Dr. Masoud Ghaani

Dr. Masoud Ghaani

Research Fellow, Civil Struct & Env. Eng.

3531896 1457

My academic background is rooted in food science and technology. During my master's program, my research focused on the use of electrochemical techniques to detect various analytes such as Insulin, Dopamine, Hydrogen peroxide, Gallic acid, Ascorbic acid, E.coli, and MicroRNAs. In my PhD, my research revolved around the utilization of electrochemical sensors to monitor the quality of food packaging materials. Additionally, I began exploring different concepts related to food packaging.

Following the completion of my PhD, I had the opportunity to undergo three postdoctoral periods, each centered on distinct topics. These included the “Development of new silica-based biocoatings using sol-gel method for packaging applications”, “Investigation of physico-mechanical properties of foam products based on modified polylactide”, and "Modulation of surface properties of biopolymer coatings for food packaging applications, such as super-wettable surfaces."

Throughout the past years, I have been actively collaborating with various sensor groups to develop innovative electrochemical sensors.


Areas of expertise:

Currently, I am actively involved in two projects. The first project centers around the modulation of surface properties of biopolymer coatings for potential use in food packaging applications. The second project involves conducting a comprehensive review article on the application of electrochemical sensors in the food industry.

Below is a compilation of my areas of expertise:


§  Potentiostat/Galvanostat

§  Particle size analyser


§  Optical contact angle

§  AFM microscope

§  UV/Vis/FTIR spectrometer

§  Permeabilimeter

§  Gas chromatograph

§  Dynamometer


Technical skills:

§  Electrochemical techniques: cyclic voltammetry, differential pulse voltammetry, impedance spectroscopy, amperometry, Chronoamperometry

§  Different characterization techniques pertaining to the polymer-based materials:

§  mechanical characterization (tensile tests, coefficient of friction, puncture test, seal strength test)

§  permeability (to oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapour)

§  surface properties by optical contact angle (sessile and pendant drop)

§  surface properties by atomic force microscopy

§  optical properties (such as transparency, haze, and colour by UV-vis spectrophotometry)

§  chemical characterization by infrared spectroscopy

Social media:

LinkedIn account: https://www.linkedin.com/in/masoud-ghaani-93a5a3100/