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Quality Enhancement

Quality enhancement draws on diverse sets of information to inform a coherent response to improve quality assurance policies and procedures at local and institutional level, and to support quality enhancement initiatives.

The Quality Office is one of several College resources that can offer data and resources designed to enhance and support best practice in teaching and learning, research and the student experience. These include: the Irish Survey of Student Engagement (ISSE); the Trinity Postgraduate Research (PGR) Survey, and New Entrant Progression & Retention data, all of which can be customised for Faculties, Schools and in some cases Programmes. In addition the Quality Office provides an Annual Institutional Quality Report (AIQR) to QQI which is a useful resource for academic and administrative units across College preparing for professional and statutory accreditation reviews and other internal /external enhancement activities.

In October 2018 the Quality Office launched a new Central Quality Folder where staff with the required permissions in Schools can access (i) External Examiner reports, (ii) School and Programme-level data from the ISSE survey. For more information contact Amy Murray at In addition, a new External Examiner website was launched as a one-stop-shop for information for Schools and External Examiners on the examining process.

The Global Relations Office can be contacted for International Student Barometer (ISB) data, which can also be filtered by Faculty and School and is particularly pertinent for Schools with large numbers of international students entering via partnership agreements. Data sources within Schools include student evaluation of undergraduate modules or postgraduate taught programmes, recommendations or commendations arising from external examiner reports, professional and statutory accreditation bodies, Athena Swan processes, participation in curricular reviews to align with the Trinity Education Project etc.