Dr. Joanne Banks
Assistant Professor, Education
Dr Joanne Banks is a lecturer and researcher in inclusive education at the School of Education in Trinity College Dublin. Joanne's research interests are in the field of inclusive education and educational inequality. She has published widely on special and inclusive education policy and practice, school exclusion, and student diversity. She is the presenter and author of the Inclusion Dialogue podcast series' and books.
Joanne welcomes queries from prospective Masters and Ph.D. students who are interested in the following topics: inclusive education, disability and education, educational disadvantage and inequality, mixed methods, and Growing Up in Ireland data analysis.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Eilís Ní Chorchora, Joanne Banks, Aibhín Bray, Plans, Progression and Post-Compulsory Education: Measuring the Success of a School"University Widening Participation Programme in Ireland, Social Sciences, 14, (1), 2025, p17
The Representation of Traveller Students Across Different School Contexts in Ireland in, editor(s)Richard Rose and Michael Shevlin , Challenging Assumptions: Voices from Marginalised Communities, London, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2024, pp217 - 229, [Smyth, Emer and Banks, Joanne]
Banks, J., Burke, K., Cooney, R., Haran, M., Healy, R., Kennedy, A., McHugh, D., Neenan, C., Northridge, J., O'Shaughnessy, T., Plunkett, N., Reale, J., Ryder, D., & Tierney, C., ALTITUDE The National Charter for Universal Design in Tertiary Education: Technical Report, AHEAD Educational Press, March, 2024, p1 - 112
Bray, Aibhin, Devitt, Ann, Banks, Joanne, Sanchez Fuentes, Sergio, Sandoval, Marta, Riviou, Katerina, Byrne, Darren, Flood, Margaret, Reale, Jean, Terrenzio, Silvia, What next for Universal Design for Learning? A Systematic Literature Review of Technology in UDL Implementations at Second Level, British Journal of Educational Technology, 2023, p1 - 26, p22
Devitt, Ann, Banks, Joanne, Bray, Aibhin, Murphy, Gavin, Sanchez, Sergio, Sandoval, Marta, Mapping Evidence-Based Practices Within the Universal Design for Learning Framework, Interrogating Consequential Education Research in Pursuit of Truth, Chicago, United States, 13-16th April 2023, edited by American Educational Research Association , 2023
Funding models of inclusion in an international perspective in, editor(s)Seitz, Simone, Auer, Petra & Bellacicco, Rosa , International perspectives on inclusive education. In the light of educational justice., Toronto, Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2023, pp163 - 192, pp163-192 , [Banks, Joanne, Cappello, Silver, Demo, Heidrun, Hausstätter, Rune, Seitz, Simone]
Banks, Joanne, Forlin, Chris, Chambers, Dianne Joy, Home-schooling in the Republic of Ireland, British Journal of Special Education, 50, (3), 2023, p333 - 424, p333-424
Universal Design for Learning Policy in Tertiary Education in Ireland: Are we Ready to Commit? in, editor(s)Madaus, Joseph W. and Dukes III, Lyman L. , Handbook of Higher Education and Disability, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023, pp377-391 , [Healy, Richard, Banks, Joanne, Ryder, Dara]
Kubiak, John, Devitt, Marie, Banks, Joanne, Lecturing on Inclusion: Graduates of the Certificate in Arts, Science and Inclusive Applied Practice (ASIAP) informing the professional practice of student teachers , Inclusive Higher Education Network Europe, Salzberg, 27-28 October 2022, 2022
Banks, Joanne, Lessons to Learn from Inclusive Education, Learnovation 2022, Croke Park, Dublin, 20th October 2022, edited by Learnovation 2022 , 2022
Banks, Joanne and Devitt, Ann, What has technology ever done for us? Second-level student voices, The 8th Annual CAST UDL Symposium, Online, July 2022, 2022
Quantitative Research Methods in, editor(s)Fahie, Declan, Bergin, Shane , Doing Research in Education: A Beginner's Guide, Dublin, Ireland, UCD Press, 2022, [Bray, Aibhín, Banks, Joanne, Devitt, Ann]
Banks, Joanne, An introduction to the Trinity Inclusive Curriculum Project (Trinity-INC), Universal design as an institutional approach: international good practices, Brussels, Belgium, 12 May 2022, edited by SIHO Support Centre Inclusive Higher Education , 2022
Democratising debates on inclusive education in, editor(s)Joanne Banks , The Inclusion Dialogue: Debating issues, challenges and tension with global experts, London, Routledge Education, 2022, [Banks, Joanne]
Falling between Two Stools? Post-secondary Transition Planning for Students with Intellectual Disabilities in the Republic of Ireland in, editor(s)Scorgie, K., & Forlin, C. , Transition Programs for Children and Youth with Diverse Needs International Perspectives on Inclusive Education, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022, pp143-158 , [Banks, Joanne, Aston, Des, Shevlin, Michael]
Banks, Joanne, The Inclusion Dialogue: Debating issues, challenges and tension with global experts, London, Routledge Education, 2022
Frontiers in Education, 6, (2022), Banks, Joanne and Shevlin, Michael, [Eds.]
Listening to the voices of experts: global tensions in inclusive education in, editor(s)Banks, Joanne , The Inclusion Dialogue: Debating issues, challenges and tension with global experts, London, Routledge Education, 2022, [Banks, Joanne]
Aston, Des, Banks, Joanne, Shevlin, Michael, Post-School Transitions for Students with Intellectual Disabilities in the Republic of Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, February, 2021
Shevlin, Michael and Banks, Joanne, Inclusion at a Crossroads: Dismantling Ireland's System of Special Education, Education Sciences, 11, (4), 2021, p161-
Cappello, Silver,Demo, Heidrun, Hausstätter, Rune, Banks, Joanne, de Boer, Anke, Seitz, Simone, Mette Lie, Lise, Financing Inclusive Education: Implications for the Implementation of Inclusive Education, ECER symposium, Education and Society: expectations, prescriptions, reconciliations, Geneva, September, 2021
Banks, Joanne, Una formula vincente? Il finanziamento dell'inclusione scolastica in Irlanda, L'integrazione scolastica e sociale, 20, (1), 2021, p1 - 17
A Winning Formula? Funding Inclusive Education in Ireland in, editor(s)Goldan, J., Lambrecht, J. and Loreman, T. , Resourcing Inclusive Education (International Perspectives on Inclusive Education, Vol. 15, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021, pp7-19 , [Joanne Banks]
Bray, Aibhín, Banks, Joanne, Devitt, Ann and Ní Chorcora, Eilís, Connection before content: using multiple perspectives to examine student engagement during Covid-19 school closures in Ireland, Irish Educational Studies, 40, (2), 2021, p431 - 441
Banks, Joanne, Smyth, Emer, We respect them, and they respect us: The Value of Interpersonal Relationships in Enhancing Student Engagement, Education Sciences, 11, (10), 2021, p634-
Banks, Joanne, Implementing Inclusive Pedagogy: International Voices, CRISPESH UDL@Dawson | Virtual Symposium 2021, Montreal, 02/06/21, 2021
Flood, Margaret and Banks, Joanne, Universal Design for Learning: Is It Gaining Momentum in Irish Education?, Education Sciences, 11, (7), 2021, p341-
Dempsey, Rhona, Healy, Olive, Lundy, Emma, Banks, Joanne, Lawler, Margaret, Air travel experiences of autistic children/young people, Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights, 2, (2), 2021
Examining the Cost of Special Education in, editor(s)Umesh Sharma , Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, New York, Oxford University Press, 2020, [Joanne Banks]
Devitt, Ann, Ross, Colm, Bray, Aibhín and Banks, Joanne, Parent Perspectives on Teaching and Learning During Covid-19 School Closures: Lessons Learned from Irish Primary Schools, Trinity College Dublin, July, 2020
Aston, Des, Banks, Joanne and Shevlin, Michael, Transitions to postschool settings for students with intellectual disabilities in Ireland, International Perspectives on Transitions in Education and Students with Intellectual Disabilities, Online, 16.12.2020, edited by IASSIDD , IASSIDD, Inclusive Education Special Interest Research Group, 2020
Devitt, Ann, Bray, Aibhin, Banks, Joanne and Ní Chorcora, Eilís, Teaching and Learning During School Closures: Lessons Learned. Irish Second-Level Teacher Perspectives, Trinity College Dublin, July, 2020, p1 - 93
Bray, Aibhín, Ní Chorcora, Eilís, Maguire Donohue, Jen, Banks, Joanne and Devitt, Ann, Post-primary Student Perspectives on Teaching and Learning During Covid-19 School Closures: Lessons learned from Irish Students from schools in a Widening Participation Programme, Trinity College Dublin, August, 2020
Aston, Des, Banks, Joanne, Shevlin, Michael, Pathways to post-secondary settings for students with intellectual disabilities: What do we know?, Educational Studies Association of Ireland Conference, Dublin, 4th September 2020, 2020
Banks, Joanne, Shevlin, Michael and Quinlivan, Shivaun, The Right to Education: Examining Inclusive Education in Ireland under the UNCRPD, Children & Disability Webinar 10-11 September, Leeds, 10 September, 2020
Smyth, Emer, Banks, Joanne, O'Sullivan, Jessica, McCoy, Selina, Redmond, Paul and McGuinness, Seamus, Evaluation of the National Youthreach Programme, ESRI Research Series, 82, Dublin, ESRI, May, 2019, p1 - 226
Smyth, Emer, Williams, James and Banks, Joanne, Growing Up in Ireland County Variation in the Outcomes of Children and Young People, Technical Series, 2019 - 1, Dublin, ESRI, DCYA, TCD, December, 2019, p1 - 37
Smyth, Emer, McCoy, Selina, Banks, Joanne, Student, teacher and parent perspectives on senior cycle education, ESRI Research Series, 94, Dublin, ESRI, November, 2019, p1 - 99
Banks, J., McCoy, S., Frawley, D., One of the gang? Peer relations among students with special educational needs in Irish mainstream primary schools, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 33, (3), 2018, p396-411
Banks, Joanne, Grotti, Raffaele, Fahey, Éamonn and Watson, Dorothy, Disability and discrimination in Ireland: Evidence from the QNHS Equality Modules 2004, 2010, 2014, Dublin, ESRI and The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC), October, 2018, p1 - 76
Banks, Joanne, Disability data in the Growing Up in Ireland Study, Irish Disability Studies Association (IDSA) seminar, School of Education, Trinity College, December 5, 2018
Kelly, Elish, Banks, Joanne, McGuinness, Seamus, Watson, Dorothy, Playing senior inter-county Gaelic games: experiences, realities and consequences, ESRI Research Series, 76, Dublin, ESRI, September, 2018, p1 - 260
Banks, Joanne, McCoy, Selina and Frawley, Denise, One of the gang? Peer relations among students with special educational needs, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 33, (3), 2017, p396 - 411
Banks, Joanne and McCoy, Selina , An Irish Solution ? Questioning the Expansion of Special Classes in an Era of Inclusive Education, The Economic and Social Review, 48, (4), 2017, p441 - 461
Playing Catch-up or Overspending? Managing the Cost of Special Education in, editor(s)Brian Mooney , Education Matters, Ireland's Yearbook of Education, Dublin, Education Matters, 2017, pp236 - 242, [Banks, Joanne and McCoy, Selina]
Recent Expansion of Special Classes in Irish Mainstream Schools in, editor(s)Brian Mooney , Education Matters, Ireland's Yearbook of Education, Dublin, Education Matters, 2016, pp179 - 183, [McCoy, Selina and Banks, Joanne ]
McCoy, Selina, Maître, Bertrand, Watson, Dorothy and Banks, Joanne, The role of parental expectations in understanding social and academic well-being among children with disabilities in Ireland, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 31, (4), 2016, p535 - 552
Insights into the Prevalence of Special Educational Needs in, editor(s)James Williams, Elizabeth Nixon, Emer Smyth, Dorothy Watson , Cherishing All the Children Equally? Ireland 100 Years on from the Easter Rising, Dublin, ESRI, 2016, pp153 - 174, [McCoy, Selina, Banks, Joanne and Shevlin, Michael]
Smyth, Emer, Conway, Paul, Leavy, Aislin, Darmody, Merike, Banks, Joanne and Watson, Dorothy , Review of the Droichead Teacher Induction Pilot Programme, Dublin, ESRI and The Teaching Council, March, 2016, p1 - 214
Banks, Joanne and McCoy, Selina, Special Classes in Irish Schools - A Qualitative Study, National Council for Special Education Research Conference, Croke Park Conference Centre, November 16th, 2016
Layte, Richard and Banks, Joanne, Socio-economic differentials in mortality by cause of death in the Republic of Ireland, 1984-2008, European Journal of Public Health, 26, (3), 2016, p451 - 458
Banks, Joanne, Maitre, Bertrand, McCoy, Selina and Watson, Dorothy, Parental Educational Expectations of Children with Disabilitie, ESRI Research Series, 50, Dublin, ESRI and NDA, May, 2016, p1 - 70
Banks, Joanne, McCoy, Selina, Frawley, Denise, Kingston, Gillian, Shevlin, Michael, Smyth, Fiona, Special Classes in Irish Schools-Phase 2: A Qualitative Study, NCSE Research Report, 24, Trim, Co. Meath, NCSE and ESRI, August, 2016, p1 - 110
Watson, Dorothy, Banks, Joanne and Lyons, Seán , Educational and Employment Experiences of People with a Disability in Ireland: An Analysis of the National Disability Survey, ESRI Research Series, 41, Dublin, ESRI, July, 2015, p1 - 99
Banks, Joanne, Frawley, Denise and McCoy, Selina, Achieving inclusion? Effective resourcing of students with special educational needs, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 19, (9), 2015, p926 - 943
Smyth, Emer, Banks, Joanne, Whelan, Adele, Darmody, Merike and McCoy, Selina, Review of the School Completion Programme, ESRI Research Series, 44, Dublin, ESRI, October, 2015, p1 - 208
Banks, Joanne and McCoy, Selina, Using peer relations as a measure of inclusion, Educational Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference, Maynooth, 16th April, 2015
Banks, Joanne, McCoy, Selina and Maitre, Bertrand, Insights into the Lives of Children with Disabilities, Dublin, ESRI and the National Disability Authority, 2015
Banks, Joanne and Smyth, Emer , 'Your whole life depends on it': Academic Stress and High Stakes Testing in Ireland, Journal of Youth Studies, 18, (5), 2015, p598 - 616
McCoy, Selina, Banks, Joanne, Frawley, Denise, Watson, Dorothy, Shevlin, Michael, Smyth, Fiona, Understanding Special Class Provision in Ireland: Findings from a National Survey of Schools, NCSE Research Report, 16, Dublin, ESRI and National Council for Special Education, May, 2014, p1 - 169
Smyth, Emer and Banks, Joanne, Putting your nose to the grindstone? A longitudinal analysis of the take‐up of private tuition among second‐level students in Ireland, Educational Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference, Athlone, 11th April, 2014
Frawley, D., McCoy, S., Banks, J., Thornton, M., Affective School Engagement and Self-Concept: How are Irish Boys and Girls Faring?, Child Indicators Research, 7, (4), 2014, p843-859
Layte, Richard, Banks, Joanne, Walsh, Cathal and McKnight Grainne, Trends in socio-economic inequalities in mortality by sex in Ireland from the 1980s to the 2000s., Irish Journal of Medical Science, 2014
Frawley, Denise, McCoy, Selina and Banks, Joanne, Affective School Engagement: How are Irish boys and girls faring?, Child Indicators Research, 7, (4), 2014, p843 - 859
McGuinness, Seamus, Bergin, Adele, Kelly, Elish, McCoy, Selina, Smyth, Emer, Whelan, Adele and Banks, Joanne, Further Education and Training in Ireland: Past, Present and Future, ESRI Research Series, 35, Dublin, ESRI, May, 2014
Resource allocation for students with special educational needs and disabilities in, editor(s)John Cullinan, Sean Lyons and Brian Nolan , The Economics of Disability in Ireland, Dublin, Manchester University Press, 2014, pp86 - 97, [Frawley, Denise, Banks, Joanne and McCoy, Selina]
Banks, Joanne, Byrne, Delma, McCoy, Selina and Smyth, Emer, Bottom of the class? The leaving certificate applied programme and track placement in the Republic of Ireland, Irish Educational Studies, 33, (4), 2014, p367 - 381
The Spatial Distribution of Household Income in Ireland in, editor(s)O'Donoghue, C., Ballas, D., Clarke, G., Hynes, S., Morrissey, K. , Spatial Microsimulation for Rural Policy Analysis, Berlin-Heidelberg, Springer, 2014, pp193 - 211, [O'Donoghue, Cathal, Morrissey, Karen, Hayes, Philip, Loughrey, Jason, Banks, Joanne, Hynes, Stephen]
Banks, Joanne and McCoy, Selina, One of the gang? Peer relations among students with special educational needs, Growing Up in Ireland Annual Conference, Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin, 20th November, 2014
O"Donoghue, C., Morrissey, K., Hayes, P., Loughrey, J., Banks, J., Hynes, S., The spatial distribution of household disposable income, Advances in Spatial Science, 71, 2013, p193-211
McCoy, Selina, Banks, Joanne and Shevlin, Michael, School matters: how context influences the identification of different types of special educational needs, Irish Educational Studies , 32, (2), 2012, p119 - 138
Smyth, Emer and Banks, Joanne, High Stakes Testing and Student Perspectives on Teaching and Learning in the Republic of Ireland, Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 24, (4), 2012, p283 - 306
McCoy, Selina, Byrne, Delma and Banks, Joanne, Too Much of a Good Thing? Gender, 'Concerted Cultivation' and Unequal Achievement in Primary Education, Child Indicators Research, 5, (1), 2012, p155 - 178
McCoy,Selina, Smyth,Emer and Banks,Joanne, The Primary Classroom: Insights from the 'Growing Up in Ireland' Study, Dublin, NCCA and ESRI, January, 2012
Smyth, Emer and Banks, Joanne, `There was never really any question of anything else': young people's agency, institutional habitus and the transition to higher education, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 33, (2), 2012, p263--281
McCoy, Selina and Banks, Joanne, Simply Academic? Why Children with Special Educational Needs Don't Like School, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 27, (1), 2012, p81 - 97
Banks, Joanne, Shevlin, Michael and McCoy, Selina, Disproportionality in Special Education: Identifying Children with Emotional Behavioural Difficulties in Irish Primary Schools, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 27, (2), 2012, p219 - 235
Smyth, Emer and Banks, Joanne, 'There Was Never Really Any Question of Anything Else': Young People's Agency, Institutional Habitus and the Transition to Higher Education, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 33, (2), 2012, p263 - 281
Russell, Helen, Watson, Dorothy and Banks, Joanne, Pregnancy at Work: A National Survey, Dublin, HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme and the Equality Authority, June, 2011
Banks, Joanne and Russell, Helen, Pregnancy Discrimination in the Workplace: Legal Framework and Review of Legal Decisions 1999 to 2008, Dublin, HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme and the Equality Authority, June, 2011, p1 - 50
Smyth, Emer, Banks, Joanne and Calvert, Emma, From Leaving Certificate to Leaving School: A Longitudinal Study of Sixth Year Students , Dublin, The Liffey Press in association with ESRI, NCCA and Department of Education & Skills, 2011, 1 - 271pp
Banks, Joanne and Smyth, Emer, Continuous Professional Development among Primary Teachers in Ireland, Maynooth, The Teaching Council and ESRI, June, 2011, p1 - 57
Russell, Helen and Banks, Joanne, Pregnancy and Employment: A Literature Review, Dublin, HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme and the Equality Authority, June, 2011, p1 - 66
Banks, Joanne and McCoy, Selina, A Study on the Prevalence of Special Educational Needs, ESRI Research Series, 9, Dublin, National Council for Special Education, December , 2011, p1 - 150
Banks, Joanne, Byrne, Delma, McCoy, Selina, Smyth, Emer, Engaging Young People? Student Experiences of the Leaving Certificate Applied, ESRI Research Series, 15, Dublin, ESRI/NCCA, April, 2010, p1 - 188
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Tangney, Brendan, Bray, Aibhín, Devitt, Ann, Girvan, Carina, Ní Chorcora, Eilís, Maguire Donohoe, Jen, Banks, Joanne, Sullivan, Keane, Lisa, Byrne, Philip, Smith, Rónán and Hannon, Cliona, Trinity Access - Project Overview, Trinity Access, Trinity College Dublin, December, 2021
Banks, Joanne, Generating Momentum Across Campuses Using Universal Design for Learning to Create a Common Discourse, 15 March 2021, 2021, Dublin, Frederic Fovet
School of Education 2020-21 Research Webinar: Inclusion Dialogue Podcast Launch, November 26th. in, 2020, [Banks, J]
Banks, Joanne, 'Effective communication and support for parents of students with disabilities', 2020, -
Banks, Joanne, 'S1 Ep2: An Interview with Julie Allan, Inclusion Dialogue [Audio Podcast]', Dublin, 2020, -
Aston, Des, Banks, Joanne and Shevlin, Michael, Transitions to postschool settings for students with intellectual disabilities in Ireland, IASSIDD, Inclusive Education Special Interest Research Group, International Perspectives on Transitions in Education and Students with Intellectual Disabilities, Online, 16.12.2020, 2020
Banks, Joanne, Belonging in School: The What, Why and How of Inclusive Education, 2019, Trinity Long Room Hub
Banks, Joanne, Inclusive Education: Lessons from Canada, 2019, School of Education
Banks, Joanne, Green Paper on Assessment of Learners and Learning: Stakeholder Feedback, Dublin, QQI, November, 2019
Banks, Joanne, It's Time for Leaving Cert Reform, 2018, -
Banks, Joanne, Smyth, Emer and McCoy, Selina, Senior Cycle Review: Analysis of discussions in schools on the purpose of senior cycle education in Ireland, 2018
Banks, Joanne and McCoy, Selina, Segregation in an era of inclusion? The role of special classes in Irish mainstream schools, 2018
Banks, Joanne, How policies formed after WW2 paved the way for farm income inequalities that still exist today, 2018, -
Banks, Joanne, Smyth, Emer and McCoy, Selina, Leaving Certificate Applied Programme Discussion Paper, 2018
Banks, Joanne, Special Education: What have we learned from Growing Up in Ireland, INTO Special Education Conference, DCU Institute of Education, 11th February, 2017
Banks, Joanne, Research with no boundaries, The UCD Humanities Institute @15, A Celebratory Symposium, University College Dublin, 7th December, 2017
Banks, Joanne, Why the new approach to special education must be monitored, Irish Independent, February 16th, 2017, -
Banks, Joanne, McCoy, Selina and Frawley, Denise, School-based friendships among students with special educational needs, 2017
Banks, Joanne, An Irish solution? Developing Inclusive Education in Ireland, 50th Anniversary of Social Research at the ESRI, Economic and Social Research Institute, November 29th, 2016
Banks, Joanne, 'If we could roll back the time': Life history perspectives of the agricultural adviser, Remarkable Transformations: Reassessing the history of agriculture in Ireland, Royal Dublin Society, September 9th, 2016
Banks, Joanne, The Leaving Certificate Exam, 2015, -
Banks, Joanne, Resources for students with disabilities in Irish schools: What do we know?, 2015, -
Banks, Joanne, Conway, Paul, Darmody, Merike, Leavy, Aisling, Smyth, Emer and Watson, Dorothy, Review of the Droichead Teacher Induction Pilot Programme, 2015
Banks, Joanne and Smyth, Emer , Student Stress and the Leaving Certificate, 2015
McCoy, Selina, Banks, Joanne and Frawley, Denise, Allocation of special needs resources in schools should be based on the research, 2013, -
McCoy, Selina; Byrne, Delma; Banks, Joanne, Too much of a good thing? Gender, 'Concerted cultivation' and unequal achievement in primary education, 2010
Research Expertise
- Title
- Blended Learning in Schools: A Universal Design Approach
- Summary
- The purpose of this project is to empower teachers to develop pedagogical competencies for establishing effective and engaging learning experiences in a digital space, whether as part of a blended experience or wholly online. With the consortium partners from Ireland, Greece, Belgium, and Spain, representing a mixture of second-level teachers and education researchers, we will address the common aim of harnessing UDL to achieve 'an EU-wide common understanding of how to make distance, online & blended learning effective, inclusive & engaging' (a strategic priority of the EC Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027). The project will address two key areas: inclusion and digital pedagogical competencies, with the main target group being second-level teachers. The approach will be based on the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework (Cast.org), an inclusive approach to teaching and learning that offers all students an equal opportunity to fulfil their potential. This framework offers students different options for accessing, building and internalising learning. It guides teachers to provide multiple means for students to: a) engage with; b) represent; and c) action/express their learning. A key output of this project is to provide a digital overlay to the UDL framework to scaffold teachers' implementation of UDL principles in remote/blended contexts, such as during school closures. The other project outputs will flow from the development of this digital overlay, to provide further layers of supports for teachers to adopt digital learning principles of UDL. These include a self-evaluation tool for teachers to identify aspects of the digital UDL framework with which they require support; an associated learning model to support teachers' creation of digital, UDL activities that include a focus on key skills and competences; Open Educational Resources to scaffold implementation of the framework; and a professional development module which will focus on Area 5 of the DigCompEdu Framework: empowering learners through accessibility and inclusion, differentiation and personalisation. These tools will aim to support teachers and schools to develop inclusive strategies for the digital provision of teaching and learning in their own educational context, with an overarching goal of ensuring high levels of student engagement notwithstanding the mode of content delivery.
- Funding Agency
- Erasmus Plus
- Date From
- 2021
- Date To
- 2023
- Title
- Synergies in Shaping Inclusive Educational Reform in the Global North and South: Policymakers and Academics in Ireland and South Africa
- Summary
- Leading academics from Ireland and South Africa propose to explore the extent to which academia and policymakers share knowledge in inclusive education policy development. The project will involve a three-day visit by a researcher from the University of Cape Town and government official from the Western Cape Education Department, including a research/policy brokerage event with relevant stakeholders from the Global North-South. The network will disseminate its work through a publication, conference and policy brief for both countries. We envisage the project will lead to the development of a COALESCE application focusing on synergies between academic experts and policy-makers in education.
- Funding Agency
- New Foundations Irish Research Council
- Date From
- 1/12/23
- Date To
- 1/8/24
- Title
- Pathways to post-secondary settings for students with intellectual disabilities
- Funding Agency
- Arts and Social Sciences Benefactions Fund 2019-20 and TCPID
- Date From
- September 2019
- Date To
- September 2020
- Title
- Report on the feedback on the QQI Green Paper on Assessment of Learners and Learning
- Summary
- Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) is an independent State agency responsible for promoting quality and accountability in education and training services in Ireland. In March 2018, QQI published a Green Paper on Assessment of Learners and Learning in further education and training, higher education and training and English language education. The Green Paper set out a framework and context for discussing assessment issues with a view to provoking debate about what is being done and what can be improved. The Green Paper focussed on both summative and formative assessment by education providers who are quality assured by QQI. It presented issues of concern in assessment and highlighted a number of ideas about how these issues can be addressed. Between March and December 2018, QQI held a public consultation involving a series of focus groups and workshops in addition to a call for written submissions from a broad range of stakeholders working in the area of assessment. This research provides an analysis of this public consultation using the Green Paper as a framework.
- Funding Agency
- Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI)
- Date From
- 2019
- Date To
- 2019
- Title
- Teaching and Learning practices during COVID: a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) perspective
- Summary
- This primary objective of this project is to capture teachers' experiences of online teaching and learning and student engagement during the current school closures. The key deliverable from this project is a policy brief on barriers, enablers and effective practices to the Working Group on Continuity of Learning in the Department of Education. Importantly, we are structuring the survey to ensure we capture differences across different school types and regions.
- Funding Agency
- TCD COVID-19 rapid response initiative and Learnovate
- Date From
- May 2020
- Date To
- June 2020
Expert for the UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab
Reviewer for the Swiss National Science Foundation
Reviewer for European Research Council
Member of the Steering Group for Review of the Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Act
Reviewer for Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education (OREE)
Member of the Growing Up in Ireland Scientific Advisory Group
Member of the Mapping Experiences of Pathological Demand Avoidance in Ireland steering group.
Member of the Trinity Access Research Advisory Group.
Reviewer for Irish Educational Studies (Taylor and Francis)
Reviewer for the British Educational Research Journal (Wiley)
Reviewer for the European Journal of Special Needs Education (Taylor and Francis)
Reviewer for Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice (Taylor and Francis)
Reviewer for Learning and Individual Differences (Elsevier)
Reviewer for the International Journal of Inclusive Education (Taylor and Francis)
Awards and Honours
Fellow of Trinity College Dublin
Darcy McGee Beacon Fellowship Host Award
Digital Badge in Universal Design for Teaching & Learning
Member of the World Educational Research Association International Research Network (IRN)
Member of Inclusion in Education and Society Research Group https://www.tcd.ie/Education/research/groups/ies/
Member of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland
Member of the Disability Research Network.