Trinity College Dublin
James Lydon Research Seminar in Medieval History
Unless otherwise indicated, seminars are held at 5.15pm in the
Centre for Medieval History,
7-9 South Leinster Street,
Dublin 2
All Welcome.
Hilary Term 2014 - 15
5 February | Stuart Gorman (TCD) The Crossbow in the Later Middle Ages: An Archaeological Study |
12 February | Stephen Hewer (TCD) The Free Gaelic Irish of the English Lands in Ireland, 1253-1327 |
19 February | 2nd TCD-Edinburgh Postgraduate & Early Career Colloquium in Medieval History Duncan Sneddon: The wisdom of women: sex and suspicion in early medieval Ireland and Scotland; Dr Gianluca Raccagni: The first crusade against a Holy Roman Emperor and its impact: the testimony of Lombard chronicles; Dr Mike Carr: Piety or Profit? Crusade and Illicit Trade in the Late Medieval Mediterranean |
26 February | Reading Week |
5 March | Professor Graeme Small (Durham) Representative Assemblies and Political Communication in the Burgundian Netherlands from the Fourteenth to Sixteenth Centuries |
12 March | Rhiannon Carey Bates (TCD) The Ecclesiastical Landscape of Later Medieval Ireland: Further Reflections on Appointments to Dioceses |
19 March | Professor Michael Clanchy (London) Literacy across the Medieval Millennium, 500-1500: what was driving change? Might it have been the new Irish/Insular manuscript culture? |
26 March | Dr Denis Casey (Maynooth) A Brief History of (Medieval) Time |
2 April | Dr Kylie Murray (Glasgow) Boethius Books before 1200: Four New Manuscripts |
30 April | Professor John Henderson (Birkbeck) Death in Florence: Plague, Public Health and the Poor in a Late Italian Renaissance State venue and exact time to be confirmed Third TCD-Worth Library Lecture in Medieval and Renaissance Medicine |