Etain Tannam (BA, Trinity College Dublin, MA University of Essex, PhD, LSE) is Associate Professor International Peace Studies, Trinity College Dublin. Her main area of expertise is Irish/Northern cross-border cooperation and British-Irish intergovernmental/diplomatic cooperation, with emphasis on Brexit's impact. She is currently writing a book British-Irish Relations in the 21st Century, 2020, forthcoming, Oxford, Oxford University Press. She has contributed to various reports about Brexit, including the European Parliament, JURIS Committee, the House of Commons, Select Committee for Northern Ireland and the House of Lords Brexit Inquiry. She has also appeared on BBC Radio 4, SKY News and RTE. She is author of International Intervention in Ethnic Conflict: A Comparison of the European Union and United Nations (2014, Basingstoke, Palgrave) and Cross-Border Co-operation in Ireland (1999, Basingstoke, Palgrave) and has published various book chapters and international journal articles (see below). Her research interests are in the areas of Northern Ireland and British-Irish relations, including the impact of Brexit, international organizations and conflict resolution, United Nations (UN) and European Union (EU) politics.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Etain Tannam, Cyprus and the Annan Plan Negotiations: An Organizational Model, Irish Studies in International Affairs, 27, 2016, p189 - 200Journal Article, 2016
- Etain Tannam, British-Irish Relations in the 21st Century, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2024Book, 2024
- Etain Tannam with David Mitchell and Sarah Wallace , 20 Years of the Good Friday Agreement: Political Dimensions, Irish Political Studies, 33, (3), 2018, p283 - 310Journal Article, 2018
- Etain Tannam, "The Good Friday Agreement, Brexit and British-Irish Intergovernmental Cooperation ",, Ethnopolitics, 17, (3), 2018, p243 - 262Journal Article, 2018
- The Good Friday Agreement, Brexit and British-Irish Intergovernmental Cooperation in, editor(s)Etain Tannam , Beyond the Good Friday Agreement and in the Midst of Brexit, London , Routledge , 2018, pp20 , [Etain Tannam]Book Chapter, 2018
- Ethnopolitics , 17, 3, (2018), 114p, Etain Tannam, [eds.]Journal, 2018
- The Future of British-Irish Relations in, editor(s)Federico Fabbrini , The Law & Politics of Brexit VOLUME 2: The Withdrawal Agreement & the Framework of Future EU-UK Relations, Oxford , Oxford University Press, 2020, pp20 , [Etain Tannam]Book Chapter, 2020
- Etain Tannam, Brexit and the British-Irish Relationship , RUSI Journal, 163, (3), 2018, p1 - 7Journal Article, 2018
- Etain Tannam, The Future of British-Irish Relations, European Journal of Legal Studies, Special Issue, 2019, p275 - 305Journal Article, 2019
- Etain Tannam, Beyond the Friday Agreement and in the Midst of Brexit, London, Routledge, 2018, 1 - 80ppBook, 2018
- Alan Renwick, Oran Doyle, John Garry, Paul Gillespie, Cathy Gormley-Heenan, Katy Hayward, Robert Hazell, David Kenny, Christopher McCrudden, Brendan O'Leary, Etain Tannam, Alan Whysall , Working Group on Unification Referendums on the Island of Ireland: Final Report, Constitution Unit, University College London, May, 2021, p1 - 259Report, 2021
- Etain Tannam, The British-Irish Relationship and the Centrality of the British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference, Irish Studies in International Affairs, 32, (2), 2021, p341 - 367Journal Article, 2021
- Etain Tannam, Brexit and the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement"s Three Strands., The Journal of Cross Border Studies in Ireland. , 17, (1), 2022, p90 - 101Journal Article, 2022
- Etain Tannam and Conor Kelly, The UK Government and Northern Ireland Policy After Brexit: A Retreat to Unilateralism and Muscular Unionism, Journal of European Public Policy, 30, (11), 2023, p2275 - 2302Journal Article, 2023
- The Future of the Union: A Political Science Perspective in, editor(s)Andrew Murphy , The Nation, Cambridge Themes in British Literature and Culture, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2023, pp327 - 340, [Etain Tannam]Book Chapter, 2023
- Etain Tannam and Conor Kelly, The Future of Northern Ireland: the Role of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement Institutions, The Political Quarterly, 2023, p84 - 97Journal Article, 2023
- Etnopolitics, London , Taylor Francis , 2011-2023Editorial Board, 2011
- 'The EU and the Cross-Border Relationship in, editor(s)Coakley J. and O'Dowd L. , Crossing the border: new relationships between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland,, Dublin, Irish Academic Press, 2007, pp104 - 125, [Etain Tannam]Book Chapter, 2007
- Etain Tannam, 'The European Commission and Conflict Regulation: a case of preference change', Co-operation and Conflict, 42, (3), 2007, p337 - 356Journal Article, 2007
- 'The Divided Irish', in, editor(s)Mabry T., McGarry J. Moore, M., and O'Leary B. , Europe's Divided Nations, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013, pp308 - 337, [Etain Tannam]Book Chapter, 2013
- Northern Ireland and the EU in, editor(s)McCall C., and Wilson T , Ireland and Europe: Europeanisation and Hibernicisation, Amsterdam/New York, Rodopi, 2010, [Etain Tannam]Book Chapter, 2010
- Etain Tannam, Explaining British-Irish Cooperation: a rational institutionalist approach, Review of International Studies, 37, (3), 2011, p1191 - 1214Journal Article, 2011
- Etain Tannam, International Intervention in Ethnic Conflict: a comparison of the European Union and the United Nations, Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2014, 1 - 200ppBook, 2014
- Etain Tannam, 'The EU Model and Administrative Co-operation: case of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland', Public Administration, 84, (2), 2006, p407 - 422Journal Article, 2006
- Etain Tannam, 'Cross-Border Co-operation Between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland: Neo-functionalism Re-visited' , British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 8, (2), 2006, p258 - 278Journal Article, 2006
- 'The EU IGC: Bargaining or learning? , , 75-99. in, editor(s)Wessels W. and Rovna L. (eds.) , Constitutionalisation From Convention to Constitutional Treaty,, Prague, Charles University Press, 2006, pp75 - 99, [Etain Tannam and Brigid Laffan]Book Chapter, 2006
- Etain Tannam, Understanding and Explaining International Intervention: the state of the art', Ethnopolitics, 11, (4), 2012, p341 - 353Journal Article, 2012
- Ethnopolitics, 11, 4, (2012), Etain Tannam, [eds.special edition International Intervention in Ethnic Conflict]Journal, 2012
- Etain Tannam, "The European Union and Conflict Resolution: Northern Ireland, Cyprus and Bilateral Cooperation, Government and Opposition, 47, (1), 2012, p47 - 71Journal Article, 2012
- Etain Tannam, Cross-Border Cooperation in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, Basingstoke/New York, Macmillan/St. Martin's Press, 1999, ix - 229ppBook, 1999
- Etain Tannam, Explaining the Good Friday Agreement: a Learning Process', Government and Opposition, 36, (4), 2001, p493 - 518Journal Article, 2001
- Etain Tannam, 'The European Commission and the Conflict in Northern Ireland: a supranational role?',, Cambridge Review of International Studies, (8), 1997, p8 - 28Journal Article, 1997
- Etain Tannam, 'The European Union and the Business Cross-Border Co-operation: the case of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland', Irish Political Studies, 11, 1996, p103 - 130Journal Article, 1996
- Etain Tannam, 'The European Union and Politics in Northern Ireland', , , Ethnic and Racial Studies, 18, (4 ), 1995, p797 - 817Journal Article, 1995
- Etain Tannam, 'The European Union and the Cross-Border Administrative Co-operation between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland', , Regional and Federal Studies, 5, (1), 1996, p67 - 93Journal Article, 1996
- Etain Tannam, 'Influence or Power? The European Union and the Irish Administrative System' , Governance, 6, (2), 1993, p275 - 283Journal Article, 1993
- 'The Cross-Border Relationship in Ireland' in, editor(s)Malcolm Anderson and Eberhard Bort , Borders and National Sovereignty, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 1999, pp20 , [Etain Tannam]Book Chapter, 1999
- 'Ireland: The Rewards of Pragmatism' in, editor(s)Keith Hanf and Ben Soetendorp , Adapting to European Integration: Small States and the European Union, Harlow, Longman, 1997, pp69 - 81, [Etain Tannam and Brigid Laffan]Book Chapter, 1997
- Etain Tannam, The Response of te EU to the International Court of Justice's (ICJ) Judgement on Kosovo, Europe-Asia Studies, 15, (5), 2013, p946 - 965Journal Article, 2013
- Etain Tannam, ''The Responsibility to Protect: Normative Strength and Empirical Weakness?, Ethnopolitics, 10, (1), 2011, p133 - 135Journal Article, 2011
- Etain Tannam, Academic witness submission to House of Lords Select Committee on Brexit, Ireland -UK relations, 2016, -Miscellaneous
- Etain Tannam, 'Brexit and the Future of the UK: the UK, Northern Ireland and Scotland', Brexit public lecture, Institute for International Affairs, Rome, July 12 2016, 2016, Institute for International Affairs, RomeInvited Talk
- Etain Tannam, 'Brexit and the Future of the UK' Institute for International Affairs, Rome, 2016Working Paper
- Etain Tannam, Brexit and British-Irish Relations, Behind the Headlines, Long Room Hub Lecture Series, Trinity College Dublin , May 23 2016, 2016Invited Talk
- Tannam, Etain , European Parliament Hearing, JURIS, , Brussels, May 30 2017, 2017Oral Presentation
- Etain Tannam, Brexit and Northern Ireland , Brexit, Scotland and Northern Ireland , Institute for Security and International Affairs, SWP, Brussels, April 3 2017, 2017Oral Presentation
- Etain Tannam, Brexit and British-Irish Intergovernmental Cooperation, DCU Brexit institute, Inaugural Conference, DCU, January 25 , 2018, DCU Brexit instituteInvited Talk
- Etain Tannam, Brexit, Cross-Border and British-Irish Relations, Annual Conference to mark the 20th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement, March 8-9 2018, 20th Anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement, Dundalk, March 8-9, 2018, Centre for Cross-Border StudiesInvited Talk
- Etain Tannam, http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/brexit/2017/04/06/brexit-and-peace-in-northern-ireland/, 2017, -Miscellaneous
- Etain Tannam, http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/brexit/2017/07/26/cracks-are-beginning-to-appear-in-british-irish-relations/, 2017, -Miscellaneous
- Etain Tannam, http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/brexit/2017/08/17/uk-position-paper-on-northern-ireland-and-ireland-is-both-conciliatory-and-vague/, 2017, -Miscellaneous
- Etain Tannam, http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/brexit/2017/09/29/is-the-negative-tide-of-british-irish-relations-receding/, 2017, -Miscellaneous
- Etain Tannam, http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/brexit/2017/09/29/is-the-negative-tide-of-british-irish-relations-receding/, 2017, -Miscellaneous
- Etain Tannam, http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/brexit/2017/12/05/a-high-risk-game-of-chicken-is-being-played-over-the-irish-border/, 2017, -Miscellaneous
- Etain Tannam, https://theconversation.com/eu-agrees-to-start-phase-two-of-brexit-talks-experts-react-89245 December 15 2017, 2017, -Miscellaneous
- "The Good Friday Agreement, Brexit and British-Irish Intergovernmental Cooperation in, editor(s)Etain Tannam , Beyond the Good Friday Agreement and in the Midst of Brexit, London , Routledge , 2018, pp20 , [Etain Tannam]Book Chapter
- Etain Tannam, Briitsh and Irish Identities and the Good Friday Agreement, Exploring Britishness and Irisnhess, Royal Irish Academy, March 30 2023, edited by Irish Association , 2023Conference Paper
- Northern Ireland and Brexit: Beyond Zero-Sum Consitutional Futures in, editor(s)Paul Gillepsie and Nicola McEwan , Northern Ireland: Consititutional Futures, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2024, [Etain Tannam and Colin Murray]Book Chapter
- Etain Tannam, 'Lessons from Northern Ireland',, Council of Europe, Cyprus Seminar Programme, Nicosia, , February 7 2009, 2009Conference Paper
- Etain Tannam, The EU and Conflict Resolution: the case of Cyprus and Northern Ireland, The EU and the Promotion and Stabilisation of Conflict Settlement,, University of Nottingham, November 21-23 2007, 2007Conference Paper
- Etain Tannam, The British-Irish Relationship: a rational institutionalist account, Political Studies Association of the UK, Manchester University, 6 April , 2009Conference Paper
- Etain Tannam and Brigid Laffan., 'Arguing and Bargaining: The 2004 Irish Presidency', , IGC Net Conference, Institute for European Affairs, Dublin, September 29 , 2005Conference Paper
- Etain Tannam, 'The European Commission and the Conflict in Northern Ireland', paper presented to, , , Mapping Frontiers, Plotting Pathways ' HEA/Peace 11 conference, Dundalk, June 21 2005, 2005Conference Paper
- Etain Tannam, 'The Cross-Border Relationship and the EU Dimension' , HEA project, 'Mapping Frontiers',, University College Dublin, edited by January 17 2005 , 2005Conference Paper
- Etain Tannam, 'The Irish/Northern Irish Relationship: impact of Good Friday Agreement and the European Union', Institute for British Irish Studies, UCD, 2005Working Paper
- Etain Tannam, 'View from the Capitals; Dublin', Europe's World, Brussels, February, 2008Report
- Etain Tannam, 'Implications of Legal Recognition of Kosovo for EU Policy, Self-Determination after Kosovo, Arundel House.London, International Institute for Strategic Studies, December 13 2010, 2010Conference Paper
- Etain Tannam, EU Institutional Management of Conflict Intervention: The Relationship between the Commission and the Council - An Application of Neo-functionalism, International Studies Association, Montreal, March 19 2011, 2011Conference Paper
- Etain Tannam, 'The EU and Cyprus: lessons form Northern Ireland', CFSP Forum, www.fornet.info, 8, (4), 2010, p14 - 22Journal Article
- Etain Tannam, 'International Intervention in Ethnic Conflict', April 30 2010, 2010, Institute for International and Integration Studies (IIIS), Trinity College Dublin Meetings /Conferences Organised
- Etain Tannam and Brigid Laffan, 'Arguing and Bargaining: The 2004 Irish Presidency', , 2005, September 29, o IGC Net Conference , Institute for European Affairs, Dublin, 2005Conference Paper
- Etain Tannam , 2005 'The European Commission and the Conflict in Northern Ireland', M, HEA/Peace 11, apping Frontiers, Plotting Pathways' HEA/PEACE11, Dundalk , June 21, 2005Conference Paper
- Etain Tannam , 2004 'Integration Theory and the Draft Constitutional Treaty, , IGC Net, University of Vienna, October 1, 2004Conference Paper
- Etain Tannam, 'Explaining the Good Friday Agreement: A Case of Policy Learning?, Annual Conference, , Political Studies Association of the UK,, Nottingham University, ,April., 1999Conference Paper
- Etain Tannam, 1997 'The EU and the Conflict in Northern Ireland', paper presented to Seminar, Centre for International Studies, Cambridge, 'Ireland: the international dimension', , Cambridge University, May , 1997Conference Paper
- Etain Tannam, Business Cross-Border Co-operation', 'Cross-Border Co-operation in Ireland', Interreg Conference, Commission of the European Communities, Moville, Co,. Donegal, February, 1997Conference Paper
- Etain Tannam, 1995 'Cross-Border Co-operation in Ireland: An Overview', Centre for International Studies, University of Edinburgh, November, 1995Conference Paper
- Etain Tannam, 'The EU and The Irish Cross-Border Relationship', ECPR Joint Workshops, , April 13-18,, Madrid , 1994Conference Paper
- Etain Tannam, 'The EC and the Irish Planning Process' , April, Political Studies Association of the UK Annual Conference, edited by Lancaster University , 1991Conference Paper
- Etain Tannam, The European Union and the Good Friday Agreement, The Agreement Fifteen Years On: a symposium, University of Ulster, Belfast, April 19 , 2013Conference Paper
- Etain Tannam, The EU and Conflict Resolution in Northern Ireland, University of Liverpool, May 9 , 2012, School of History and International RelationsInvited Talk
Research Expertise
TitleThe Role of Norms and Narratives in International CrisesSummaryFunding AgencyEnterprise IrelandDate From7/10/2014Date To7/06/2015
TitleInternational Intervention in Ethnic Conflict: comparison EU and UNSummaryThis study examines the bureaucratic roles of the European Commission and the UN Secretariat in policy-making processes towards conflict zones.Funding AgencyTCD Start-Up FundDate From2009Date To2011
- PhD Scholarship, British Council/Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1990-1993
- Irish-Scottish Academic Initiative
- International Studies Association (ISA) European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR): Standing Group on International Relations, ECPR Standing Group on Regionalism, Political Studies Asssociation of the UK, British International Studies Association, Irish Political Studies Association
- Member of the Political Studies Association (UK)-Political Studies of Ireland Joint Committee to Examine the Research and Academic Implications of Brexit Secretary of the Executive Committee for the Irish Association for European Studies. 2018-
- Member of the Political Studies Association (UK)-Political Studies of Ireland Joint Committee to Examine the Research and Academic Implications of Brexit Secretary of the Executive Committee for the Irish Association for European Studies. 2018-
- Vice-Chair of the Royal Irish Academy Special Committee on International Affairs 2019-
- Vice-Chair of the Royal Irish Academy Special Committee on International Affairs 2019-