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Conscious Sedation in Dentistry (P.Grad.Dip)

Entry Requirements

Applicants must possess a dental degree, which is registerable with the Dental Council in Ireland.  Entry to training in conscious sedation in dentistry would normally follow, as a minimum, a two year period of professional training.  Applicants must have evidence of satisfactory seroconversion for protection against Hepatitis B. New regulations require testing for Hepatitis C for new entrants to the HSE in the future.  Applicants will be required to undergo Garda (Police) Vetting.


To apply for this course please click here


The course runs over 18 months, part-time leading to a Postgraduate Diploma in Conscious Sedation in Dentistry awarded by University of Dublin, Trinity College and is a registerable qualification with the Dental Council.

Closing Date

Applications for the 2023 intake are not yet open.

Tuition Fees

(2021/2022) EU residents €9,370 /Non-EU residents €19,631
Note that the above fees pertain to the 2021/2 academic year and as such are subject to change.
Please see for the most up to date information on postgraduate fees.


Dublin Dental University Hospital


Amy Fisher, Postgraduate Administrator, Dublin Dental University Hospital. Tel 00353-1-612 7354