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Quality Assurance

'Quality assurance (QA) is a term generally used to describe the processes that seek to ensure that the learning environment (including teaching and research) reaches an acceptable threshold of quality. QA is also used to describe the enhancement of education and training provision and the standards attained by learners.' - QQI Core Statutory Quality Assurance Guidelines

Quality Policy Statement

A Quality Policy Statement for Trinty was first approved in December 2018 in response to Standard 1.1 of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) which states that Institutions should have a policy for quality assurance that is made public and forms part of their strategic management. The policy was updated in February 2021. The Quality Policy Statement takes account of the national context, the institutional context, Trinity strategic initiatives and governance of quality. It is supported by the suite of academic policies and procedures, academic regulations as set out in the College Calender, research, corporate, administrative and quality policies and procedures and acts as a signpost to these for those seeking further information.

Framework for Quality

Framework for Quality  at Trinity was developed in January 2016 and brings together the elements that form the current focus of quality assurance and enhancement.

These include a seven-year cycle of quality reviews of academic and administrative/support areas, along with strategic or thematic reviews, which are undertaken as required. Reviews of transnational provision commenced in 2022 and 'effectiveness reviews' of Trinity's Linked Providers will take place in 2023/24. A schedule of quality reviews to 2026 is available.

The External Examiner process assures the quality of the curriculum, and regular accreditation of professional courses by the associated external regulatory body dovetails with internal mechanisms for assuring the quality of our educational provision. Teaching and Learning is evaluated annually by students through mandatory undergraduate module evaluations and postgraduate taught programme evaluations, and by participation in the National Student and the International Student Barometer (ISB).

Qualifications and Awards

Trinity Qualifications and Awards are quality assured by their admission to the National Framework for Qualifications (NFQ) and can be compared with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) ) and the Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area (QF-EHEA), the cycles of which are referenced in Diploma Supplements for Irish Higher Education and Training Awards. Alignment to national and international frameworks is a benchmark for quality, and links qualifications frameworks with quality assurance processes. It also facilitates the movement of students within the European Higher Education Area in accordance with the Bologna Process.

New Programme Approval

All new course proposals are subject to external review prior to formal and final approval by the University Council. The course development process details the level of internal and external consultation involved in the programme design and approval process, the engagement by different units across the University and the link to the Interim International Register within the Department of Justice & Equality. Programme proposals by Trinity's Linked Providers are reviewed by the Associated College Degrees Committee (ACDC) or the equivalent Management Committee prior to consideration by Undergraduate Studies Committee (USC) and Graduate Studies Committee (GSC), and by the University Council .

Policies on  Dual and Joint Awards  and on  Non-EU Collaborative and Transnational Education Partnerships  provide further information and guidance to staff on the development of academic programmes with other institutions nationally and internationally. The Trinity Global Partnership Team in association with Trinity Teaching and Learning has developed n online resource  Partnership Toolkit  to assist academics conduct the necessary due diligence and navigate the approval process for new collaborative and transnational programmes.