Dublin University Zoological Society

Running for over 40 years, the Dublin University Zoological Society (est. 1974) is an academic society of Trinity College Dublin set up as a forum of education and discussion for those interested in Zoology. The Zoological Society (known college-wide as ZooSoc) aims to promote interest in, and increase awareness of, zoological matters amongst staff and students. This is achieved through a combination of talks, trips and many social events such as pub crawls, bat walks, photography competitions, behind-the-scenes tours of zoological institutions such as the Natural History Museum, reptile handling and a falconry exhibition. The highlight of the ZooSoc calendar is the annual trip to Fota Wildlife Park in Cork, which takes place each year in Hilary term.
We also aim to promote and raise funds for zoology-related organisations, for example the DSPCA, Irish Guide Dogs and Operation Wallacea. Additionally, we inform our members of opportunities to get involved in zoological activities through various projects and organisations.
After being declared the Most Improved Society by the CSC in 2014 and since then continuing to make the society the best we can make it, this year ZooSoc hopes at last to reclaim its 1991 award of Society of the Year.
Past Speakers:
The society has had the pleasure of hosting many guest speakers including ;
Trinity's own Prof. Peter Wilson (Professor of Physiology and former director of Dublin Zoo,
Legendary primatologist, and anthropologist, Dame Jane Goodall,
Gerry Creighton (Dublin Zoo Operations Manager),
Sergeant Conall Curtis (Garda Dog Unit),
James Honeyborne (producer of BBC’s Africa series, presented by David Attenborough),
Dr Zoltan Takacs, toxicologist and National Geographic Emerging Explorer,
Éanna Ní Lamhna, wildlife broadcaster and writer.
For more information, follow us on Twitter (@zoosoc) and find us on Facebook (DU ZooSoc).