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M.Phil in Environmental History

Course Co-ordinator: Dr Katja Bruisch

Environmental History studies the interaction of human societies and the non-human environment through time, analysing how the natural world has both influenced human society and how society has in turn influenced the environment. The M.Phil in Environmental History will give students a firm understanding of the interplay of, and feedbacks between, nature and culture over time, allowing them to develop much needed historical perspectives on the evolution of current environmental challenges. This taught full- or part-time degree has a strong methodological focus, including training in digital humanities technologies, mixed (quantitative-qualitative) methods and innovative assessment design. The programme also includes an optional self-financed summer school in Iceland. The M.Phil offers an advanced qualification to graduates in relevant disciplines in the Humanities (History, Political Science, History of Ideas, Cultural Studies or similar) and the Natural Sciences (Environmental Sciences, Geography, Ecology, Biology or similar).

The M.Phil programme will be led by and draw upon the resources of the Trinity Centre of Environmental Humanities, a leading research hub in the field of digital environmental humanities, giving students the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the latest developments in the field.

M.Phil in Environmental History Handbook 2023-24

M.Phil In Environmental History Brochure


The primary aim of this course is to train students in methods and themes that are directly relevant to the professional workplace at a time when there is an increasing awareness of the need to include the competencies and insights of the humanities in understanding and addressing environmental issues, not least climate change and the unsustainable use of landscapes and natural resources. A strong interdisciplinary component that can be tailored to individual students’ interests is ensured by a comprehensive suite of modules cross-listed with existing Masters programmes in History, the School of Histories and Humanities and the School of Natural Sciences. Training in critical thinking and mixed methods research skills (such as qualitative and quantitative approaches in GIS software) will open up students’ career perspectives in public management, private consultancies and NGOs, while also being an excellent entry point for doctoral studies.

Specific Entry Requirements

Relevant preparatory courses include NFQ level 8-degree courses in the Humanities (History, Political Science, History of Ideas, Cultural Studies or similar) and the Natural Sciences (Environmental Sciences, Geography, Ecology, Biology or similar). Applicants should normally have at least an upper second class (2.1) Honours Bachelor’s degree or equivalent (for example, GPA of 3.3) in a relevant discipline or specialisation.

Applicants with English as a foreign language should be aware that this course involves extensive written assessment. TCD’s English Language Requirement.

Awards and Scholarships

Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships are awarded to high calibre students from non-EEA countries to study in Ireland for a period of one year. They provide a €10,000 stipend towards living costs and Trinity provides a full fee-waiver to recipients for one year. Further information is available here

All applicants will automatically be considered for the following internal awards:

  1. The Constantia Maxwell Faculty Studentship, with a value of 3000 euro, is usually offered to a student in any of the School's MPhil programmes.
  2. The School of Histories and Humanities also offers one bursary of 1000 euro, to be deducted from the course fees, for each of its MPhil programmes.

Awards will be made on academic merit. All completed applications with an unconditional offer by the deadline of June 30th will be considered for the internal awards.

All accepted candidates can apply for the Postgraduate E3 Balanced Solutions for a Better World Scholarship.

Applications should be made online. Up to date information on fees is provided on the Academic Registry website.

Further Information

Dr. Katja Bruisch
Department of History,
Trinity College Dublin,
Dublin 2
Telephone: 00353-1- 8963192