Trinity Research in Social Sciences (TRiSS) Launch Event
'Trinity has been a beacon in social sciences research. Today's launch of TRiSS reinforces our position as well as that of Ireland's as a leader internationally in this area. The announcement of EU funded research in energy consumption research is just one example. But also look to our role in major longitudinal studies on childhood research such as Growing Up in Ireland, on ageing in The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing among many other public facing research projects that influence policy and have a real impact on Irish and global society for the benefit of all.' — Provost, Dr Patrick Prendergast
On Monday 14th November 2016, the Provost of Trinity, Dr Patrick Prendergast and the Secretary General of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, economist Robert Watt, officially launched TRiSS as the new focal point for social science research at Trinity.
The event showcased the global societal significance of Trinity's social science research with a series of brief, stimulating presentations from some of our leading academics.
Event Speakers
Oran Doyle - 'Shifting the Constitutional Ground'

Professor Oran Doyle is Head of the School of Law in Trinity College Dublin. His principal research interest lies at the intersection of constitutional law and legal theory, analysing problems of constitutional structure that affect constitutional orders around the world. He has published widely on the subject of constitutional change and is currently a constitutional law adviser to the Citizens’ Assembly.
Gail McElroy - 'Women, elections and representation'

Gail McElroy is a Professor in Political Science and Head of the School of Social Sciences and Philosophy. Her primary research interests are in the fields of legislative behaviour, party competition, public opinion and European Union politics. She is a principal investigator on the Irish National Election Study and has run the Irish Candidate Study since its inception. Recent published work explores the continued under-representation of women in Irish politics, the meaning of Left and Right in Ireland and the nature of party competition in the European parliament.
Trevor Spratt - 'What can Children tell us about the future?'

Trevor Spratt is the Director of Trinity Children’s Research Centre. His research interests emanate from his experiences of social work practice. One of his main research interests is how the experience of childhood adversities becomes translated across the life-course into physiological, psychological and social outcomes. The work of the Children’s Research Centre is concerned both with establishing what constitutes good childhoods as well identifying those children who are vulnerable to the impact of adversity in order to assist policy makers and professionals identify and provide effective interventions.