Trinity In Twelve Weeks
- Your Mental Health
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Mindfulness
- Supports
Your Mental Health
What is Mental Health?
When we talk about mental health, we’re talking about how we feel, how we relate to other people and how we do day-to-day things. Having good mental health is not just about the absence of a mental health problem, it's about feeling good about ourselves and being able to get on effectively in daily life.
A person’s mental health can be positive and good, or it can be poor and people can feel down and unwell. Either way, it’s important to know that the quality of a person’s mental health isn’t fixed. It can get better or worse at different times as we journey through life. Even day-to-day experiences can affect our mental health for the better or for the worse.
We can all experience tough times when we feel stressed, upset, worried or afraid. We consider it a ‘mental health problem’ when our feelings, thoughts or beliefs negatively affect our day-to-day lives and activities and we cannot seem to, or don’t know how to, move past those feelings, thoughts or beliefs. It’s at times like this that we can use a hand or extra support.
Minding your Mental Health
Like your physical health, sometimes your mental health will be well, and sometimes not-so-well. However, you should take care of your mental health like you take care of your physical health to the best of your abilities. Here's some tips to help:
- Exercise
- There are many advantages to exercising: it helps increase energy levels, to use up excess energy, and can improve sleep patterns and fitness.
Exercise also helps to manage stress and anger and can boost your confidence. All these effects are positive for your mental health. - Nutrition
- Having a balanced diet can help with energy levels, weight control, and self-esteem.
It’s easy to fall into bad habits, but is important to try and eat well and cut out junk food. - Relax
- It’s very easy to overlook making time for yourself with the hectic pace of life we all lead. But, for the sake of your mental health, it's essential that you find ways to take time out and relax.
We all have different things we find relaxing; what we do isn’t as important as actually doing it. - Sleep
- Sleep is crucial to our physical and mental health. It re-energises us, helps our bodies to heal, and keeps our memory working properly.
There are many things you can do to improve your quality of sleep including exercise, avoiding stimulants, and implementing a daily routine or bed-time. - Be Mindful
- Mindfulness is about learning to focus your attention on the present moment. Not worrying unduly about past or future problems can be hugely beneficial to your physical and mental health. It can steady the breath, heart-rate, and improve the immune system and can help to deal with anxiety and depression.
You can learn more about mindfulness below and at
- Mindfulness is about learning to focus your attention on the present moment. Not worrying unduly about past or future problems can be hugely beneficial to your physical and mental health. It can steady the breath, heart-rate, and improve the immune system and can help to deal with anxiety and depression.
- Self-Talk
- Training the inner-voice in our head can be difficult, but worth-while. It’s important to learn not to talk to yourself in a negative or destructive way, such as thinking in black and white or constantly comparing yourself to others.
- Set Goals
- Setting realistic goals, prioritising what’s important, and balancing our time can help in the management of our mental health. It gives us perspective on things and enables us to deal with problems more effectively.
- Work on Your Self-Esteem
- Improving our self-esteem might seem like a constant battle, but it’s necessary in order to manage our mental health.
Challenging negative thinking, accepting yourself, and not comparing yourself to others will help to develop your self-confidence.
- Improving our self-esteem might seem like a constant battle, but it’s necessary in order to manage our mental health.
- Talk
- Sometimes sharing things with friends and family can help you through a tough time by helping you get some perspective.
Not only that, but staying connected and being social - doing anything from going to the movies or meeting people for a coffee - goes a long way in supporting your mental health.
- Sometimes sharing things with friends and family can help you through a tough time by helping you get some perspective.
The Wellness Workshop
The Wellness Workshop is an online workshop designed for anyone to help either maintain or improve their mental health.
TCD Sense
It's really important to be calm and relaxed when trying to study effectively, so in response to research by the Library, the Disability Service and Discipline of Occupational Therapy, the TCD Sense Project has developed a variety of learning environments within the Library designed for quiet study, rest and relaxation. Each space caters to different sensory preferences in terms of room size, noise, light, seating and visual stimuli. These include individual study rooms, shared small study rooms, enclosed pod desks, high-backed enclosed seating in areas of good natural light, transition spaces and shared sensory rooms.
The TCD Sense Project, in collaboration with TUDublin, has also devised a Sensory Environment Self-Evaluation Tool which can help you to evaluate your experience of your sensory environments and how they either support or create challenges for participating in the activities of your everyday student life. You may find that frequent and long-term exposure to challenging sensory environments has a significant negative impact on your mental health, whilst supportive sensory environments can improve your mood.
What is Stress?
Stress is how you feel when you are facing demands that you are not sure you can meet. It is a normal part of everyday life and can be both positive and negative. Many things can trigger a stress response - relationships, money, work, exams, the expectations you put on yourself or the expectations you feel from others – the list is endless.
Stress can affect how you feel; how you think and behave; your confidence; and your energy levels. A small amount of stress can be healthy as it can motivate us and help prepare us for challenges in life. However, when this balance tips into high stress levels it can cause you to feel unwell. It is very difficult to measure or predict stress levels as different people react to events in their lives in different ways – so what you find destructively stressful may be motivating for someone else.
How to Recognise Stress
Stress symptoms will be different for different people, so it is important that you develop a picture of what you feel like when you are stressed. This will help you to recognise the symptoms of stress early, so that you can find ways of reducing stress. Recognising and managing stress early will help prevent it leading to more serious problems such as anxiety, depression, or high blood pressure. Some common symptoms of stress are listed here:
- Rapid heartbeat
- Tense muscles
- Headaches
- Feeling irritated/agitated
- Sleeping problems
- Breathlessness
- Sweating
- Loss of appetite
- Upset stomach
- Difficulty concentrating
- Racing thoughts
How to Manage Stress
Coping resources can broadly be divided into cognitive coping strategies and physical coping strategies. Some of these coping strategies will suit some people, others will not. The key is to have a range of resources that can be applied depending upon the situation and the individual. Furthermore, it is important to have strategies one is comfortable using.
Cognitive Behavioural Strategies
These refer to ways of dealing with stress using our minds. Cognitive coping strategies are a good way to combat stress-producing thoughts. As Shakespeare’s Hamlet said, “. . . for there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. . .” Examples of these strategies are:
- Reframing – focus on the good not the bad; think in terms of wants instead of shoulds. It’s best if our thinking is related to our goals. For example, “I want to read and understand this chapter in Chemistry so I do well in my lab practical” instead of “I have to read this difficult chapter in Chemistry”.
- Challenging negative thinking – stopping the negative thoughts we may have about a situation or ourselves. Examples of negative thoughts include expecting failure, putting yourself down, feelings of inadequacy - a thought such as “Everyone else seems to understand this except me.”
In order to gain control of negative thoughts or worries, you must first become aware of them. Next, say “Stop!” to yourself out loud when they occur. Try replacing with positive affirmations or at least challenge or question any irrationality of the thoughts,or take a pause.
- Positive self-talk – using positive language and statements to ourselves. These are sometimes referred to as positive affirmations; they are useful for building confidence and challenging negative thoughts. For example, “I can do this or understand this,” or “I’ll try my best”. Positive affirmations work best when they are realistic and tailored to your needs and goals.
- Count to ten – this allows you time to gain control and perhaps rethink the situation or come up with a better coping strategy.
- Cost-benefit analysis – ask yourself "Is it helping me to get things done when I think this way?"
- Keeping perspective – when under stress it is easy to lose perspective; things can seem insurmountable. Some questions to ask yourself: "Is this really a problem?," "Is this a problem anyone else has had?," "Can I prioritise the problems?," "Does it really matter?" Cultivate optimism.
- Reducing uncertainty – seek any information or clarification you may require to reduce the uncertainty. It helps to ask in a positive way. Situations that are difficult to classify, are obscure or have multiple meanings can create stress.
- Using imagery/visualisation –imagine yourself in a pleasant or a successful situation to help reduce stress. One way to use imagery is as a relaxation tool; try to remember the pleasure of an experience you’ve had or a place you’ve been. The more senses you involve in the image, the more realistic it becomes, and therefore the more powerful. This strategy is often combined with deep breathing or relaxation exercises.
Behavioural Coping Strategies
These refer to ways of dealing with stress by doing something or taking action to reduce the stress experienced. Examples of these strategies are:
- Physical exercise – aerobic exercise is the most beneficial for reducing stress. It releases neurochemicals in the brain that aid concentration. For some people, even a short walk is sufficient to relieve stress.
- Relaxation – from simple relaxation exercises such as dropping the head forward and rolling it gently from side to side or stretching, to more complex progressive relaxation exercises. Progressive relaxation involves tensing and releasing isolated muscle groups until muscles are relaxed. Try the Student Counselling Service's Mindfulness Programme.
- Breathing – from simple deep breaths to more complex breathing exercises related to relaxation and meditation.
- Smile and Laugh - these acts give us energy and help to lighten the load; they relax muscles in the face.
- Time management – specific strategies such as clarifying priorities, setting goals, evaluating how time is spent doing a partciular task, developing an action plan, overcoming procrastination, and organising time. These help us to cope with the numerous demands placed upon us which are often a source of stress.
- Social Support/Friends – encourage the development and nurturing of relationships.
- Seek Help – to help us cope with unmanageable stress. Supports in college include the College Health Centre, Student Counselling Service, College Tutors, and Chaplains.
SilverCloud 'Space from Stress'
SilverCloud offers online programmes that target specific problems common to students. Students who use SilverCloud are assigned a counsellor (from the Student Counselling Service) who ‘checks in’ online about once a week and gives extra help if needed. The programmes take 6-8 weeks to complete, and include both information and practical advice/exercises.
'Space from Stress' deals with the symptoms and causes of stress in student life.
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is a type of fear usually associated with the thought of a threat or something going wrong in the future, but can also arise from something happening right now. Everyone experiences the symptoms of anxiety at some point in life. For some, anxiety can be a passing emotion attached to life circumstances or situations such as exams, getting married, work pressures, or retirement. For others, dealing with anxiety is something they experience on an ongoing basis and that really interferes with their life. Anxiety is a common experience for people of all genders.
How to Recognise Anxiety
Symptoms of anxiety can include:
- A racing heart
- Rapid breathing/breathlessness
- Feelings of panic
- Sweating
- Excessive and undue worrying
- Disturbed sleep
- Tense muscles
- Headaches
- Morbid thoughts
- Upset stomach
- Fear of losing control
Managing Anxiety
Different people experience anxiety in different ways, and to different degrees. Below are some general tips for managing anxiety. But,if you are suffering, please reach out to support services.
- Talking it through - Although it can be difficult to open up about feeling anxious, it can be helpful to talk to friends, family or someone who has had a similar experience. Sharing can be a way to cope with a problem, and being listened to can help you feel supported.
- Face your fear - By breaking the cycle of constantly avoiding situations that make you anxious, you are less likely to stop doing the things you want, or need, to do. The chances are that the reality of the situation won’t be as bad as you expect - making you better equipped to manage, and reduce, your anxiety.
- Know yourself - Make a note of when you feel anxious, what happens, and the potential triggers. By acknowledging these triggers and arming yourself with tips to deal with them, you will be better prepared in anxiety-inducing situations.
- Relax - Learning relaxation techniques can help you calm feelings of anxiety. Practices like yoga, meditation, tapping, or massage will relax your breathing and help you manage the way you feel about stressful experiences.
- Exercise - Even small increases in physical activity levels can trigger brain chemicals that improve your mood, wellbeing, and stress levels. This can act as both a method of prevention and treatment for anxiety, as well as lead to improved body-image, self-esteem, and self-worth.
- Healthy eating - Eat lots of fruit and vegetables and try to avoid too much sugar. Very sweet foods cause an initial sugar ‘rush,’ followed by a sharp dip in blood sugar levels which can give you anxious feelings. Caffeine can also increase anxiety levels, so try to avoid drinking too much tea or coffee too.
- Avoid alcohol or drink in moderation - It’s very common for people to drink alcohol when they feel nervous to numb their anxiety, however the effect that alcohol has on how you feel is only temporary. When it wears off you may feel worse, potentially more anxious, and your brain may be less able to deal with anxiety naturally.
SilverCloud 'Space from Anxiety'
SilverCloud offers online programmes that target specific problems common to students. Students who use SilverCloud are assigned a counsellor (from the Student Counselling Service) who ‘checks in’ online about once a week and gives extra help if needed. The programmes take 6-8 weeks to complete, and include both information and practical advice/exercises.
‘Space from Anxiety’ helps with anxiety, panic and excessive worrying
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the practice of focusing our awareness on the present moment. Mindfulness teaches us to direct our attention to what is happening right here, right now, with an attitude of kindness towards ourselves and our experience. This “being with” ourselves is in contrast with more habitual states of mind in which we are often preoccupied with memories, fantasies, worries or planning. Yet, the capacity to be present is innate to each one of us and can be deliberately cultivated. Although we are often unaware of the current of our thinking, it has a profound effect on how we live our lives, as well as on our mental and emotional health.
What are the Benefits of Mindfulness?
Mindfulness has been shown to help people:
- Develop greater self awareness
- Increase their ability to manage stress
- With their physical and psychological health
- Reduce anxiety and depression
- Reduce tension, anger, and fatigue
- Enhance relationships
- Increase vitality
- Sleep better
- Develop stronger immunity
Mindfulness Resources
You can access an online mindfulness programme on the Student Counselling Service's webpages.
The Student Counselling Service also run group sessions on 'Cultivating Mindfulness and Compassion.' Email for more information.