Sustainability Indicators
Research Pillar: Healthy and Inclusive Places
Project Name/Title/Acronym: Sustainability Indicators Framework: Towards a Sustainable Dublin Region 2011
Funding Body: Dublin Regional Authority
Project Partners: TrinityHaus and Dublin City Council
Project Timeframe: 2011
Key Output(s): Sustainability Indicators Framework 2011 : See here.
Project Description:
This project brought together international, national, regional, and local indicators to measure the Dublin region’s progress towards environmental, economic and social sustainability. Funded by the Dublin Regional Authority and delivered by TrinityHaus.
Published as a partner document to Dublin City Council’s Sustainability Report 2011, the project involved significant contributions from the steering group and the wide variety of stakeholders and indicator professionals.
The project aims were to develop:
- A shared vision of sustainability for the region
- A selection of a suite of headline sustainability indicators that measures progress towards this vision
- To baseline the current position of the Dublin Region
- To allow international comparisons and to be open and transparent about our performance
- To effectively communicate performance to policymakers and citizens
Up to five indicators were selected for each theme, resulting in a full suite of 39 indicators, to create a non-exhaustive list that represents the best fit for measurement in the Dublin Region.
Sustainable indicators: Biodiversity and Environmental Protection and Climate Change and Energy links with TrinityHaus pillar: ‘Sustainable and climate responsive communities’.
Through the research and engagement process adopted, the project also supported the 4th TrinityHaus pillar - Co-creation, collaboration, and stakeholder engagement.
Internationally, it supports various UN Sustainable Development Goals as indicated below:
- Siddall E, Grey T, and Dyer M. (2011). Sustainable Indicators for the Dublin Region. (See here.)
- Siddall E, Grey T, and Dyer M. (2013). Indicators and Stakeholder Engagement: A Dublin case study. Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering Sustainability, Volume 166, Issue 2, 01 April. (See here.)
Contact details – for more information contact Tom Grey,