Christos is a PostDoc on the ERC funded TERRAFORM project. He received his Doctoral Degree in Plant Physiology from the Department of Biology, University of Patras, Greece, in 2019. He also holds a Master’s degree in Ecology, Management and Protection of Natural Regions, along with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology, both from the Department of Biology, University of Patras.
As a part-time Lecturer, he delivered lectures for the undergraduate modules of Plant Ecophysiology (Department of Biology, University of Patras) and Applied Physiology and Plant Nutrition (Department of Crop Science, University of Patras). He has also worked as a teaching assistant for the undergraduate modules of Plant Physiology, Plant Ecophysiology, Plant Morphology and Plant Biology (Department of Biology, University of Patras).
His research interests include plant ecophysiology, interactions of plants with biotic and abiotic stresses, photosynthesis and plant water relations. His previous research included the effect of biotic (fungi, viruses) and abiotic (water deficit, extreme temperatures) stresses on plant photosynthetic activity, and the effect of ontogenetic changes during leaf and plant maturation on photosynthesis, as well as the water relations of Mediterranean plants.
He watches movies, reads books, and listens to music in his free time.