Impact of NO2 on Health

Research Pillar: Healthy people and places

Project Name/Title/Acronym: Impact of NO2 On Health with Particular Emphasis on Vulnerable Groups

Funding Body:
 Environmental Protection Agency

Project Timeframe:

Impact of NO2 On Health with Particular Emphasis on Vulnerable Groups

Project Description:

The research seeks to explore contemporary national and international practices and thinking on Shared Spaces, Shared Surfaces and Home Zones and to investigate these concepts from a Universal Design approach in the Irish urban environment. The project was conducted over 6 months and has involved an extensive literature review of national and international best practice, guidelines, reports and peer reviewed journal papers in relation to Shared Space, Shared Surfaces and Home Zones. In addition to this, engagement with over twenty organisations, interviews with over thirty individuals, site visits and analysis of urban spaces and Hoem Zones, and two workshops informed the research. Key urban issues, road design and user cocnerns have also been examined and these form the backdrop to Shared Space, Shared Surfaces and Home Zone concepts in the Irish context.

This project involves a stakeholder engagement process, supporting the 4th TrinityHaus pillar - Co-creation, collaboration, and stakeholder engagement.

Internationally, it supports various UN Sustainable Development Goals as indicated below:

UN Sustainable Development Goals


  • Grey T and Siddal E. (2012). Shared Space, Shared Surfaces and Home Zones from a Universal Design Approach for the Urban Environment in Ireland. Key Findings and Recommendations. Project Report, TrinityHaus.



Contact details – for more information contact Tom Grey,