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Professor John Goold
Professor In, Physics


Following a PhD from University College Cork in 2010 in the Group of Thomas Busch, John moved to the Centre for Quantum Technologies at the National University Of Singapore. In August 2010 he was awarded an INSPIRE Marie Curie Fellowship which he undertook at the University of Oxford where he was hosted in Vlatko Vedral's quantum information theory group. In August 2013 he moved to The Abdus Salam Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste Italy as a UNESCI research scientist and remained there until October 2017 where he moved as Research Assistant Professor to Trinity College Dublin. He was awarded an SFI Royal Society University Fellowship for his project on Thermodynamics for Quantum Technologies. He was then awarded a Starting Grant from the European Research Council and founded his own thriving QuSys research group focusing on the thermodynamics of quantum technologies and the fascinating problems in non equilibrium statistical mechanics that emerge there.

Since arriving at TCD he has not only obtained over 5 million euro of the most competitive of research funding (ERC, Royal Society, SFI-EPRSC, SFI Frontiers for the future) but also has attracted excellent postdoctoral researchers to work at Trinity including several Marie Curie Fellows. His group has received international recognition with regular invites to workshops, conferences and schools. The QuSys group he started in 2018 has grown to 16 members in 2021.

John is committed to ramping up Ireland's efforts in quantum technologies and has introduced quantum information theory into the physics syllabus at Trinity which blends cutting edge research into his teaching practice. His ambition is to put Trinity College Dublin at the forefront of Irish efforts in quantum science is reflected in his successful bid for funding an MSc in Quantum Science at Technologies as part of TCD's recent application to the HEA under the Pillar 3 of the HCI. This course, which he designs and directs, started in September 2021.

This year John has also formed formal collaborations with both Microsoft and IBM Ireland. This includes the establishement of a female only scholarship scheme for entrance to the MSc and 2 PhD scholarships in the field of quantum simulation from Microsoft.

John is an independent scientist, interested in the interface of thermodynamics and quantum mechanics and in particular on how thermodynamic behaviour emerges in complex many body systems. He has worked on a number of different areas including ultra cold atoms physics, statistical mechanics and quantum information.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Yarahmadi, H. and Desille, Y. and Goold, J. and Pietracaprina, F., Identifying vegetation patterns for a qualitative assessment of land degradation using a cellular automata model and satellite imagery, Physical Review E, 110, (2), 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Summer, A. and Chiaracane, C. and Mitchison, M.T. and Goold, J., Calculating the many-body density of states on a digital quantum computer, Physical Review Research, 6, (1), 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Culhane, O. and Kewming, M.J. and Silva, A. and Goold, J. and Mitchison, M.T., Powering an autonomous clock with quantum electromechanics, New Journal of Physics, 26, (2), 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

LogariÄ , L. and Dooley, S. and Pappalardi, S. and Goold, J., Quantum Many-Body Scars in Dual-Unitary Circuits, Physical Review Letters, 132, (1), 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Consiglio, M. and Settino, J. and Giordano, A. and Mastroianni, C. and Plastina, F. and Lorenzo, S. and Maniscalco, S. and Goold, J. and Apollaro, T.J.G., Variational Gibbs state preparation on noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices, Physical Review A, 110, (1), 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Lacerda, A.M. and Kewming, M.J. and Brenes, M. and Jackson, C. and Clark, S.R. and Mitchison, M.T. and Goold, J., Entropy production in the mesoscopic-leads formulation of quantum thermodynamics, Physical Review E, 110, (1), 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Dooley, S. and Pappalardi, S. and Goold, J., Entanglement enhanced metrology with quantum many-body scars, Physical Review B, 107, (3), 2023 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Keenan, N. and Robertson, N.F. and Murphy, T. and Zhuk, S. and Goold, J., Evidence of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang scaling on a digital quantum simulator, npj Quantum Information, 9, (1), 2023 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Bettmann, L.P. and Kewming, M.J. and Goold, J., Thermodynamics of a continuously monitored double-quantum-dot heat engine in the repeated interactions framework, Physical Review E, 107, (4), 2023 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Xuereb, J. and Campbell, S. and Goold, J. and Xuereb, A., Deterministic quantum computation with one-clean-qubit model as an open quantum system, Physical Review A, 107, (4), 2023 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Lacerda, A.M. and Purkayastha, A. and Kewming, M. and Landi, G.T. and Goold, J., Quantum thermodynamics with fast driving and strong coupling via the mesoscopic leads approach, Physical Review B, 107, (19), 2023 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Purkayastha, A. and Guarnieri, G. and Campbell, S. and Prior, J. and Goold, J., Periodically refreshed quantum thermal machines, Quantum, 6, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Chiaracane, C. and Purkayastha, A. and Mitchison, M.T. and Goold, J., Dephasing-enhanced performance in quasiperiodic thermal machines, Physical Review B, 105, (13), 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Culhane, O. and Mitchison, M.T. and Goold, J., Extractable work in quantum electromechanics, Physical Review E, 106, (3), 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Guarnieri, G. and Mitchison, M.T. and Purkayastha, A. and Jaksch, D. and BuÄ a, B. and Goold, J., Time periodicity from randomness in quantum systems, Physical Review A, 106, (2), 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Mitchison, M.T. and Purkayastha, A. and Brenes, M. and Silva, A. and Goold, J., Taking the temperature of a pure quantum state, Physical Review A, 105, (3), 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Desaules, J.-Y. and Pietracaprina, F. and PapiÄ , Z. and Goold, J. and Pappalardi, S., Extensive Multipartite Entanglement from su(2) Quantum Many-Body Scars, Physical Review Letters, 129, (2), 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Rignon-Bret, A. and Guarnieri, G. and Goold, J. and Mitchison, M.T., Thermodynamics of precision in quantum nanomachines, Physical Review E, 103, (1), 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Popovic, M., Mitchison, M.T., Goold, J., Thermodynamics of decoherence, arXiv, 2021 Journal Article, 2021

John Goold and Kavan Modi , Fluctuation theorem for nonunital dynamics, AVS Quantum Science , 2021 Journal Article, 2021

Maria Popovic, Mark T Mitchison, Aidan Strathearn, Brendon W Lovett, John Goold, Paul R Eastham, Quantum Heat Statistics with Time-Evolving Matrix Product Operators, PRX Quantum, 2021 Journal Article, 2021

Archak Purkayastha, Giacomo Guarnieri, Steve Campbell, Javier Prior, John Goold, Periodically refreshed baths to simulate open quantum many-body dynamics, Physical Review B , 2021 Journal Article, 2021

John Goold , Dephasing enhanced transport in boundary-driven quasiperiodic chains, Physical Review B , 2021 Journal Article, 2021

Mzaouali, Z. and Puebla, R. and Goold, J. and El Baz, M. and Campbell, S., Work statistics and symmetry breaking in an excited-state quantum phase transition, Physical Review E, 103, (3), 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Chiaracane, C. and Pietracaprina, F. and Purkayastha, A. and Goold, J., Quantum dynamics in the interacting Fibonacci chain, Physical Review B, 103, (18), 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Marlon Brenes, Silvia Pappalardi, Mark T. Mitchison, John Goold, and Alessandro Silva, Out-of-time-order correlations and the fine structure of eigenstate thermalization, Physical Review E, 2021 Journal Article, 2021

Mark T. Mitchison, John Goold and Javier Prior, Charging a quantum battery with linear feedback control, Quantum , 2021 Journal Article, 2021

Brenes M and LeBland T and Goold J and Rigol M, Eigenstate Thermalisation in a Locally Perturbed Integrable System , Physical Review Letters , 125, (7), 2020, p070605- Journal Article, 2020 DOI TARA - Full Text

Mitchison, M.T. and Fogarty, T. and Guarnieri, G. and Campbell, S. and Busch, T. and Goold, J., In Situ Thermometry of a Cold Fermi Gas via Dephasing Impurities, Physical Review Letters, 125, (8), 2020 Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text DOI

Chiaracane C and Mitchison MT and Purkayastha A and Haack G and Goold J, Quasiperiodic quantum heat engines with a mobility edge, Physical Review Research , 2, (1), 2020, p013093 - 013105 Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text DOI

Brenes M and Pappalardi S and Goold J and Silva A, Multipartite entanglement in the Eigenstate Thermalisation Hypothesis, Physical Review Letters , 124, (4), 2020, p040605 - 040611 Journal Article, 2020 DOI TARA - Full Text

Francica G, Binder F C, Guarnieri G, Mitchison M. T, Goold J and Plastina F, Quantum coherence and ergotropy, Physical Review Letters , 125, 2020, p180603 Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text DOI

Brenes, M. and Goold, J. and Rigol, M., Low-frequency behavior of off-diagonal matrix elements in the integrable XXZ chain and in a locally perturbed quantum-chaotic XXZ chain, Physical Review B, 102, (7), 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI TARA - Full Text

Anza F and Pietracaprina F and Goold J , Logarithmic growth of local entropy and total correlations in many-body localized dynamics , Quantum , 4, 2020, p250- Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text DOI

Purkayastha A and Guarnieri G and Mitchison M T and Fillip R and Goold J , Tunable phonon-induced steady state coherence in a double-quantum-dot charge qubit , npj Quantum Information , 6, (1), 2020, p1 - 7 Journal Article, 2020 URL TARA - Full Text

Miller, H.J.D. and Guarnieri, G. and Mitchison, M.T. and Goold, J., Quantum Fluctuations Hinder Finite-Time Information Erasure near the Landauer Limit, Physical Review Letters, 125, (16), 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Brenes M and Goold J and Rigol M , "Ballistic vs diffusive low-frequency scaling in the XXZ and a locally perturbed XXZ chain", Physical Review B , arXiv:2005.12309 , 2020 Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text URL

Mitchison M.T and Fogarty T and Guarnieri G and Campbell S and Busch T and Goold J, Non-destructive in-situ thermometry of a cold gas via rephrasing impurities , Physical Review Letters, arXiv:2004.02911 , 2020 Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text

Brenes M and Mendoza-Arenas JJ and Purkayastha A and Mitchison MT and Clark SR and Goold J , Tensor-network method to simulate strongly interacting quantum thermal machines, Physical Review X , 10, (3), 2020, p031040- Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text DOI

Malouf, W.T.B. and Goold, J. and Adesso, G. and Landi, G.T., Analysis of the conditional mutual information in ballistic and diffusive non-equilibrium steady-states, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 53, (30), 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI TARA - Full Text

Timpanaro, A M. and Guarnieri, G and Goold, J and Landi, G T, Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relations from Exchange Fluctuation Theorems, Physical Review Letters , 123, (9), 2019, p090604 - 090610 Journal Article, 2019 DOI TARA - Full Text

Mendoza-Arenas, J J and Znidaric, M and Varma, V K and Goold, J and Clark, SR and Scardicchio, A, Asymmetry in energy versus spin transport in certain interacting disordered systems, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials, 99, (9), 2019, p094435- Journal Article, 2019 DOI TARA - Full Text

Mascarenhas, E and Damanet, F and Flannigan, S and Tagliacozzo, L and Daley, Andrew J. and Goold, J and de Vega, I, Nonreciprocal quantum transport at junctions of structured leads, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 99, (24), 2019, p245134 - 245143 Journal Article, 2019 DOI TARA - Full Text

M Paternostro and G De Chiara and A Ferraro and M Campisi and J Goold and F L Semiao and F Plastina and V Vedral, Out of equilibrium thermodynamics of quantum harmonic chains, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2019, (10), 2019, p104014- Journal Article, 2019 DOI TARA - Full Text

Balachandran, V and Clark, S R. and Goold, J and Poletti, D, Energy Current Rectification and Mobility Edges, Physical Review Letters, 123, (2), 2019, p020603 - 020609 Journal Article, 2019 DOI TARA - Full Text

von Lindenfels, D. and Grab, O. and Schmiegelow, C. T. and Kaushal, V. and Schulz, J. and Mitchison, M T. and Goold, J and Schmidt-Kaler, F. and Poschinger, U. G., Spin Heat Engine Coupled to a Harmonic-Oscillator Flywheel, Physical Review Letters, 123, (8), 2019, p080602 - 080608 Journal Article, 2019 DOI TARA - Full Text

Guarnieri, G and Ng, NHY and Modi, K and Eisert, Jens and Paternostro, M and Goold, J, Quantum work statistics and resource theories: bridging the gap through R{\'e}nyi divergences, Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 99, (5), 2019, 050101 Journal Article, 2019 DOI TARA - Full Text

Francica, G and Goold, J and Plastina F, Role of coherence in the nonequilibrium thermodynamics of quantum systems, Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics , 99, (4), 2019, p042105- Journal Article, 2019 DOI TARA - Full Text

Guarnieri, G and Landi, G T. and Clark, S R. and Goold, J, Thermodynamics of precision in quantum nonequilibrium steady states, Physical Review Research , 1, (3), 2019, p033021 - 033034 Journal Article, 2019 TARA - Full Text DOI

Goold J, Geometry and quantum thermodynamics , Quantum , 3, 2019, p28- Journal Article, 2019

The role of quantum work statistics in many-body physics in, Thermodynamics in the Quantum Regime , Springer , 2018, [Goold J. and Plastina F. and Gambassi A. and Silva A.] Book Chapter, 2018

Brenes, M and Mascarenhas, E and Rigol, M and Goold, J, High-temperature coherent transport in the XXZ chain in the presence of an impurity, Physical Review B:Condensed Matter and Materials, 98, (23), 2018, p235128- Journal Article, 2018 TARA - Full Text DOI

Goold, J. and Plastina, F. and Gambassi, A. and Silva, A., The Role of Quantum Work Statistics in Many-Body Physics, Fundamental Theories of Physics, 195, 2018, p317-336 Journal Article, 2018 TARA - Full Text DOI

Dalton, B.J. and Goold, J. and Garraway, B.M. and Reid, M.D., Quantum entanglement for systems of identical bosons: I. General features, Physica Scripta, 92, (2), 2017 Journal Article, 2017

Dalton, B.J. and Goold, J. and Garraway, B.M. and Reid, M.D., Quantum entanglement for systems of identical bosons: II. Spin squeezing and other entanglement tests, Physica Scripta, 92, (2), 2017 Journal Article, 2017

Znidaric, M. and Mendoza-Arenas, J.J. and Clark, S.R. and Goold, J., Dephasing enhanced spin transport in the ergodic phase of a many-body localizable system, Annalen der Physik, 529, (7), 2017, p1600298- Journal Article, 2017

Guarnieri, G and Campbell, S and Goold, J and Pigeon, S and Vacchini, B and Paternostro, M, Full counting statistics approach to the quantum non-equilibrium Landauer bound, New Journal of Physics, 19, (10), 2017, p103038- Journal Article, 2017

Campisi, M and Goold J , Thermodynamics of quantum information scrambling , Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 95, (6), 2017, p062127- Journal Article, 2017

Campaioli, F and Pollock, F A and Binder, F C and Celeri, L and Goold, J and Vinjanampathy, S and Modi, K, Enhancing the Charging Power of Quantum Batteries, Physical Review Letters, 118, (15), 2017, p150601 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Fogarty, T and Usui, A and Busch, T and Silva, A and Goold, J, Dynamical phase transitions and temporal orthogonality in one-dimensional hard-core bosons: from the continuum to the lattice, New Journal of Physics , 19, (11), 2017, p113018- Journal Article, 2017

Varma, V K and Lerose, A and Pietracaprina, F and Goold, J and Scardicchio, A, Energy diffusion in the ergodic phase of a many body localizable spin chain, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2017, (5), 2017, p053101- Journal Article, 2017

Francica, G. and Goold, J. and Plastina, F. and Paternostro, M., Daemonic ergotropy: Enhanced work extraction from quantum correlations, npj Quantum Information, 3, (1), 2017 Journal Article, 2017 DOI TARA - Full Text

Settino, J. and Lo Gullo, N. and Sindona, A. and Goold, J. and Plastina, F., Signatures of the single-particle mobility edge in the ground-state properties of Tonks-Girardeau and noninteracting Fermi gases in a bichromatic potential, Physical Review A, 95, (3), 2017 Journal Article, 2017

Pietracaprina, F. and Gogolin, C. and Goold, J., Total correlations of the diagonal ensemble as a generic indicator for ergodicity breaking in quantum systems, Physical Review B, 95, (12), 2017 Journal Article, 2017

Goold, J, Maxwell's Demon Meets Nonequilibrium Quantum Thermodynamics, Physics , 9, 2016, p136 - 138 Journal Article, 2016

Liu, N. and Goold, J. and Fuentes, I. and Vedral, V. and Modi, K. and Bruschi, D.E., Quantum thermodynamics for a model of an expanding Universe, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 33, (3), 2016 Journal Article, 2016

Goold, J. and Huber, M. and Riera, A. and Del Rio, L. and Skrzypczyk, P., The role of quantum information in thermodynamics - A topical review, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 49, (14), 2016 Journal Article, 2016

Peterson, J PS and Sarthour, R S and Souza, A M and Oliveira, I S and Goold, J and Modi, K and Soares-Pinto, D O and Celeri, L, Experimental demonstration of information to energy conversion in a quantum system at the Landauer limit, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 472, (2188), 2016 Journal Article, 2016

Binder, F. and Vinjanampathy, S. and Modi, K. and Goold, J., Quantum thermodynamics of general quantum processes, Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 91, (3), 2015, p032119 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Goold, J. and Gogolin, C. and Clark, S.R. and Eisert, J. and Scardicchio, A. and Silva, A., Total correlations of the diagonal ensemble herald the many-body localization transition, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 92, (18), 2015 Journal Article, 2015

Goold, J. and Paternostro, M. and Modi, K., Nonequilibrium quantum landauer principle, Physical Review Letters, 114, (6), 2015 Journal Article, 2015

Binder, F.C. and Vinjanampathy, S. and Modi, K. and Goold, J., Quantacell: Powerful charging of quantum batteries, New Journal of Physics, 17, (7), 2015, p075015 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Mascarenhas, E and Braganca, H and Dorner, Ross and Santos, M Franca and Vedral, V and Modi, K and Goold, J, Work and quantum phase transitions: Quantum latency, Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 89, (6), 2014 Journal Article, 2014

Batalhao, T B and Souza, A M and Mazzola, L and Auccaise, R and Sarthour, R S and Oliveira, I S and Goold, J and De Chiara, G and Paternostro, M and Serra, R M, Experimental reconstruction of work distribution and study of fluctuation relations in a closed quantum system, Physical Review Letters, 113, (14), 2014 Journal Article, 2014

Dalton, B.J. and Heaney, L. and Goold, J. and Garraway, B.M. and Busch, T., New spin squeezing and other entanglement tests for two mode systems of identical bosons, New Journal of Physics, 16, 2014 Journal Article, 2014

Plesch, M. and Dahlsten, O. and Goold, J. and Vedral, V., Maxwell's Daemon: Information versus Particle Statistics, Scientific Reports, 4, 2014, p6995- Journal Article, 2014

Sindona, A. and Goold, J. and Lo Gullo, N. and Plastina, F., Statistics of the work distribution for a quenched fermi gas, New Journal of Physics, 16, 2014 Journal Article, 2014

Del Campo, A. and Goold, J. and Paternostro, M., More bang for your buck: Super-adiabatic quantum engines, Scientific Reports, 4, 2014 Journal Article, 2014

Goold, J. and Poschinger, U. and Modi, K., Measuring the heat exchange of a quantum process, Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 90, (2), 2014 Journal Article, 2014

Plastina, F. and Sindona, A. and Goold, J. and Lo Gullo, N. and Lorenzo, S., Decoherence in a fermion environment: Non-markovianity and orthogonality catastrophe, Open Systems and Information Dynamics, 20, (3), 2013 Journal Article, 2013

Sindona, A. and Goold, J. and Lo Gullo, N. and Lorenzo, S. and Plastina, F., Orthogonality catastrophe and decoherence in a trapped-fermion environment, Physical Review Letters, 111, (16), 2013 Journal Article, 2013

Dorner, R. and Clark, S.R. and Heaney, L. and Fazio, R. and Goold, J. and Vedral, V., Extracting quantum work statistics and fluctuation theorems by single-qubit interferometry, Physical Review Letters, 110, (23), 2013 Journal Article, 2013

Plesch, M. and Dahlsten, O. and Goold, J. and Vedral, V., Comment on "quantum szilard engine", Physical Review Letters, 111, (18), 2013 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Fogarty, T. and Gullo, N.L. and Goold, J. and Paternostro, M. and Busch, T., Probing a many-Particle system using a single qubit, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2012 Journal Article, 2012

Dorner, R. and Goold, J. and Cormick, C. and Paternostro, M. and Vedral, V., Emergent Thermodynamics in a Quenched Quantum Many-Body System, Physical Review Letters, 109, (16), 2012, p160601 - 160607 Journal Article, 2012

Lelas, K. and Seva, T. and Buljan, H. and Goold, J., Pinning quantum phase transition in a Tonks-Girardeau gas: Diagnostics by ground-state fidelity and the Loschmidt echo, Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 86, (3), 2012, p033620- Journal Article, 2012

Lamb, H.D.L. and McCann, J.F. and McLaughlin, B.M. and Goold, J. and Wells, N. and Lane, I., Structure and interactions of ultracold Yb ions and Rb atoms, Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 86, (2), 2012 Journal Article, 2012

Dorner, R. and Goold, J. and Heaney, L. and Farrow, T. and Vedral, V., Effects of quantum coherence in metalloprotein electron transfer, Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 86, (3), 2012, p031922 - 031928 Journal Article, 2012

Haikka, P. and Goold, J. and McEndoo, S. and Plastina, F. and Maniscalco, S., Non-markovianity, loschmidt echo, and criticality: A unified picture, Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 85, (6), 2012, p060101- Journal Article, 2012

Dorner, R. and Goold, J. and Vedral, V., Towards quantum simulations of biological information flow, Interface Focus, 2, (4), 2012, p522-528 Journal Article, 2012

Goold, J. and Fogarty, T. and Lo Gullo, N. and Paternostro, M. and Busch, T., Orthogonality catastrophe as a consequence of qubit embedding in an ultracold Fermi gas, Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 84, (6), 2011, p063632 - 063638 Journal Article, 2011

Li, J. and Fogarty, T. and Cormick, C. and Goold, J. and Busch, T. and Paternostro, M., Tripartite nonlocality and continuous-variable entanglement in thermal states of trapped ions, Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 84, (2), 2011, p022321 - 022328 Journal Article, 2011

Fogarty, T and Busch, T and Goold, J and Paternostro, M, Non-locality of two ultracold trapped atoms, New Journal of Physics, 13, (2), 2011, p023016- Journal Article, 2011

Rutherford, L. and Goold, J. and Busch, T. and McCann, J.F., Transport, atom blockade, and output coupling in a Tonks-Girardeau gas, Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 83, (5), 2011, p055601 - 055605 Journal Article, 2011

Goold, J. and Krych, M. and Idziaszek, Z. and Fogarty, T. and Busch, Th., An eccentrically perturbed Tonks-Girardeau gas, New Journal of Physics, 12, 2010, p093041- Journal Article, 2010

Goold, J. and Doerk, H. and Idziaszek, Z. and Calarco, T. and Busch, T., Ion-induced density bubble in a strongly correlated one-dimensional gas, Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 81, (4), 2010, p041601- Journal Article, 2010

Goold, J. and Heaney, L. and Busch, T. and Vedral, V., Detection and engineering of spatial mode entanglement with ultracold bosons, Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 80, (2), 2009, p022338 - 022343 Journal Article, 2009

Goold, J and O'Donoghue, D and Busch, Th, Low-density, one-dimensional quantum gases in the presence of a localized attractive potential, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 41, (21), 2008, p215301- Journal Article, 2008

Goold, J. and Busch, Th., Ground-state properties of a Tonks-Girardeau gas in a split trap, Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 77, (6), 2008, p063601- Journal Article, 2008

Murphy, D.S. and McCann, J.F. and Goold, J. and Busch, Th., Boson pairs in a one-dimensional split trap, Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 76, (5), 2007, p053616 - 053625 Journal Article, 2007

Research Expertise


  • Title
    • Thermodynamics for Quantum Technologies
  • Summary
    • When considering devices operating at a scale where quantum mechanical laws become important we may ask whether the solid grounds of thermodynamics might be challenged, not only by the lack of a thermodynamic limit, but also by the intrinsic uncertainty synonymous with this domain. It comes as no surprise that there has been a recent concerted effort to understand how the laws of thermodynamics generalize to arbitrary quantum systems both at and away from equilibrium. This effort is known as quantum thermodynamics and its development and application is the subject of this proposal. Specifically I will develop and apply thermodynamic concepts to finite size quantum systems in generically non equilibrium settings. By combining well developed tools of condensed matter physics, quantum information and quantum optics with quantum thermodynamics approaches I plan to model the physics of both single and many-body quantum devices and systems at and far from thermodynamic equilibrium. Specifically the research is focused on the description, development and optimization of stochastic quantum engine cycles, developing concepts in quantum thermodynamics to understand the thermodynamic efficiency of quantum information processing and in addition to explore the emergence of thermodynamic behavior from the underlying complex dynamics of many-body systems.The research outlined will enhance our understanding of the fundamental limitations of future technologies, generate the blueprints for a new class of optimized nano-machines, lead to the new design of efficient controls for thermal machines and enhance our understanding of non equilibrium quantum dynamics.
  • Funding Agency
    • Royal Society/SFI
  • Date From
    • 01/10/17
  • Date To
    • 01/10/2022
  • Title
    • Thermodynamic potential of disordered quantum wires
  • Summary
    • Thermodynamics is a theory with an impressive range of applicability, successfully describing the properties of macroscopic systems ranging from refrigerators in your kitchen to black holes in the universe. With the the industrial and electronic revolutions behind us, we are currently pushing technology towards and beyond the microscopic scale to the border of where quantum mechanical effects prevail. Currently, there is a large interest in the quantum information, quantum optics and statistical mechanics communities surrounding the thermodynamic description of non-equilibrium quantum systems from both a fundamental and applicative view point. Central to this interest is the concept of the quantum thermal machine. These are machines which convert heat to work at the nanoscale level and are expected to play an increasingly central role in emerging quantum technologies. A highly relevant and well studied example of such machines, in the classical and quantum domain, are thermo-electrics. A thermoelectric device is one which converts heat to electrical energy, but is different to other thermal devices- in that it does not have moving parts such as pistons or gears. In thermo-electrics - steady state electrical currents can be made flow in the presence of a thermal gradients and vice versa. This is why they are sometimes known as steady state devices. Despite the progress made in the last years, the efficiency of such devices remains too low to be competitive with other technologies and there is no clear consensus what are the microscopic components which lead to good thermoelectric efficiencies. This research focuses on understanding how the fundamental microscopic features of a material, containing the inevitable ingredients of disorder, interactions and dephasing, could give rise to favourable thermal expectation values which would boost both power and efficiency of a steady state thermal device which uses that material as a working medium.
  • Funding Agency
    • Royal Society/SFI
  • Date From
    • 01/10/17
  • Date To
    • 01/10/21
  • Title
    • ODYSSEY-Open dynamics of interacting and disordered quantum systems
  • Summary
    • This research proposal focuses on the open quantum system dynamics of disordered and interacting many- body systems coupled to external baths. The dynamics of systems which contain both disorder and interactions are currently under intense theoretical investigation in condensed matter physics due to the discovery of a new phase of matter known as many-body localization. With the experimental realization of such systems in mind, this proposal addresses an essential issue which is to understand how coupling to external degrees of freedom influences dynamics. These systems are intrinsically complex and lie beyond the unitary closed system paradigm, so the research proposed here contains interdisciplinary methodology beyond the mainstream in condensed matter physics ranging from quantum information to quantum optics. The project has three principal objectives each of which would represent a major contribution to the field: 1. To describe the dynamics of a interacting, disordered many-body systems when coupled to external baths. O 2. To perform a full characterization of spin and energy transport in their non-equilibrium steady state. 3. To explore the system capabilities as steady state thermal machine from a systematic microscopic perspective. This will be the first comprehensive study of the open system phenomenology of disordered interacting many-body systems. It will also allow for the systematic study of energy and spin transport and the exploration of the potential of these systems as steady state thermal machines. In order to successfully carry out the work proposed here, the applicant will build a world class team at Trinity College Dublin. Due to his track record and interdisciplinary background in many-body physics, quantum information and statistical mechanics combined with his personal drive and ambition the applicant is in a formidable position to successfully undertake this task with the platform provided by this ERC Starting Grant.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Research Council
  • Date From
    • 01/07/2018
  • Date To
    • 01/07/2023
  • Title
    • SFi-ERC Support Grant - ODYSSEY
  • Summary
    • This is a grant provided by SFI to ERC awardees to help with the grant administration.
  • Funding Agency
    • Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
  • Date From
    • 01/07/2018
  • Date To
    • 01/07/2023
  • Title
    • ICARUS - Information Content of Localisation: From classical to quantum systems
  • Summary
    • The aim of this proposal is to study quantum dynamics in the presence of disorder, and specifically the Anderson and many- body localization transition to a phase where transport and thermalization are absent. Localization in quantum systems has both deep fundamental implications in many different fields and exciting practical applications in quantum technology. In this action the researcher, who is experienced in the statistical physics of quantum disordered systems, will address in a novel and timely way this topic. She aims to improve understanding of it with a three-fold approach: a quantum information experimental effort; new theoretical tools coming from the study of random matrices and the physics of glassy systems; and a joint work with a non-academic entity on numerical methods that use artificial neural networks for the classification of the localized phase. She will perform this work in the perfectly suited environment of the Thermodynamics and Energetics of Quantum Systems research group at Trinity College Dublin.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission
  • Date From
    • 01/01/20
  • Date To
    • 01/01/22
  • Title
    • Complex Quantum Thermal Machines
  • Summary
    • The central goal of this project is to take a powerful numerical technique known as matrix product operators and apply the technique to computationally model the basic physics of a class of quantum thermal machines. So, in addition to a significant fundamental scientific component, this research project also promises to develop new computational tools that can be applied to a range of existing architectures, working towards the ultimate goal of machine optimisation.
  • Funding Agency
    • Trinity College Dublin
  • Date From
    • 01/09/20
  • Date To
    • 01/09/24
  • Title
    • PREB-Open Quantum Dynamics via Periodically Refreshed Baths
  • Summary
    • PReB: open quantum dynamics via Periodically Refreshed Baths is a research proposal with two ambitious goals: (a) develop a theory to numerically exactly describe quantum dissipative many-body systems under a constant or time dependent voltage/temperature bias, (b) use the theory to explore quan- tum thermodynamics of such systems. This requires combining fundamental concepts from condensed matter physics with those from open quantum systems and incorporating these into state-of-the-art nu- merical techniques for many-body dynamics. PReB seeks to provide a widely applicable go-to numerical technique for exploring, understanding and benchmarking noisy quantum devices.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission
  • Date From
    • 01/05/2020
  • Date To
    • 01/05/2022
  • Title
    • Shortcut-enhanced quantum thermodynamics
  • Summary
    • We are currently at the beginning of a second quantum revolution: With technology developments reaching smaller and smaller scales, quantum effects must be taken fully into consideration. Such new quantum technologies are already emerging, e.g., quantum cryptography and quantum simulations for drug design. Nevertheless, the realization of quantum technologies which is beyond the proof-of-principle state and which fully utilize the potential of quantum mechanics remains a major challenge because of the fragile nature of quantum states. There is a strong need for understanding and controlling many-particle complex systems at the quantum level. The key idea of this project is to combine shortcuts-to-adiabaticy and quantum thermodynamics to design a new route for solving these challenges. The potential for this merging is nearly self-explaining: ideal thermodynamic processes are based on adiabatic processes which give maximal efficiency but unfortunately require infinite operation time; on the other hand, shortcuts-to-adiabaticy are techniques to speed-up adiabatic processes. Having leading expertise in Ireland in both of these research fields naturally motivates to this proposal. The achieved knowledge will be also used to design new energetically efficient quantum technologies.
  • Funding Agency
    • Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
  • Date From
    • 01/09/20
  • Date To
    • 01/09/24
  • Title
    • Non-Equilibrium Steady-States of Quantum many body systems (QuamNESS)
  • Summary
    • Quantum thermodynamics is an emerging and expanding field that is experiencing a remarkable growth in output. Important progress is still needed before it can impact significantly on the technological and industrial sector. QuamNESS will contribute to narrowing this knowledge gap by providing an innovative and powerful platform that combines powerful numerics with advanced theoretical tools. Crucially, this mixture of methodologies is both fundamental and practical in nature. The proposed project will deepen our understanding of the conceptual building blocks of quantum thermodynamic processes at the smallest scales at the frontier of future technologies. It will also build sophisticated numerical methods for accurately tracking of the properties of increasingly complex systems relevant for the engineering of real nano-scale devices. The project therefore represents the first systematic merging of these two perspectives within the burgeoning field of quantum thermodynamics. Such a novel combination will spur new analyses of non-equilibrium physics, previously prevented by the inherent difficulty of simulating complex quantum systems and lack of clarity in how to quantify their functional behaviour. By realizing its objectives, QuamNESS will thus make a substantive impact in our understanding of non-equilibrium steady states in the quantum regime, with immediate benefits for the broadest quantum community. In particular, QuamNESS's deliverables are of relevance for nanotechnology, chemistry, biology and, potentially, industrial applications in magnetic materials and memory devices. At the same time the project will help identify further challenges in the design of quantum devices and will lay the foundations of new thermodynamically inspired approaches.
  • Funding Agency
  • Date From
    • 01/12/20
  • Date To
    • 01/12/20


OPEN QUANTUM SYSTEMS; Quantum information physics; Quantum Physics; Quantum simulation; QUANTUM-MECHANICS; Statistical mechanics



Project reviewer for European Research Council both for ERC Starting and Consolidator Research Grants 2017

Taskforce setup by SFI to scope Ireland's potential for financial investment in the field of quantum technologies. I was a panel member and was assigned the role of contacting international Irish alumni in the field and related fields. 21/01/2020

External Refereee for the following PROLA Journals: Review of Modern Physics, Physical Review X, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review A, Physical Review B and Physical Review E 2011

Scientific Referee journals of Nature Publishing Group including Nature Physics, Nature Communications, Scientific Reports and npJ Quantum Information 2013

External Phd examiner for Scuala Normale Pisa, University of Turku (Finland) .Universtiy of Trieste (Italy) 2016

Scientific referee for Optics Communications, European Physical Journal B/D, New Journal of Physics, Physics Scripta and Proceedings of the Royal Society A 2013

Awards and Honours

Election to Fellowship at Trinity College Dublin 2022

Commendation in IRC Researcher of the Year Award 2020 2020

FY2020 JSPS Invitational Fellowship for Research in Japan 2020

ERC Starting Grant Awardee 2017

SFI-Royal Society University Research Fellow (TCD) 2017

SFI Starting Investigator Award (SIRG) 2016

Marie Curie International Mobility Fellow (University of Oxford) 2010


Election to the Young Academy of Europe 2020 – Present

Membership of Irish Federation of University Teachers (IFUT) 2018 – Present

University Research Fellow of Royal Society 2017 – Present

Member of Marie Curie Fellows Alumni Association 2010 – Present