Hi there! I'm Jeanne, your not-so-typical Programme Coordinator here at Tangent. Let me invite you into my colourful world! I am from the beautiful region of Brittany in France, where the butter and crepes reign. In 2015, I moved to Ireland, the culture, the people, and the spirit of openness here stole my heart.

I've always been deeply passionate about education. Everyone possesses hidden potential, and education is the key to unlocking it. I believe that everyone deserves a shot at discovering and nurturing their strengths, at realising their dreams. My mission at Tangent is to empower my students to discover their unique talents while bringing innovation and creativity into the halls of Trinity College.

On the topic of innovation, I have a slightly unconventional passion for processes. Yes, I get genuinely excited about automation and Excel formulas. This quirk makes me the go-to wizard for Microsoft Enquiries.

Beyond my professional role, I'm an enthusiastic event manager. I've organised plays, theatre festivals and more, back in France, most recently, I led the successful Culture Night event at Tangent. Currently, I'm pursuing a master's degree in Cultural Event Management at IADT, I cannot wait to sprinkle some of that knowledge on my students and colleagues!

When I'm not immersed in the academic world, you can find me exploring the Irish wilderness. But with autumn knocking, it's time to cosy up with DIYs, movies and board games. Fun Fact: I'm a Dungeon Master too, I love spinning tales and taking adventurers on epic journeys in fantastical worlds!

So, that's a glimpse into my world. Thank you for reading and don’t hesitate to reach out!