My research focuses on gaining a better understanding of the dynamics and functioning of biogeochemical processes in terrestrial ecosystems (especially peatlands), using different modelling tools (including empirical and process-based models). Special emphasis is placed on assessing these processes in relation to soil, climate, as well as land-use (LU)/management practices and their implications for mitigating climate change and environmental pollution. My current and past research spans a variety of areas that include, among others, modelling of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and carbon stock changes (CSC) in terrestrial ecosystems in relation to LU/management practices and climate, as well as modelling of pesticide risks in agricultural soils, and other areas of agricultural diffuse pollution, including areas of environmental hydrology and groundwater-/water- quality, and areas of nutrient dynamics (N and C) and their fluxes and pathways in the systems.
CO2PEAT research project – “Improving methodologies for reporting and verifying terrestrial CO2 removals and emissions from Irish peatlands”
I am currently working as a lead researcher and principal investigator (P.I.) of the EPA-funded CO2PEAT research project, based in Botany Discipline, Trinity College Dublin, under the mentorship of Dr Matthew Saunders. This research aims to improve methodologies for reporting and verifying terrestrial CO2 removals and emissions from Irish peatlands. Accurate estimates of the impact of land use/management and drainage on the hydrology, ecology and biogeochemistry of peatland ecosystems in Ireland are still needed to provide a research basis for policy decisions that will enable the conservation of these ecosystems to sequester C in future, as well as to turn degraded Irish peatlands from C sources to long-term C sinks. In light of recent Irish peatland restoration plans and activities, it is crucial to enhance our understanding of the main drivers of the change and dynamics in GHG emissions/removals from peatland ecosystems, which will enable the evaluation of the rate at which rehabilitated peatland areas can become C sink. The research under the CO2PEAT focuses on the development of research framework that will complement and enhance current approaches in the reporting of greenhouse gas GHG (i.e. CO2) emission and removal estimates for peatlands at the national level. In particular, this research aims to advance the development of higher IPCC Tier suitable for Irish peatland systems, using statistical and advanced process-based modelling methods in combination with the integration of advanced observational data streams.
The CO2Peat research project is funded by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the EPA Research Programme 2021–2030 (Ref.: 2022 -CE-1100).
CO2PEAT website: https://co2peat.wixsite.com/co2peat
P.I.: Dr Alina Premrov
Mentor: Dr Matthew Saunders
Past experience
During 2021/2022 and prior to commencing my work on CO2PEAT, I have undertaken a lecturing role as University Lecturer in the ICARUS - Department of Geography, Maynooth University for a number of modules (i.e. in the areas of physical aspects of global environmental change, biogeography, hazards and society, and global ecosystem pressures and sustainability). At the same time during this period, I have also continued to pursue my research in Trinity College Dublin, on modelling pesticide risks in soils under the larger DAFM-funded collaborative PROTECTS project.
My past research career provided me with extensive experience in biogeochemical and ecosystem modelling approaches to investigate and predict the effects of LU/management practices on GHG emissions and SOC stocks and changes in different managed and natural terrestrial ecosystems over different temporal and spatial scales. This directly relates to my past research work performed under two large EPA-funded research-projects: - SOLUM project (work based in Trinity College Dublin) and - AUGER project (work based in University College Dublin). Work primarily focused on using ECOSSE process-based model to predict SOC and GHG fluxes from different terrestrial systems (agricultural; peatlands) influenced by LU/management. Research resulted in the published development of the novel drainage-factor for drained peatlands applicable to ECOSSE, aiming to contribute to IPCC-Tier 3 emissions-reporting for organic soils (Premrov et al., 2021). Prior to commencing research under AUGER and SOLUM projects, I also worked as a postdoctoral researcher under CForRep project in University College Dublin, where I made a contribution to research in the form of the development of computational-approaches enabling estimations of SOC stocks in soils sampled by horizon (Premrov et al., 2017), and the development of new bulk-density optimal power-transformation pedotransfer functions (Premrov et al., 2018)
I completed my PhD at the Geology Department, Trinity College Dublin (2011). My doctoral research focused on the investigation of the measures (over-winter green cover and tillage practices) to reduce nitrate losses to groundwater from tillage land, with field experiments and majority of laboratory analyses based in Teagasc Research Centres in Ireland.
Email: apremrov@tcd.ie
Research & Publication Profile
ResearchGate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alina_Premrov
Selected publications:
Premrov, A., Wilson, D., Saunders, M., Yeluripati, J., Renou-Wilson, F. (2021) CO2 fluxes from drained and rewetted peatlands using a new ECOSSE model water table simulation approach. Science of the Total Environment 754, 142433. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142433.
Premrov, A., Cummins, T., Byrne, K.A. (2018) Bulk-density modelling using optimal power-transformation of measured physical and chemical soil parameters. Geoderma 314, 205-220. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2017.10.060.
Premrov, A., Cummins, T., Byrne, K.A. (2017) Assessing fixed depth carbon stocks in soils with varying horizon depths and thicknesses, sampled by horizon. CATENA 150, 291-301. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2016.11.030.