TCD Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) with Futurelearn
Research Pillar: Healthy and Inclusive Places
Project Name/Title/Acronym: Dementia Inclusive Hospitals from a Universal Design Approach - free TCD MOOC with Futurelearn
Funding Body: EIT Health through EU
Project Partners: Tallaght University Hospitals, Hospital Clínic de Barcelona and HOPE (the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation)
Project Timeframe: 2021 - 2022
Key Output(s): MOOC - free online course in partnership with Futurelearn : See here.
Project Description:
The MOOC is based on existing research and a set of Dementia Friendly Hospital Design Guidelines that were funded by the Health Research Board (HRB) in 2018. This work was supported by the Centre for Excellence in Universal Design at the National Disability Authority, O’Connell-Mahon Architects and the Dementia Services Information and Development Centre (DSiDC) in St James’ Hospital Dublin.
For many patients, the hospital is challenging due to the busy, unfamiliar, and stressful nature of the environment. For those with dementia, the experience can be exacerbated by cognitive impairment and behavioural or psychological symptoms, which can make visits frightening, distressing, and disorientating.
The MOOC provides much needed education, design guidance and awareness for an important but underdeveloped area of design. Furthermore, it will be useful for a wide range of stakeholders in developing their overall knowledge around dementia and the built environment; for hospital management when setting strategic objectives or developing briefs; and for facilities management, healthcare staff, and design professionals involved in new-build or retro-fit projects.
This project aims to support the 1st TrinityHaus research pillar - Healthy people and places, by providing education, design guidance and awareness for the design of the built environment for older people and individuals with dementia.
- Grey T, Xidous D, Kennelly S, Mahon S, Mannion V, de Freine P, Dockrell D, de Siún A, Murphy N, Craddock G, O’Neill D. (2018). Dementia Friendly Hospitals from a Universal Design Approach: Design Guidelines. See here.
Contact details – for more information contact Tom Grey,