Príomh-ionaid agus seoltaí sa Cholaiste
Key venues and addresses in College
College Green | Faiche an Choláiste |
1937 Reading Room | Seomra Léitheoireachta 1937 |
Accommodation Office | An Oifig Iostais |
Admissions Office | An Oifig Iontrála |
Arts Building | Foirgneamh na nEalaíon |
Atrium | An tAtrium |
Berkeley Library | Leabharlann Berkley |
Biochemistry Building | Foirgneamh Bithcheimice |
Biotechnology Building | Foirgneamh Bith-Theicneolaíochta |
Book of Kells | Leabhar Cheannanais |
Botany Building | Foirgneamh na Luibheolaíochta |
Buttery Restaurant | An Bhutrach |
Chapel | An Séipéal |
Chemistry Building | Foirgneamh na Ceimice |
Development Site | Suíomh Forbartha |
Dining Hall | Halla an Bhia |
Douglas Hyde Gallery | Áiléar Dhúghlas de hÍde |
Dublin Dental Hospital | Ospidéal Déadach Bhaile Átha Cliath |
Dunlop Oriel House | Teach Dunlop Oriel |
Enquiries Office | An Oifig Fhiosrúchán |
Examination Hall | Halla na Scrúduithe |
Fitzgerald Building | Foirgneamh Mhic Gearailt |
Front Gate | An Geata Tosaigh |
Goldsmith Hall | Halla Goldsmith |
Graduate Studies Office | Oifig na nIarchéimithe |
Graduates' Memorial Building | Foirgneamh Cuimhneachán na gCéimithe |
Hamilton Building | Foirgneamh Hamilton |
International Student Affairs | Oifig na Mac Léinn Idirnáisiúnta |
Irish Art Research Centre | An Lárionad Taighde ar Ealaín na hÉireann |
Lincoln Place Gate | Geata Phlás Lincoln |
Lloyd Institute | Institiúid Lloyd |
Luce Hall | Halla Luce |
Moyne Institute | Institiúid Moyne |
Museum Building | Foirgneamh an Mhúsaeim |
Nassau Street Gate | Geata Shráid Nassau |
Naughton Institute | Institiúid Uí Neachtain |
Nursing and Midwifery Studies | Léann na Banaltrachta agus an Chnáimhseachais |
Old Library (Book of Kells) | Sean-Leabharlann (Leabhar Cheannanais) |
O'Reilly Institute | Institiúid O'Reilly |
Panoz Institute | Institiúid Panoz |
Parsons Building | Foirgneamh Parsons |
Pavilion | Pailliún |
Pearse Street Gate | Geata Shráid an Phiarsaigh |
Pearse Street Gate East | Geata Thoir Shráid an Phiarsaigh |
Physiology Building | Foirgneamh na Fiseolaíochta |
Players Theatre | Amharclann Players |
Printing House | An Chlólann |
Provost's House | Teach an Phropaist |
Public Theatre | An Téatar Poiblí |
Sami Nasr Institute | Institiúid Sami Nasr |
Samuel Beckett Centre | Lárionad Samuel Beckett |
Science Gallery | An tÁiléar Eolaíochta |
Secretary's Office | Oifig an Rúnaí |
Security Centre | Lárionad Slándála |
Simon Perry Building | Foirgneamh Simon Perry |
Smurfit Institute | Institiúid Smurfit |
Sports Centre | Lárionad Spóirt |
Staff Office | Oifig na Foirne/An Oifig Foirne |
Students' Union and Shop | Aontas na Mac Léinn agus Siopa |
TCD Health Centre | Lárionad Sláinte Choláiste na Tríonóide |
The Rubrics | Na Rúibricí |
Trinity Conference Centre | Lárionad Comhdhála Choláiste na Tríonóide |
Trinity Foundation | Fondúireacht Choláiste na Tríonóide |
Ussher Library | Leabharlann Ussher |
Westland Square | Cearnóg an Iarthair |
Zoology Building | Foirgneamh na Zó-eolaíochta |