Planning and Design for quality of life and resilience in residential long-term care settings for older people in Ireland

RLTC setting in Ireland with older people sitting in the garden

Research Pillar: Healthy and Inclusive Places

Project Name/Title/Acronym: Planning and design for quality of life and resilience in RLTC settings for older people in Ireland

Funding Body: Health Research Board

Project Partners: TrinityHaus and TCD Medical Gerontology

Project Timeframe: December 2022 - December 2024

Key Output(s): Universal Design Guidelines



Project Description:

In Ireland, the provision of Residential Care Settings (RCS) for Older People is currently inadequate, putting pressure on the health systems and undermining the care of many older people. As the population increases and ages, the number of people requiring RCS will increase.

In 2022, TrinityHaus was awarded a HRB grant (Investigator-led Project Health Services Research) to produce evidence-based Universal Design Guidelines for RCS for older people in Ireland that support quality-of-life and infection control. These guidelines will support resident-centred principles and standards in national policy, be applicable to new-build, retrofit, and refurbishment project, and relate to rural, suburban, and urban location.



Contact details – for more information contact Tom Grey,