Danielle (Danny) Buss
Danielle (Danny) Buss, 4-OCEANS Marine Ecologist, Department of Archaeology & Cultural History, NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.

Research Interests
An enthusiastic, confident, and highly motivated marine ecologist, keen to use inter-disciplinary research to gain advancements in conservation and preservation of marine environments, with a particular passion for historical ecology of marine mammals. I am extremely excited to join the 4-oceans team at NTNU. My current research involves reviewing the archaeological evidence of iconic marine species to infer when and how marine populations were first exploited across the globe. I thoroughly enjoy programming and ecological statistics and look forward to advancing my abilities in both of these fields as part of my role with 4-Oceans.
In collaboration with the British Antarctic Survey and the Department of Archaeology, I have recently completed a PhD (2017- 2021) at the University of Cambridge using population genetics and stable isotopes to understand pre- exploitation ecology, connectivity, and diversity of baleen whales (blue, fin, humpback, and sei whales) in the western South Atlantic and eastern South Pacific. My research has contributed to ongoing population assessments by the International Whaling Commission Scientific Committee, of which I currently contribute towards four subcommittees (DNA & stock definition, Southern Hemisphere whale populations, photo identification, and human-induced mortality).