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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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STEM Camps 2024

Join Ireland’s STEM Community

Throughout 2024, Trinity Walton Club will deliver a range of camps that immerse STEM curious teens into fun and interactive physics, math, technology and engineering sessions. Each camp is designed to challenge learners to work collaboratively with peers, think creatively and create solutions, while enhancing their STEM knowledge, skills and curiosity.

As a member of the Trinity Walton Club community, you are sure to grow your curiosity, make lasting STEM connections and build a standout STEM portfolio.

Find more information about the specific's camps, see below. Apply or register your interest today!


Our team

Summer STEM Camps 2024

Summer 2024 on campus in Trinity's STEM faculty, take place in a community of STEM-curious teens, who'll be actively making STEM connections, building skills and confidence, and growing their STEM identity.  

Each camp offers a unique opportunity to excite and support you in developing key skills while engaging in fun and challenging STEM educational activities.

Trinity Walton Club camps

Summer Camps 2024 :

8- Launch: Build & Design Your Own Arduino Buggy and Catapults!

15-19 July 2024; 10:00am – 2:00pm

STEAM and ICE 2024 *:

Visit here for more info.

Who can apply?

All current secondary school students!


STEAM and ICE camp:  €360 per 5-day camp
All other camps: €295 per each 5-day camp

Summer Camps

STEAM and ICE Camp

Student Testimonial

The whole Walton Camp was a great experience! I enjoyed each section of the course and learnt a lot. The instructors were very good at explaining things’ It surpassed my expectations. It made me look at all the subjects in a different light and realised that the four subject all tie in together.

Student Camper 

I thought the camp was extremely enjoyable, I enjoyed working in teams and being around people interested in STEM I also enjoyed learning things outside of the classroom and how STEM applies in everyday life – I will definitely be returning.

Student Camper

‘I believe the best experience I had with this virtual camp was getting to meet other people and talking with them, knowing they have the same interest in STEM like me.

Student Camper

Trinity Walton Club camps