b'9 Charter and Broad Directions (2019-2024)To support the strategy of the University: The TCIN Schrodinger at 75: Student Symposium run by strategic plan resonates and links with the principles TCIN PI Tomas Ryan.defined in the Trinity College Research Charter andLiving Research Excellence Strategy and aligns to To contribute to private, national, globalprocesses that put these principles into practice.The initiatives:TCIN recognizes the importance ofprinciples recognize the need to support broadening directly providing its expertise to support theimpact through translational research programmes Industry.Currently, two campus companiesas well as public engagement.In addition, they stress (Transpharmation Ireland and Ulysses Neurosciencethe central importance of academic freedom and Limited) are housed in the Lloyd Building anddiversity, the responsibility to foster and develop supported by TCIN. The Institute will continue totalent, and to build capability by harnessing work closely with the Research Development Oice,collective local and international expertise. in eorts to engage in a more coordinated mannerwith industry and continue to engage with the TrinityTo support academic freedom: While individual Inspiring Generations Campaign to seekNeuroscience investigators are part of Science philanthropic opportunities. The InstitutewillFoundation Ireland Centres designed to support continue to participate in large scale collaborativeindustrial collaborations, the majority of current research programmes for example with existingneuroscience research in the Lloyd Building is largely Trinity and SFI Research Centres or IndustrialPI driven. TCIN therefore principally supports PI led partners.At the same time, the Institute will alsoinitiatives, which are important, valuable and continue to develop new programmes, by identifyinggenerally integral to the success of early career and facilitating new synergistic local, national andinvestigators. TCIN holds that while it is important international multi-institutional collaborations. that Universities engage with large programmes The institute appreciates the importance of providingdesigned to drive government-determined research a fertile environment for large scale initiatives todirections, it recognizes the fundamental bloom: indeed, TCIN PIs success in the creation ofresponsibility of academics to also leadand not GBHI depended heavily on the collaborativefollowcontemporary political winds and fashions. environment fostered by TCIN, that allowed deep andIndeed, to enshrine the role of academic research in productive interactions across Medicine, Psychologyleading society, TCIN and College should take explicit and Engineering. note of the need to support PI-led creative andrelative blue-sky science and endorse, what Abraham To connect beyond the University walls.Flexnor has argued to be the usefulness of useless TCIN recognizes that the Institute should stayknowledge. In this context, even the immediately connected to the society it serves. Indeed, severalmeasurable successes of TCIN PIs in driving PI-led existing individual PI and programmatic initiativesprogrammes has been admirable and is easily are already deeply engaged with social policy, servicerecognized. For example, the value of research grants and communication, and public engagement is awon by just three TCIN PIs over the last 3 years central element of the GBHI and Wellcome ISSFcompare well with funding allocated to some recent programmes. However, the Institute will continue toSFI Centres. seek additional resources required for bettercommunicating research impact to the broader andgeneral public and be open to new directionssuggested by such engagements. Having refreshed itsonline presence through updating the Institutewebsite, TCIN will further work to engage actively inpromoting research in open scholarship initiatives,on social media platforms and through thedevelopment of research story curation across arange of diverse formats and flagship communicationprojects. These will raise awareness of the Instituteand Brain Sciences, and also provide a conduit to newideas and thoughts from the society in which TCIN isembedded.TCIN Director Mani Ramaswami (right) and TCIN PIIan Robertson (left) with guest lecturer Prof StephenPinker in The Long Room TCD.7'