Dr Kevin Lougheed

Dr. Kevin Lougheed is a Teaching Fellow in Geography in King’s College London. Kevin is also a reseach associate to the ERC Advanced Grant funded ‘NorFish - North Atlantic Fisheries: An Environmental History, 1400-1700’ project based at the School of Histories and Humanities.
Kevin was previously the Teaching Fellow in Geography in Trinity College Dublin from 2014-2016. He submitted his PhD thesis ‘National Education and the State: an historical geography of the national school system in nineteenth-century Ireland’ in 2013 in Geography, TCD. In his work on national education Kevin used traditional historical methodologies, along with modern quantitative methods such as Geographical Information Systems, to provide a unique perspective on the role of space in the emergence of state institutions. He had previously received a BA in Natural Science, also in TCD.
Kevin’s research interests are in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century historical geography, GIS and historical geography, and the emergence and impact of institutions in the landscape.