Outgoing Erasmus Students
About the programmes
Unlike the College-wide, non-EU exchanges, Erasmus exchanges are arranged by individual departments with their partner institutions throughout the EU. Please note that, in order to be eligible for an Erasmus exchange, you must attain at least a II.2 grade in your annual examinations in English in your JF year.
A webinar produced by the Global Office with detailed information on both Erasmus and non-EU exchanges is available here
Joint Honours students are free to apply for exchanges arranged by both or either of their departments, but must have the approval of both departments to participate in an exchange.
The School of English participates in Erasmus exchanges with the following institutions:
NB: Exchanges with the UK are continuing until HT 2024 despite Brexit.
Contry |
University | Erasmus Code |
Austria | University of Salzburg | A SALZBUR01 |
Austria |
Universität Wien (Vienna) | A WIEN01 |
Belgium | KU Leuven | B LEUVEN01 |
Belgium | Université de Liège | B LIEGE01 |
Belgium | University of Antwerp | B ANTWERP01 |
Czechia |
Charles University (Prague) | CZ PRAHA07 |
Denmark | Aarhus University | DK ARHUS01 |
France |
Sorbonne Université (formerly Paris IV) | F PARIS468 |
France |
Université Côte d'Azur [formerly Nice Sophia Antipolis] | F NICE42 |
France |
Université de Paris [formerly Diderot and Descartes] | F PARIS484 |
France |
Université François-Rabelais de Tours | F TOURS01 |
Germany | Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (HT or full year only) | D HEIDELB01 |
Germany | Universität Hamburg (HT or full year only) | D HAMBURG01 |
Germany | University of Flensburg (HT or full year only) | D FLENSBU01 |
Italy | Università degli Studi di Palermo | I PALERMO01 |
Italy: Bologna |
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna (full year only) | I BOLOGNA01 |
Netherlands | Utrecht University | NL UTRECHT01 |
Switzerland |
University of Lausanne | CH LAUSANN01 |
Switzerland |
University of Zurich | CH ZURICH01 |
UK |
Birmingham University | Non-Erasmus |
UK |
University of Aberdeen | Non-Erasmus |
UK |
University of East Anglia | Non-Erasmus |
UK |
University of St Andrews | Non-Erasmus |
While every effort will be made to accommodate student preference, places on these exchanges are limited, and we cannot guarantee a place at your chosen institution. Also, while each of these institutions offers several courses suitable for students of English literature (and taught through English), Joint Honoursstudents should note that it is possible that not all of these institutions will be considered suitable by their other department; therefore communicating with both departments is essential.
Funding is available to cover some of your travel and maintenance costs. The grant for a full academic year abroad varies depending on where you go, but most students can expect to receive in the region of €1,500. For further details, please consult the Outbound from Trinity website. All Irish grants and scholarships continue to be paid while you are away on an Erasmus exchange.
Additional funding is available for students with disabilities to cover costs needed for various accommodations necessitated by the disability as well as for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Please note that due to Brexit, Erasmus funding for the exchanges in the UK is NOT available. P
ECTS requirements
Students going abroad for a year generally take modules to the equivalent of 60 ECTS. The minimum requirement for a full-year exchange is 45 ECTS, but we strongly encourage you to take more than the minimum in case of failure in some element (failed elements do not receive ECTS credit). For Joint Honours students participating in a full year exchange, this means that you must obtain a minimum 22.5 credits in each subject in order to rise with your year. For students going abroad for one semester, the minimum requirement is 22.5 ECTS credits; in the case of Joint Honours students, you must return with at least 10 credits in each subject.
Modules/Learning Agreement
The School of English does not require you to take any specific modules while abroad, but you will be required to submit a Learning Agreement detailing all the modules you intend to study and outlining how many credits are available for each module. This will be reviewed by the Study Abroad Coordinator, who will contact you if there are any problems (Joint Honours students will need to have their Learning agreement approved by both Coordinators). At the end of the year (or semester), the Coordinator will convert your marks back into a Trinity grade.
Application for School of English Erasmus in AY 2024-25
Application due on December 10th 2023, details on the form:
If you have any questions about our Erasmus programme in English please do not hesitate to contact the Study Abroad Coordinator:
Dr. Ema Vyroubalová
Room 5089
Arts Building
Email: vyroubae@tcd.ie