Professor Alan Matthews
Fellow Emeritus, Economics
Fellow Emeritus, International Integration Studies (IIIS)
Alan Matthews is Professor of European Agricultural Policy in the Department of Economics at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. His major research interests are agricultural policy analysis, the impact of international trade on developing countries, and computable general equilibrium analysis of trade and agricultural policy reforms. He has previously worked as a consultant to the OECD, the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations and the UN Industrial Development Organisation, and has been a panel member in a number of WTO Dispute Settlement procedures.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
4. The political economy of food system transformation in the European Union in, editor(s)Resnick, D. and Swinnen, J. , Political Economy of Food System Transformation, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2023, pp310 - 337, [Alan Matthews, Jeroen Candel, Nel de Mûelenaere, Pauline Scheelbeek]
Alan Matthews, Europe's experience: investing in rural revitalization, Chapter 9 in Global Food Policy Report 2018, Washington, D.C., International Food Policy Research Institute, March, 2019, p78 - 85
European Agriculture and the Bioeconomy: A Historical Overview in, editor(s)Dries, L., Heijman, W., Jongeneel, R., Purnhagen, K., Wesseler, J. , EU Bioeconomy Economics and Policies: Volume I, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, pp19 - 36, [Alan Matthews and Kai Purnhagen]
David Blandford and Alan Matthews, Agricultural Policy Expenditures in the European Union and the United States, Eurochoices, 18, (1), 2019, p40 - 41
Christilla Roederer_Rynning and Alan Matthews, What Common Agricultural Policy after Brexit?, Politics and Governance, 7, (3), 2019, p40 - 50
Alan Matthews , How Ireland is facing the threat of a 'no-deal' Brexit, Eurochoices, 18, (2), 2019, p23 - 27
Alan Matthews, The CAP in the 2021-2027 MFF Negotiations, Intereconomics, 53, (6), 2018, p306 - 311
Alan Matthews, The EU's Common Agricultural Policy Post 2020: Directions of Change and Potential Trade and Market Effects, Geneva, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, November, 2018, p1 - 50
Mottershead, D., K. Hart, A. Maréchal, S. Meredith, A. Lorant, F. Bas-Defossez, D. Baldock, J.-C. Bureau, and A. Matthews, Towards the CAP Post 2020 - Appraisal of the EC Communication on 'The Future of Food and Farming' of 29 November 2017, Brussels, European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, 2018, p1 - 102
Alan Matthews, Possible transitional arrangements related to agriculture in the light of the future EU - UK relationship: institutional issues, Brussels, European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, , October, 2017, p1 - 96
Ole Boysen, Alan Matthews, Will Economic Partnership Agreements increase poverty? The case of Uganda, Review of Development Economics, 21, (2), 2017, p353 - 382
International assistance for developing countries to participate fully in the trade system in, editor(s)Meilke, K. and Josling, T. , International Trade Rules for Food and Agricultural Products, Singapore, World Scientific Publishing, 2017, pp337 - 363, [Diwaker Dixit, Alan Matthews]
Alan Matthews, How Can the CAP Promote Rural Jobs?, , Eurochoices, 16, (3), 2017, p18 - 20
Alan Matthews, Brexit impacts on Irish agri-food exports to the UK, Eurochoices, 16, (3), 2017, p26 - 32
Agriculture and Food in, editor(s)O'Hagan, J. and O'Toole, F. , The Economy of Ireland: Policy and Performance, 13th edition, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, pp236 - 261, [Alan Matthews]
What outcome to expect on Geographical Indications in the TTIP free trade negotiations with the United States in, Arfini, F., Mancini, M., Veneziani, M. and Donati, M. , Intellectual Property Rights for Geographical Indications: What is at stake in the TTIP?, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, pp2 - 18, [Alan Matthews]
Jean-Christophe Bureau and Alan Matthews, Giovanni Anania: Shaping the future of European agricultural policy, Bio-based and Applied Economics , 4, (3), 2016, p305-313
Alan Matthews, The Potential Implications of a Brexit for Future EU Agri-food Policies, Eurochoices, 15, (2), 2016, p17 - 22
Alan Matthews, Luca Salvatici, Margarita Scoppola, Trade Impacts of Agricultural Support in the EU, IATRC Commissioned Paper , 19, St Paul, Minnesota, International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium, 2016, 120pp
Ole Boysen, Corina Millar, Alan Matthews, Economic and household impacts of projected policy changes for the Irish agri-food sector, Journal of Agricultural Economics, 67, (1), 2016, p105-129
The CAP and development in, editor(s)McMahon J. and Cardwell, M , Research Handbook on EU Agricultural Law, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015, pp485-504 , [Alan Matthews]
Reflections on the CAP Post-2014 in, editor(s)Johann Swinnen , The Political Economy of the 2013 CAP Reform: An Imperfect Storm, London, Rowman & Littlefield International, 2015, pp493-508 , [Alan Matthews]
Boysen, O., Grinsted Jensen, H. and Matthews, A, Impact of EU agricultural policy on developing countries: A Uganda case study, Journal of International Trade & Economic Development , 2015
Alan Matthews, Food security, developing countries and multilateral trade rules, Background Paper for The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets 2015-2016, 2015, 1-59
The Multi-annual Financial Framework and the 2013 CAP reform in, editor(s)Johann Swinnen , The Political Economy of the 2013 CAP Reform: An Imperfect Storm, London, Rowman & Littlefield International, 2015, pp167-192 , [Alan Matthews]
Gaigné, C., Laroche Dupraz, C., Alan Matthews, Thirty Years of European Research on International Trade in Food and Agricultural Products, Revue d'Etudes en Agriculture et Environnement/Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies, 96, (1), 2015, p91-130
Food security as a driver of integration in Europe in, editor(s)Brennan, L. and Murray, P. , Drivers of Integration and Regionalism in Europe and Asia: Comparative Perspectives, London, Routledge, 2015, pp148-163 , [Alan Matthews]
Jonathan Brooks, Alan Matthews, Trade Dimensions of Food Security, OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Papers, No. 77, OECD Publishing., 2015
Miller, C, Matthews, A., Donnellan, T. and O'Donoghue, C., The Employment Effects of Food Harvest 2020 in Ireland, Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research , 53, 2014, p149-169
Food Security and WTO Domestic Support Disciplines post-Bali in, editor(s)Hartmann, M. and Hesse, J. , Agriculture and Food in the 21st Century: Economic, Environmental and Social Challenges, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang GmbH, 2014, pp163 - 184, [Alan Matthews]
Alan Matthews, Trade rules, food security and the multilateral trade negotiations, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 41, (3), 2014, p511-535
Louise Knops, Jo Swinnen, Alan Matthews, Alan Swinbank, Alessandro Olper, Attila Kovacs, Christilla Roederer-Rynning, Imre Ferto, Kaley Hart and Maria Garrone, The First CAP Reform under the Ordinary Legislative Procedure: A Political Economy Perspective, Brussels, European Parliament, Directorate-General for Internal Policies, 2014, 1-155
Alan Matthews, Doha Negotiations on Agriculture and Future of the WTO Multilateral Trade System, QA Rivista dell'Associazione Rossi-Doria, 2014, (1), 2014, p31-71
Agri-food sector in, editor(s)Newman, C. and O'Hagan, J. , The Economy of Ireland, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, 2014, pp287-311 , [Alan Matthews]
Europe's experience with agricultural integration and lessons for third countries in, editor(s)Schmid, E. and Vogel, S. , The Common Agricultural Policy in the 21st Century, Vienna, facultas.wuv Universitätsverlag, 2014, pp1-18 , [Alan Matthews]
Alan Matthews, Food Security and WTO Domestic Support Disciplines post-Bali, Issue Paper No. 53, Geneva, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, 2014, 25pp
Expanding agri-food production and employment in the presence of climate policy constraints: Quantifying the trade-off in Ireland in, editor(s)Zopounidis, C., Kalogeras, N., Mattas, K., Dijk, G., Baourakis, G. , Agricultural Cooperative Management and Policy: New Robust, Reliable and Coherent Modelling Tools, Cham, Switzerland, Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp223-242 , [Millar, C., Donnellan, T., Hanrahan, K., Matthews, A. and O'Donoghue, C.]
Alan Matthews, Greening agricultural payments in the EU's Common Agricultural Policy, BAE Bio-based and Applied Economics, 2, (1), 2013, p1 - 27
Unfulfilled expectations? The EU's agricultural and fisheries policies and Africa in, editor(s)Carbone, M. , The European Union in Africa: Incoherent Policies, Asymmetrical Partnership, Declining Relevance?, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2013, pp189 - 208, [Alan Matthews]
Alan Matthews, Greening the Common Agricultural Policy post 2014, Intereconomics, 47, (6), 2012, p326-331
The impact of WTO agricultural trade rules on food security and development: an examination of proposed additional flexibilities for developing countries in, editor(s)MacMahon, J. and Destu, M. , Research Handbook on the WTO Agriculture Agreement: New and Emerging Issues in International Agricultural Trade Law, London, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012, pp104-132 , [Alan Matthews]
Alan Matthews, Greening the CAP: the way forward, QA Rivista dell'Associazione Rossi-Doria, 2012, (4), 2012, p37 - 60
Alan Matthews, Environmental Public Goods in the New CAP: Impact of Greening Proposals and Possible Alternatives, Brussels, European Parliament, 2012, 95pp
Ole Boysen and Alan Matthews, Impact of EU Common Agricultural Policy reform on Uganda, London, Overseas Development Institute, 2012, 53pp
Alan Matthews, Post-2013 EU Common Agricultural Policy, Trade and Development, Geneva, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), October, 2011, 1-33
The Agri-food Sector in, editor(s)O'Hagan, J. and Newman, C. , The Economy of Ireland: National and Sectoral Policy Issues, 11th edition, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, 2011, pp295-323 , [Alan Matthews]
Haiyan Wang and Alan Matthews, Estimating the labour transformation elasticity between agricultural and non-agricultural sectors in China, Food Economics - Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section C, 8, (1), 2011, p48-58
Trade and Poverty Impacts for Uganda in, editor(s)Morrissey, O. , Assessing Prospective Trade Policy: Methods Applied to EU-ACP Economic Partnership Agreements, London, Routledge, 2011, pp105-131 , [Ole Boysen and Alan Matthews]
Economic Partnership Agreements and Food Security in, editor(s)Morrissey, O. , Assessing Prospective Trade Policy: Methods Applied to EU-ACP Economic Partnership Agreements, London, Routledge, 2011, pp203-222 , [Alan Matthews]
Alan Matthews, How Might the EU's Common Agricultural Policy Affect Trade and Development After 2013?, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, November , 2010, (Paper No. 29), 1-15
Frank Barry, Michael King and Alan Matthews, Policy Coherence for Development: Five Challenges, Irish Studies in International Affairs, 21, 2010, p207-223
Alan Matthews, Understanding reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, QA Rivista dell'Associazione Rossi-Doria, 1, 2010, p137-149
EPAs and the demise of the commodity protocols in, editor(s)Faber, G. and Orbie, J. , Beyond Market Access for Economic Development: EU-Africa Relations in Transition, London, Routledge, 2009, pp217-241 , [Alan Matthews]
Frank Barry, Michael King, Alan Matthews, Policy Coherence for Development: The State of Play in Ireland, Dublin, Institute for International Integration Studies, 2009, 1-215pp
Uganda in, editor(s)Anderson, K. and Martin, W. , Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Africa, Washington, D.C., The World Bank, 2009, pp329 - 358, [Alan Matthews, Pierre Claquin and Jacob Opolot]
Agriculture after Cancún in, editor(s)Stefan Griller , At the Crossroads: The World Trading System and the Doha Round, Vienna, SpringerWienNewYork, 2008, pp315 - 337, [Alan Matthews]
Alan Matthews, The CAP and global food security, Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture , 47, (4), 2008, p281 - 284
Agriculture and Rural, Conservation and Food Policies in, editor(s)O'Hagan, J. and Newman, C. , The Economy of Ireland, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, 2008, pp263 - 290, [Alan Matthews]
Alan Matthews, The European Union's Common Agricultural Policy and Developing Countries: the Struggle for Coherence, European Integration, 30, (3), 2008, p381 - 399
The EU and the developing world in, editor(s)El-Agraa, Ali , The European Union: Economics and Policies , 8th edition, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007, pp494 - 515, [Alan Matthews]
Keith Walsh, Martina Brockmeier and Alan Matthews, Implications of Domestic Support Disciplines for Further Agricultural Trade Liberalization, Journal of International Agriculture and Development, 3, (2), 2007, p173 - 108
Shallow versus deep Special and Differential Treatment (SDT) and the issue of differentiation in the WTO among groups of developing countries in, editor(s)Morrison, J. and Sarris, A. , WTO Rules for Agriculture Compatible with Development, Rome, Food and Agriculture Organisation, 2007, pp79 - 100, [Alan Matthews]
Productivity in Irish Agriculture in, editor(s)Aylward, C. and O'Toole, R. , Perspectives on Irish Productivity, Dublin, Forfás, 2007, pp116 - 129, [Alan Matthews, Carol Newman and Fiona Thorne]
Janine Dixon and Alan Matthews, The 2003 Mid-Term Review of the Common Agricultural Policy: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis for Ireland, Journal of International Agriculture and Development, 3, (1), 2007, p71-85
EU trade policy in, editor(s)El-Agraa, A. , The European Union: Economics and Policies , 8th edition, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007, pp473 - 493, [Marius Brülhart and Alan Matthews]
'The role of EBA in the political economy of CAP reform in, editor(s)Gerrit Faber and Jan Orbie , European Union Trade Politics and Development: 'Everything But Arms' Unravelled, London and New York, Routledge, 2007, pp157 - 179, [Alan Matthews and Jacques Gallezot]
Alan Matthews, Hannah Chaplin, Thomas Giblin and Marian Mraz, Policy Coherence for Development: Coherence between Ireland's Official Development Cooperation Activities and other Policy Areas in particular Agricultural Trade and Support Policies, Research Series No. 1, Dublin, Advisory Board for Irish Aid, 2007, 72pp
Carol Newman and Alan Matthews, Evaluating the Productivity Performance of Agricultural Enterprises in Ireland using a Multiple Output Distance Function Approach, Journal of Agricultural Economics, 58, (1), 2007, p128-151
More Differentiated Special Treatment in the Agriculture Agreement: Beyond Concept to Practice in, editor(s)Paugam, J.-M. and Novel, A.-S. eds. , Reviving the Special and Differential Treatment of Developing Countries in International Trade, Paris, Institut Français des Relations Internationales, 2006, pp181 - 208, [Alan Matthews]
Newman, C. and Matthews, A., The Productivity Performance of Irish Dairy Farms 1984-2000: A Multiple Output Distance Function Approach, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 26, (2), 2006, p191-205
Alan Matthews, Improving coherence between Irish trade and development policy from an African perspective , Journal of the Social and Statistical Inquiry Society of Ireland, XXXV, 2006, p219-231.
Hannah Chaplin and Alan Matthews, Coping with the Fallout for Preference Receiving Countries from EU Sugar Reform, The Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy, 7, (1), 2006, p15 - 31
Janine Dixon and Alan Matthews, Impact of the 2003 Mid Term Review of the Common Agricultural Policy, Economic and Social Research Institute Quarterly Economic Commentary, , (Spring), 2006, p36 - 52
Policy Coherence for Development: Issues in Agriculture in, editor(s)OECD , Trade, Agriculture and Development: Policies Working Together, Paris, OECD, 2006, pp39-54 , [Alan Matthews and Thomas Giblin]
International Commodity Agreements, in R. Robertson and J-A Scholte (eds), Encyclopedia of Globalization, Vol. 1, London, Routledge, 2006, pp175 - 177, [Alan Matthews]
The Development Box in the WTO Agreement on Agriculture in, editor(s)Majda Bne Saad and Maura Leen , Trade, Aid and Development: Essays in Honour of Helen O'Neill, Dublin, University College Dublin Press, 2006, pp94 - 115, [Alan Matthews]
Alan Matthews and Keith Walsh, The Economic Consequences of the Doha Round for Ireland, Economic and Social Review, Vol. 37, (No. 1), 2006, p47 - 69
Bureau, J. C., Jean, S. and Matthews, A., The Consequences of Agricultural Trade Liberalization for Developing Countries: Distinguishing Between Genuine Benefits and False Hopes., World Trade Review, 5, (2), 2006, p225-249
Alan Matthews, Development Assistance to Agriculture: can the decline be reversed?, EuroChoices, 4, (1), 2005, p24 - 25
Implications of EU Enlargement for ACP Agricultural Trade in, editor(s)Stevens, C. , The Agricultural Dimension of Economic Partnership Agreements, Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization, 2005, pp175 - 187, [Alan Matthews]
Special and differential treatment in the WTO Negotiations in, editor(s)Rainelli, P. , Les Politiques Agricoles sont-elles Condamnées par la Mondialisation?, Paris, Institut français des relations internationales and Academia-Bruylant, 2005, pp269 - 304, [A.Matthews]
The Impact of CAP Reform on Cotonou - the Specifics of CAP Reform in, editor(s)Stevens, C. , The Agricultural Dimension of Economic Partnership Agreements, Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization, 2005, pp152 - 174, [Alan Matthews and Christopher Stevens]
Alan Matthews, The road from Doha to Hong Kong in the agricultural negotiations: a developing country perspective, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 32, (4), 2005, p561 - 574
Alan Matthews and Keith Walsh, Economic Consequences of the Doha Round for Ireland, Dublin, Forfás, 2005, 119pp
Rural Development and Food Safety, Chapter 9 in, editor(s)O'Hagan, J. and Newman, C. , The Economy of Ireland: National & Sectoral Policy Issues, Ninth Edition, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, 2005, pp215 - 242, [Alan Matthews]
Alan Matthews, Agriculture and Development: the Case for Policy Coherence, Paris, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2005, 1 - 98pp
Cathie Laroche-Dupraz and Alan Matthews, Approche graphique du fonctionnement des contingents tarifaires : effets sur l'accès au marché d'importation et le bien-être économique des exportateurs, Économie et Prévision, 3/4/5, (169-170-171), 2005, p227 - 238
Agricultural tariff rate quotas to developing countries in, editor(s)Guha-Khasnobis, B. , The WTO, Developing Countries and the Doha Development Agenda, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, pp130 - 160, [A.Matthews, C. Laroche Dupraz]
The EU and the developing world in, The European Union: Economics and Politics, Seventh Edition, Prentice Hall, 2004, pp471 - 493, [A.Matthews]
C. Newman and A.Matthews, Measuring and Understanding Productivity Growth in Irish Agriculture, Kiel, Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk Kiel KG, 2004, 179pp
External trade policy in, The European Union: Economics and Politics, Seventh Edition, Prentice Hall, 2004, pp450 - 470, [A.Matthews, M. Brulhart]
A.Matthews, Regional Integration and Food Security in Developing Countries, Training Materials for Agricultural Planning 45, Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization, 2003, 95pp
A.Matthews, C. Newman and M. Henchion, A double-hurdle model of Irish household expenditure on prepared meals, Applied Economics, 35, 2003, p1053 - 1061
A.Matthews, Brooks, J. and Wilson, N., Do Developing Countries Need a Development Box, Eurochoices, 2, (2), 2003, p18 - 22
A.Matthews, S. McCarthy and B. Riordan, Economic determinants of private afforestation in the Republic of Ireland, Land Use Policy, 20, 2003, p51 - 59
Agriculture in, editor(s)Johnson, P. , Industries in Europe: Competition, Trends and Policy Issues, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2003, pp26 - 54, [A.Matthews]
A.Matthews, WTO Agreement on Agriculture: The Implementation Experience: Developing Country Case Studies, Rome, FAO, 2003, 644pp
A.Matthews, R. O'Toole, Issues Arising from the 2001 Foot and Mouth Outbreak, Irish Banking Review, 2002, p24 - 97
Newman, C., Henchion M. and A. Matthews, Infrequency of purchase and double-hurdle models of Irish households' meat expenditure, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 28, 2002, p393 - 419
A.Matthews, Developing countries' position in WTO: issues for developing countries, Development Policy Review, 20, (1), 2002, p75 - 90
A.Matthews, S. O'Neill and Leavy, T., Measuring productivity change and efficiency on Irish farms, Farm and Food, 12, (1), 2002, p4 - 5
A.Matthews, Les pays en développement et les négociations de l'OMC sur la libéralisation des échanges agricoles, Economie Rurale, 267, 2002, p5 - 18
A.Matthews, Suzanne O'Neill, Technical change and efficiency in Irish agriculture, Economic and Social Review, 32, (3), 2001, p253 - 284
A.Matthews, C. Laroche-Dupraz, Agricultural tariff rate quotas as a development instrument, Economie Internationale, 87, 2001, p89 - 106
European Union agri-environmental policy - issues and pitfalls in, editor(s)Clinch, P., Schlegelmilch, K., Sprenger, R. and Triebswetter, U. , Greening the Budget: Budgetary Policies for Environmental Improvement, London, Edward Elgar, 2001, pp248 - 274, [A.Matthews, Convery, F., Fry, J., O'Shea, S. and Pender, A.]
A.Matthews, How important is agriculture and the agri-food sector in Ireland?, Irish Banking Review, 2001, p28 - 40
Newman, C., Henchion, M. and A.Matthews, Infrequency of Purchase and Double-Hurdle Models of Irish Households' Meat Expenditure, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 28, (4), 2001, p393 - 419
A.Matthews, Farm Incomes: Myths and Reality, Cork, Cork University Press, 2000, 88pp
A.Matthews, Productivity growth in Irish agriculture, Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, XXIX, 2000, p315 - 358
Agribusiness and economy wide effects of CAP reforms in, Teagasc, Outlook 2000: Medium Term Analysis for the Agri-Food Sector, Dublin, Teagasc, 2000, pp56 - 64, [A.Matthews, R. O'Toole]
A.Matthews, Multilateral trade reform in agriculture and the developing countries, Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, 39, (3), 2000, p261 - 280
International development assistance and food security in, editor(s)Gupta, K. , Foreign Aid: New Perspectives, London, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, pp67 - 84, [A.Matthews]
Thagesen, R. and Matthews, A., The EU's Common Banana Regime :An Initial Evaluation, Journal of Common Market Studies, 35, 1998, p615 - 627
Alan Matthews, Emerging Policy Challenges for the Agri-Food Sector, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 24, 1998, p549 - 564
A.Matthews, L.-P. Mahé, L'Accord agricole de Marrakech et les politiques agricoles nationales des PED: Poursuite de l'adjustement structurel?, Options Méditerranéenees, Série A, No. 30, The GATT and Mediterranean Agricultural Trade, 1997, p175 - 190
Matthews, A., The Disappearing Budget Constraint on EU Agricultural Policy, Food Policy, 21, 1996, p497 - 508
A.Matthews, M. Hartmann, Food vs. environment: Europe's green fields, Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy, 10, (4), 1995, p76 - 79
A.Matthews, Mahé' L.P., L'accord agricole de Marrakech et les politiques agricoles nationales des PED : poursuite de l'ajustement structurel?, International des Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditeranéennes, 12, 1995, p20
Matthews, A., Trade Reform and the Prospects for Processed Food Exports from Developing Countries , Journal of Agricultural Economics, 45, 1994, p177 - 188
Alan Matthews, Managing the EC Structural Funds, Cork, Cork University Press, 1994, 58pp
McAleese, D. and Matthews, A., LDC Primary Exports to the EC - Prospects Post-1992, Journal of Common Market Studies, 29, 1991, p157 - 180
Alan Matthews, EC Trade Policy and the Third World : An Irish Perspective, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, 1991, 246pp
Alan Matthews in N. Alexdratos (ed) (part of the preparatory team), European Agriculture: Towards 2000 , London, Belhaven Press, 1990, 246pp
Matthews, A., Growth and Employment Considerations in the Food vs Export Crops Debate , IDS Bulletin Institute of Development Studies, 19, 1988, p5 - 9
Alan Matthews, Agricultural policies in industrial countries and their effects on the Third World: a comment, Tijdschrift voor Sociaal- wetenschappelijk onderzoek van de Landbouw, 2, (2), 1987, p143- 49
Alan Matthews, Les difficultés financières récentes dans l'agriculture irlandaise, Cahiers d'economie et sociologie rurales, 5, 1987, p48-64
Alan Matthews and Andrew Storey, African agricultural strategies and development aid, Irish Studies in International Affairs, 2, (3), 1987, p1 - 21
McAleese, D. and Matthews, A., The Single European Act and Ireland - Implications for a Small Member State, Journal of Common Market Studies, 26, 1987, p39 - 60
Alan Matthews, Agricultural credit and public policy, Irish Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology , 11, 1986, p93-97
Alan Matthews, Ireland: rural development in an agrarian society, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 13, (3), 1986, p367-90
Alan Matthews, Ireland, the Common Agricultural Policy and the Less Developed Countries, Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 25, (2), 1985, p149-158
Alan Matthews, The Common Agricultural Policy and the Less Developed Countries, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, 1985
Alan Matthews, La politique agricole commune et les pays sous-developpés: un examen des faits, Economie Rurale, (165), 1985, p21-26
Alan Matthews, European Union: the economic implications for Ireland, Irish Studies in International Affairs, 2, (1), 1985, p131-141
Alan Matthews, Does the Common Agricultural Policy damage the less developed countries?, Trocaire Development Review, 1985, p75-82
Alan Matthews and K.-J. Trede, Agrarpolitik und Agrarsektor im Vereingten Konigreich (Agricultural Policy and the Agricultural Sector in the United Kingdom), Volume 2, Agrarpolitische Landerberichte, EG-Staaten, , Kiel, Kieler Wissen-schaftsverlag Vauk, 1984
Alan Matthews, Prospects for the European periphery: a conference overview, Adminstration, 33, (2), 1984, p128-135
Alan Matthews, The options for further EEC integration: an Irish view, Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 25, (1), 1984, p207-19
Alan Matthews and Karl-Joachim Trede, Agrarpolitik und Agrarsektor in Irland (Agricultural Policy and the Agricultural Sector in Ireland), Volume 3, Agrarpolitische Landerberichte, EC-Staaten, , Kiel, Kieler Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk, 1984
Alan Matthews, Evaluating public spending on agricultural development, The Irish Banking Review, (March), 1983, p36-48
Alan Matthews, EEC External Trade Policy: Implications for Ireland, Paper no. 4, Dublin, Irish Council for the European Movement, 1980
Jim Fitzpatrick and Alan Matthews, The European Community's food aid policy: a role for Ireland, Administration, 28, (3), 1980, p275-290
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Alan Matthews, An ambitious CAP is needed to underpin the green transition, Recht der Landwirtschaft, 11/12, (75), 2023, p290 - 297
Alan Matthews and Rossella Soldi, Evaluation of the impact of the current CAP on the agriculture of developing countries, Brussels, European Committee of the Regions, September, 2019, 1-100
Alan Matthews and David Blandford, EU and US Agricultural Policies: Commonalities and Contrasts, 18, (1), 2019, p4-10
Alan Matthews, The challenges of the next CAP: doing more with less, Agriregionieuropa, 13, (50), 2017
Alan Matthews, Research for AGRI Committee - Possible transitional arrangements related to agriculture in the light of the future EU - UK relationship: institutional issues, Brussels, European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, October, 2017, 90pp
Alan Matthews, The future of direct payments, in European Parliament, Research For AGRI Committee - Reflections On The Agricultural Challenges Post-2020 in the EU: Preparing the Next CAP Reform, IP/B/AGRI/CEI/2015-70/0/C5/SC1, Brussels, Directorate-General for Internal Policies, Policy Department B: Structural and Cohesion Policies, 2016, p3 - 86
Alan Matthews, Food safety regulation in TTIP: much ado about nothing? , European Journal of Risk Regulation , (2), 2016, p256 - 261
Europe's experience with agricultural integration and lessons for third countries in, editor(s)Schmid, E. and Vogel, S. , The Common Agricultural Policy in the 21st Century, Vienna, facultas.wuv Universitätsverlag, 2014, pp1-18 , [Alan Matthews]
Alan Matthews, Greening CAP payments: a missed opportunity?, Dublin, Institute for International and European Affairs, 2013, 14pp
Keijzer, N., King, M., Spierings, E., Matthews, A. , Measuring Policy Coherence for Development, Maastricht, Netherlands, European Centre for Development Policy Management, May, 2012, 58
Michael King and Alan Matthews, Policy Coherence for Development : Indicators for Ireland, Dublin, Institute for International Integration Studies, 2012, 1, 101
Alan Matthews, Review of The Economic Impact of Public Support to Agriculture: An International Perspective, by V. Eldon Ball, R. Fanfani and L. Guttierez (eds) , European Review of Agricultural Economics, 39, (2), 2012, p363-365
Alan Matthews, Review of Food Prices and Rural Poverty, by M. Ataman Aksoy and Bernard M. Hoekman (eds) , European Review of Agricultural Economics, 38, (4), 2011, p617-619
La Politica Agricola Comune europea e la sicurezza alimentare globale in, editor(s)Tornimbeni, C , Sicurezza alimentare nei Paesi in via di sviluppo, Rome, Aiep Editore S.r.l, 2010, pp139-143 , [Alan Matthews]
Alan Matthews, Review of The European Union and Developing Countries: Trade, Aid and Growth in an Integrating World, Yves Bourdet (Editor), Joakim Gullstrand (Editor), Karin Olofsdotter (Editor) , European Review of Agricultural Economics, 36, (1), 2009, p123-126
Alan Matthews, Review of The European Union and Developing Countries: Trade, Aid and Growth in an Integrating World, by Bourdet, Joakim Gullstrand and Karin Olofsdotter (eds) , European Review of Agricultural Economics, 36, (1), 2009, p123-126
Alan Matthews, Review of Ideas, Institutions, and Trade: The WTO and the Curious Role of EU Farm Policy in Trade Liberalisation, by Carsten Daugbjerg and Alan Swinbank , Eurochoices, 9, (2), 2009, p48
The future of the EU budget: Irish perspectives in, editor(s)Callan T. , Budget Perspectives 2010, Dublin, Economic and Social Research Institute, 2009, pp54-75 , [Alan Matthews]
Alan Matthews, Good Governance in the Agri-Food Sector of Industrialised Countries, in Kulhman, F. and Schmitz, P.M.(ed.), Good Governance in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft, Schiften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V., 42, Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH, 2007, 21-36 p
Alan Matthews and Thomas Giblin, Policy Coherence, Agriculture and Development, IIIS Discussion Paper No. 112, 2006, Trinity College Dublin , 2006
Alan Matthews, Review of Agricultural Policy Reform: Politics and Process in the EU and US in the 1990s, by Moyer, W. and Josling T. , Journal of Agricultural Economics, 57, (1), 2006, p146-148
Alan Matthews, More Differentiated Special Treatment in the Agriculture Agreement: beyond concept to practice, IIIS Discussion Paper # 108, 2006, Trinity College Dublin, 2006
Alan Matthews and Jacques Gallezot, The role of EBA in the political economy of CAP reform, IIIS Discussion Paper No. 133,Trinity College Dublin, 2006
Alan Matthews, Review of The CAP and the Regions: The Territorial Impact of the Common Agricultural Policy, by Shucksmith, M., Thomson, K. and Roberts, D. , Eurochoices, 5, (1), 2006, p44-46
Hannah Chaplin and Alan Matthews, Coping with the Fall-out for Preference-Receiving Countries from EU Sugar Reform IIIS Discussion Paper # 100, 2005, Trinity College Dublin, 2005
Alan Matthews, Policy Coherence for Development: Issues in Agriculture: An Overview Paper, IIIS Discussion Paper No.63, February, 2005
K. Walsh and A. Matthews, A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis Of The Consequences Of Further Trade Liberalisation For Ireland, Irish Economic Association Annual Conference, May, 2005
A.Matthews, J.C. Bureau and S. Jean, Agricultural Trade Liberalisation: Assessing the Consequences for Developing Countries, XIth Congress of the European Agricultural Economics Association, Copenhagen, August, 2005
Alan Matthews, Special and Differential Treatment in the WTO Agricultural Negotiations, IIIS Discussion Paper No.61, February, 2005
A.Matthews, Developing countries in the WTO agricultural negotiations, International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium Meeting, Seville, Spain, 29-21 June, 2005
Alan Matthews and Keith Walsh, The Economic Consequences of the Doha Round for Ireland (with K. Walsh), IIIS Discussion Paper # 103, 2005, Trinity College Dublin, 2005
Alan Matthews, Special and Differential Treatment in the WTO Agricultural Negotiations, IIIS Discussion Paper No.61, February, 2005
A.Matthews, M. Mraz, Agricultural Trade Liberalisation and Poverty, 8th Global Economic Analysis Conference, Lübeck, Germany, 9-11 June, 2005
Bureau, J. C., Jean, S. and Matthews, A., The Consequences of Agricultural Trade Liberalization for Developing Countries: Genuine Benefits and False Hopes, IIIS Discussion Paper No. 73, Trinity College Dublin, April , 2005
Thomas Giblin and Alan Matthews, Global and EU Agricultural Trade Reform: What is in it for Tanzania, Uganda and Sub-Saharan Africa?, IIIS Discussion Paper No. 74, June 2005, Trinity College Dublin, 2005
K. Walsh, M. Brockmeier and A. Matthews, Implications of Domestic Support Disciplines for Further Agricultural Trade Liberalisation, 2005, 8th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Luebeck, Germany, June, 2005
A.Matthews, The Future of Rural Areas in an Enlarged EU: Perspectives for the new Member States in Central and Eastern Europe and Bulgaria and Romania, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2004, 237pp
A.Matthews, The Development Box in the WTO Agreement on Agriculture, Institut Français des Relations Internationales, Paris, October, 2004
A.Matthews, Economics and WTO Litigation: The Canadian Wheat Board Panel, Conference The Use of Economics in Trade Negotiations and Disputes, 2004 International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium Winter Meetings, Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida, December 5 - 7, 2004
A.Matthews, C. Stevens, Implications of EU enlargement for ACP agricultural trade and The Impact of CAP Reform on Cotonou - the Specifics of CAP Reform, "Strengthening the Capacity of ACP Secretariat Staff in Agricultural (including Fisheries) Trade Neg, May 24-27, 2004
A.Matthews, Policy Coherence for Development: Issues for Agriculture, OECD Committee for Agriculture, Paris, OECD, 2004
A.Matthews, C. Newman, Productivity growth in Irish cattle systems, 1984-2000, Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 2 March, 2004
A.Matthews, Policy Coherence for Development: Issues in Agriculture, Promoting Policy Coherence For Development, A High-Level Workshop Sponsored By The German Marshall Fund Of The United States And The Ministry Of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands, Washington, D.C., 1 October, 2004
A.Matthews, C. Newman, The Productivity Performance of Irish Agriculture 1984-2000: A System by System Approach, Agricultural Economics Society of Ireland, May, 2003
A.Matthews, Coherence between Ireland's Official Development Assistance and Agricultural Trade and Support Policies, Advisory Board to Ireland Aid, October, 2003
A.Matthews, Economic Consequences of the Doha Round for Ireland, Forfás, September, 2003
Alan Matthews, Sustainable Development Research in Agriculture: Gaps and Opportunities for Ireland, Trinity Economic Paper No. 13, 2003
A.Matthews, C. Newman, The Productivity Performance of Irish Dairy Farms: A Multiple Output Distance Function Appraoch, 8th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Oviedo, Spain, September, 2003
A.Matthews, Coherence between Ireland's Official Development Assistance and Agricultural Trade and Support Policies, Development Forum, Irish Department of Foreign Affairs, 17 October, 2003
A.Matthews, A Review of Special and Differential Treatment Proposals in the WTO Agricultural Negotiations, OECD Joint Working Party on Agriculture and Trade, Directorate for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, 2003, 41
A.Matthews, Agriculture after Cancun, The Future of the World Trading System after the Failure at Cancun, Austrian European Community Studies Association, Vienna, 20 and 21 November, 2003
A.Matthews, R. O'Toole and J. Jensen, The IMAGE model: Decision-making Tool for the Food Industry, IMAGE model, Dublin, September, 2003
A.Matthews, Newman, C.and O'Neill, S., Productivity Growth of Irish Dairy and Cattle Farms - 1984-1998, Agricultural Economics Society Conference, Aberystwyth, 2002
O'Toole, R. and Matthews, A., The IMAGE CGE model: Constructing the base 1993 database, Trinity Economic Papers, No. 7, 2002
McCarthy, S., Riordan, B. and Matthews, A., 140. Determinants of private afforestation in the Republic of Ireland, Trinity Economic Papers, No. 3, 2002
O'Toole, R. and Matthews, A., Impact of the 2001 Foot and Mouth outbreak on the Irish economy (with Ronnie O'Toole and M. Mulvey), Trinity Economic Papers, No. 8, , 2002
A.Matthews, O'Toole, R. and Mulvey, M., Impact of the 2001 Foot and Mouth Outbreak on the Irish Economy, Agricultural Economics Society Conference, Aberystwyth, 2002
O'Toole, R. and Matthews, A., The IMAGE CGE model: understanding the model structure, code and solution methods, Trinity Economic Papers, No. 9, , 2002
Newman, C., Henchion, M. and Matthews, A., A double-hurdle model of Irish household expenditure on prepared foods, Trinity Economic Papers, No. 19, 2001
Laroche-Dupraz, C. and Matthews, A., Utilising agricultural tariff rate quotas as a development instrument, Trinity Economic Papers, No. 21, 2001, 2001
Alan Matthews, The possible impact of China's WTO membership on the WTO agricultural negotiations, Trinity Economic Papers, No. 15, 2001
Alan Matthews, Has agricultural policy responded to the Rio challenge?, Trinity Economic Papers, No. 14, 2001
Alan Matthews, How important is agriculture and the agri-food sector in Ireland?, Trinity Economic Papers, No 18, 2001
A.Matthews, K. Ingersent, The WTO Negotiations in the Field of Agriculture and Food: Strategic Positions of the US and China, Directorate-General for Research of the European Parliament, Luxembourg, European Parliament, 2001
A.Matthews, How important is agriculture and the agri-food sector in Ireland?, Economics Workshop Policy Conference, Kenmare, October, 2001
Alan Matthews, The position of the developing countries in the WTO negotiations on agricultural trade liberalisation, Trinity Economic Papers, No. 3, 2001
A.Matthews, Irish agriculture - Painting the economic framework, Agricultural Science Association Annual Conference, Limerick, 15 September, 2000
A.Matthews, M. Keeney, Multiple job holding - explaining participation in off-farm employment, labour demand and labour supply of Irish farm households, Proceedings of the Agricultural Economics Society of Ireland, 2000, pp117 - 136
A. Matthews, Agriculture Policy in Western Europe and the United States, 2000, -
Alan Matthews, The WTO agricultural trade negotiations after Seattle, Trinity Economic Papers, No. 4, 2000
The Competitiveness of the Agriculture Sector in, Discussion Paper No. 3, National Competitiveness Council, Forfás, Dublin, 2000, pp17 , [A.Matthews]
A.Matthews, M. Keeney, Multiple job holding - explaining participation in off-farm employment labour demand and labour supply of Irish farm households, UK Agricultural Economics Society, April, 2000
A.Matthews, S. O'Neill, Measuring the rate of return to agricultural research and extension using a panel of Irish dairy farms, Irish Economics Association Conference, March, 2000
A.Matthews, Developing countries and Multilateral Trade Negotiations on Agriculture, Development Studies Association conference, University of Nottingham, April, 2000
A.Matthews, The WTO agricultural trade negotiations after Seattle, Proceedings of the Agricultural Economics Society of Ireland, 2000, pp17 - 32
A.Matthews, M. Keeney, Direct payments and resource allocation in Irish farming, Irish Economics Association conference, March, 2000
Direct payment measures, competitiveness, farm and rural area viability in, Final Report: Project No: 4001, Dublin, Teagasc, 1999, [A.Matthews, Frawley, J.P. and Keeney, M.]
A.Matthews, S. O'Neill, Evaluating extension impact: a stochastic production function analysis, European Association of Agricultural Economics Congress, August, 1999
O'Neill, S., Leavy, A. and Matthews, A. , Farm Technical Efficiency and Extension, Trinity Economic Papers, No. 12, 1999
A.Matthews, T. Ratinger and K. Frohberg, Competitiveness of Czech Agriculture - a commodity chain analysis, Potential Competitiveness of Central and Eastern European Farming under EU Conditions, Prague, Czech Agricultural University, 23-24 September, 1999
A.Matthews, T. Ratinger, Strengths and weaknesses of Czech agriculture, 40th anniversary of the Faculty of Economics at the Mendel Agricultural University in Brno, "Current Issues of Czech Economic Development and Economic Education at the University Level", Brno, Mendel Agricultural University, 15-16 September, 1999
A.Matthews, S. O'Neill, Farm efficiency and extension contact, IXth Workshop on Productivity and Efficiency Analysis, Copenhagen, October, 1999
A.Matthews, T. Ratinger, Competitiveness of the Czech Agro-Food Sector , Czech Republic Ministry of Agriculture, Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization, 1999
A.Matthews, Ratinger, T., Country experiences in adjustment of farm structures: Czech Republic, Second EU Accession Workshop in the Rural Sector Structural Change in the Farming Sector of Central and Eastern Europe: Lessons and Implications for EU Accession, Warsaw, June 25-26, 1999
Alan Matthews, International development assistance and food security, Trinity Economic Papers, Policy Paper No. 98/2, 1998
A.Matthews, The structures and instruments created by the Common Agricultural Policy of the EC, Latest developments in the EU Common Agricultural Policy, Dublin, June, 1998
A.Matthews, M. Keeney and J. Frawley, Direct payments and the future of beef production in Europe, 56th EAAE Seminar Long-term Prospects for the Beef Industry, Paris, February, 1998
A.Matthews, J. Frawley and M.Keeney, Production effects and policy implications of direct payments to farmers, Irish Economics Association conference, Limavaddy, April, 1998
A.Matthews, J. O'Flaherty, Study on the budgetary impact of the 1992 CAP reform and the underspending of FEOGA Guarantee Funds, DGXIX (Budget) of the Commission of the European Communities, June, 1997
A.Matthews, M.Keeney and J. Frawley, The distribution of direct payments in Irish agricultur, Dublin Economics Workshop Conference, Kenmare, October, 1997
A.Matthews, J. O'Brien, FEOGA Guarantee Budget Variance Model, Directorate-General for Budgets, Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, 1997
A.Matthews, Emerging policy challenges for the agri-food sector, VIIIth Congress of the European Agricultural Economics Association, Edinburgh, September, 1996
A.Matthews, K. Hanrahan, Measurement of the effect of macroeconomic policy on Irish agriculture, 1973-1992, VIIIth Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, Edinburgh, September, 1996
A.Matthews, Incorporating the Externalities of Biomass Energy into the overall Cost Analysis: the Macro Implications of Biomass as an Alternative Land Use, European Union Fourth Framework Programme Research Grant RENA - CT94 - 0060, 1996
A.Matthews, B. Kearney, New Pressures and their Implications for the Common Agricultural Policy, Irish Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, November, 1996
A.Matthews, Aspects of international food security, Irish Aid Advisory Committee seminar Food and Development: Towards an Irish Response, March, 1996
A.Matthews, B. Kearney, Strategic choices for Ireland in CAP reform, Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society of Ireland, October, 1996
A.Matthews, The economic impacts of the new trade scenario, First National IBEC Trade Policy Conference Towards a Global Market, May, 1996
A.Matthews, International Trade and Food Security, World Food Summit, Food and Agricultural Organisation of the UN, 1995
A.Matthews, The capital budget and EU structural funds, Foundation for Fiscal Studies Pre-Budget Seminar, Dublin, February, 1995
Alan Matthews, The disappearing budget constraint on EU agricultural policy, Trinity Economic Papers Policy Paper No. 4, December , 1995
Alan Matthews, Brid Bowen, Jim Fitzpatrick and John McEniff, Trade Policy and the EC Banana Market, Dublin, J. Fitzpatrick & Associates, 1990
Alan Matthews and Eda Sagarra (eds), Economic Performance in Two Small European Economies: Ireland and Austria Compared, Irish Symposium in Austrian Studies 3, Dublin, Trinity College Departments of German and Economics, 1988
Alan Matthews, Economics and ideology, The Crane Bag, 9, (9), 1985, p52-59-
Research Expertise
Research interests include the behaviour of the Irish farm and food system, agricultural policy modelling, the relationships between trade, aid and food security in developing countries, and WTO trade negotiations.Projects
- Title
- Impact of EU agricultural policy on poverty in Africa
- Summary
- This project is part of AgFoodTrade, an EU Seventh Framework Research Project. It uses an applied general equilibrium model to examine the household-level impacts of EU agricultural trade policy in two African case study countries.
- Funding Agency
- EU Seventh Framework Programme
- Date From
- 2008
- Date To
- 2010
Awards and Honours
Awarded Jean Monnet Chair in European Agricultural Policy by the European Commission
Executive Committee Member, European Association of Agricultural Economics.
Council Member and former President, Agricultural Economics Society of Ireland.
Member, Research Advisory Group, Trocaire (the Irish Catholic Agency for World Development). Chairman, 1986-92.
Executive Council Member, UK Agricultural Economics Society
President, European Association of Agricultural Economists