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Enacting Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) at Trinity

As part of Trinity’s Education for Sustainable Development work programme and Sustainability Strategy, College has committed to:

Enable all undergraduate students, regardless of degree programme, to complete interdisciplinary modules that address ESD themes and develop key competencies for sustainability, as part of their degree curriculum”   

To help achieve this goal, a novice-level undergraduate module “Enacting Education for Sustainable Development” has been developed  by a team of staff and students from across the Faculties. With interdisciplinarity at its core, it is intended that any academic staff member will be able to teach this module within their own programme: either as a core freshman module or as a Trinity elective.

The module is now being offered to all teaching staff with the aim of enabling potential module leaders to deliver the module through their own disciplinary lens. Participants will have the opportunity to experience the module from a student’s perspective, to explore the pedagogical approaches used in its design and to consider how they might adapt the module for delivery within their own contexts. Participants will also get an opportunity to engage in a growing ESD community of practice at Trinity.

Module learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module, participants should be able to:

  1. Recognise that we are part of a complex global system and that our actions can influence its fate. (Aligned with Trinity graduate Attribute – to Communicate Effectively (CE))
  2. Question their worldviews, perceptions and values related to sustainable development. (Aligned with Trinity Graduate Attribute – to Develop Continuously (DC))
  3. Formulate challenges to sustainability as problems, and develop approaches for preventing, mitigating, or adapting to these problems. (Aligned with Trinity Graduate Attribute – to Think Independently (TI))
  4. Explain risks of misinformation related to sustainable development. (Aligned with Trinity graduate Attribute – to Act Responsibly (AR))
  5. Articulate/illustrate how their teaching practice related to ESD has been influenced by engagement with this module.


    Module schedule


Session Title




Tue 10 September

Introduction to the Module and to ‘Education for Sustainable Development’ (ESD)


11:00 - 13:30

In-person, venue TBC

Tue 24 September

Block 1 Workshop: Exploring a Sustainable Existence



11:00 - 13:30


In-person, venue TBC

Tue 15 October

Block 2 Workshop: Systems complexity and future forecasting in sustainability


13:30 - 16:30

In-person, venue TBC

Tue 29 October

Block 3 Workshop: Exploring worldviews, perceptions and values on sustainable development


11:00 - 13:30

In-person, venue TBC

Tue 12 November

Block 4 Workshop: Problem framing in sustainability - Prevention, Mitigation, and Adaptation


11:00 - 13:30

In-person, venue TBC

Tue 26 November

Block 5 Workshop: Misinformation related to sustainable development


11:00 - 13:30

In-person, venue TBC

Tue 03 December

Enacting your ESD - academic workshop to explore how you could deliver this module through your disciplinary lens [CPD module end – Q&A]

11:00 - 13:30

In-person, venue TBC



There is no assessment for this professional development module. However, we strongly encourage participants to commit to attending all sessions to gain full advantage of the experiential learning and community building components. 

A Certificate of Completion will be awarded to all participants who have attended and completed all required session/activities.

Assessment options for application of the module in an undergraduate module will be discussed and explored in the final session.

Module Co-ordinator

Dr Cicely Roche

Module Teaching Staff

Dr Cicely Roche (School of Pharmacy), Dr Carlos Rocha (School of Natural Sciences), Dr John Gallagher (School of Engineering), Dr Clare Kelly (School of Psychology).

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