Dementia and Thermal Environments

Dementia Friendly Dwellings for People with Dementia, their Families and Carers

Research Pillar: Healthy and Inclusive Places

Project Name/Title/Acronym: Perceptions of thermal environments in dementia friendly dwellings

Funding Body:
 National Disability Authority’s Centre for Excellence in Universal Design (CEUD)

Project Partners:
 TrinityHaus and the DSIDC’s Living with Dementia research programme (TCD)

Project Timeframe:

Key Output(s):
 Perceptions of thermal environments in dementia friendly dwellings publication. See here.


Project Description:

This study follows on from a research project which developed guidelines for the Universal Design (UD) of Dementia Friendly Dwellings for People with Dementia, their Families and Carers. Research findings point to the need for thermal environments that support people with dementia and do not provoke stress, agitation or anxiety. Using semi-structured interviews and qualitative analysis of people with dementia this paper aims to provide insight into the questions of appropriate thermal environments.

Findings from the interviews emphasise that control over their own internal environment is a priority for people with dementia. A strong preference for naturally or passively conditioned environments over mechanical conditioning is evident. Preferences are expressed for naturally ventilated environments enabling occupant instigated air movement.

This project looked at internal air quality therefore addressing some issues ‘Healthy environments’ and also covered issues around heating and energy conservation and thus linked with ‘Sustainable and climate responsive communities’. Through the research and engagement process adopted, the project also supported the 4th TrinityHaus pillar - Co-creation, collaboration and stakeholder engagement

Nationally, this project supports the ‘National Dementia Strategy’, the ‘Housing Options for Our Aging Population Policy’ and the ‘Housing for all’ plan. Internationally, it supports various UN Sustainable Development Goals as indicated below:


UN Sustainable Development Goals



  • Kinnane O, Grey T, and Dyer M. (2016). Perceptions of thermal environments in dementia friendly dwellings. In Proceedings of the 9th Windsor Conference: Making Comfort Relevant, NCEUB, Windsor, UK (pp. 7-10) Here.


  • Kinnane O, Grey T, and Dyer M. (2016). Perceptions of thermal environments in dementia friendly dwellings. In Proceedings of the 9th Windsor Conference: Making Comfort Relevant, NCEUB, Windsor, UK(pp. 7-10)



Contact details – for more information contact Tom Grey,