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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Dr. Katja Bruisch
Ussher Assistant Professor, History


Ussher Assistant Professor in Modern Environmental History (Trinity College Dublin, since 2016), Research Fellow (German Historical Institute Moscow, 2010 - 2016), Phd (Eastern European History, University of Goettingen, 2013); MA (Eastern European History & Economics, University of Goettingen, 2008).

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

How Wetlands Entered the Transnational Spaces of Late Soviet Environmentalism in, editor(s)Catherine Evtuhov, David Moon, Julia Lajus , Thinking Russia's History Environmentally, New York, Berghahn, 2023, pp201-221 , [Katja Bruisch] Book Chapter, 2023

Reclaiming the Land: The Drainage Paradigm and the Making of Twentieth-Century Rural Europe in, editor(s)Liesbeth van de Grift, Dietmar Müller, Corinna Unger , Living with the Land: Rural and Agricultural Actors in Twentieth-Century Europe - A Handbook, Berlin, DeGruyter, 2022, pp37-60 , [Katja Bruisch and Liesbeth van de Grift] Book Chapter, 2022

Katja Bruisch, Nature Mistaken: Resource-Making, Emotions and the Transformation of Peatlands in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, Environment and History, 26, (3), 2020, p359 - 382 Journal Article, 2020 URL

Katja Bruisch, Layers of Meaning and Layers of Time in a Former Russian Peat Mining Region, 2019, - Miscellaneous, 2019 URL

Katja Bruisch, The State in the Swamps: Territorialization and Ecosystem Engineering in the Western Provinces of the Late Russian Empire, Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung / Journal of East Central European Studies, 68, (3), 2019, p345-368- Journal Article, 2019 URL TARA - Full Text

Knowledge and Power in the Making of the Soviet Village in, editor(s)Liesbeth van de Grift and Amalia Ribi Forclaz , Governing the Rural in Interwar Europe, New York, Routledge, 2018, pp139-163 - [Katja Bruisch] Book Chapter, 2018 TARA - Full Text

Herrschaft, Ökonomie und Utopie: Russlands ländliche Räume im 20. Jahrhundert in, editor(s)Magdalena Marszalek, Werner Nell, Marc Weiland , Über Land: Aktuelle literatur- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Dorf und Ländlichkeit, Bielefeld, transcript, 2018, pp285 - 307, [Katja Bruisch] Book Chapter, 2018

Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, 65, 3, (2017), Katja Bruisch; Nikolaus Katzer, [eds.] Journal, 2017

Katja Bruisch; Timur Mukhamatulin, Coming to Terms With the Village: Stalin's Death and the Reassessment of Rural-Urban Relations in the Soviet Union, Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, 65, (3), 2017, p401 - 422 Journal Article, 2017 TARA - Full Text

'Ich habe gesehen, wie Kühe automatisch trinken': Das ländliche Amerika als Gradmesser russischer Rückständigkeit in, editor(s)David Feest, Lutz Häfner , Die Zukunft der Rückständigkeit: Chancen - Formen - Mehrwert. Festschrift für Manfred Hildermeier zum 65. Geburtstag, Cologne, Böhlau, 2016, pp332 - 348, [Katja Bruisch] Book Chapter, 2016

Katja Bruisch, Klaus Gestwa, Expertise and the Quest for Rural Modernization in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union: Introduction, Cahiers du Monde Russe, 57, (1), 2016, p7 - 30 Journal Article, 2016

Katja Bruisch, The Soviet Village Revisited: Household Farming and the Changing Image of Socialism in the Late Soviet Period, Cahiers du Monde Russe, 57, (1), 2016, p81 - 100 Journal Article, 2016 TARA - Full Text

Cahiers du Monde Russe , 57, 1, (2016), Katja Bruisch; Klaus Gestwa, [eds.] Journal, 2016

Michael Kopsidis, Katja Bruisch, Daniel W. Bromley, Where is the Backward Russian Peasant? Evidence against the Superiority of Private Farming, 1883-1913, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 42, (2), 2015, p425 - 447 Journal Article, 2015

Contested Modernity: A. G. Doiarenko and the Trajectories of Agricultural Expertise in Late Imperial and Soviet Russia in, editor(s)Joris Vandendriessche, Evert Peeters, Kaat Wils , Scientists' Expertise as Performance. Between State and Society, 1860-1960, London, Pickering & Chatto, 2015, pp99 - 114, [Katja Bruisch] Book Chapter, 2015

Populismus, Profession und Politik: Agrarexperten im späten Zarenreich in, editor(s)Tim Buchen, Malte Rolf , Eliten im Vielvölkerreich: Imperiale Biographien in Russland und Österreich-Ungarn, 1850-1918, Berlin, Oldenbourg / DeGruyter, 2015, pp240 - 260, [Katja Bruisch] Book Chapter, 2015

Katja Bruisch, Nikolaus Katzer, Bol'shaia voina Rossii: Sotsial'nyi poriadok, publichnaia kommunikatsiia i nasilie na rubezhe tsarskoi i sovetskoi ėpokh, Moscow, NLO, 2014 Book, 2014

Katja Bruisch, Als das Dorf noch Zukunft war: Agrarismus und Expertise zwischen Zarenreich und Sowjetunion, Köln, Böhlau, 2014, 394pp Book, 2014

Katja Bruisch, Historicizing Chaianov: Intellectual and Scientific Roots of the Theory of Peasant Economy, Jahrbücher für Geschichte des ländlichen Raums, 2010, p96 - 113 Journal Article, 2010

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Katja Bruisch, Review of Black Earth, White Bread: A Technopolitical History of Russian Agriculture and Food, by Susanne A. Wengle , Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, 71, (2), 2023, p327-329 Review, 2023

Umweltgeschichte: Der Mensch im Moor, in, editor(s)Heinrich Böll Stiftung, BUND, Michael Succcow Stiftung, Greifswald Moor Centrum , Mooratlas: Daten und Fakten zu nassen Klimaschützern, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, 2023, pp20-21 , [Katja Bruisch] Book Chapter, 2023 URL

Katja Bruisch and Jennifer Keating, History is Abused to Underwrite Politics of Putin's Russia, 2022, - Miscellaneous, 2022 URL

Katja Bruisch, Mensch und Moor in der Moderne: Die Geschichte einer komplizierten Beziehung, Politische Ökologie, 169, (2), 2022, p32-37 Journal Article, 2022

Katja Bruisch and Benjamin Beuerle, Putin's War in Ukraine and Europe's Carbon Democracies: Paying the Price of Half-Hearted Climate Politics, 2022, - Miscellaneous, 2022 URL

Katja Bruisch, Smouldering past: How a fire event turned me into an environmental historian, 2022, - Miscellaneous, 2022 URL

Katja Bruisch, Review of Tektonik der Perestroika. Das Erdbeben und die Neuordnung Armeniens, 1985-1998, by Katja Doose , HSozKult, 2021 Review, 2021

Katja Bruisch, Review of Istoriia zakreposhcheniia prirodnogo resursa: Lesnoe khoziaistvo v Rossii 1696 - 1802 gg., by Evgeniia Lupanova , Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, 67, (2), 2019, p319-321 Review, 2019

Katja Bruisch, Brennendes Erbe: Staat und Nature in der jüngeren Geschichte Russlands, Zeitgeschichte Online, (März ), 2018 Journal Article, 2018 TARA - Full Text URL

Katja Bruisch , Review of Wisent-Wildnis und Welterbe. Geschichte des polnisch-weißrussischen Nationalparks von Białowie˙za, by Dalhouski, Aliaksandr; Bohn, Thomas; Krzoska, Markus , HSozKult, (23.05.2018), 2018 Review, 2018 URL

Katja Bruisch, Review of Das Ende der Bauernwelt: Die Sowjetisierung des westweißrussischen Dorfes 1944-1953, by Małgorzata Ruchniewicz , Zeitschrift für Agrargeschichte und Agrarsoziologie, (2), 2016, p118-120 Review, 2016

Katja Bruisch, Review of The Plough that Broke the Steppes: Agriculture and Environment on Russia's Grasslands, 1700-1914, by David Moon , jgo.e-reviews, (2), 2015, p10-11 Review, 2015 URL

Katja Bruisch, Review of Works in Progress: Plans and Realities on Soviet farms 1930-1963, by Jenny Leigh Smith , HSozKult, (27.04.), 2015 Review, 2015 URL

Katja Bruisch, Review of Sowjetisch wohnen. Eine Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte der Kommunalka, by Sandra Evans , jgo.e- reviews, (4), 2013, p18-20 Review, 2013 URL

Katja Bruisch, Review of Cultivating the Masses. Modern State Practices and Soviet Socialism, 1914- 1939, by David L. Hoffmann , jgo.e-reviews , (3), 2013, p25-26 Review, 2013 URL

Katja Bruisch, Review of Gegenarchive. Bäuerliche Autobiographik zwischen Zarenreich und Sowjetunion, by Julia Herzberg , Sehepunkte, (7-8), 2013 Review, 2013 URL

Katja Bruisch, Review of Agrarian Reform in Russia: The Road from Serfdom, by Carol S. Leonard , HSozKult, (07.12.), 2012 Review, 2012 URL

Katja Bruisch, Krest'ianskaia ideologiia dlia krest'ianskoi Rossii: Agrarizm v Rossii nachala XX veka, Krest'ianovedenie, 7, 2012, p142 - 158 Journal Article, 2012

Katja Bruisch, Review of Economics in Russia: Studies in Intellectual History, by Vincent Barnett, Joachim Zweynert , HSozKult, (14.04.), 2010 Review, 2010 URL

Research Expertise


A historian of modern Russia, I am interested in the interplay between social, political and environmental change, particularly in the Russian countryside. My first book dealt with the relationship between politics, science and the public sphere, and the role played by experts in dealing with the "agrarian question" in late Imperial and early Soviet Russia. In my current project, I explore ways to integrate environmental perspectives into the history of the modern Russian economy. Specifically, I trace the transformation of peatlands into hinterlands of industrializing cities and the social and environmental legacies of peat extraction and wetland drainage. Contributing to a more nuanced picture of Russia's industrialization, this research offers new perspectives on the country's pathway into the fossil fuel age and highlights the importance of regional perspectives for understanding the spatial and social dimensions of modern energy transitions.


  • Title
    • RePEAT- A Modern Resurvey of Mapped Irish Peatlands to Refine Assessment of Land Use Change and Progress Greenhouse Gas Removal and Emissions Inventories
  • Funding Agency
    • DAFM
  • Date From
    • Jan 2022
  • Date To
    • Dec 2024
  • Title
    • Diffuse Water Pollution: NUtrient capture REcovery and reCycling systems (NuReCycle)
  • Funding Agency
    • Trinity College Dublin
  • Date From
    • 2021
  • Date To
    • 2026


Awards and Honours

Provost's Project Award 12/2019

Visiting Fellowship 2019/20, Aleksanteri Institute Helsinki 04/2019

Conference Funding, Thyssen Foundation (Co-PI: Alexandra Oberländer, Berlin) 08/2018

ASSBF, TCD 01/2018

Charlemont Travel Award, Royal Irish Academy 03/2017

Grace Lawless Lee Award, Department of History, TCD 06/2017

Visiting Fellowship, German Historical Institute, Moscow 2010

German Research Foundation DFG, Doctoral fellowship 2008-2010

German Academic Exchange Service DAAD 2005-2006


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde 2016

European Society for Environmental History 2017

TCEH profile