alwahsh, A. Bogdanovic, Z. Rakicevic, I. Gjorgjiev, A. Poposka, B. Petreski, I. Markovski, Shake Table Testing of Self"Centring Concentrically Braced Frames, ce/papers, Eurosteel 2021, Sheffield, 4, (2-4), 2021, pp1949 - 1956 Conference Paper, 2021

B.M. Broderick and A.W. Thomson, Cyclic testing of flush end-plate semi-rigid steel connections, STESSA, Montreal, 2021, pp135 - 140 Conference Paper, 2021

Hickey, J. and Broderick, B., Rapid Seismic Economic Loss Assessment for Steel Concentrically Braced Frames Designed to Eurocode 8, ce/papers, Eurosteel 2021, Sheffield, 4, (2-4), 2021, pp1856 - 1863 Conference Paper, 2021

Carthy, P., O'Domhnaill, A., O'Mahony. M., Broderick, B.M., Hennessy, M., Donnelly, A., Naughton, O. and Lyons, S, Local NO2 concentrations and asthma among over-50s in Ireland: a microdata analysis, International Journal of Epidemiology , 49, (6), 2020, p1899 - 1908 Journal Article, 2020 DOI TARA - Full Text

Byrne, C.P., Bennett, K.E., Hickey A., Kavanagh, P., Broderick, B., O'Mahony, M., Williams D.J., Short-Term Air Pollution as a Risk for Stroke Admission: A Time-Series Analysis, Cerebrovascular Diseases, Clinical Research in Stroke, 49, 2020, p404 - 411 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

P. McCready, Y. Jiang, S. Salawdeh, H. AlWahsh, B. Broderick, J. Goggins, Performance validation of a self-centring steel structure using robust data sets from shake table testing, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland 2020 , Cork, 2020, pp205 - 210 Conference Paper, 2020

B.M. Broderick and J. Hickey, Performance based design of concentrically braced frames using rapid performance assessment methods, 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering , Sendai, Japan, 3578, 2020 Conference Paper, 2020

B.M. Broderick and T. Ryan, The influence of dynamic buckling on brace compression forces in concentrically braced frames, 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering , Sendai, Japan, 3514 , 2020 Conference Paper, 2020

McCrum, D.P. and Simon, J. and Grimes, M. and Broderick, B.M. and Wrzesien, A. and Lim, J.B.P., Hybrid seismic testing of cold-formed steel moment-resisting frames, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings, 173, (2), 2020, p88-98 Journal Article, 2020

O'Mahony, M., Broderick, B., Hennessy, M. & Gallagher, J., Awareness of health impacts of NO2 and, potential responses to diesel vehicle bans and proposals to cease their production, Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., Jan, 2019, pp12 Conference Paper, 2019 TARA - Full Text

Salawdeh, S. and Ryan, T. and Broderick, B.M. and Goggins, J., DDBD assessment of steel CBFs using full scale shake table tests with realistic connections, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 154, 2019, p14-26 Journal Article, 2019

Colm Byrne, Kathleen Bennett, Anne Hickey, Paul Kavanagh, Brian Broderick, Margaret O'Mahony, David Williams, Acute Incidence of Disease at Elevated Levels of Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in Dublin, Ireland, Age and Ageing, 48, (Supplment 3), 2019, piii17-iii65 Journal Article, 2019

John Hickey and Brian Broderick, Methods for predicting peak inelastic drift and acceleration response of concentrically braced frame structures, OpenSEES Days Eurasia 2019, Hong Kong, 20-21 June 2019, edited by A. Usmani, G. Monti and M. A. Orabi , 2019, pp222 - 229 Conference Paper, 2019

Brian Broderick, John Hickey and Terence Ryan, A model updating algorithm for hybrid simulation leading to improved OpenSEES modelling accuracy for CBF structures, OpenSEES Days Eurasia 2019 , Hong Kong, 20-21 June 2019, edited by A. Usmani, G. Monti and M. A. Orabi , 2019, pp61 - 68 Conference Paper, 2019

Hickey, J. and Broderick, B., Influence of mean period of ground motion on inelastic drift demands in CBFs designed to Eurocode 8, Engineering Structures, 182, 2019, p172-184 Journal Article, 2019 URL

McCrum, D.P. and Simon, J. and Grimes, M. and Broderick, B.M. and Lim, J.B.P. and Wrzesien, A.M., Experimental cyclic performance of cold-formed steel bolted moment resisting frames, Engineering Structures, 181, 2019, p1-14 Journal Article, 2019

Hickey, J. and Broderick, B., Loss impact factors for lifetime seismic loss assessment of steel concentrically braced frames designed to EC8, Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, 4, (3), 2019, p110-122 Journal Article, 2019

T. Ryan, B. Broderick and J. Hickey, Assessing a modified approach to the design of Concentrically Braced Frames for Earthquake Loading using Non-Linear Analysis, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland, Dublin, 2018 Conference Paper, 2018

Wrzesien A, Poladi P, Lim J, Simon J, Broderick B, McCrum D, Effect of bolt hole clearance on the sway deflections of cold-formed steel portal frames, International Conference on Engineering Research and Practice for Steel , Hong Kong, 2018 Conference Paper, 2018

Abhijith, K.V., Kumar, P., Rai, A.C., Di Sabatino, S., Pulvirenti, B., Pilla, F., Gallagher, J., McNabola, A., Baldauf, R., Broderick, B., Drebs, A., Jylhä, K, Exposure reduction by green vegetation barriers in near-road environments: The Guildford iSCAPE case study, 98th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, 7-11 January 2018, 2018, ppJ21.1 Conference Paper, 2018

Naughton O., Donnelly A., Nolan P., Pilla F., Misstear B.D.R. and Broderick B., A land use regression model for explaining spatial variation in air pollution levels using a wind sector based approach, Science of the Total Environment, 630, 2018, p1324 - 1334 Journal Article, 2018

Alma Narcy, Brian Broderick and Maria Nogel, An assessment of the utility of ANSYS structural modelling for the seismic retrofit of steel building frames, CERI 2018, Civil Engineering Conference in Ireland , Dublin, August 2018, 2018 Conference Paper, 2018

Goggins, J. and Broderick, B.M. and Elghazouli, A.Y. and Salawdeh, S. and Hunt, A. and Mongabure, P. and English, J., Shake Table Testing of Concentrically Braced Steel Structures With Realistic Connection Details Subjected to Earthquakes, Structures, 13, 2018, p102-118 Journal Article, 2018

Hassan, M.S. and Salawdeh, S. and Hunt, A. and Broderick, B.M. and Goggins, J., A study on detailing gusset plate and bracing members in concentrically braced frame structures, Advances in Computational Design, 3, (3), 2018, p233-267 Journal Article, 2018

Gallagher, J., Broderick, B., Kumar, P., McNabola, A. & Pilla, F., Passive Control Systems for Improving Air Quality in Urban Street Canyons: The Origins, Current State of Art and Next Steps. , AAAR 36th Annual Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, , October 16-20, 2017 Conference Paper, 2017

John Hickey and Brian Broderick, Lifetime seismic performance assessment of steel frame structures, EUROSTEEL 2017, 8th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 13-15, 201, 2017, pp3229 - 3238 Conference Paper, 2017

John Hickey, Brian Broderick and Terence Ryan, Evaluating the use of OpenSEES for lifetime seismic performance assessment of steel frame structures , OpenSees Days Europe 2017 - 1st European Conference on OpenSees , Porto, Portugal, June 19-20 2017, edited by H. Varum, J.M. Castro, L. Macedo, N. Pereira, X. Romao and G. Monti , 2017, pp105 - 108 Conference Paper, 2017

Ryan T., Broderick B.M., Hunt A., Goggins, J. and Salawdeh S., Recommendations for numerical modelling of concentrically braced steel frames with gusset plate connections subjected to earthquake ground motion, Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, 2, (3), 2017, p168 - 180 Journal Article, 2017

T. Ryan, B. Broderick, S. Salawdeh and John Hickey , An Integrated Experimental and Numerical assessment of Force- Based Design for Concentrically Braced Steel Frames, EUROSTEEL 2017, 8th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 13-15, 201, 2017, pp3190 - 3199 Conference Paper, 2017

Abhijith KV, Kumar P, Gallagher J, McNabola, A, Baldauf R, Pilla F, Broderick BM, Di Sabatino S, Pulvirenti B., Air Pollution Abatement Performances of Green Infrastructure in Open Road and Built-up Street Canyon Environments - A Review, Atmospheric Environment, 162, 2017, p71 - 86 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Salawdeh, S. and English, J. and Goggins, J. and Elghazouli, A.Y. and Hunt, A. and Broderick, B.M., Shake table assessment of gusset plate connection behaviour in concentrically braced frames, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 138, 2017, p432-448 Journal Article, 2017

West, R., Basu, B., Broderick, B., McGranaghan, G. , Developing a deeper understanding of structural dynamics, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference 2016, Galway, Ireland , 29th - 30th August, 2016, pp421 - 426 Conference Paper, 2016

Donnelly, A., Naughton, O., Broderick, B. and Misstear, B., Short-Term Forecasting of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Levels Using a Hybrid Statistical and Air Mass History Modelling Approach., Environmental Modelling and Assessment., 2016 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

T. Ryan, B. Broderick, A. Hunt, J. Goggins and S. Salawdeh, Recommendations for numerical modelling of concentrically braced steel frames with gusset plate connections subjected to earthquake ground motion, Civil Engineering Research in Ireland, Galway, August 2016, 2016, pp509 - 514 Conference Paper, 2016

Donnelly A., Naughton O., Misstear B.D.R and Broderick B., Maximizing the spatial representativeness of NO2 monitoring data using a combination of local wind-based sectoral division and seasonal and diurnal correction factors, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, 2016 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Pilla F. and Broderick B.M, A GIS model for personal exposure to PM10 for Dublin commuters, Sustainable Cities and Society, 15, 2015, p1 - 15 Journal Article, 2015

Montanari, L. and Spagnoli, A. and Basu, B. and Broderick, B., On the effect of spatial sampling in damage detection of cracked beams by continuous wavelet transform, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 345, 2015, p233-249 Journal Article, 2015

Donnelly, A.A. and Broderick, B.M. and Misstear, B.D., The effect of long-range air mass transport pathways on PM10 and NO2 concentrations at urban and rural background sites in Ireland: Quantification using clustering techniques, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 50, (7), 2015, p647-658 Journal Article, 2015

Broderick, B.M. and Goggins, J. and Beg, D. and Elghazouli, A.Y. and Mongabure, P. and Le Maoult, A. and Hunt, A. and Salawdeh, S. and Moze, P. and O†Reilly, G. and Sinur, F., Assessment of the seismic response of concentrically-braced steel frames, Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering, 35, 2015, p327-344 Journal Article, 2015

Basu, B. and Broderick, B.M. and Montanari, L. and Spagnoli, A., Optimal sampling in damage detection of flexural beams by continuous wavelet transform, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 628, (1), 2015 Journal Article, 2015

Lorenzo Montanari, Biswajit Basu, Andrea Spagnoli and Brian Broderick, A padding method to reduce edge effects for enhanced damage identification using wavelet analysis, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 52-53, 2015, p264 - 277 Journal Article, 2015

Donnelly A., Misstear B.D.R and Broderick B. , Real time air quality forecasting using integrated parametric and non-parametric regression techniques, Atmospheric Environment, 103, 2015, p53-65 Journal Article, 2015 TARA - Full Text DOI

McCrum, D.P. and Broderick, B.M., Seismic assessment of a steel braced plan mass symmetric/asymmetric building structure, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 101, 2014, p133-142 Journal Article, 2014

Broderick, BM; Goggins, J; Elghazouli, AY; Beg, D; Hunt, A; Salawdeh, S; Mongabure, P , Shake table testing of concentrically braced steel frames with various gusset plate designs, 2nd European conference on earthquake engineering and seismology (2ECEES), Istanbul, Turkey, 2014 Conference Paper, 2014

Spagnoli, Andrea Montanari, Lorenzo Basu, Biswajit Broderick, Brian , Nonlinear Damage Identification in Fiber-reinforced Cracked Composite Beams through Time-space Wavelet Analysis , Procedia Materials Science , 3 , (0 ), 2014, p1579 - 1584 Journal Article, 2014 DOI TARA - Full Text URL

L. Montanari, B. Basu, A. Spagnoli and B. Broderick, Damage Assessment in a Cracked Fiber-Reinforced Cantilever Beam Using Wavelet-Kurtosis Techniques, DAMAS 2013 International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures , Dublin, 8-10 July 2013, 2013 Conference Paper, 2013

McCrum, D.P. and Broderick, B.M., Evaluation of a substructured soft-real time hybrid test for performing seismic analysis of complex structural systems, Computers and Structures, 129, 2013, p111-119 Journal Article, 2013

McCreddin A., Broderick B.M., Gill L.W. McNabola A., Personal exposure to air pollution in office workers in Ireland: measurement, analysis and implications, Toxics special issue: Risk Assessment of Environmental Contaminants, 1, 2013, p60 - 76 Journal Article, 2013 TARA - Full Text DOI

McCrum D.P, Broderick, B.M., An experimental and numerical investigation into the seismic performance of a multi-storey concentrically braced plan irregular building, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 11, (6), 2013, p2363 - 2385 Journal Article, 2013

Kenny, A., Broderick, B., McCrum, D. P., Optimization of a Tuned Liquid Column Damper for Building Structures, Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics, Pisa, Italy, June 2013, 2013 Conference Paper, 2013

Lorenzo Montanari, Biswajit Basu, Andrea Spagnoli and Brian Broderick, Damage assessment in a cracked fiber-reinforced cantilever beam using wavelet-Kurtosis techniques, Key Engineering Materials, 569-570, 2013, p1226 - 1233 Journal Article, 2013

Ganguly, R and Broderick, B M, Estimation of NOx concentrations for an urban street canyon in Ireland, International Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2013 Journal Article, 2013

Ganguly, R. and Broderick, B.M., Performance Evaluation of a General Finite Line Source Model for NOx concentrations obtained from a motorway in Ireland., International Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2013 Journal Article, 2013

Pilla, F. Broderick, B. Kinnane, O., A GIS model for personal exposure to PM10 for Dublin commuters, Environ 2013, NUIG Galway, January 2013, 2013 Conference Paper, 2013

Pilla F., Broderick B., Britter R., Sustainable cities inhabitants' exposure: real-time measurement with a mobile network of sensors, Urban Environmental Pollution (UEP), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2012 Poster, 2012

Pilla F., Broderick B., A GIS model for commuters' exposure to air pollutants, 8th International Conference on Urban Climate (ICUC8), Dublin, Ireland, 2012 Poster, 2012 TARA - Full Text

Pilla F., Broderick B., A GIS model for the inhabitants' exposure to PM10 while commuting to work, Urban Environmental Pollution (UEP), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2012 Poster, 2012

Pilla F., Broderick B., Sustainable cities: a GIS model for predicting the inhabitants' exposure to air pollutants while commuting to work, Sino-European Symposium on Environment and Health (SESEH 2012), Galway, Ireland, 2012 Poster, 2012

Pilla F., King E., Broderick B., Britter R., Real-time measurement of inhabitants exposure to noise and air pollutants with a network of sensors, PURBA 2012, IBM Second Workshop on Pervasive Urban Applications, Newcastle, UK, June 18-22, 2012, 2012 Conference Paper, 2012 TARA - Full Text

Pilla F., Broderick B., Britter R., Real-time assessment of inhabitants' exposure to air pollutants with a hybrid network of sensors, Sino-European Symposium on Environment and Health (SESEH 2012), Galway, Ireland, 2012 Poster, 2012

Pilla F., Broderick B., Britter R., Sustainable cities inhabitants' exposure to PM10: real-time assessment with a hybrid network of sensors, 8th International Conference on Urban Climate (ICUC8), Dublin, Ireland, 2012 Poster, 2012 TARA - Full Text

Donnelly, A. Broderick, B. and Misstear, B., A novel method for defining hourly background NO2 and PM10 concentrations for use in local air quality modelling studies and comparison to exisiting practises, International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 7, (4), 2012, p428-445 Journal Article, 2012

Pilla F., Broderick B., Britter R, Sustainable cities inhabitants" exposure to PM10: real-time assessment with a hybrid network of sensors, 8th International Conference on Urban Climate (ICUC8), 523, 2012 Conference Paper, 2012

AD Hunt and BM Broderick, Seismic testing of concentrically braced frame models for the BRACED Project , Stessa 2012: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas, Santiago, Chile, January 9 - 11, 2012, 2012, pp165 - 170 Conference Paper, 2012 DOI

B. M. Broderick and D. P. McCrum, An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Seismic Response of Plan Irregular Multi-Storey Concentrically-Braced Buildings, Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-28 Sep 2012, 2012 Conference Paper, 2012

DP McCrum and BM Broderick, Seismic Evaluation of a Braced Plan Irregular Steel Structures Using Hybrid Testing, Stessa 2012: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas, Santiago, Chile, 2012, pp157 - 163 Conference Paper, 2012 DOI

Donnelly, A, Broderick, B.M and Misstear, B.D.M, Relationship of background NO2 concentrations in air to back trajectories through parametic and non-parametric regression methods: application at two background sites in Ireland, Journal of Environmental Modelling and Assessment, 17, 2012, p363 - 373 Journal Article, 2012

A.D. Hunt and B.M. Broderick , Quasi-Static Testing and Correlative Dynamic Analysis of Concentrically Braced Frames with Hollow Steel Braces and Gusset Plate Connections , 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-28 Sep 2012, 2012 Conference Paper, 2012

Broderick B., Hunt A., Goggins J., Elghazouli A.Y., Le Maoult A., Beg D., Queval J., Plumier A., Concentrically Braced Frame Model for Seismic Testing , Eurosteel 2011, Budapest, 2011, pp1137 - 1142 Conference Paper, 2011

A. Donnelly, B.D.R. Misstear and B. Broderick, Application of nonparametric regression methods to study the relationship between NO2 concentrations and local wind direction and speed at background sites', Science of the Total Environment, 409, 2011, p1134 - 1144 Journal Article, 2011

Ganguly, R and Broderick, B.M., Application of urban street canyon models for predicting vehicular pollution in an urban area in Dublin, Ireland, International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 44, (1-4), 2011, p48 - 52 Journal Article, 2011

Lawson, A.R., Ghosh, B., Broderick, B. , Prediction of Traffic-Related Nitrogen Oxides Concentrations using Structural Time Series Models, Atmospheric Environment, 45, (27), 2011, p4719-4727 Journal Article, 2011 TARA - Full Text

McNabola A., McCreddin A., Broderick B.M., Gill L.W., Analysis of the relationship between urban background air pollution concentrations and the personal exposure of office workers in Dublin, Ireland, using baseline separation techniques, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2, (1), 2011, p80 - 88 Journal Article, 2011 TARA - Full Text DOI

McCreddin A., Broderick B., Gill L., McNabola A., An activity / location particulate matter personal exposure study in Dublin, Ireland, Environmental Health 2011 - Resetting our Priorities, Salvador, Brazil, 6-9 February, 2011, pp1 - 8 Conference Paper, 2011

McCrum D and Broderick B.M., Seismic analysis of a multi-storey concentrically braced steel asymmetric irregular structure, 11th International Symposium on Structural Engineering, Guangzhou, China, 2010, pp2078 - 2083 Conference Paper, 2010

J.E. Deenihan and B.M. Broderick, Inelastic performance of high strength concrete composite columns subject to earthquake loading conditions , 14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Ohrid, Macedonia, 30 Aug - 3 Sep 2010, 2010, pp1243 - 1250 Conference Paper, 2010

J.Deenihan and B.M. Broderick, Seismic Performance of High Strength Concrete Composite Columns , Proceedings of the Joint Symposium on Bridge & Infrastructure Research in Ireland, and Concrete Research in Ireland, Cork, edited by N.A. Ni Nuallain, D. Walsh and R. West , 2010 Conference Paper, 2010

D.P. McCrum and B.M. Broderick, Seismic Analysis Using the Real-time Hybrid Test Method, Proceeding of the Joint Symposium on Bridge & Infrastructure Research in Ireland, and Concrete Research in Ireland, Cork, edited by N.A. Ni Nuallain, D. Walsh and R. West , 2010 Conference Paper, 2010

A. Hunt and B.M.Broderick, Modelling Earthquake Resistant Connections of Hollow and Filled Steel Braces, Proceedings of the Joint Symposium on Bridge & Infrastructure Research in Ireland, and Concrete Research in Ireland, Cork, edited by N.A. Ni Nuallain, D. Walsh and R. West , 2010 Conference Paper, 2010

Ganguly, R., Broderick, B.M., Estimation of CO concentrations for an urban street canyon in Ireland, Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health, 3, (4), 2010, p195 - 202 Journal Article, 2010

A. Donnelly, B. Broderick & B.D.R. Misstear, Assessing background air pollutant concentrations for modelling studies: evaluation of addition equations under Irish conditions, Air Pollution XIII, Kos, Greece, 21-23 June 2010, edited by C.A Brebbie & J.W.S. Longhurst , WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Volume 136, 2010, pp25 - 36 Conference Paper, 2010

Ganguly, R. and Broderick, B.M., A hybrid model for better predicting capabilities under parallel wind conditions for NOx concentrations from highways in Ireland, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 15, 2010, p513 - 521 Journal Article, 2010

Pilla F., Broderick B., Virtual personal exposure assessments: a better informed citizen, TRA Transport Research Arena 2010, Brussels, Belgium, 2010 Poster, 2010

D.P. McCrum and B.M. Broderick , Seismic Analysis of a Concentrically Braced Steel Asymmetric Irregular Building Structure, 14th European Conf Earthquake Engineering, Ohrid, Macedonia, 30 Aug - 3 Sep 2010, 2010 Conference Paper, 2010

D.P. McCrum and B.M. Broderick, Seismic Analysis and Hybrid Testing of a Multi-storey Concentrically Braced Irregular Asymmetric Structure, Proceedings of SECED Young Engineers Conference, London, 2010 Conference Paper, 2010

McNabola, A, Broderick, B.M. and Gill, L.W., A numerical analysis of the aspiration efficiency, International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 41, (1/2), 2010, p109 - 123 Journal Article, 2010

R. Ganguly and B. M. Broderick, Development of models for predicting roadside nitrogen dioxide concentrations and their evaluation against datasets measured in Dublin, Ireland , Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment , 14, (4), 2009, p231 - 239 Journal Article, 2009

McNabola, A, Broderick, B.M. and Gill, L.W., A principal components analysis of the factors effecting personal exposure to air pollution, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 44, (12), 2009, p1219 - 1226 Journal Article, 2009

Goggins J. & Broderick B. M., 'Condition monitoring of building structures during earthquakes using a wavelet-based analysis technique, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies, Dublin, Ireland, 23-25 June 2009, 2009, pp247- Conference Paper, 2009

O'Donoghue R and Broderick BM, Local and regional sources of C2-C8 hydrocarbon concentrations at a sub-urban motorway site (M4) in Ireland, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 155, (1-4), 2009, p13-29 Journal Article, 2009

R. Ganguly, B.M. Broderick and R.T. O'Donoghue, Assessment of a General Finite Line Source Model and CALINE4 for vehicular pollution prediction in Ireland, Environmental Modelling and Assessment, 14, 2009, p113 - 125 Journal Article, 2009

McNabola, A., Broderick, B.M., Gill, L.W, The Impacts of inter-vehicle spacing on in-vehicle air pollution concentrations in idling urban traffic conditions, Transport Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 14, (8), 2009, p567 - 575 Journal Article, 2009

A. McNabola, B.M. Broderick, L.W. Gill, A numerical investigation of the impact of low boundary walls, Science of the Total Environment, 407, (2), 2009, p760 - 769 Journal Article, 2009

McNabola, A. Broderick, B.M. and Gill, L.W., Reduced exposure to air pollution on the boardwalk in Dublin, Ireland. Measurement and prediction, Environment International, 34, (1), 2008, p86 - 93 Journal Article, 2008

Collins, R., Basu, B., and Broderick, B.M., Bang-Bang and Semiactive Control with Variable Stiffness TMDs, Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 134, (2), 2008, p310 - 317 Journal Article, 2008

R. Ganguly and B.M. Broderick, Performance evaluation and sensitivity analysis of the General Finite Line Source Model for CO concentrations adjacent to motorways: a note, Transportation Research Part D, 13, 2008, p198 - 205 Journal Article, 2008

B.M. Broderick, A.Y. Elghazouli and J. Goggins, Earthquake testing and response analysis of concentrically-braced sub-frames, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 64, 2008, p997 - 1007 Journal Article, 2008

Validation of Computational Fluid Dynamics Model of Air Pollution Dispersion in a Street Canyon. Using Personal Exposure Data. in, editor(s)S.A. Lynch and L.K. Moore , Air Quality: New Research, New York, Nova Publishers, 2008, ppChapter 10 p1-14. , [A. McNabola, B.M. Broderick, L.W Gill] Book Chapter, 2008

Delaney, K., Broderick, B. and O 'Donoghue, R.T., Assessment of the air quality benefits of a town by-pass scheme, 16th Irish Environmental Researchers' Colloquium, Dublin, 27-29 January 2006, edited by Moles, R. , ESAI, 2008, pp40 - 43 Conference Paper, 2008

Murtagh, P.J., Ghosh, A., Basu, B. and Broderick, B.M., Passive-control of wind turbine vibrations including blade/tower interaction and rotationally sampled turbulence, Wind Energy, 11, (4), 2008, p305 - 317 Journal Article, 2008

McNabola, A, Broderick, B.M. and Gill, L.W., Relative exposure to fine particulate matter and VOCs between transport microenvironments in Dublin: Personal exposure and uptake, Atmospheric Environment, 42, (26), 2008, p6496 - 6512 Journal Article, 2008

Ganguly, R., Broderick, B.M. and O'Donoghue, R.T., Applicability of a general finite line source model for vehicular pollution prediction in Ireland, 16th Irish Environmental Researchers' Colloquium, Dublin, 27-29 January 2006, edited by Moles, R. , ESAI, 2008, pp84 - 89 Conference Paper, 2008

R. Ganguly and B.M. Broderick, Application of a General Finite Line Source Model for predicting benzene concentration on the M50 motorway in Ireland, International Conference on Civil Engineering in the new Millennium: Opportunities and Challenges (CENeM -2007), Shibpur, India , 2007, 2007 Conference Paper, 2007

B.M. Broderick and R. Ganguly, Evaluation, inter-comparison and sensitivity of two street canyon models in Dublin, Ireland, Proc 11th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Cambridge, UK, 2007 Conference Paper, 2007

B.M. Broderick and R.T. O'Donoghue, Spatial variation of roadside C2-C6 hydrocarbon concentrations during low wind speeds: Validation of CALINE4 and COPERT III modelling , Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment , 12, (8), 2007, p537 - 547 Journal Article, 2007

Goggins, J., Broderick, B.M., Basu, B. and Elghazouli, A.Y., Investigation of the seismic response of braced frames using wavelet analysis, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 14, (4), 2007, p627 - 648 Journal Article, 2007

R.T. O'Donoghue, B.M. Broderick and K. Delaney, Assessing the impacts of infrastructural road changes on air quality: A case study , Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment , 12, (8), 2007, p529 - 536 Journal Article, 2007

P.J. Murtagh, B.Basu and B.M. Broderick, A gust response factor methodology for wind turbine tower assemblies, Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 133, (1), 2007, p139 - 144 Journal Article, 2007

R.T. O'Donoghue, L.W. Gill, R.J. McKevitt and B.M. Broderick, Exposure to hydrocarbon concentrations while commuting or exercising in Dublin, Environment International, 33, 2007, p1 - 8 Journal Article, 2007

R.T. O'Donoghue and B.M. Broderick, Spatial variation of roadside C2-C6 hydrocarbon concentrations during low wind speeds: A note , Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment , 12, (8), 2007, p589 - 595 Journal Article, 2007

Goggins J. M., Broderick B. M., Elghazouli A. Y., 'Investigation of the performance of concentrically braced steel frames during earthquakes, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures ICSAS'07, Oxford, UK, 24-27 July 2007, 2007, pp068- Conference Paper, 2007

A. MacNabola, B.M. Broderick, L.W. Gill, Optimal cycling and walking speed for minimum absorption, Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A, 42, 2007, p1999 - 2007 Journal Article, 2007

O'Donoghue, R.T. and Broderick, B.M., C-2-C-6 background hydrocarbon concentrations monitored at a roof top and green park site, in Dublin City centre, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 132, (1-3), 2007, p491 - 501 Journal Article, 2007

Murtagh, P.J., B.Basu, C.Wong, K.McNamara and B.M.Broderick, Along-wind dynamic response of reduced scale wind turbine tower and rotating blades assembly , Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics , 2006 Journal Article, 2006

R Collins, B Basu, BM Broderick , Vibration Control of Wind Turbine Towers using Active and Semi-Active Tuned Mass Dampers, Solar Energy Society UK Section Conference, London, 2006, pp95 - 101 Conference Paper, 2006

A. McNabola., B.M. Broderick, P.M. Johnston and L.W. Gill, Effects of the smoking ban on benzene and 1, 3 butadiene levels in pubs in Dublin, J. Env Sci and Health Part A: Toxic /Hazardous Substances and Env Engng, 41, (5), 2006, p799 - 810 Journal Article, 2006

K.G Delaney, B.M Broderick, R.T O'Donoghue, Assessment of air quality benefits of a new town by-pass motorway, Proc.2nd Intl Conf on Environment and Transport, Reims, France, 2006 Conference Paper, 2006

B.M. Broderick, U.G. Budd, B.D. Misstear, S.G. Jennings and D. Cebrunis, Air pollution: analysis of air dispersion models for Irish road conditions - synthesis report, Wexford, Environmental Protection Agency, 2006, 30pp Book, 2006

R. Ganguly and B.M. Broderick, Application of General Finite Line Source Model to Predict Carbon Monoxide concentration adjacent to a motorway in Ireland, Proceedings of 2nd International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation , Guwahati, India, 2006, pp1810 - 1816 Conference Paper, 2006

Goggins J., Basu B., Broderick B. M. & Elghazouli A.Y., 'Wavelet-based analysis of concentrically braced frames subjected to earthquake loading, Proceedings of the 3rd European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Granada, Spain, July 5-7, 2006, 2006 Conference Paper, 2006

B.M. Broderick, J.M. Goggins and A.Y. Elghazouli, Experimental behaviour of hollow and filled RHS bracing members under earthquake loading, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete V, Mpumulanga, South Africa , 2006, pp698 - 707 Conference Paper, 2006

R. Ganguly, and B.M. Broderick, Application of a General Finite Line Source Model to predict hydrocarbon concentrations at the M50 motorway in Ireland, Proc ISSEC Annual Symposium, Belfast, 2006, pp111 - 114 Conference Paper, 2006

J.M. Goggins, B.M. Broderick, A.Y. Elghazouli and A.S. Lucas, Behaviour of tubular steel members under cyclic axial loading, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 62, 2006, p121 - 131 Journal Article, 2006

Goggins J., Basu B., Broderick B.M., Elghazouli A.Y. , 'Earthquake damage detection in concentrically-braced frames using wavelet analysis, Proceedings of STESSA 2006 "Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas"- 5th International Conference, Yokohama, Japan, 2006, pp197- Conference Paper, 2006

R. Ganguly, U. Budd, B.M. Broderick and B.D. Misstear, Applicability of a screening model at motorway and roundabout sites in Ireland, 9th World Conference on Environmental Health, Dublin, 18-23 June 2006, 2006, pp1 - 15 Conference Paper, 2006

R. Collins, B. Basu, and B.M. Broderick, Control strategy using bang-bang and minimax principle for FRF with ATMDs, Engineering Structures, 28, 2006, p349 - 356 Journal Article, 2006

McNabola, A., Broderick, B.M. and Gill, L.W., An experimental and numerical investigation of idling traffic., Proceedings of the Second IASTED International Conference on Environmental Modeling and Simulation, US Virgin Islands, 2006, 2006, pp37 - 42 Conference Paper, 2006

Ruth Collins, Biswajit Basu and Brian M. Broderick, Vibration Control of Wind Turbine Towers Using Active and Semi-Active Tuned Mass Dampers, Renewable Energy in Maritime Island Climates, Dublin Institute of Technology, Bolton Street, Dublin 1, Ireland, 26-28 April 2006, 2006, pp95 - 100 Conference Paper, 2006

J.M. Goggins, B.M. Broderick, and A.Y. Elghazouli, Recommendations for the earthquake resistant design of braced steel frames, Proc. 1st European Conf on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, 2006, 2006, pp966 Conference Paper, 2006

J.M. Goggins, B.M. Broderick, B. Basu and A.Y. Elghazouli, Equivalent time-varying stiffness of braced frames using wavelet analysis, Proc. 1st European Conf on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, 2006, 2006, pp955 Conference Paper, 2006

R. Collins, B. Basu, B. M. Broderick, Optimal design of multiple tuned mass dampers (MTMDS) for wind turbine towers using SSA, Proceedings of the SECED Young Engineers Conference, Bath, 2005, ppCD ROM Conference Paper, 2005

B.M. Broderick, U. Budd, B.D. Misstear, D. Ceburnis and S.G. Jennings, Validation of CALINE4 modelling for carbon monoxide concentrations under free-flowing and congested traffic conditions in Ireland, International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 24, 2005, p104 - 113 Journal Article, 2005

Paul J. Murtagh, Biswajit Basu and Brian M. Broderick, Effect of aerodynamic damping on the damped natural frequencies and mode shapes of towers supporting utilities, Proceedings of the SECED Young Engineers Conference, Bath, UK, 2005 Conference Paper, 2005

A.Y. Elghazouli, B.M. Broderick, J.M. Goggins, P.G. Carydis, H. Moussopoulous, A. Plumier and J.G Bouwkamp, Shake table testing of steel frames with tubular bracing members , Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Structures and Buildings, 158, 2005, p229 - 241 Journal Article, 2005

B.M. Broderick, J.M. Goggins and A.Y. Elghazouli, Cyclic performance of steel and composite bracing members, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 61 , 2005, p493 - 514 Journal Article, 2005

B.M. Broderick and A.W. Thomson, Moment-rotation response of flush end-plate joints under cyclic loading, Internationall Journal of Steel Structs, 5 , 2005, p441 - 452 Journal Article, 2005

Goggins J. M., Broderick B. M., Elghazouli A. Y., Seismic behaviour and design of bracing members, Proceedings of EUROSTEEL 2005 Conference, Maastrict, Netherlands, 8 -10 June 2005, 2005, pp424- Conference Paper, 2005

McNabola A., Broderick B.M., Johnston P.M. and Gill L.W, New Directions: Improved atmosphere in pubs due to the smoking ban in Ireland, Atmospheric Environment, 39 , 2005, p4815 - 4816 Journal Article, 2005

Paul J. Murtagh, Biswajit Basu and Brian M. Broderick, Identification of modal damping ratios for a simplified wind turbine tower using Fourier analysis, Proceedings of the 20th Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise (ASME), Long Beach, CA, USA, 2005 Conference Paper, 2005

P. J. Murtagh, B. Basu and B. M. Broderick, Identification of modal damping ratios for a simplified wind turbine tower using Fourier analysis, Proceedings of the 20th Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, California, September, 2005, ppCD ROM Conference Paper, 2005 DOI

Paul J. Murtagh, Biswajit Basu and Brian M. Broderick, Effect of closely spaced modes on the gust response factor, Proceedings of the SECED Young Engineers Conference, Bath, Uk, 2005, pp5 Conference Paper, 2005

J.M. Goggins, B.M. Broderick, and A.Y. Elghazouli, Experimental cyclic response of cold-formed hollow steel bracing members, Engineering Structures, 27 , 2005, p977 - 989 Journal Article, 2005

P.J. Murtagh, B.Basu and B.M. Broderick, Along-wind response of a wind turbine tower with blade coupling subjected to rotationally sampled wind loading, Engineering Structures, 27 , 2005, p1209 - 1219 Journal Article, 2005

P. J. Murtagh, B. Basu and B. M. Broderick, Response of wind turbines including soil-structure interaction, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Rome, 30 Aug - 2 Sep, Paper no 270, 2005, ppCD ROM Conference Paper, 2005

P. J. Murtagh, R.M. Collins, B. Basu and B. M. Broderick, Dynamic response and vibration control of wind turbine towers, IEI Journal, 58, (7), 2004, p468 - 475 Journal Article, 2004

B.M. Broderick, J.M. Goggins and A.Y. Elghazouli, Cyclic behaviour of hollow and filled axially-loaded members, 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, August 2004, 2004, pp2589 Conference Paper, 2004

Goggins J. M., Broderick B. M., Lucas, A. S., Cyclic response of cold-formed hollow steel bracing members, Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, Cape Town, South Africa, 5-7 July 2004, 2004, pp269- Conference Paper, 2004

Paul J. Murtagh, Biswajit Basu and Brian M. Broderick, FRFs for wind turbine lattice towers subjected to rotor mass imbalance, 3rd International Symposium on Multi-body Dynamics: Monitoring and Simulation Techniques, Loughborough, UK, 2004, pp155 - 162 Conference Paper, 2004

A.Y. Elghazouli, B.M. Broderick, J.M. Goggins, H. Mouzakis, P. Carydis, A. Plumier, J. Bouwkamp, Shake-table testing and seismic performance evaluation of bracing members, 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, August 2004, 2004, pp2386 Conference Paper, 2004

Broderick B. M., Goggins J. M., Elghazouli A. Y., 'Experimental behaviour of hollow and filled RHS bracing members under earthquake loading, Proceedings of COMPOSITE CONSTRUCTION V, ASCE, Kruger National Park, South Africa, 18 to 23 July, 2004, 2004 Conference Paper, 2004

P. J. Murtagh, B. Basu and B. M. Broderick, Wind force time-history generation by Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), 3rd International Symposium on Multi-body Dynamics: Monitoring and Simulation Techniques, Loughborough, 2004, pp147 - 154 Conference Paper, 2004

P.J. Murtagh, B.Basu and B.M. Broderick, Simple models for the natural frequencies and mode shapes of towers supporting utilities, Computers & Structures, 82 , (20-21), 2004, p1745 - 1750 Journal Article, 2004

B.M. Broderick, U.G. Budd, B.D. Misstear, D. Ceburnis and S.G. Jennings, Modelling CO concentrations under free-flowing and congested traffic conditions in Ireland, Proc. 9th International Conference on 'Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 1-4 June, edited by P Suppan , 2004, pp18 - 22 Conference Paper, 2004

B.M. Broderick, B.D.R. Misstear, U.G. Budd, S.G. Jennings, D. Cebrunis, Validation of dispersion modeling for the road transport sector, Environ 2004, Limerick, 2004, pp38 Conference Paper, 2004

P.J. Murtagh, B.Basu and B.M. Broderick, A mode acceleration approach for rotating wind turbine blades, , Journal of Multi-Body Dynamics, Part K, Proc. Instn Mech Engrs, 218, 2004, p159 - 167 Journal Article, 2004

Broderick, B.M., Budd, U., Misstear, B.D., Validation of CALINE4 for CO and NO2 concentrations by an Irish motorway, Actes INRETS , 76, (5), 2003, p197 - 202 Journal Article, 2003

Goggins J. and Broderick B.M, The determination of a suitable mortar mix design to fill slender hollow sections, Colloquium on Concrete Research in Ireland, Belfast, 2003, 2003, pp107 - 116 Conference Paper, 2003

B.M. Broderick, U.G. Budd, B.D. Misstear, S.G. Jennings and D. Ceburnis, CALINE4 modelling at motorway and roundabout sites in Ireland, 1st Symposium on Environment and Transport , Avignon, June 2003, 2003, pp203 - 209 Conference Paper, 2003


Paul J. Murtagh, Biswajit Basu and Brian M. Broderick, A simple technique for calculating the fundamental frequency and mode shape of towers supporting utilities, VETOMAC II, Bombay, India, 2002 Conference Paper, 2002



U.G. Budd, B.M. Broderick, B.D.R. Misstear and A.W. Reynolds, Dispersion modelling of emissions from road transport in Ireland, Proc. of the Univ. Transp. Study Group 34th annual conference, Edinburgh, 3-5 January, 69, 2002, pp1 - 12 Conference Paper, 2002

Murtagh, P.J., Basu, B and Broderick, B.M., A simple technique for calculating the fundamental natural frequency and mode shape of towers supporting utilities', Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. on Vibration Engng and Technology of Machinery, Mumbai, India, 2002, pp73 Conference Paper, 2002

Ryan, C.A., Broderick, B.M. and West, R.P., Confinement effects in RC members employing Wireball reinforcement, Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, London, 2002, pp123 - 131 Conference Paper, 2002

A.W. Thomson and B.M. Broderick, Cyclic testing and analysis of semi-rigid flush end-plate joints, Proc. 12th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, London, 2002, pp101 Conference Paper, 2002

Reynolds, AW and Broderick BM, Development of a GIS-based urban air quality modelling system for transport-related pollution, International Journal of Environmet and Pollution, 16, 2002, p507 - 518 Journal Article, 2002

Ryan, C.A., Broderick, B. and West, R.P., Performance of Wireball reinforced concrete under seismic loading conditions, 3rd International Conference on Concrete under Severe Conditions, Vancouver, 2001, pp707 - 714 Conference Paper, 2001

A.W. Reynolds, B.M. Broderick and D.M. Keating, Comparison of roadside pollutant concentration modelling using local and regional meteorological data, Proc. 7th Intl. Conf. on Harmonisation within Atmos. Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Belgirate, Italy, 2001, pp81 - 85 Conference Paper, 2001

A.W. Reynolds and B.M. Broderick, A new method to identify potential traffic-related pollutant hot-spots in urban areas, Proc. of the Universities Transport Study Group 33rd annual conference, Oxford, 3 G2, 2001, pp1 - 17 Conference Paper, 2001

Ryan, C.A., West, R.P. and Broderick, B.M., Wireballs - their genesis and future, Colloquium on Concrete Research in Ireland, University College Galway, edited by E, Cannon , 2001, pp25 - 30 Conference Paper, 2001

P. Fanning, M. Tucker and B.M. Broderick, Nonlinear finite element analysis of semi-rigid bolted end-plate connections, Proc 5th Intl. Conf. on Computational Structures Technology, Leuven, 2000, pp397 - 403 Conference Paper, 2000

A.W. Thomson and B.M. Broderick, Cyclic testing and analysis of steel end-plate connections, Abnormal Loading on Structures: Experimental and Numerical Modelling, London, 2000, pp247 - 257 Conference Paper, 2000

B.M. Broderick and A.W. Reynolds, Predicting traffic-related PM10 and PM2.5 emissions and concentrations in urban areas, Eur. aerosol conf, Dublin, 2000 Conference Paper, 2000

Reynolds A and Broderick B, Predicting real-time traffic-related PM10 and PM2.5 emissions and concentrations in urban areas, Journal of Aerosol Science, 31, (Suppl 1), 2000, pS250 - S251 Journal Article, 2000

A.W. Reynolds and B.M. Broderick, An air quality modelling system for traffic pollution in European cities, Proceedings of the 32nd annual conf. univ. transp. study group, Liverpool, UK, 2D, 2000, pp1 - 20 Conference Paper, 2000

B.M. Broderick and A.W. Thomson, Cyclic testing of flush end-plate semi-rigid steel connections', Proc. STESSA 2000: Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas, Montreal, 2000 Conference Paper, 2000



A.W. Thomson and B.M. Broderick, Seismic resistance of flush end-plate connections, The Structural Engineer, 78, (17), 2000, p28 - 33 Journal Article, 2000

I.S. Marnane and B.M. Broderick, Meteorological and sampling time effects on roadside VOC measurements, Proceedings of the 31st annual conf. Univ. Transp. Study Group, York, H1, 1999, pp20 - 39 Conference Paper, 1999

A.W. Reynolds and B.M. Broderick, A GIS-based transport and emissions model' , Proceedings of the 31st annual conf. Univ. Transp. Study Group, York, H1, 1999, pp1 - 19 Conference Paper, 1999

A.W. Reynolds and B.M. Broderick, Air pollution modelling and monitoring in Dublin, Proc. Royal Irish Academy, Biology and Environment, 99B, 1999, p125- Journal Article, 1999

A.W. Reynolds and B.M. Broderick, Calculation of vehicle emissions and fuel consumption using modelled traffic data, Proc. 8th intl symp. on transp. and air pollution, Graz, Austria, III, 1999, pp15 - 24 Conference Paper, 1999

A.W. Reynolds and B.M. Broderick, Development of a GIS-based urban air quality modelling system for transport related pollution, Proc. 6th Intl. Conf. on Harmonisation within Atmos. Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Rouen, France, 8, 1999, pp27 Conference Paper, 1999

I.S. Marnane and B.M. Broderick, Short-term variations in traffic related ambient hydrocarbon measurements, Proc. 8th intl symp. on transp. and air pollution, Graz, Austria, 1999, pp561 - 572 Conference Paper, 1999

A.W. Reynolds and B.M. Broderick, On-road motor vehicle emissions inventory model', Urban Transport and the environment for the 21st century IV, Southampton, UK, edited by Borregeo, C. and Sucharov, L. , 1999, pp135 - 144 Conference Paper, 1999

A.W. Reynolds and B.M. Broderick, Air pollution modelling and monitoring in Dublin, 9th Irish Env. Researchers Colloq, Wexford, 1999, pp27 Conference Paper, 1999

D. Keating, B. Broderick and B.D.R. Misstear, Analysis of air quality data from an urban roadside location in Dublin, Proc. 8th international symposium on 'Transport and air pollution', Sturm, Graz, Austria, 31/05 - 02/06, 1999, pp9 - 16 Conference Paper, 1999

Byrne, I., O'Mahony, M.M., Broderick, B. and O'Sullivan, D., Using in-car feedback to influence travel decisions, International Symposium on Travel Demand Management, Newcastle, 1998 Conference Paper, 1998

D. Keating, I. Marnane, B.D.R. Misstear & B. Broderick, An advanced air pollution monitoring system, Engineers Journal, 52, (3), 1998, p47 - 49 Journal Article, 1998

I. Marnane, D. Keating, B. Broderick and B.D.R. Misstear, On-line monitoring of air pollution concentrations due to vehicular emissions in Dublin, Proc. of UTSG Conference, Dublin, 5-7 January, 1998 Conference Paper, 1998

Reynolds, AW and Broderick BM, On-road motor vehicle emission inventory model, Proceedings of the International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment for the 21st Century , 1998, 1998, pp387 - 396 Conference Paper, 1998

B.M. Broderick, Dynamic Response of inelastic structures subjected to earthquake ground motion', Proc. of Inst. Physics 3rd Intl. Conf. on modern practice in stress and vibration analysis, Dublin, 1997, pp257 - 264 Conference Paper, 1997

I. Byrne, M. O'Mahony, B. Broderick and W.D.E. O'Sullivan, Influence of car metering on transport energy savings, Conference of the Universities Transport Study Group, Bournemouth, Jan, 1997 Conference Paper, 1997

B.M. Broderick, Comparison of the seismic design and response of steel and composite frames, Proc.11th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Acapulco, Mexico, 1996, pp757 Conference Paper, 1996

A.S. Elnashai, B.M. Broderick and L.M. Salvitti, Assessment of EC8 behaviour factors for RC, steel and composite frames', 11th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Acapulco, Mexico, 1996, pp2050 Conference Paper, 1996



Broderick, B.M. and Elnashai, A.S. , Analysis of the failure of Interstate 10 freeway ramp during the Northridge Earthquake of 17 January 1994, Earthquake Engng. and Struct. Dynamics, 22, (2), 1995, p189 - 208 Journal Article, 1995

Elnashai A.S., Broderick, B.M. and Dowling, P.J., 'Earthquake-resistant composite steel/concrete structures, The Structural Engineer, 73, (8 ), 1995, p121 - 132 Journal Article, 1995

A.S. Elnashai, B.M. Broderick and B.A. Burgan, State-of-the-practice in the use of steel in European seismic design, Proc. 5th SECED conf. on European seismic design practice, Chester, UK, 1995, pp229 - 236 Conference Paper, 1995

B.M. Broderick and A.S. Elnashai, Proposal for behaviour factors for composite frames in Eurocode 8, Proc. 5th SECED Conf. on European Seismic Design Practice, Chester, UK, 1995, pp333 - 340 Conference Paper, 1995

Broderick, B.M., Elnashai, A.S. and Izzuddian, B.A. , Observations on the effect of numerical dissipation on the dynamic response of structural systems, Engineering Structures, 16, (1), 1994, p51 - 62 Journal Article, 1994

A.S.Elnashai and B.M. Broderick, Requirements for the seismic design of composite structures, Proc. 10th Eur. Conf.Earthq.Eng, Vienna, Austria, 4, 1994, pp2957 - 2962 Conference Paper, 1994

Elnashai, A.S. and Broderick, B.M. , Seismic resistance of composite beam-columns in multi-storey structures. Part 1: Experimental studies, J. of Const. Steel Research, 30, 1994, p201 - 230 Journal Article, 1994

Broderick, B.M. and Elnashai, A.S. , Seismic resistance of composite beam-columns in multi-storey structures. Part 2: Analytical model and discussion of results, J. of Const. Steel Research, 30, (8), 1994, p231 - 258 Journal Article, 1994

B.M. Broderick, Seismic Testing, Analysis and Design of Composite Frames, Imperial College, University of London, 1994 Thesis, 1994

B.M. Broderick, 'Micro-computer Applications for the Dynamic Response of Plane Frames, National University of Ireland, UCD, 1990 Thesis, 1990

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

D.P. McCrum, A.M. Wrzesien, J. Simon, M. Grimes, B. Broderick, J.B.P. Lim, Cyclic Performance of Cold"formed Steel Moment Resisting Frames, ce/papers, Eurosteel 2021, Sheffield, 4, (2-4), 2021, pp1837 - 1843 Conference Paper, 2021

R Suhail, G Amato, B Broderick, M Grimes, D McCrum, Efficacy of prestressed SMA diagonal loops in seismic retrofitting of non-seismically detailed RC beam-column joints, Engineering Structures , 245, (112937), 2021 Journal Article, 2021

Philip Carthy, Aonghus Ó Domhnaill, O'Mahony Margaret, Anne Nolan, Frank Moriarty, Brian Broderick, Martina Hennessy, Aoife Donnelly, Owen Naughton and Seán Lyons, Local air pollution and asthma among over-50s in Ireland, ESRI Research Bulletin , (RB202008), 2020, p3 Journal Article, 2020

[J. Goggins, Y. Jiang, B.M. Broderick, S. Salawdeh, G.J. O'Reilly, A.Y. Elghazouli, H. Alwahsh, A. Bogdanovic, Z. Rakicevic, I. Gjorgjiev, A. Poposka, B. Petreski, I. Markovski, Experimental Testing of a Novel Self-Centring Steel Braced Frame on the Shake-Table in DYNLAB-IZIIS, 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering , Sendai, Japan, 4378 , 2020 Conference Paper, 2020

Pilla F., Broderick B., A GIS model for commuters" exposure to air pollutants, 8th International Conference on Urban Climate (ICUC8), 522, 2012 Conference Paper, 2012

R Ganguly, U Budd, BM Broderick and BDR Misstear, Applicability of a screening model at motorway and roundabout sites in Ireland, 9th World Congress on Environmental Health, Dublin, 18-23 June 2006, 2006, pp1 - 15 Conference Paper, 2006

A.W. Reynolds and B.M. Broderick, Evaluating the impact of transport policies on the Dublin urban environment, Alumnus, 1999, p66 - 82 Journal Article, 1999

Research Expertise


The central objective of my research is protection " of the built environment, of human health and of climate. I protect civil society by studying interactions between engineered and natural systems. Hence, my key research projects have developed improved methods for protecting buildings and their occupants during earthquakes, for protecting the health of individuals from exposure to air pollution and for protecting the climate through renewable energy production. My primary research approach is the integrated mathematical-information modelling of complex systems, especially the effects of environmental loads (earthquake and wind) on engineering structures, and the effects of anthropogenic emissions (e.g. road transport) on air quality. My research is highly multidisciplinary, and I have achieved research breakthroughs by exchanging ideas and methods between diverse fields. Hence my research spans disciplines from atmospheric scienceg to solid mechanics, and the research methods I employ include computational modelling, numerical simulation, experimental investigation and engineering design. I have collaborated and published with researchers from a wide variety of fields including engineers, environmental scientists, physicists, economists, clinicians, health scientists and seismologists. My research strengths in integrating information about real world processes with physical theory based mathematical models have allowed me to transform conventional approaches to globally important activities and achieve real impact through the generation of knowledge alongside my contributions to broader society. My research has made a unique and substantive contribution to a wide field and has had a high impact on policies and practices supporting societal protection, sustainable development, and economic efficiency. The main pathway for these contributions has been through the development of modelling tools that support innovation. For example, I have developed advanced air quality forecasting models to protect the health of vulnerable people, promoted renewable energy by creating methods for the simulation of the dynamic response of wind turbines, and extended urban resilience by improving the design of earthquake-resistant building structures. I have a sustained track-record of research achievement, having been awarded major research grants from several national (e.g. IRC, EPA) and international programmes (e.g. EU FP5-7, H2020), and maintained substantial research teams (PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and PIs) for over two decades. I have led multi-partner, multi-project European and national research programmes in more than one topic. I have published widely in fora that reach both scientific and professional engineering communities. As evidence of research leadership, I led the formation of the consortium recently awarded the National Construction Technology Centre by Enterprise Ireland. The lead PIs in all the other universities in this consortium completed their PhDs under my supervision or within our research group at Trinity. With initial platform funding of €5m, `ConstructInnovate" will contemporise the Irish construction industry. In the field of air quality, in which there had been almost no research activity before I joined Trinity, I have founded and led a research group that has published over 100 journal articles and won over €10M in research grants. As Associate Dean of Research and PI on the CHARM-EU TORCH project I am developing new University policies and strategies in Responsible Research and Innovation to ensure that Trinity remains at the forefront of European research practice.


  • Title
    • Environment and Climate Change
  • Summary
    • Structured PhD programme - a national PhD programme in environment science and engineering
  • Funding Agency
    • HEA
  • Date From
    • 2007
  • Date To
    • 2011
  • Title
    • Environment-Transport Interface
  • Funding Agency
    • EPA
  • Date From
    • 2001
  • Date To
    • 2004
  • Title
    • Global Environmental Modelling
  • Funding Agency
    • EC
  • Date From
    • 2006
  • Date To
    • 2008
  • Title
    • Activity-Location Model for Personal Exposure to Air Pollution
  • Funding Agency
    • EPA
  • Date From
    • 2009
  • Date To
    • 2013
  • Title
    • Regional air quality and forecast modelling
  • Funding Agency
    • EPA
  • Date From
    • 2013
  • Date To
    • 2015
  • Title
    • Emissions inventory for air quality modelling
  • Funding Agency
    • EPA
  • Date From
    • 2014
  • Date To
    • 2016
  • Title
    • BRACED: Seismic response and design of CBFs
  • Funding Agency
    • EC
  • Date From
    • 2009
  • Date To
    • 2012
  • Title
    • Dynamics of Wind Turbine Towers
  • Funding Agency
  • Date From
    • 2004
  • Date To
    • 2006
  • Title
    • Vibration Control of Wind Turbine Towers
  • Funding Agency
    • Enterprise Ireland
  • Date From
    • 2004
  • Date To
    • 2005
  • Title
    • Modelling Dispersion of Air Pollutants from Major Roads
  • Funding Agency
    • EPA
  • Date From
    • 2001
  • Date To
    • 2004
  • Title
    • test
  • Summary
    • test
  • Funding Agency
    • test


1,3-BUTADIENE; AIR QUALITY MONITORING; AIR-POLLUTANTS; AIR-QUALITY; ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION; BEHAVIOUR FACTORS; BOLTED T-STUBS; CAPACITY; Civil Engineering; Civil Engineering, Pavements and Structures; COMPOSITE BEAMS AND COLUMNS; CONNECTIONS; DESIGN METHODS & AIDS; EARTHQUAKE; EARTHQUAKE ACCELEROGRAMS; Earthquake engineering; Earthquake resistant structures; Environmental aspects of transportation; Environmental engineering; Environmental Impacts, Interactions; EUROCODE 8; Fatigue of materials; Fuels alternative fuels in transport; GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS); Integrated Environmental Assessment; KERBSIDE POLLUTANT CONCENTRATIONS; MODEL; MOTOR VEHICLE EMISSIONS; Renewable energies; ROTATION DUCTILITY; SEISMIC ENGINEERING; SPECTRA; Steel Structures; Structural Analysis; Structural Design; Structural Dynamics; Structural Engineering; Structures; TRANSIENT ANALYSIS; TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT; TRANSPORT PLANNING; Transportation Engineering (Environmental Imp; TRANSPORTATION MODEL; ULTIMATE BEHAVIOR; URBAN AIR QUALITY MODELLING; Vibration and Accoustic Engineering



CEN Sub-Committee TC250/SC8 - Eurocode 8: Design provisions for structures in seismic regions 1995

Irish National Technical Contact for Eurocode 8 1995

National Eurocodes Advisory Committee (NEAC), National Standards Authority of Ireland 1995

Member and external member BSI Committee BS525/8: Eurocode 8 1992

Construct Innovate: National Construction Technology Centre, Member of Steering Committee 2022

SFI Centre for Research Training in AI, Member of Governance Committee 2021

Member of Journal Editorial Board: Buildings 2022

Biorbic SFI Research Centre, Member of Governance Committee 2021

Lero SFI Research Centre, Member of Governance Committee 2022

AMBER SFI Research Centre, Member of Board 2021

External expert to An Bord Pleanala for four MSW incineration plants (Poolbeg, Dublin; Carrenstown, Co. Meath; N7 Co Kildare and Ringaskiddy Co Cork) 2008

Member of journal Editorial Board: Advances in Civil Engineering 2019

Member of journal Editorial Board: Structures 2016

Scientific Journal Reviewer (including Atmospheric Environment, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Engineering Structures, Journal of Structural Engineering, Journal of Constructional Engineering Research, Structures, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Transportation Research Part D) 1994

UK Research Councils: Member of selection interview panel for the EPSRC Engineering Grand Challenges research call 2015

UK Research Councils - Reviewer of EPSRC Research Proposals (Centres for Doctoral Training; Individual Research Grants) 2016

Member of the Evaluation Panel: Enterprise Ireland Commercialisation Fund (Proof of Concept) Research Programme 2004

Unitech International: Board Member and Vice-President Academic Partners 2013

CLUSTER - Consortium Linking European Universities of Science and Technology: Member of Steering Committee 2010

Institution of Structural Engineers, Republic of Ireland Branch Committee 1994

Engineers Ireland Accreditation Panel: University College Dublin, Civil Engineering Programmes (Bachelors and Masters) 2014

University of Nottingham: Departmental Review Panel, Civil Engineering 2017

University College Cork: University Programme Approval Panel ME in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering 2019

PhD External Examiner: Imperial College London, City University London, Jadavpur University, India; University of Parma, Italy; University College Dublin; NUI Galway. 2003

Imperial College London: External Examiner, MSc in Earthquake Engineering & MSc Structural Steel Design 2013

City University London: External Examiner, MSc Civil Engineering Structures 2014

UG External Examiner Sligo IT, Civil Engineering Programmes 2009

The Railway Inspectorate: Structural assessment of Cahir Railway Viaduct for 2003

UK Department of the Environment: Evaluation of the implications of the structural Eurocodes for the UK - Eurocode 8 1995

The Coca Cola Company: Floor vibration at Ballina Beverages 2000

The Heathrow Express: Fatigue life assessment of tunnel lining components 1998

Irish Environmental Researchers Association, Committee Member 2012

COST-319: Improving buildings structural quality by new technologies; Management Committee 1998

Awards and Honours

1st Place in Graduating Class, Civil Engineering, University College Dublin 1989

National University of Ireland Bursary in Civil Engineering 1989

Unwin Prize in Engineering, Imperial College London 1994

Oscar Faber Medal, The Institution of Structural Engineers, London 1995

Fellowship, Trinity College Dublin 2006

Trinity Global Engagement Award, TCD 2020

Structural Engineering Award, Council of Tall Buildings & Urban Habitat 2022


Member of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland

Institution of Structural Engineers

International Association of Bridge and Structural Engineering

Environmental Sciences Association of Ireland