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AREUEA International Conference – Dublin 2022

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Session Overview

Date: Wednesday, 06/July/2022


Poster Session at Welcome Reception
Location: Exam Hall

A Text Convolution Network-Based Policy Uncertainty Index: An Application for China
Fu, Yuqi; Yang, Zan; Ding, Liqun; Quan, Rongxi
Tsinghua University, China, People's Republic of

Agglomeration In the Flexible Working Era: The Micro-location Choices of Co-working Offices
Lavoratori, Katiuscia1; Wu, Yi2; Zhang, Melanie {Fangchen}3
1: International Business and Strategy, Henley Business School, University of Reading; 2: Real Estate and Planning, Henley Business School, University of Reading; 3: Dept of Architecture and Built Environment, Northumbria University, United Kingdom

Applying the Game Theoretic Dynamic of a Mixed Stackelberg Oligopoly to the Provision of New Build Social and Private Housing in the Greater Dublin Area
Lyons, Michael Flannan
Technological University Dublin, Ireland

City Wage Premium: Size Effect Or Sorting?
Nikitina, Natalia
CERGE-EI, Czech Republic

Combining hedonics, GEKS and state space models to construct CPPIs
Ishaak, Farley1,2; Ouwehand, Pim2
1: University of Delft; 2: Statistics Netherlands

Do macroeconomic factors matter in housing markets?
Lin, Pin-Te
University of Reading, United Kingdom

Estimating Unobserved Long-run Trend and Cycles of House Price to Income Ratio in Ireland
Yao, Fang
Central Bank of Ireland, Ireland

Burinskas, ArunasCohen, Viktorija
Vilnius University, Lithuania

Housing Purchase Restrictions and Entrepreneurship
Ma, Chao
Xiamen University, China, People's Republic of

How Irrational Biases Affect Real Estate Supply Dynamics
Tong, Lok Man Michelle
CAIA,LSE & Reading Alumni

Is Green Lending Subject to Home Bias? Comparing Mortgages by Banks and Nonbanks
Connolly, Michael1; Echeverry, David Felipe2
1: Colgate University; 2: Universidad de Navarra, Spain

The price of silence
Magagnoli, Marianna1,2; Tassinari, Filippo1,2
1: Universitat de Barcelona (UB); 2: Institut d'Economia de Barcelona (IEB)

Who Owns Climate Risk in the U.S. Real Estate Market?
Woodwell, Jamie; Fratantoni, Mike; Seiler, Edward
Mortgage Bankers Association, United States of America

Date: Thursday, 07/July/2022


Amenity Valuation
Location: Room A

Alcohol Consumption and the Value of Community
Zhang, Xiaoyu1; Zhang, Yunqi2
1: National University of Singapore; 2: Nankai University

View and status determinants of residential vertical price gradients: A comparative study of Manhattan and Rotterdam
Nase, Ilir1; Barr, Jason2
1: Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom; 2: Rutgers University, USA

Aesthetic Preferences for Residential Architecture: Finding Ground Truth with Machine Learning Approaches
Lindenthal, Thies; Schmidt, Carolin; Wan, Wayne X.
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Local Finance
Location: Room B

Pension Fund Investment in Infrastructure
Carlo, Alexander; Eichholtz, Piet; Kok, Nils; Wijnands, Ruud
Maastricht University, Netherlands, The

Biased Beliefs and Credit Risk in the Muni Bond Market
Pati, Abinash; Jeung, Jinoug; Chordia, Tarun
Emory University, United States of America

Federal Tax Deductions and the Provision of Local Public Goods
Ambrose, Brent W.; Valentin, Maxence
Penn State University, United States of America

Commercial Real Estate
Location: Room C

Price diffusion across international private commercial real estate markets
Zhu, Bing1; van Dijk, Dorinth2; Lizieri, Colin3
1: Technical University of Munich; 2: De Nederlandsche Bank; 3: University of Cambridge

The role of the experienced return in the decision to sell commercial real estate
Vlaming, Willem; Francke, Marc
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, The

The Dynamic Relationship between Charge-off Rates, Funding and Market Liquidity and Asset Prices in Private Commercial Real Estate Markets
van Dijk, Dorinth1; Francke, Marc2,3; Wang, Yumei2
1: De Nederlandsche Bank; 2: University of Amsterdam; 3: Ortec Finance


Homeownership & Immigration
Location: Room A

Age at Arrival and Immigrants' Housing Tenure: Evidence from the UK
Oladiran, Olayiwola2; Schmidt, Carolin E.1; Sunmoni, Adesola3
1: University of Cambridge; 2: University of Sheffield; 3: University of Reading

The Housing Market Impact of Immigrant Preferences for Homeownership
Schubert, Gregor; Gorback, Caitlin
UCLA Anderson School of Management, United States of America

How Media Coverage shape Immigrants’ homeownership Beliefs?
Wu, Yi1; Li, Donghui2; Tidwell, Alan3
1: University of Reading; 2: Shenzhen University; 3: The University of Alabama

Real Estate Taxation
Location: Room B

Beliefs about tax incidence: Do homeowners think beyond the statutory incidence?
Boogaerts, Thomas
KU Leuven, Belgium

Tobin Tax Policy, Housing Speculation, and Property Market Dynamics
Agarwal, Sumit1; Chau, Kwong Wing2; Hu, Maggie Rong3; Wan, Wayne Xinwei4
1: National University of Singapore; 2: The University of Hong Kong; 3: The Chinese University of Hong Kong; 4: University of Cambridge

Tax Sales, Private Capital, and Gentrification in the U.S.
LaPoint, Cameron
Yale School of Management, United States of America

Valuing CRE
Location: Room C

Are Multifamily Properties Priced Relatively Better in Secondary and Tertiary Markets? Causes and Implications for Renters
Fratantoni, Mike; Woodwell, Jamie
MBA, United States of America

The Agglomerative Effects of Neighborhood and Building Specialization on Office Values
Liu, Crocker H.1; Zheng, Chen2; Zhu, Bing3
1: Cornell University; 2: University of Reading; 3: Technical University of Munich

Work From Home and the Office Real Estate Apocalypse
Gupta, Arpit2; Mittal, Vrinda1; Van Nieuwerburgh, Stijn1
1: Columbia University Graduate School of Business, United States of America; 2: New York University Stern school of Business, united States of America


Land Use Restrictions
Location: Room A

The local effects of relaxing land-use regulation on housing supply and rents
Buechler, Simon1; Lutz, Elena2
1: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States of America; 2: ETH Zürich, Institute for Urban and Spatial Development, Switzerland

Low-rise Buildings in Big Cities: Theory and Evidence from China
Yu, Xiaolun
University of Reading, Henley Business School, United Kingdom

Reclaiming Local Control: School Finance Reforms and Housing Supply Restrictions
Krimmel, Jacob
Federal Reserve Board, United States of America

Real Estate & Politics
Location: Room B

Building networks: Investigating the nature of quid pro quo between politicians and real-estate developers in Mumbai
Tandel, Vaidehi; Gandhi, Sahil; Tabarrok, Alex
University of Reading, United Kingdom

Reputation and Asset Prices: Evidence from Trump Real Estate
Koch, Marlene; Stehle, Simon
University of Konstanz, Germany

Does media political bias affect land price? Evidence from the Chinese land market
Marcato, Gianluca; Zhang, Fengting; Zheng, Chen
Univeristy of Reading, United Kingdom

Location: Room C

Aggregate Investment and Equity REIT Market Returns
Liang, Weijian
Cardiff University

Unpledged Collateral and Distressed Asset Sales: Evidence from REIT Transactions
Demirci, Irem1; Rasteh, Mehdi2; Yonder, Erkan2
1: Nova School of Business & Economics, Portugal; 2: Concordia University, Canada

An international examination of the REIT effect
Optveld, Hans1; Brounen, Dirk2
1: Tilburg University & ASRE, Netherlands, The; 2: Tilburg University


Elasticity of Supply
Location: Room A

Supply Constraints and Housing Markets: Evidence from a Spatially Matched Dataset
Yu, Xiaolun
University of Reading, Henley Business School, United Kingdom

Remote Shocks, Migration, and Housing Supply in India
Dutta, Arnab1; Green, Richard1; Gandhi, Sahil2
1: University of Southern California; 2: University of Manchester

Why have house prices risen so much more than rents in superstar cities?
Hilber, Christian A. L.1; Mense, Andreas2
1: London School of Economics, United Kingdom; 2: IAB

Real Estate After Covid
Location: Room B

Work from Home and Commercial Real Estate – Evidence from Stock Markets
Milcheva, Stanimira; Xie, Lingshan
University College London, United Kingdom

Habitualization and the Evolving View of the Utility in Housing Factors
Smith, Brent; Gupta, Manu
Virginia Commonwealth University, United States of America

Evaluating The Effect of Post-COVID Measures on Indoor Air Quality in Primary Schools
Sun, Xudong; Eichholtz, Piet; Kok, Nils
Maastricht University, Netherlands, The

Finance & Trading
Location: Room C

Walk a Tightrope: Could "Rational" Investors Well Manage Their "Irrational" Strategies?
Tong, Lok Man Michelle
CAIA,LSE & Reading Alumni

Deciphering Private Equity Incentive Contracting and Fund Leverage Choice
Riddiough, TImothy
University of Wisconsin Madison-School of Business, United States of America

Volume Traders of Non-homogenous Assets
Hayunga, Darren; Munneke, Henry
University of Georgia, United States of America


Conference Dinner
Location: Dining Hall

Date: Friday, 08/July/2022


Housing Market Policy
Location: Room A

The Effect of Unemployment Insurance on Rental Housing Evictions
Hobbs, Kelsi
University of Maine, United States of America

Foreign Buyer Taxes And Housing Affordability
Somerville, Tsur1; Pavlov, Andrey2
1: Sauder School of Business, UBC, Canada; 2: Beedie School of Business, SFU, Canada

Investment incentives of rent controls and gentrification - Evidence from German micro data
Baye, Vera1; Dinger, Valeriya1,2
1: Osnabrueck University, Germany; 2: Leeds University, UK

Urban growth
Location: Room B

Employment Dispersion and Housing Affordability: Evaluate the Opportunity Areas in London UK
Tong, Lok Man Michelle
CAIA,LSE & Reading Alumni

Move in and Get Paid? The Welfare Implications of Work-from-Home Worker Relocation Programs
Yoo, Hoyoung
University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States of America

Teleworking and housing demand
Schulz, Rainer1; Watson, Verity2; Wersing, Martin1
1: University of Aberdeen Business School, United Kingdom; 2: Health Economics Research Unit, University pf Aberdeen, United Kingdom

Tenure & Mortages
Location: Room C

Reverse Mortgage Financial Assessment and Loan Performance
Miller, Joshua
US Department of Housing and Urban Development, United States of America

Prompting borrowers into action: evidence from a mortgage refinancing field experiment in Ireland
Byrne, Shane2; Devine, Kenneth2; King, Michael3; McCarthy, Yvonne2; Palmer, Christopher1
1: MIT, United States of America; 2: Central Bank of Ireland; 3: Trinity College Dublin

“The Lucky Ones?” Fintech and Mortgage Lending During the Pandemic
Agarwal, Sumit1; An, Xudong2; Zhang, Calvin2
1: National University of Singapore; 2: Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, United States of America


Housing & Affordability
Location: Room A

Tenant Rights, Eviction, and Rent Affordability
Coulson, Edward1; Le, Thao2; Shen, Lily3
1: UC Irvine, United States of America; 2: Georgia State University; 3: Clemson University

Regime switching and the responsiveness of prices to supply: The case of the Irish housing market
Egan, Paul1McQuinn, Kieran2
1: ESRI, Ireland; 2: ESRI, Ireland

Race, Space and Take-Up: Explaining Housing Voucher Lease-Up Rates
Ellen, Ingrid; O'Regan, Katherine; Strochak, Sarah
New York University, United States of America

Urban mobility
Location: Room B

Displacing Congestion: Evidence from Paris
Bou Sleiman, Lea
CREST- Ecole Polytechnique, France

Regulating Uber: The Mobility and Economic Consequences of Ride-hailing Tax in Chicago
Wang, Binzhe
MIT, United States of America

The role of amenities in shaping cities
Garcia-Lopez, Miquel-Angel1,2; Viladecans-Marsal, Elisabet2,3
1: Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain; 2: Institut d'Economia de Barcelona; 3: Universitat de Barcelona

Understanding Markets
Location: Room C

Institutional Investment and Residential Rental Market Dynamics
McCarthy, Barra1,2
1: Central Bank Of Ireland, Ireland; 2: Trinity College Dublin

Cross-market Spillovers of Real Estate Speculation
Hu, Rong1; Wan, Xinwei2; Xu, Ke3
1: the Chinese Univeristy of Hong Kong; 2: the University of Cambridge; 3: the University of Hong Kong

Search frictions in rental markets
Fan, Ying1; Chen, Ming1; Yang, Zan2
1: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; 2: Tsinghua University


Residential Real Estate
Location: Room A

An Alternative Approach to Estimating Foreclosure and Short Sale Discounts
Conklin, Jim1; Coulson, Edward2; Diop, Moussa3; Mota, Nuno4
1: University of Georgia; 2: UC Irvine; 3: USC; 4: Fannie Mae

Deal or no Deal? The Time-on-Market, Time-to-Close, and Residential Transaction Prices
Francke, Marc; Dröes, Martijn; Wang, Yumei
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, The

Measuring Local Determinants of Herding and Reverse Herding Behaviour in US Housing Markets
Pollock, Matthew Alexander
University of Reading, United Kingdom

Segregation & Inequality
Location: Room B

Emergence of Subprime Lending in Minority Neighborhoods
Jakucionyte, Egle1,2; Singh, Swapnil1,3
1: Bank of Lithuania, Lithuania; 2: Vilnius University; 3: Kaunas University of Technology

Gentrification, Mobility, and Exposure to Contextual Social Determinants of Health
Acolin, Arthur1; Crowder, Kyle1; Decter-Frain, Ari2; Hajat, Anjum1; Hall, Matt2
1: University of Washington, United States of America; 2: Cornell University, United States of America

Inequality in the Time of COVID-19: Evidence from Mortgage Delinquency and Forbearance
An, Xudong; Cordell, Larry; Geng, Liang; Lee, Keyoung
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, United States of America

Location: Room C

Floods and urban density
Martinez-Mazza, Rodrigo1,3; Magontier, Pierre2,3
1: Uppsala University, Sweden; 2: University of Bern (CRED); 3: Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB)

Reporting on the SDGs by European Listed Property Companies: Five Years of Growth
Optveld, Hans
Tilburg University & ASRE, Netherlands, The

The Efficacy of Energy Efficiency: Home Insulation and Residential Gas Use
Kattenberg, Linde; Eichholtz, Piet; Kok, Nils
Maastricht University, Netherlands, The


Farewell Dinner
Location: Trinity City Hotel


Saturday, 9th July 2022

All-day                                     Optional tours

Option 1: Cliffs of Moher (full day tour: 7am - 8pm)

The tour starts with early morning pickup from Dublin's city center.

Travel through West Ireland's wild countryside toward the Kilmacduagh Monastery. One of the finest collections of monastic buildings in Ireland, the monastery dates back over 1000 years. Spend time exploring the ruins, graveyard, and 12th-century round tower.

Continue on to the Cliffs of Moher. Get almost two hours to wander around the cliffs, take in panoramic views of the northern Atlantic Ocean, and pop into the visitor center.

Then head to The Burren, a series of unusual karst rocks with views across the Aran Islands and Twelve Bens mountain range.

Afterward, it's on to the Wild Atlantic Way. As you ride down the way, catch sight of Dunguaire Castle, as well as the villages of Kinvara, Ballyvaughan, and Kilfenora.

Up next is Galway. You can either spend about an hour exploring "The Venice of the west" on your own, or you can follow your guide around the main street as you learn about the most popular shops and eateries.

Option 2: Giant’s Causeway (full-day tour, 7am-8pm)

The tour starts with pickup from central Dublin in a comfortable, Wi-Fi–equipped coach bus. On the way to Belfast, you'll stop at a rest area for breakfast, drinks, or snacks.

At Belfast, your guide will point you to a black cab for a tour led by someone who grew up there during the Northern Ireland Conflict. Visit the Falls and Shankill neighborhoods, hearing first-hand accounts of the battles between the Catholics and the Protestants. You'll see the Peace Wall, where you can sign your own name.

Afterward, you'll ride on the bus to the Giant's Causeway, with a chance to buy lunch before walking down the hill to the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Lastly, walk across the Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge over the ocean before making the return drive back to Dublin.

Option 3: Golf at Powerscourt

Ireland is home to over 300 golf courses, including eight that are in the Golf Digest’s Top 100.

Just half an hour South of Dublin City Centre, Powerscourt Golf Club is set in the foothills of the rolling Wicklow hills and Ireland’s most beautiful and intriguing state. Opened in 996 Powerscourt features two the finest championship course in Ireland, which despite their proximity to each other, pose remarkably different challenges for any golfer.