I completed a BA in the School of English in 2006, in the course of which I was elected a Scholar. I went on to write my PhD in the School, under the supervision of Professor Nicholas Grene. My dissertation was the starting point of my book Beckett's Art of Salvage (Cambridge University Press, 2017; paperback, 2020).
Since completing my PhD, I have held teaching positions in universities in Mexico and Bosnia, and given lectures in America, Austria, Belgium, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, England, Ireland, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Scotland, and Turkey.
I took up a two-year post in the School of English as a Teaching Fellow in September 2015, became an Assistant Professor in 2017, an Associate Professor in 2023, and I was elected a Fellow of the College in 2024.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Julie Bates, Beckett's art of salvage: writing and material imagination, 1932-1987, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2017, 350pp
Word & Image, 38, 2, (2022), 1-71p, Julie Bates and Lea Vuong, [Editors and Authors]
Julie Bates, "I do, I undo, I redo": Louise Bourgeois and Samuel Beckett, Journal of Beckett Studies, 32, (1), 2023, p1-16
Julie Bates, 'Just under the surface I shall be, all together at first, then separate and drift': Radical intimacy with insects, plants, and mud in texts by Beckett and Clarice Lispector, Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd'hui, 2025, p10
Materiality/Animality/Humanity, or The Uses of a Hedgehog in, editor(s)Mark Nixon and Dirk Van Hulle , The Oxford Handbook of Samuel Beckett, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2025, pp1-18 , [Julie Bates]
Julie Bates, Erica Van Horn's creative exercises, Irish Studies Review, 31, (1), 2023, p1-29
Julie Bates, Beckett, Brian O'Doherty and Brian Dillon: intermediality and the future anterior, Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd'hui, 32, (1), 2020, p129 - 143
Beckett at the Gate in, editor(s)Nicholas Grene and Christopher Morash , The Oxford Handbook of Modern Irish Theatre, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016, pp478 - 493, [Julie Bates]
Julie Bates, The political and aesthetic power of the everyday in Beckett's Happy Days, Journal of Beckett Studies, 28, (1), 2019, p52 - 66
Essayism in contemporary Ireland in, editor(s)Paige Reynolds , The New Irish Studies: Twenty-First-Century Critical Revisions, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020, pp228 - 243, [Julie Bates]
Writing with air in The Third Policeman in, editor(s)Paul Fagan, Katherine Ebury, John Greaney , Flann O'Brien and the Nonhuman: Animals, Environments, Machines, Cork, Cork University Press, 2024, pp1-21 , [Julie Bates]
Julie Bates and Lea Vuong, Interview with Maggie Wright, Louise Bourgeois Archive, The Easton Foundation, Word and Image: A Journal of Verbal/Visual Enquiry, 38, (1), 2022, p11 - 18
Julie Bates and Lea Vuong, At Home with the Artist: Exploring the Louise Bourgeois Archive, Word and Image: A Journal of Verbal/Visual Enquiry, 38, (1), 2022, p1 - 10
Julie Bates, 'I do, I undo, I redo': Samuel Beckett and Louise Bourgeois, Journal of Beckett Studies, 31, (1), 2023, p64 - 82
Julie Bates, Chasing floating heads from Beckett's fiction to drama and film (Keynote Lecture), International Beckett Conference, University of Guanajuato, Mexico, November, 2014, University of Guanajuato
Writing homelessness: the fugitive literature of Samuel Beckett and W.G Sebald in, editor(s)Dorothea Depner and Guy Woodward , Irish Culture and Wartime Europe 1938-48, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2015, pp150 - 175, [Julie Bates]
Beckett's Maternal Miscellany in, editor(s)Claudia Reese and Yvonne O'Keeffe , New Voices: Inherited Lines, New York, Peter Lang, 2013, pp20 , [Julie Bates]
Julie Bates, Staging Beckett , Review of Staging Beckett in Ireland and Northern Ireland & Staging Beckett in Great Britain (Bloomsbury Methuen, 2016) , by Trish McTighe and David Tucker , Irish University Review, 48, (1), 2018
Julie Bates, Beckett's Political Imagination, Review of Beckett's Political Imagination, by Emilie Morin , Textual Practice, 32, (6), 2018, p1027-1029
Julie Bates, F for Françoise? Delayed Justice and Suzanne Déchevaux-Dumesnil's Writing, 2024
Julie Bates, 'Just under the surface I shall be, all together at first, then separate and drift': radical intimacy with environments in Beckett's writing, Beckett's Environments, University of Exeter (online), 1-2 December 2023, 2023
Julie Bates, Beckett's Birds, 2019, -
Julie Bates, From Beckett's sedulous fiction to Brian Dillon's essayism, 2018, -
Julie Bates, Ruined Time: Samuel Beckett and Brian Dillon, 2017, -
Julie Bates, Louise Bourgeois's fabric works: time-charged materials and radical family portraits, 2017, -
Julie Bates, '"The boldest jump-cut - the most daring time-shift, the most outrageous deduction - ever": Rebecca West's Black Lamb and Grey Falcon, 2018, -
Humble Relics: Beckett and van Gogh's old boots in, editor(s)Rui Carvalho Homem , Relational Designs in Literature and the Arts: Page and Stage, Canvas and Screen, Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2012, pp20 , [Julie Bates]
Julie Bates, Waiting for Godot in Sarajevo and New Orleans, 2013, - 10
Julie Bates, A menace to hedgehogs: Larkin and Beckett, 2012, - 10
Julie Bates and Aliye F. Mataracı, Costume as a Manifestation of European Fascination with the Ottomans, Don Juan Archiv Wien International Symposium: Ottoman Empire & European Theatre VIII, Pera Museum, Istanbul, May 2015, 2015
Julie Bates, Protestant middle class values embedded in Beckett's bowler hats, Class and Culture in Twentieth-Century Ireland, St John's College, University of Cambridge, April 2015, 2015
Julie Bates, Greatcoats in Beckett and André Kertész: paternal heirloom and costume staple, Autobiography in Context, University of Rijeka, Croatia, November 2014, 2014
Julie Bates, Writing homelessness: Beckett's creative response to the Second World War, Writing Home: Irish Culture and Wartime Europe 1938-48, Trinity Long Room Hub, TCD, June 2013, edited by Dorothea Depner and Guy Woodward , 2013
Julie Bates, Comic cripples and beggars: Beckett, Adam and Paul and Hieronymus Bosch, Samuel Beckett and the 'State' of Ireland, Humanities Institute, UCD, July 2012, edited by UCD , 2012
Julie Bates, Beckett's Greatcoats: Paternal Museums, Samuel Beckett: Out of the Archive, Humanities Research Centre, University of York, England, June 2011, 2011
Julie Bates, Beckett and van Gogh's Old Boots, Relational Forms I: An International Conference on Literature and the Arts, Faculdade de Letras de Universidade do Porto, Portugal, November 2010, 2010
Julie Bates, Beckett's rough treatment of the bowler hat, Ireland and Modernity: An Interdisciplinary Conference, Institute of Irish Studies, Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland, November 2010, 2010
Julie Bates, Beckett's Maternal Miscellany, Irish Literatures and Culture: New and Old Knowledges: IASIL Annual Conference, NUI Maynooth, Ireland, July 2010, 2010
Julie Bates, Peephole Art: Beckett and Video Art, Electronic Information and the Visual Arts: EVA Annual Conference, Covent Garden, London, England, July 2010, 2010
Julie Bates, Hats and Beds: Beckett's Maternal Objects, New Voices: Inherited Lines, University of Limerick, Ireland, May 2010, 2010
Julie Bates, But Is It Still Theatre, Eh Joe?, ISTR Annual Conference, School of Drama, TCD, April 2010, 2010
Julie Bates, Elizabeth Bowen's charged materials: clothing & the fabric of time, International Conference on Elizabeth Bowen, Warsaw, Poland, 5 July 2016, edited by Interdisciplinary Research Foundation , 2016
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Julie Bates, Samuel Beckett's miscellaneous rubbish, 2017, -
Julie Bates, "Every man for himself, assuming bees to be capable of such notions": Beckett's bioaesthetics, Beckett and the Nonhuman International Conference, Free University of Brussels, VUB, Belgium, 7-8 February 2019, 2019, Free University of Brussels and University of Antwerp
Julie Bates, Beckett and Pierre Huyghe: challenges to human exceptionalism, Neurohumanities panel, TLRH Coffee Morning, Trinity Long Room Hub, 23 January 2019, 2019, TLRH
Julie Bates, Stylish failure: traces of Beckett in contemporary Irish writing, Beckett International Foundation 30th Anniversary Research Seminar, Beckett International Foundation, University of Reading, UK, 24 November 2018, 2018
Julie Bates, Tim Robinson: Affective Geographies, 10th Anniversary of the International Flann O'Brien Society, University of Gdansk, Poland, 26-28 July 2021, edited by Paul Fagan, Katherine Ebury, John Greaney , 38, (1), Between.Pomiendzy Festival, University of Gdańsk, 2019, pp1 - 10
Julie Bates, Husbanded hypochondria: illness and creativity in Beckett's fiction, Samuel Beckett Summer School, TCD, TLRH, 2 August 2018, 2018, Samuel Beckett Summer School, TCD
Julie Bates, Samuel Beckett and Louise Bourgeois: floating heads and creative imaginations, 2016, -
Julie Bates, Plenary Discussion: Beckett and Disability, Samuel Beckett Summer School, TCD, Trinity Long Room Hub, 1 August 2018, 2018, Samuel Beckett Summer School, TCD
Julie Bates, Panel debate: Irish writers on writing, Innovation and Experiment in Contemporary Irish Fiction. International Conference: KU Leuven, Leuven Centre for Irish Studies, KU Leuven, Belgium, 1 December 2018, 2018
Julie Bates. co-author: Rosie Lavan, A literary treasure map of Trinity College Dublin, 2017, -
Julie Bates. Public Interview with the author Kevin Breathnach, Kevin Breathnach in conversation with Julie Bates, 2018, -
Author: Julie Bates. Translator: Emina Jeleskovic, Otisci u Prostoru (Prints in Space), Review of Otisci u Prostoru, by D enita Huseinović , Oslobodenje, 2014
Julie Bates, D enite Huseinović: conjuring identity, Review of Otisci u Prostoru: 'Prints in Space', by D enite Huseinović , Oslobodenje, 2014, 2014, p1
Julie Bates, Dragana Juri ić's YU: The Lost Country, DU Hist Herstory salon, Hist conversation room, GMB, TCD, 11 March 2019, 2019, DU Hist
Julie Bates, 'Coups, Haircuts and Cockroaches', Sarajevo, Embassy of Ireland, Ljubljana, 2015, - 100
Julie Bates, 'Book launch, public reading & exhibition', Galerija Mak, Sarajevo, Embassy of Ireland, Ljubljana, 2015, -
Julie Bates, 'Creative Responses to Samuel Beckett's Writing', 2015, -
Julie Bates, Public interview with academics from UNAM and TCD to introduce performance of Beckett, A Night of Samuel Beckett, La Ciudadela library, Mexico City, November , 2014, Embassy of Ireland in Mexico City
Julie Bates, 'A Day to Remember', 2015, - 50
Julie Bates, D enita Huseinović: conjuring identity, Talk to open Prints in Space exhibition by D enita Huseinović, Gallery at the International University of Sarajevo, October, 2014, Gallery at the International University of Sarajevo
Julie Bates, The material imagination of Orhan Pamuk, University of Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey, July , 2014, Department of English Literature, University of Bilkent
Julie Bates, "Tears and laughter, they are so much Gaelic to me": Beckett in the Irish imagination, Talk to open Irish Embassy exhibition on Beckett, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia, March , 2014, Embassy of Ireland in Mexico City
Julie Bates, Roundtable on Irish literature, Roundtable on Irish literature with French, German, Colombian and Irish academics, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia, March , 2014, Embassy of Ireland in Mexico City
Julie Bates, Waiting for Godot in Sarajevo and New Orleans, Dublintellectual Conversations on Culture Series, Ormond Wine Bar, Dublin, March , 2012, Dublintellectual
Julie Bates, Orhan Pamuk's Museum of Innocence, Literature and Memory: A roundtable discussion with invited guests on the theme of literature and memory, Trinity Long Room Hub, TCD, 13 April, 2016
Julie Bates, The personal essay in Ireland today, 2019, -
Julie Bates, Marina Carr: By the Bog of Cats, 2018, -
Julie Bates, Samuel Beckett in Paris: arriving from Dublin "like coming out of gaol in April", 2018, -
Julie Bates, Animals and Ethics in Kafka and Beckett, 2017, -
Julie Bates, Ibsen's A Doll's House, Evening Lecture Series, School of English, TCD, 2016, 2016
Julie Bates, Gallery@50 Exhibition in Long Room, 2020, -
Julie Bates, Bloomsday Lecture on the relationship between museums and literature, Annual Bloomsday Lecture, Collins Barracks, National Museum of Ireland, June, 2017, National Museum of Ireland
Julie Bates, Louise Bourgeois's fabric books and Leanne Shapton's Important Artifacts, Monthly Discussion Group on affinities between literature and visual arts, Douglas Hyde Gallery, TCD, 2017, Douglas Hyde Gallery
Julie Bates and Feargal Whelan, A Stain Upon the Silence, Awkward Silences in Literature, Beckett Theatre, TCD, edited by Trinity Week 2019: Silence , 2019
Julie Bates, Writing with air in The Third Policeman (Keynote Lecture), 110 Myles: Flann O'Brien at a Distance, Vienna (online), July 2021, 2021
Julie Bates and Jane Maxwell, A Stain Upon the Silence, 2019, -
Research Expertise
RESEARCH My research interests include Samuel Beckett, contemporary Irish writing, modernist literature and visual art, small press publishing, material culture, and the creative use of archives. My first book, 'Beckett's Art of Salvage', was published by Cambridge University Press in 2017 (paperback edition in 2020), and explored the material imagination of Beckett's writing. My current research aims to disrupt the masculinist heritage in which Beckett has been inscribed. I am working on a project with Dúnlaith Bird focused on the writing of Suzanne Dumesnil, who was married to Beckett. My current book project has the preliminary title 'Blow-In: Erica Van Horn in Ballybeg'. It is a study of the American writer and artist Erica Van Horn who has been living in rural Tipperary since 1996, where she runs Coracle Press with the poet Simon Cutts. Van Horn is a book artist who often takes as her subject matter her immediate daily environment. In 2022 I co-edited a bilingual special issue of 'Word & Image' focused on the archives of the French-American artist Louise Bourgeois. SUPERVISION I welcome expressions of interest from prospective PhD students or postdoctoral researchers whose research interests align with mine.Projects
- Title
- Exploring Heritage Collections (HCI:C5-WP3 CPD Heritage Collection)
- Summary
- Exploring Heritage Collections is a 5-year project funded by the HEA's Human Capital Initiative grant led by Dr Julie Bates and Dr Jane Carroll. The project is a collaboration between the School of English and 10 partners: The Library of Trinity College Dublin: Manuscripts and Early Printed Books; The National Library of Ireland; The Irish Film Institute; Dublin City Library and Archive; The Irish Museum of Modern Art; The National Archives; Marsh's Library; The Hugh Lane Gallery; The National Visual Arts Library at NCAD; The Digital Repository of Ireland.
- Funding Agency
- Higher Education Authority
- Date From
- 2021
- Date To
- 2025
- Title
- Animating the Archive: Creative Legacies from Samuel Beckett Collections
- Summary
- This was seed funding for a collaboration between the Samuel Beckett Research Centre at the University of Reading (Prof Steven Matthews), and the School of English and Library at Trinity College Dublin, to establish Beckett Creative Fellowships at Trinity.
- Funding Agency
- Trinity College Philanthropy
- Date From
- 2022
- Title
- RIA Charlemont Grant - Research trip to Beinecke Library, Yale University
- Funding Agency
- Royal Irish Academy
- Date From
- 20 October 2019
- Date To
- 27 October 2019
- Title
- IRC New Foundations - Residency in Louise Bourgeois Foundation, New York, U.S
- Funding Agency
- Irish Research Council
- Date From
- 5 November 2017
- Date To
- 12 November 2017
Co-Director of the Early Career Scholars Network in Beckett Studies
Member of Royal Irish Academy Early Career Focus Group
Awards and Honours
Royal Irish Academy Charlemont grant, for research visit to Beinecke library, Yale University
Faculty of Arts Benefaction Fund, TCD, for Word & Image special issue
Irish Research Council New Foundations Fellowship
Charlemont Scholar, Royal Irish Academy
Faculty of Arts Benefactions Fund for Cambridge University Press monograph
Irish Research Council Humanities and Social Sciences PhD Award
School of Humanities Postgraduate Research Studentship
Trinity Foundation Scholarship
Executive Board member of the Samuel Beckett Society
Books Editor and Board member of the Irish University Review
Editorial Board of Short Fiction in Theory & Practice