Tangent isn't merely a space for theoretical discussions; it's an immersive haven of experiential learning. Brace yourself for an array of exciting workshops and events that plunge you headfirst into the heart of entrepreneurship. Here, you'll learn by doing, creating, and building, with seasoned mentors offering steadfast support every step of the way.

Whether your passion lies in creative and cultural entrepreneurship, envisioning a greener future through sustainable solutions, or reshaping workplaces with innovative wellness concepts, Tangent caters to your aspirations. With Trinity-accredited, fully funded postgraduate and undergraduate certificate courses for eligible applicants, access to a vast network of experts, mentors, and like-minded students is now within reach. These invaluable connections may well become the catalyst for your next venture or the stepping stones to collaborative partnerships.

Tangent's strategic location in central Dublin is the ultimate breeding ground for innovation and creativity. Embraced by the bustling metropolis, this entrepreneurial hub draws inspiration from the city's dynamic energy and vibrant culture. Its strategic placement offers easy access to a wealth of resources, businesses, and diverse communities, positioning Tangent students at the epicentre of opportunity. Engaging with industry leaders, attending networking events, and immersing themselves in Dublin's thriving start-up scene all become part of their extraordinary educational journey.

Moreover, being part of Trinity College Dublin grants Tangent students a gateway to an extensive and influential alumni network. Far from ordinary, this community boasts a league of accomplished individuals who have left an indelible mark on various industries. Tangent students and graduates find doors opening to mentorship, partnerships, and opportunities that extend far beyond the classroom. The bond with Trinity's alumni community ensures that Tangent students enjoy an extensive support system throughout their entrepreneurial endeavours, empowering them to turn their visions into vibrant reality.

At Tangent, the world of endless possibilities awaits. Additionally, Tangent students have exclusive access to the prestigious Trinity College Dublin postgraduate reading room, offering a serene and intellectually stimulating space for further research, study, and inspiration. This access further enriches their learning experience and provides them with the resources to delve deeper into their entrepreneurial pursuits, surrounded by a wealth of knowledge and academic excellence.

Step in and unlock the power of your potential as you journey towards a future fueled by creativity, ingenuity, and transformative impact.