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Give Tech to Schools


Give Tech to Schools


Trinity Access Tech

Covid-19 showed us that thousands of students don’t have access to online learning. Help us to bridge the digital divide by providing laptops to vulnerable communities.

Give Tech to Schools continues to bridge the digital divide for students.

Tech2Students was developed in March 2020 by Trinity Access and Kinia (formerly Camara Ireland) in response to the digital divide experienced by students in need. The project was a huge success and brought together companies and individuals nationwide to deliver over 3,500 devices to students. To read about Tech2Students and the result it had please read our Impact Report.
It has allowed us to provide high quality teaching and reach out to the disadvantaged pupils who are in our care. It allowed them to participate and feel part of the community
St Davids CBS , T2S recipient

Our Tech2Students refurbishment hub in Dublin has now closed, but our work is not done. Covid-19 showed that the digital divide is real and remains a huge problem for second-level students with between 50-70% of students in DEIS schools experiencing a lack of access to broadband or a suitable learning device.Our partner schools need your support.

100% of funding donated is used to buy and refurbish devices. If you wish to donate and help us continue to support our partner schools, please select the "Trinity Access" tab on our donation page above. Please also email us to ensure we direct your donation to our Give Tech to Schools fund.

For any queries please contact us at


  • Progression rates to further and higher education for students in DEIS schools are traditionally significantly lower than non-DEIS. For example, students from the most affluent parts of Dublin are up to 14 times more likely to progress to university than their counterparts from some schools in the city’s most disadvantaged areas.
  • Teachers who reported a lack of a dedicated IT infrastructure were more likely to report a low engagement among their students.
  • Recipients have stated that teaching and learning has become more engaging and diverse and access to a device has allowed students to become more independent in their learning.


How recent does the device need to be?

We are looking for fully-functioning devices with up to date hardware and software. For this reason we are accepting devices which were manufactured from 2020 onwards.

The laptop I wish to donate isn’t working / can’t connect to the internet / is missing it’s charger: Can I still donate it?

Sorry, but the device should be functioning as we do not have the capacity to do any hardware repairs.

What about private information on the laptop?

As we are no longer operating our Dublin refurbishment hub, ideally we need to receive devices that are wiped, reformatted and ready for students.

Will the device be returned when the students have finished using it?

No. Laptops will not be returned but will remain in the possession of schools and can be used by many more students in the years to come.

I don’t have spare devices but I’d like to donate money, is that possible?

Yes! Please click here to donate and select the "Trinity Access" appeal. All donations, large and small are welcome and 100% of your donation will go towards purchasing or repurposing laptops for students. Please email us at to ensure your donation goes to the Give Tech to Students fund.

I don’t have devices but I do have a monitor / keyboard / mouse / phone/ headphones etc I would like to donate, can I?

Currently we are only accepting portable device donations.

A Special Thanks

A special thank you to those who have donated laptops, given financial support and raised awareness to help us bridge the digital divide. By donating you make a difference to each student’s life and future. Thank You.