Microsite Migration Process

The project is entering phase 2, which is the migration of microsites to the new Content Management System (CMS). There are over 300 microsites which need to be migrated. The content migration team will be in contact with you to arrange your migration.

Migration scope

The current web server contains a number of files that are not related to the core purpose of the main University website. The following will not be migrated onto the new system:

  • Local access files and internal documents. It is intended that this content should be migrated to SharePoint or the Intranet.
  • Teaching materials. It is intended that this content should be migrated to the VLE.
  • Academic Personal and Research group websites. Owners will be given the option of migrating their websites themselves into the new WCMS using the set of standardised web templates.
  • Bespoke websites and applications developed by third parties. It will be necessary for these areas to manage their own website migrations into the new WMCS.
  • Archived content that is older than 2 years.
  • Any Trinity-related website that is external to the tcd.ie domain.

In order to maintain consistency and quality for Trinity branding we will be using standard templates across the website.

Migration team

We have a dedicated team of content officers to assist in your site migration onto the new system. A member of the team will be in contact with you. In the meantime, you can undertake the necessary housekeeping of your site.

Migration Steps

1. Point of contact

Appoint one liaison as point-of-contact for the website.

2. Staff to assist in migration

Identify a member of staff who can be trained and assist in the migration of your site. Providing capacity for the migration enables us to work through the migration quicker and also enables staff to gain experience with the new system.

3. Inventory list

Create an inventory list of your site which includes assets (e.g. pdfs, images and webpages). Also identify your sitemap, ensuring you identify pages and content that do not sit under the navigation. Your sitemap needs to be reviewed and each URL checked i.e. ensure there is no duplication of page links or linking to external sites. To request your inventory report and set up a walkthrough, contact digital@tcd.ie.

You will need to identify what content needs to be migrated onto the new system and which content will be deleted, moved or archived by yourselves.

Pages and assets will need to be marked as:

  • WCMS
  • Delete
  • Sharepoint
  • VLE
  • Archive

Time estimate – 1 month

4. Content audit by content officer

The content officer assigned to your website migration will review your inventory list and sitemap, and flag any issues or concerns relating to content marked for the WCMS.

Time estimate – 2-3 DAYS

5. Content inventory and site map sign off

You get approval from the site owner and any other content owners in your area and provide sign-off to the Digital team.
You will be provided with a migration timeline at this stage. You will need to put a moratorium on content creation during migration. If updates are required please track these.

Time estimate – 1 day

6. Site set up by Terminal4 or content officer

The content officer creates the sitemap in the WCMS.

Time estimate – 2-3 days

7. Content migration training

The resources identified to assist in migration will receive training

8. Migration

The migration of agreed content to the WCMS is undertaken. This is manually done. The website on the CMS will not be live during this process.

Time estimate – 2-5 weeks (dependent on your site size)

9. Quality Assurance checks

The Digital team and Terminal 4 check the website to make sure all is working as it should be.

Time estimate – 1 week

10. Sign off

The site owner provides sign-off that they are happy for the site to be made live, in compliance with the relevant Trinity policies, in particular the Web Policies.

Time estimate – 2 days

11. Schedule go live and checklist

The digital team schedules a suitable go-live date for the website and sends an email confirmation to the point of contact for the site.

Time estimate – 1-2 days


Total migration time estimate for steps 1 - 11 is 15 weeks.

Please contact the team if you have already undertaken an audit and review of your site and feel it is ready for migration. The email is digital@tcd.ie.

Full report