College Leadership
This page includes our College Officers (listed as per College Calendar), and members of our Executive Officer Group.
Linda Doyle
Provost & President
The Provost's role is to oversee the strategic development of the University and to ensure that Trinity continues to build on its 400 year old tradition of excellence in education and research. The Provost represents the College at the highest level, liaising with government and external bodies and developing relationships for the University at national and international levels. The Provost also officiates at internal College events and presides at important ceremonial occasions.
Orla Sheils
Vice-Provost & Chief Academic Officer
The Vice-Provost (VP) is the Deputy President and Chief Academic Officer (CAO) of the College. They have overall responsibility for research and education in the university, with special responsibility in relation to academic staff matters. They chair several committees and coordinate strategic planning, research, undergraduate and postgraduate education, quality and the student experience.
Orla Cunningham
Chief Operating Officer
The Chief Operating Officer provides strategic leadership, management and organisation of the university’s professional service functions which include student services and central services. Student Services consists of Academic Registry, Health, Counselling, Disability Services, Sport and the Nursery. Central Services consists of Estates and Facilities, IT, HR, Commercial Revenue and the Programme Management office.
Louise Ryan
Chief Financial Officer
The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) provides strategic leadership to the University on all financial and investment matters, driving the economic model with planning, forecasting and risk management, to meet Trinity’s need for growth and financial sustainability. The CFO is also charged with achieving financial viability by monitoring the control systems designed to preserve the University’s assets, report accurate financial results, and set clear budgetary processes.
Michelle Olmstead
Chief Innovation & Enterprise Officer
The Chief Innovation and Enterprise Officer (CIEO) is responsible for ideation, strategy creation and development of opportunities in the areas of innovation and enterprise engagement as linked to the research and education activities and outputs of the university. They oversee three units (Portal, Knowledge Exchange (Knex), and Learnovate) and work with senior leadership to integrate innovation in the vision and strategy of the college.
Eleanor Denny
Bursar & Director of Strategic Innovation
The Bursar and Director of Strategic Innovation is responsible for managing Trinity's space needs and implementing large, strategic capital projects. They act as a link between the academic community and these key strategic projects, such as the Old Library Redevelopment Project. The Bursar is an independent voice on all project steering committees to ensure academic vision is maintained, college stakeholders are included, and to engage with the college community on behalf of the project.
Victoria Butler
Secretary to the College / Director of Governance
The Secretary to the College/Director of Governance is responsible for the statutory, legal, regulatory and compliance functions of Trinity College Dublin, as well as being specifically responsible for the University's corporate secretarial functions and for the oversight of legal functions. Responsibilities include the provision of secretariat services and professional advice to the Board and the University Council. They attend all Board and Council meetings in an ex-officio capacity.
Neville Cox
The Registrar is responsible for the registers and related affairs of the College and University. They have multiple different responsibilities under the statutes but are perhaps most widely known for their role in convening Commencements - Trinity's graduation ceremonies. In addition, they are responsible for Trinity's links with linked providers of educational services, such as the Marino Institute of Education and the Royal Irish Academy of Music.
Vincent Wade
Senior Lecturer & Dean of Undergraduate Studies
The Senior Lecturer and Dean of Undergraduate Studies is responsible for University regulations, policies, processes and practices relating to undergraduate teaching and learning and has a central role in commencements and adjudicating academic cases. These duties require regular engagement with the Directors of Undergraduate Teaching and Learning, the Senior Tutor, staff in Academic Registry (especially the Student Cases team), Academic Affairs and Academic Practice.
Martine Smith
Dean of Graduate Studies
The Dean of Graduate Studies is responsible for the strategic development and oversight of all academic activities related to postgraduate taught and research students, from admissions through to final assessment. The Dean of Graduate Studies represents the university on national and international networks related to Graduate Education and, as Chair of the Graduate Studies Committee, they advise the University Council on policy and programme developments.
Eoin O'Sullivan
Senior Dean
The Senior Dean is involved in many aspects of College life. Staff members may want to contact the Senior Dean for matters related to: Assigning office space to Fellows Emeriti, assigning on-campus accommodation to staff, disciplinary matters for academic staff, research integrity, or risk assessment/approval of events in College. The Senior Dean also chairs several committees across Trinity.
Dónall Mac Dónaill
Junior Dean | Registrar of Chambers
The Junior Dean is responsible for investigating alleged breaches of discipline by a student and for taking further action in accordance with College regulations and statutes. Schools that are concerned about incidents of academic misconduct, or staff/students who are concerned about breaches by students of College's policy on Dignity and Respect may contact the Junior Dean. The Junior Dean's office also approves applications from individuals or groups wishing to hold events in College.
Richard Porter
Dean of Students
The Dean of Students is responsible for ensuring that students have a comprehensive and enjoyable experience during their time in Trinity. They works closely with undergraduate and postgraduate students, administrative staff who provide student services, and academic staff to ensure that students achieve their academic goals while also having a positive, engaging, and enjoyable out-of-class experiences.
Stephen Smith
Senior Tutor
The Senior Tutor directs the Tutorial Service, which comprises of professional staff within the office as well as 285 tutors who provide pastoral and academic support to undergraduate and postgraduate students. Those who may wish to contact the Senior Tutor’s office include: tutees, tutors, academic staff, professional staff and students requesting advice, advocacy or to enquire about financial supports offered by this office.
Prof. Nigel Stevenson, BSc (Hons), PhD
The Warden is responsible for pastoral and disciplinary functions at Trinity Hall. They manage a team of 12 Assistant Wardens who support the work of pastoral care for Trinity Hall residents, referrals to student services and supports in College, and inquiries into breaches of student discipline. The Warden works closely with the Accommodation Office, Junior Dean and Registrar of Chambers, Dean of Students, Senior Tutor, Senior Dean, and student support services.
Sinéad Ryan
Dean of Research
The Dean of Research has responsibility for co-ordinating the University's Living Research Excellence Strategy and embedding the principles of the Research Charter in all research-related activity. The Dean is a member of the Executive Officers Group and chairs the College Research Committee. The Research Committee reports directly to the University Council and its key function is to oversee developments on research-related matters which impact on the strategic objectives of the College.
Brian Broderick
Associate Dean of Research, Faculty of STEM
The Associate Dean of Research for the Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is responsible for implementing the University's Research Excellence Strategy and providing improved support structures for the researcher community. They work with Trinity researchers, research partners and stakeholders to optimise the University's research activity and provide support and leadership on responsible research practice, funding opportunities and external relationships.
Immo Warntjes
Associate Dean of Research, Faculty of AHSS
The Associate Dean of Research for the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) works with researchers within the college on a number of matters, including those related to open scholarship and early career development. The Associate Dean often liaises with the Library, HR, Trinity Long Room Hub, Staff of the Faculty of AHSS and early career researchers.
Padraic Fallon
Associate Dean of Research, Faculty of HS
The Associate Dean of Research for the Faculty of Health Sciences is responsible for developing research strategy relating to health sciences within College and with Trinity's associated teaching hospitals. They deal with matters relating to research integrity and research ethics and represents the College on the LERU Research Integrity Policy Group.
Fraser Mitchell
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Science Education
The Associate Dean of Undergraduate Science Education (ADUSE) is responsible for academic and administrative oversight of all undergraduate science programmes through the Science Course Office. This necessitates constant interaction with course directors and teaching centres. The office also maintains a counter service for in-person queries from students with issues over timetabling and course changes.
Mark Sweetnam
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Common Architecture
The Associate Dean of Undergraduate Common Architecture (ADUCA) provides academic leadership to ensure the success and development of undergraduate courses that fall under the Common Architecture. Working closely with partner Schools and the Undergraduate Common Architecture Office, they coordinate shared curriculum elements of programmes in the Common Architecture. They also act as Director of the Trinity Joint Honours programme.
Jo-Hanna Ivers
Associate Dean of Civic Engagement for Societal Impact
The post of Associate Dean of Civic Engagement for Social Impact plays an important role in increasing civic engagement in College. This includes student/staff volunteering, engaged research, community-based learning, and public engagement. Prof. Ivers is currently leading an Action Planning process that engages students and staff, along with internal and external stakeholders. The Associate Dean also chairs the Engagement Advisory Group which supports civic engagement in Trinity.
Emma Stokes
Vice-President for Global Engagement
The Vice President for Global Engagement leads the Trinity Global team and has responsibility for strengthening the University's international strategies and external relationships to ensure that Trinity is a globally engaged and a globally connected University.
Jane Stout
Vice-President for Biodiversity and Climate Action
The Vice-President for Biodiversity and Climate Action (VPBCA) oversees the Trinity Sustainability office and leads on strategic decisions regarding sustainability initiatives such as Trinity's Sustainability Policy, Strategy and Action Plan and other risk and compliance requirements. The VPBCA plays a role in advocating for, educating on and being the voice of sustainability within and outside Trinity, building partnerships and collaborations locally, nationally and internationally.
Lorraine Leeson
Associate Vice-Provost for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
The Associate Vice Provost for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (AVPEDI) leads the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) office which works to ensure that equality is a foundational pillar in Trinity. Staff and students may wish to contact the EDI office about matters relating to EDI policies and practices, training opportunities and networking possibilities that relate to the protected characteristics covered in Irish legislation.
Gerard McHugh
Dean of Development
The Dean of Development is a member of the Executive Officer Group and serves as a resource that the Provost can deploy on special projects that do not fit neatly into the remit of more established Officerships. Projects that the Dean of Development is currently involved in include the Science Gallery and the Naughton E3 Learning Foundry. Staff connected with any of these projects may contact the Dean of Development for information or support.
Áine Griffin
Director of Communications
The Director of Trinity Communications leads on the development and implementation of the university's public affairs and communications strategy and provides strategic direction, advice and support for colleagues on communications plans, campaigns and stakeholder engagement. Managing the Trinity Communications team, the Director has overall responsibility for Trinity's relations with the media, social media, website, government and civil society.
Kate Bond
Chief Advancement Officer
The Director of Advancement leads Trinity Development & Alumni (TDA), which is Trinity's philanthropic office. TDA is charged with responsibility for the development and alumni engagement activities of the University. Its team of 45 works across various functions - fundraising, alumni relations, communications, finance and operations - raising philanthropic funds for university priorities, strengthening links with alumni and providing a range of support services to alumni and friends.
Director of Human Resources
The Director of Human Resources (HR) leads the HR team in Trinity. HR strives to advance the University's vision by creating an environment that empowers, supports, and enables all its people to flourish.
Carmel O'Sullivan
Dean of Faculty of AHSS
The Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) is responsible for strategic and budgetary planning and academic leadership within the Faculty. The Dean is also responsible for academic staff recruitment and sits on a number of University-level committees and several institute boards. The Dean works most closely with the twelve Heads of School within the Faculty, and the director of the Long Room Hub.
Brian O'Connell
Dean of Faculty of HS
The Dean of Health Sciences (HS) provides overall academic leadership within the Faculty of Health Sciences and coordinates its strategic direction. The Dean represents the Faculty at key fora in the College and integrates the Faculty's interests into the wider College strategies. The Dean also has authority over the Faculty budget, and, along with Faculty staff, is responsible for staff recruitment, professional accreditation, inclusion, risk assessment and quality processes.
Sylvia Draper
Dean of Faculty of STEM
The Dean of the Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is responsible for the academic and strategic direction of the Faculty, which is managed in line with the strategic plans of the College and its leadership team. The Dean also supports and shapes the research and teaching missions of the eight schools within the Faculty and works with the Heads of School and directors of research institutes to achieve this.
Helen Shenton
Librarian & College Archivist
The Librarian and College Archivist is responsible for ensuring our students, researchers and external readers have access to the information they need, both digitally and across the Library complex. They are also responsible for stewarding Trinity's extensive, precious and vulnerable historic collections, and Trinity's internationally important heritage buildings, for current and future generations. The Librarian role is an advocate for libraries, within Trinity and externally.
Gillian Martin
Senior Proctor
The Senior Proctor is a part of the team involved with Commencements - the graduation ceremonies of Trinity College Dublin. The Senior Proctor presents all Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees to candidates, except to those who are receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Eoin O'Dell
Junior Proctor
The Junior Proctor is a member of the team involved with Commencements - the graduation ceremonies of Trinity College Dublin. The Junior Proctor presents degrees at Commencements for candidates receiving a Bachelor of Arts.
Anna Chahoud
Public Orator
The Public Orator composes the orations, in Latin and English, which recommend the merits of candidates for honorary doctorates to the University Senate. The Orator delivers the orations in Latin at Commencements - the graduation ceremonies of Trinity College Dublin twice or three times a year. The officer is also responsible for all Latin formulae used in Trinity for the award of degrees and for the swearing-in of Officers, Scholars and Fellows.